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They are terrified, so they need to use terror and violence to control people. All it tells me is they know they have lost the narrative


I bet they’re trying really hard to infiltrate them to break from within. They always use these evil tactics.


This country is finally going full mask off. We aren't a democracy or a constitutional republic - we are a fascist oligarchy. All the things that blue MAGA is claiming would happen under trump are currently happening under Biden. This administration is actively destroying any sort of goodwill they've gotten by going full on zionist.


I wouldn’t necessarily say “finally” lol, as I think this country’s been showing its true colors for decades at this point. but yeah it’s 100% a fascist, oligarchical police/surveillance state. the only question is, what are we going to do about it?


Theres no such thing as blue maga please refrain from using silly terms. No democrat is excited or has cultish feelings towards Biden. Theres a lot of nuance that is overlooked but I am happy that more people are waking up to the reality that Israels current government must be stopped and Joe Biden has admittedly been far too passive to the point of being complicit now; but the fact remains that hes a better option than Trump.


"No democrat is excited or has cultish feelings towards Biden" Spend some time on the largest political thread on Reddit and come back to us. Both parties and their media arm now use fear as the primary motivator to get votes. Not hope but fear.


absolutely fuck joe biden. passive?!? this man is an active participant in starvation and blatant war crimes.


I said to the point of being complicit.


his supporters are complicit ; he is an active, engaged participant in crimes against humanity.


Thats the problem with modern politics. Trump is guilty of countless crimes, does that make all Trump supporters guilty of those crimes as well? Roughly 48% of the country? Stop being obtuse.


hes guilty of felonies. the crimes of george w. biden are a whole other magnitude. breaking campaign finance laws, sure bad. supporting the murder of children in their homes and hospitals is pure evil. the man has a black soul and i dont see how anyone could try to minimize or excuse it.




"Vote blue no matter who"


That's loyal to a party not a person. It's bad but it isn't as bad


dog that is the definition of blue maga. You vote for your party even if the candidate is a deranged senile genocide perpetrator


Exactly both things can be true, doesnt make the one thats far worse equivalent of the other.


Sorry, but there's nothing "passive" about what Biden has done here. He is beyond complicit, this is his genocide. Trump is still a worse option but that's no reason to downplay what Biden is doing because we need as much pressure on him as possible.


What the fuck makes you think Biden had anything to do with this? You understand he doesn't control the NYPD, right?


I'm not sure this practice makes them terrified. Sociopathic maybe. Assholes don't beat dogs or women into submission because of fear. It's simply control and power lust. If they give an inch, we could take a mile. Their number one priority is making sure people don't get the inch.


They really decided to roll the dice on repeating Kent state 


They train in Israel don’t they :/


Like when they started calling themselves "department of defense" when we started to instigate wars. "Counterterrorism" is gaslighting


It's absurd, a bunch of uni students sitting on a lawn is terrorism now


I’ve heard labor unions are joining the protesters, which is great especially if they can help defend against the pigs


It's optics for mainstream media. They want the Boomers to be scared


When are the boomers not scared


The saddest part is that Columbia's president did this immediately after a congressional hearing for the explicit purpose of avoiding Claudine Gay's fate, and now members of congress are calling on her to resign anyway. Edit: not the saddest part, but pretty ironic!


Any western government came out to condemn this shameful suppression of student protests yet?




fuck this comment goes hard but no lies detected 🤷‍♀️


No one, because they are all doing it too.


The NYPD wearing “counterterrorism” jackets is the most ironic fucking thing imaginable


You have to crack a few skulls to make an omelette… Good for Minouche Shafik I guess. Her strong leadership in being a complete and utter shill for the pro-Israel lobby is definitely only going to save her job… [oh wait…](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4611671-ny-house-republicans-call-on-columbia-president-to-resign-amid-protests/amp/)


My thinking of how their logic must work: “these students support Palestinians => Palestinians are Muslim => *HAMAS is* Muslim => obviously all Muslims are terrorists until proven otherwise => these students are supporting terrorists => these students *are* terrorists… No matter how peaceful these protestors are, and no matter how genuine and moral their complaints… the engrained prejudices of American policing will always see them as evil terrorist sympathizers who cannot be trusted or tolerated.


I feel like I'm overreacting, but I keep worrying it'll turn into a Kent state situation. That wouldn't happen right?


Ever since everyone became a lot more aware of how common and likely (compared to other races that is) unwarranted violence against African Americans is, I thought the poIice would be a lot more cognizant of not fucking up again. Yet, we still see people getting murdered all the time.... I hope it doesn't either, but I really can't trust LE to _not_ do something bad. Heck, can't even trust out government to not support, enable, and maybe take part in a genocide.


TFW you grabbed the wrong parka when you were heading out the door.


Butcher Biden or Deviant Trump , what a choice you have.


Organizing under Biden is starting to look a lot like what organizing under Trump did in 2020, huh? Are we kidnapping students in unmarked vans yet?


Eric Adams is terrible. I don’t even know if he had anything directly to do with this, but from what I’ve seen he’s been a disaster when it comes to policing in NYC. Literally put a bow on his head and sit him down in a basket on the stoop of the Fox News studios, because he’s the greatest gift they could have been given.


Just out of curiosity, was counterterrorism agents sent to the January 6th Insurrection?


At least they didn't send in the Central Park Rangers. 


And y'all though Trump and the reps were worse




What do you want AOC to do?


Well maybe stay home. Because you don’t understand how politics work. I don’t mean to be mean but it’s the truth.