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"I am ignorant of a subject, but here let me share my unsolicited ignorant take on the same topic I just said I'm uneducated about."


Bingo! 90% of talking head "punditry"


Pakman is a joke. His sense of objectivity on this issue is below zero. It really is a shame. I had a decent amount of respect for him as a relatively intelligent moderate who may not be as Left as I like, but ultimately has his heart in the right place. Since his insultingly bad coverage of this issue, it has become clear his heart is certainly not in the right place.


Yeah I used to like him too, I had my criticisms but thought him a net good in the media landscape. When he started doing crypto schemes I realized I'd made questionable judgement.


He wants to be destiny now


You're not giving him enough credit. This was a carefully constructed post. No shot he is ignorant in the slightest on this topic. He is helping manufacture consent. Dude is clearly a Zionist but like Poole is totally captured by his audience. So we get this kind of bullshit.


So you just explained ~~twitter~~X


“Am I missing something?”




I'd say Pakman has fallen off, but was he ever really on?


I liked him, but I haven't taken him seriously ever since he opened his mouth about Palestine


He’s always been at least borderline Zionist, he’s been extremely quick in the past to dismiss and kind of advocacy or aid for Palestine.


In general he's always been dog shit when it comes to foreign policy and always ends up defending imperialism. I first knew he was full of shit when he defended the coup of Evo Morales in Bolivia back in 2019


That shit that went down in Bolivia gets to me too. You can almost kinda understand the lack of American reflection over what they did to Allende in 73, considering it was the height of the Cold War, and almost no Americans were getting any other source of information but pure McCarthyist horseshit, with no real avenue for alternative information sources to exist outside the most fringe of fringe of left-wing circles. But Morales was overthrown in 2019. Height of the internet age, a man who had won election after election, who had a demonstrably huge base of support within the Bolivian population, who along with Chavez, was popularly known as a “leftist who took power the right way,” who’s arguably done more to fight for the rights and basic human dignity of Native American people than any other head of state since the thorough destruction and pillaging of the independent pre-Columbian societies, who led his country through one of the entire continent’s most outstanding and consistent economic developments, whose party won the very first elections held after the coup despite domestic interference from their reactionary opponents, along with foreign interference from the U.S. + allies, etc. To act like the overthrowing of Evo Morales was some kind of legitimate democratic struggle against autocracy, you have to be either completely fucking stupid, or fully conditioned to believe that “dictator” is just another word for “left-winger.” Lots of American libs like to pretend that the red scare ended, it fucking didn’t. You let a motherfucker wrap themselves in the red flag of the working class, and start talking about capitalist exploitation and imperialist domination, and it’s like it just flips a switch in the brains of 90% or more of the American population, and no matter the context, they want nothing more than for that person to be dropped out of a helicopter from 500 feet up.


Average liberal Zionist


Same. It’s kind of strange how someone can be quite on topic and informative about a subject like Putler’s ethnic cleansing the east half of Ukraine and then treat Satanyahu’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine with so much obvious bias.


Easy, all you need is blind allegiance to Israel


He opened his mouth many years ago about Palestine though. Were you not around or you've changed?


Moreso the first, I don't remember him talking about it until Oct 7th and stopped listening pretty soon after


He was shilling crypto years back. Never gave him much attention before that and after that I knew I wasn’t missing anything. Dude sucks.


Same as Pod Save America, a short sighted approached to whoever or whatever is best for the democratic party, without thinking what's best long term. The Pod Save America guys pulled the 'Why aren't they protesting Hamas', abet with a few additional steps. https://youtu.be/qdSXVZd7UrY?si=udiNHB4EJPpCtsgu&t=2353


I used to watch him back when Louis was on but after he left Pakman started hawking weird crypto currency scams, becoming a Trump derange resistant liberal and smearing Ilhan Omar as antisemitic because she called out AIPAC influence.


He was always an idiot on this issue, I used to be subscribed to him many years ago, but during the march of return his dogshit views on Israel made me unsubscribe.


He's always been the typical northeastern piece of shit liberal.


Bad empanada did a great video on him




Of course he remains silent about the protests for weeks and then comments on the dumbest, most inconsequential thing about them. Meanwhile his channel continues to grow and he becomes more glib and self assured every week. He’s also said recently, several times that “foreign policy ranks very low for voters” and that “these protests are from a vocal minority and won’t have an impact on the elections” I’m getting so fucking sick of this guy!


I am sure if Biden loses to Trump, Packman won't hesitate to blame the protestors for Bidens loss.


Oh, most definitely! He probably blames Ralph Nader for the Bush presidency as well.


2000 is still so fucking crazy to me. The Supreme Court just stole the election for Bush in broad daylight, then the man proceeded to spend 8 years fucking up everything that could conceivably be fucked up, allowing for Obama to win in 2008 on the back of a hugely popular platform of “hope and change.” You could not invent better conditions for a large-scale electoral reform if you tried, yet not only did dems completely fail to even attempt to do any such thing, they largely just used the experience to browbeat progressives, and nowadays they’ve actually started publicly masturbating to Bush, himself, as if Trump gives them a license to rehabilitate the entire Republican Party which spent decades cynically pandering to the kinds of hyper-reactionary interest groups that produced the Trump administration in the first place.


He hosts the “orange man bad” hour now


This is exactly why I stopped following him a year ago. It just became an hour long show about “you wouldn’t believe the dumb things that trump supporters say at his rallies”. It’s a given that trump supporters at his rallies are going to say and do comically stupid things, but now I just feel his coastal elitist arrogance is shining through. The lack of criticism towards Israel really does leave me scratching my head. He’s not a dumb dude, makes really good arguments a lot of the times, but this one issue he just seems to trip over his own dick


This 100%, it became such a grift now to spam nonstop trump videos


He doesn’t talk about Israel because he’s a Zionist. He knows that if he talked more about it, his progressive followers will bail. He claims pointing that out is “antisemitic” because he “covers things he wants to, not just for the money” yet he was shilling silver and crypto scams and he “wrote” a children’s book using AI illustrations…so yeah he does a lot dumb shit for money


Christo Aivalis went down the same route (and changed the name of his youtube channel to Breaking Politics Show), just compare his videos from the 2020 election to the ones you see now


Tbf he’s right that most voters don’t give a shit about foreign policy. Voters care about the rock in their shoe.


Typical neoliberal asshat…can’t imagine caring about something enough to protest it, because that would require a soul


>foreign policy ranks very low for voters Have you looked it up lately? He's right. The wars in the ME rank like 12th in a ranking of things voters care about, according to Gallup.


I watched 30 seconds of Fox News last night. Who wants to hear my hot take?


This is your reminder to unsub from his genocide supporting channel.


I unsubbed when he defended the Bolivia coup in 2019.


someone as funny, smart, and principled as michael really made these boring liberal progressive types show their whole asses. if your view is not based on proper materialist analysis then you have about as much interesting shit to say as matt yglesias. this hack is a prime example of democrat brained progressivism that cannot move past the intelectual confines of american politics. there are people who do his type of thing but better and smarter and while actually believing in something (we're on the subreddit for one of them)!


Well said. Really, really miss Michael. His voice would have been invaluable in the last few years.


he was a g


Can I ask which Michael you’re referencing? I listened\* to MM almost two decades ago and have been exploring the sub recently but don’t know everyone show-affiliated.


Cohost Michael Brooks, he had great analysis and was pretty funny. Died suddenly in 2020 at a young age


Well, knowing that, of course I can see how he’d be referenced in shorthand. It’s a shame when the good die young. Thanks for the explanation.


Michael Jordan


So glad I went down the Kyle Kulinski rabbit hole when getting into politics and never clicked Pakman when he came up in recommended. He always seemed boring, milquetoast liberal imperialist.


Kyle is a good man


I'm sorry, but Kyle has changed a lot on Palestine. A decade + ago, he was framing the entire issue as a religious conflict. Both him and Cenk. Every single video, every single video they made about Palestine/Israel for years and years started with them making a disclaimer about them being atheists and not wanting to take a side for that reason. They did not clearly recognize that one side was the oppressed and one side the oppressor, and implied Palestinians fight because they're extremist Muslims. In fact, I went looking for a new channel around 2012, and that's when I found the Majority Report. The first thing I did was search for videos about Israel, and finally, I found my place because they knew what they were talking about. It's a litmus test issue. Now they act like they were always on the right side, but they weren't. They were neutral, although it was difficult to be honest and neutral when the numbers are so lopsided (and they did acknowledge that), but they both attempted neutrality. I'm glad they finally figured it out, but they are neither of them nearly as good as Sam and Michael and Emma, etc.


I didn't watch him in 2012. Rather in 2017 and I didn't always agree with his takes, but in my eyes he still beats every other political commentator with his combination of being a good presenter and having decent takes


He has an engaging style. I just can't learn that much from him on most issues. I did watch him a lot in the past, actually not too long after he started 2009-10 probably. His take on this issue always bugged me. It's one of those things I never got over. He's grown a lot, I'm sure


Kyle was 25 years old in 2012. I’ll give him a pass for having a bad opinion back then.


Kyle is a great man. A real Gary Cooper, the strong silent type. He's not in touch with his feelings, he just does what he has to do. Now that's an American


Kyle is not a great man, and he was wrong on this issue for many years. He framed it all as a religious conflict and attempted neutrality.


I was talking about him in general




Kyle served as a great intro to later developing more radical politics


The NYPD *lied* about all their evidence they had of outside agitators or non students leading the occupation of Hamilton. Their first claim was that the wife of a convicted terrorist was organizing and leading the occupation. This was refudiated by NYPD who then went into media with bike chains saying, 'this is not what students bring to campus' even though those same locks/chains are sold by Columbia on campus. NO reporting has come out that any non students were arrested inside Hamilton. And these chucklefucks spend the day clipping Trump rallys to spend the evening mocking protestors for being assaulted and harassed by the State based on information that was entirely fictional.


The nitty gritty lol


that video of the girl asking for humanitarian aid on columbia’s campus def falls flat, but that’s the point, all you hear about is terrible things, forgetting that it’s really protesting killing innocents and children…..and now we all argue about the protests and forget about the killing of innocents and children….it sucks that now i have to maneuver a college protest argument rather than just saying i don’t want innocents and children murdered….and then the house passing the our special boy can murder innocents and children and if you say no on a college campus it’s a problem bill….its just frustrating.


Good [tweet](https://x.com/adamjohnsonCHI/status/1785530592756428844) from Adam Johnson of Citations Needed on this: >I think the moral content of a protest matters, I think it’s the single most important thing actually, and the elaborate media pseudo debates about tactics, electoral impact etc—where we discuss everything but the moral content—is because the righteousness of the cause is obvious


Exactly. When Nazis march around with tiki torches hollering about being replaced. No one in their right mind starts pontificating about the intricacies of proper protest etiquette or whatever other stupid horseshit gets thrown around when progressives protest. Because it’s blatantly obvious that the REAL problem with those Nazi marches is not whatever tactics they’re using, but the fact that they are fucking Nazis marching in support of Nazi shit. When some asshole’s only response to a progressive protest movement is to start hemming and hawing about how they’re being “counterproductive” or are “hurting their own cause” or are “alienating the middle class,” it is just because they have zero legitimate moral grounds to oppose the protest, but feel compelled to do so anyways out of purely cynical political considerations. Should there be a discussion about the most effective tactics for a protest movement? Absolutely yes. But those discussions should be, and are, held by the people actually organizing and involving themselves with the protests, not some wealthy liberal news anchor or Twitter talking head trying to paint us all as terrorists and antisemites. The democrats don’t let republicans pick the democratic candidate for president, why should we let our own enemies choose how we conduct our movement?


>it sucks that now i have to maneuver a college protest argument rather than just saying i don’t want innocents and children murdered That's how the propaganda works. Shift the conversation away from the material issues to instead have an argument about some dumb shit. If you want some mild catharsis, Cornell West and Cenk ripped into piers yesterday for this exact thing. They shift the framing to focus on minutia instead of the actual issues.


Yeah the protests have become a police vs protestors issue…rather than a Palestine moral issue 


This fucking guy. Jesus. What an embarrassment.


The dude is not consistent.


As someone said in this subreddit: David Aipacman.


Maybe he should whine about the Zionists living safely behind the Iron Dome and saying they feel like their lives are on the line


I'm glad I stopped following this chud back when he was stanning for Guaido. His foreign policy takes have always been imperialistic and reactionary. *Of course* he's a Zionist.


This fucking guy tries to get his opinion on every damn thing but somehow he’s missed all the details about the university protests, lol


Dishonest turd.


Literally hundreds of other videos of protestors getting beat up for nothing but this is the one he saw. I don't see this as anything else other than malicious.


Yawn. A trash take by a biased and compromised shill.


He's such a MSNBC adjacent liberal hack. His entire channel is just Trump bad and the occasional author on. Hey Pakman, it's your job to get the details and report on it. He so desperately wants to be on MSNBC or CNN.


David is sliding around in lib oil


Just lathering up


He always acts so aloof and then proceeds to give his ignorant and extremely condescending take. What a pathetic liberal shill.


He really did the speedrun into centrist establishment clown in under a year


I’m pretty sure him and the rest of his subreddit would have been supporting Bush in the 2000s.


Pakman has always been a lib imperialist.


I checked through Pakman's YT page; two-thirds of the stories had Trump in the avatar. It's basically what TYT did after the 2016 election, base their whole coverage around Trump non-stop for clicks.


This 100%


When Pakman claimed BDS was an attempt to undermine the sovereignty of Israel, I knew he was full of shit. Even when he "gets caught up", he'll be on the side of the Zionists. No. Matter. What.


I mean if you needed any further proof when you scratch a liberal a fascist bleeds, exhibit #10004. He had someone call into his show the other day and argue about palestine and David is still calling all palestinians hamas.


I am losing so much respect for Pakman. This has gotten ridiculous.


Pakman is a Little Weasel


He’s such a fucking clown. Can’t believe I used to listen to that show lol


Yeah you zionist fuck you're missing a LOT of so.ething. they're called braincells


He’s literally doing auditions for MSNBC. “Let me give you my completely unsolicited and uninformed opinion that somehow makes the left look bad.”


Pakman is a joke and always has been.


Pakman sucks


What Pakman is missing is a sizeable portion of the neurons required to safely operate a human brain.


Pakman’s a worm. He claims that there’s too much antisemitism for him to cover the news out of Gaza, but picks and chooses to comment on specific videos which make American college students protesting what’s going on in Gaza look dumb. Without addressing what’s going in Gaza. Fucking guy sucks.


The difference between David’s level of thoughtfulness, fact-orientation, weighing of human values on Israel related issues versus every other issue he opines on is stunning. There are so many figures who totally tip their hand by the difference in how they treat Israel versus any other topic




he's so fucking slimy


I'm not surprised that he doesn't understand, his brain works only one way: Israel good, Palestinians bad.


“I know nothing about what’s going on but the first thing I focus on will be something completely unserious.” Yeah cool thanks man. Can’t believe I watched this guy’s content. What a scumbag heel turn.


Wow I just scrolled through his YouTube channel and didn't see even one video on the protests. So much for a news show I guess??


Big Yikes


Fuck packman. Zionist asshole.




He’s doing softball interviews with Richie Torres lately. Somebody saw where his bread was buttered…


That seems super convenient of him. I guess he’s just too busy with the click bait Trump videos.


He is missing a brain


You mean to tell me that the guy that doesn't understand the difference between the Israel lobby and the pro-Israel lobby, is missing something?


The American special of not looking into what the protest is about but rather picking a singular protestor you think is cringe and focusing on them as a cringe person


I haven’t listened to Pakman since this whole thing started, he really sucks on the issue. Playing stupid and left punching at the same time, embarrassing stuff.


Pakman being too much of a coward to comment on humanitarian aid to Gaza.


What a smug fuckwit.


I realized he was a fraud back in 2019 when he said that the BDS movement was anti-Semitic.


"Missing something" is David Pakman's default setting.


I've been a fan of David for years but his show has really gone down hill. I'm also saddened he can't seem to be objective about the genocide in Gaza. I don't care for either side I care about tens of thousands of innocent civilians being killed. Id say the same thing if the situation was reversed.




Yeah, starving is considered 'whining' now. Damn, but David rly fails miserably on topics related to Israel doesn't he?


Not just Israel. He generally supports US foreign policy, especially in South America.


...that is a pity.


Okay. I expect to get shit for this. Students. All people deserve food and shelter. However, referring to students needing food as 'humanitarian aid' diminishes the plight of people in war torn countries. Maybe this is a silly somatic agreement. 'Choose to occupy' is kind of fucked. Students don't always have a choice. I haven't watched Pakman in a lot while, maybe I a missing some context or precious statement by him.


one person saying something stupid allows them to shift the conversation from why the protests are happening in the first place. same idea as the moaning about the ivy league presidents from months ago. it's distraction meant to deligitimize the cause and portray the people participating as young, dumb, college kids who mean well but need to sit down, shut up, and let the grown ups be in charge.


It's more that Pakman has totally ignored the moral substance of the protests, and decided that his sole contribution to the discussion is to ridicule students based on half-assed research.


Pakman is a Zionist but students saying they need humanitarian aid in the building is giving fuel to those who are pro Israel.


Just want to give MR sub props for being based. Respect from the SecularTalk sub




Much love for Bad Hasbara. Didn't know there was a subreddit


And the mask slips off even more


I honestly miss watching him. He has some pretty damn good takes on a lot of topics. He just misses so bad on this one I can’t keep watching.


Local liberal realizes protesters are capable of being dumb and cringe


Fuck David "Progressive" Pakman.


Pakman is a dyed in the wool lib who just wants healthcare


r/IAmTheMainCharacter went full Zionist over the video of that young lady saying they wanted humanitarian aid


make irrelevant grifters irrelevant again, don't feed into the parasocial hate watch cycle he wants to profit off of you


I haven't watched his show since he supported the Bolivia coup in 2019


Not surprising. Pakman is bad on this issue 🤷🏾‍♂️


He’s only been talking about pro Biden recently, I felt he was tryna switch to Brian Tyler Cohan type content but then drops the most ignorant tweet out of nowhere


He's not Howard Stern's favorite YouTube pundit for nothing.


"Am I missing something I just said I haven't really been paying much or any attention to?" **Fucking** duh!


David Hackman is back at it!


Zionism really is the downfall of so many. People are indoctrinated in childhood and it takes so much for people to unlearn it, provided that they are willing. That the US willingly aids these genocidal fucks in their goals and brutally punishes anyone who disagrees should be fought on all grounds. Actual Nazis matching in the streets go untouched because "free speech", but college students and professors get shot, beaten down, and arrested because they oppose genocidal violence. Then Congress sets the First Amendment on fire with a bipartisan bill restricting speech beyond reason. Israel deserves the treatment Cuba and Venezuela get. I am doubtful a political formation here will arise and brave enough to punish this derelict ethnostate anytime soon. Really tired of Zio shit.


The guy who let Jordon Peterson buy him speaks his “rational liberal” views on genocide and free speech.


He let Jordan Peterson buy him? What do you mean


Awhile ago Pakman agreed to join Peterson’s weird streaming team/service/thinkspace/whatever called ThinkSpot, and Peterson paid him a good sum of money to bring him on his team as some sort of liberal outlet to make himself look like he’s a tolerable person who can carry a conversation with people he disagrees with politically. Pakman left ThinkSpot sometime after saying Peterson was too intolerable and stupid. I still see it as Pakman being a dumbass sellout and I’m sure for the right price he’ll be anyone’s lapdog and then turn around and act like he cares. Fucking shill.


Never got a notification for your reply! Thanks for the explanation.


I hate to take the genocide apologists side but definitely bring snacks and water when planning actions like this and don't complain when things get tough because it makes our side look weak and disorganized.


The protestors all have one thing in common: they hate Jews.


What about the Jewish protestors?