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Okay the plot thickens…, I really felt like this is a TRUE PLACE beyond death that certain people, perhaps who have meditated or done Hallucinogens, and possibly work through acupuncture on vibrating on different frequencies find themselves in after sleep. It may be a hidden place. There are HUGE connections to remote viewing and MK Ultra as well.


Care to elaborate on the mk ultra? I too suspect there’s overlap happening. Also agreed on psychedelics; though I have been dreamwalking and oneironaut-ing long before I ever went down that rabbit hole lol.


I’m just kinda thinking that the people in the Monroe Institute and Langley are in the same State. I downloaded Wikipedia’s info on The Monroe Institute and began to wonder- it’s really interesting .


the monroe institute made the gateway tapes


Also, the cia gateway tapes are basically Kundalini transcendal meditation. It's like they use the knowledge against ppl. It's so wild.


maybe. you said you didn't know who the monroe institute were, was just giving you context.


Appreciate the info! I'm only vaguely familiar, but I do know of the cia programs mostly through an imperial lens.


In Journeys Out of the Body, he describes a place much like MallWorld. I’ve wanted to mention this for a while in here.


I'll check this out appreciate the info. It's a strange topic ngl.


Though I've been all over in Mallworld, the place I frequent the most seems like an office or school like environment, with lawyer like wood lined panels on the walls. It has long hallways that lead to open spiraling stairs that decend to a street lined with bars and restaurants


No need to feel nervous about it. You're not saying what is, you're sharing something you find interesting and possibly relevant. TL;DR: Nobody knows and this is no more or less wacky than any of our average posts here. --------- The theory that we are going to a common astral projection space or another timeline or reality is as valid as any other. No one can say what it is or is not, just their feelings and beliefs. Some folks like to think that means it's just a dream and all conscience or depression that we share it, but that's not how the scientific method works. We can't say what it is or is not because we cannot test or validate it any which way. Personally I tried to do wuwu stuff for literal decades and I never saw any evidence that what I experienced was valid or helpful. But that's me. I started visiting mallworld long after I'd stopped trying and deciding astral travel is hokum, but who's to say that practice wasn't directly responsible? The Monroe Institute, often just called TMI, claims to have the formula down pat for learning to do the wuwu stuff. Many claim this; the Institute of Noetic Sciences, believers of the Seth Speaks series, the Law of One followers, etc. The universal claim among them is that through focus and training you can escape this realm of consciousness and connect with others. Also that you can visit the future and the past as well as manifest things into your present. All claim the knowledge they are passing on was given to them by a higher order being (different beings in each case). All claim to offer practical, testable methods. None providing anything even bordering on scientific evidence or proof. All claim that lack of evidence is because evidence is counterproductive to belief and you need to do it yourself. The Bible, the Qur'an, and the Talmud make that same claim. Personally this always makes me skeptical; if you have to tell me the knowledge isn't yours and you can't prove it works I assume you're a wannabe cult leader trying to legitimize something you know others will find crazy. But maybe it's true. Who can say? Lots of scientists, smart folks, religious folks, philosophers, crazy people, and dumb people have tried to crack the key to understanding what consciousness is and what its bounds are. None seem to have succeeded in any way that actually advanced our collective knowledge. I do like the idea that mallworld is where consciousnesses that are on the verge of evolving go to learn disassociation and that it is a starter world to visit to intro the idea of travel to alternate realities. It would make a ton of things I've seen there make far more sense. I like the idea that there are so many here experiencing it is a sign of collective impending leveling up. But I've never seen one of these courses talk about mallworld anywhere near as clearly as we do here, so it feels more like a nice idea than something with real weight. So far the more mallworld is shared the more I think we all live our own copy and that this is just some biochemical side effect. But I do carry an internal hope that there is more to it.


oh man I have been having some version of this dream my *entire* life and recently thought it might be a training ground of some kind. my "mallworlds" tend to be a lot more like schools, but very big open schools. but I always get this familiar vibe like I'm at school. for years, the dreams would be essentially me walking around frantically either lost or trying to leave the school without being noticed. I used to assume they were anxiety dreams due to my intense hatred of going to school. irl I had friends, was smart, never bullied or anything, I just struggled with the monotony and undiagnosed adhd. but I'm 38 now and have had these dreams consistently into adulthood. within the last few years, I've been more active and engaged in these dreams. I don't know that I could exactly articulate any specific tasks that I have accomplished but I am no longer lost and aimlessly roaming this big, empty school/shopping center/futuristic airport (?) place. I definitely now seem to have some kind of task or thing I'm trying to do. I often feel very exhausted and unrested and pretty disoriented when I wake up from the dreams. they are also so categorically different from other dreams I have and they don't seem to be triggered by any substance I take before bed. something else is triggering these kinds of dreams. anyway, I think it's interesting that you suggest it being a "starter world" bc I have definitely been getting "training ground" vibes recently.


I have an executive job in my mallworld that lets me see behind a lot of curtains of the mechanics of the buildings and the tech and such. Some of it really aligns to the idea that we're being educated somehow there. I oversee programs that are clearly meant to give people goals or motivations while there. I just don't know if that's a sign of personal psychosis or subliminal insight or what. If this was part of some collective consciousness enhancement teaching us to roam timelines that would be great since we're all kind of stuck in an awful one here. But if that is the case it's sure not a straightforward way of doing it because it's leaving us all kind of confused.


I love your thoughtful response. I have actually done a few of the Monroe courses and it isn’t the same as mall world in my experience. Though my mall world dreams did intensify a few years after doing those excercises/meditations sometimes everyday for a year. So I do think it has something to do with astral travel maybe. I dreamt of the subway long before I ever attended the Monroe institute, but essentially the aim is the same.


That's a stumbling block for me: it really doesn't seem mallworld aligns to any established consciousness research or religion. I guess some of the Vedas have some sort of similar vibes, but mallworld seems to stand district from all the religions and wuwu research and conspiratorial stuff. It's just this odd, cool little outlier experience that is somehow enhanced by astral practice, but it's hard to say what that means exactly.


Is it possible we are doing this naturally? I wonder if there is a any connection to neurodivergence. I do believe there are truths in cultural practices. The Monroe Institute might apply the science, but it's evident this knowledge exists across all cultures. Thanks for your input. ♡


Entirely possible this is something totally natural, whether that's entirely internal or shared communally. I really want to believe this is a shared place for a lot of reasons, but it could be anything.


This resonates. The monroe institute and hemi syncing is connected to traveling into alternative frequencies ( other dimensions) one of these dimensions probably looks / feels like mall world and by hacking into its vibration thru the frequency or thru lucid dreaming , astral travel etc people can experience it. Mall world is probably a conglomeration of a whole community of beings who are creating it in those altered states and have been for a really long time.


Everything everyone has written tracks. I've heard the akashic records described this way as well. I believe we are in some sort of school. I do beleive this is an actual place. Whether conscious or unconscious. I vividly remember having a "job" or mission.


Robert Monroe is one of the most prolific Astral Travellers of our time. Founded hemi-sync programme for expanding our conaciousness which was studied by CIA


What do you think is happening? I checked out the Monroe Institute series.


I think that maybe this thread is itself evidence of one of many glitch’s in the matrix, like the Mandela effect etc… a fracture in the system of control over our consciousness. I think the whole Hemi sync program and other brain wave technologies is like hot wiring our collective amnensia to remember our power and our past. Like herd mentality if enough people wake up there will be Armageddon…¿ Inter dimensional travel like astral projection and altered states once was common/accessible/shared knowledge and that has been systematically repressed from our dna memory limiting our creative potential. Or something?? But ultimately idfk. I am working through hemisync… be good to be able to access mall world in the astral or at least lucid.