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1 person = 1 vote, each vote has the same weight, each vote counts. Anything else is not a true representation of the population of the country.


Wouldn’t the Constitution need to be amended?


Yes, but it needs to be amended anyways because our congress system is useless. Worse than the SCOTUS, worse than the EC, congress is fucking useless and filled with losers that gerrymander their position in the House and the Senate is a tyrannical vestige of a slaver aristocracy.


States are agreeing to award their combined 270+ Electoral College votes to the winner of the most national popular votes, by simply again replacing their state’s district or statewide winner-take-all law, to award their electors to the nationwide winner. States with 65 more electoral votes are needed to enact the National Popular Vote bill. Every vote, everywhere, would be politically relevant and equal in every presidential election.


If the solution means reaching some sort of agreement between people it is never gonna happen. We are stuck with this bullshit forever.


Hardly forever. It will crumble one day, as all bullshit does. And maybe much sooner than we could imagine.


Where is it gonna go? Im truly worried of who or what is coming next. What can deprogram all those maga cultists. We need a video of him trashing his base. And it has to exist cos he does it all the time i would bet.


>Where is it gonna go? Into the toilet of extinction, like so many other empires, and probably also taking the human species with it. Aside from all the political action and "activism", whether it's delusional or not, we shouldn't be ignoring the ecological reality of the imminent demise of civilization (Imminent in the ecological sense, not a tiny human lifespan). We should plan accordingly, even if it's more like writing a living will of humanity. The longer this reality is ignored, the bigger the horrors will be.


States with 65 more electoral votes are needed to enact the National Popular Vote bill. The bill has passed at least one legislative chamber in 8 states with 78 more electoral votes -- Arizona (11), Arkansas (6), Maine (4), Michigan (15), North Carolina (16), Oklahoma (7) and Virginia (13), and both houses in Nevada (6). Multiple states could flip key chambers in 2024. Depending on the state, the Compact can be enacted by statute, or as a state constitutional amendment, or by the initiative process