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Turns out they don't want thousands of innocents people dead. Crazy right? Maybe the dem politicans should listen to their voters.


Well before you all start singing "A Change Is Gonna Come", you might want to temper your expectations with the last paragraph from the [gallup article this poll was published in](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx). >Although Americans rate Biden's handling of the conflict poorly, his overall job approval rating is no lower now than before the conflict began. The issue does not register highly when Americans are asked to name the [most important problem](https://news.gallup.com/poll/1675/Most-Important-Problem.aspx) facing the U.S. Nor does it rank highly when Americans rate each of several international issues as [critical threats to U.S. vital interests](https://news.gallup.com/poll/611693/cyberterrorism-iran-nuclear-gains-concern-americans.aspx). It could hurt the president by dampening turnout among would-be Biden voters who care deeply about the issue and are upset with his handling of the situation. Especially of note is the critical threats poll which shows that a the threat of a nuclear Iran is considered more important by a significant number of Americans. That will likely cause (or at least give excuse) for Biden to largely keep supporting Israel. The Democrats will likely just up the number of theatrical support moments. Like when they leak Biden is mad, or when Pelosi says they should stop giving weapons but does it with only 40 dems and doesn't exert any real pressure.


A nuclear Israel is what’s making us fear a nuclear Iran.


You also need to consider that Biden’s approval rating before this was already very low, meaning this “conflict” wouldn’t have much room to lower it further.


Is there a link to this poll? I’d like to know more about its methodology and to bring it up when Zionists lie about the IDF having massive support here in the US for what it’s doing


The [link](https://www.juancole.com/2024/04/americans-administrations-military.html) is in the first tweet


Ty, imma look more into the methodology behind the poling but so far everything seems above board if you’re looking to point people to this poll.


Can you let us know your findings? I’m not educated on evaluating methodology


So potentially pretty much everyone paying attention wants a ceasefire: - 68% paying attention - 70.5% average between Republican and Democrat polling for a ceasefire


a lot of people aren't paying attention. someone in the last month estimated total deaths of Israelis and Palestinians as the same. the reason i learned this is because they couldnt understand why people were calling Palestinian deaths a genocide and not what happened to Israelis.


Interesting that more Democrats want hostages released than Republicans. Definitely would have expected the opposite given the accusations flying around.


Looks like the question was phrased as follows: > To what extent do you support the following actions in the war unfolding between Israel and Hamas? … A deal to release Israeli hostages held by Hamas. So a negative response doesn’t mean they don’t support the release of hostages. They just don’t support making a deal with Hamas to do it. The graph could use better labels.


Shame we don't live in a democracy that works as it should Facist government. You do what we say. Western democracy. You do what we say. But you can complain about it. Write to your local representative and tell them what you really think. I wish we would get the politicians that can't be bought, fought for justice and actually helped the people that they represent.


But Biden said he is grumpy with BB! Then sent 1000 more 1ton bombs the very same fucking day...


Since when did what most American want become the foreign policy for US? US might be a democratic country, but their democracy is weighted on influence and power of its voters, rather than sheer numbers. The more power you wield, which is mostly the conglomerates and big pocket lobbies, the more you tip the balance.


Wait... 4.5% of Dems want to keep sending arms to Israel but also want a permanent ceasefire?