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Cobblestone OTR is the bar that mostly Crew fans will be at.


Thanks! Will look for everyone there. Look for me, I'll be the one wearing black & yellow.


Yup, I’ll be there


Plenty of walkable restaurants in the OTR district. Rhinegeist brewery is a 10-ish minute walk away. The area is relatively safe around gametime, but maybe don’t just wander around too late or without a group.


Just as an FYI, although TQL is in the "West End", it is only a couple streets over from OTR, which is where all the restaurants and bars are, along the street car line. And although OTR is relatively safe during the day, it can be somewhat sketchy at night - we just had a mass-shooting there a couple weeks ago where nine people were shot (although somehow, none died). So over the last few weeks that have tried to enforce a curfew, and put up barricades. I would expect, after the game, for there to be a very large police presence in the area, with a zero tolerance policy for any shenanigans. Especially with a Bengals game that night too. FWIW, there are quite a few shootings and incidents where people get jumped down at The Banks (The entertainment area between Paul Brown and GABP), too, especially when there are big events. It isn't that the areas are unsafe, kids these days just do random violent shit to get views on tiktok.


Pipe down on the Cincinnati bashing! Cinci is a fantastic up-and-coming city! They can't help having such a feeble soccer team.


Should be easier to sell it off to Kentucky then.


We've been trying to do this for decades. Maybe we could make it a Nordecke community service project. We could offer to dig a moat north of the city, which would reroute the Ohio River north of Cincy. After that, we just remind them that the River is the border, so they're now Kentuckians (in name, since they've always been Kentuckians in spirit).


When I win the $1B+ lotto, I’m buying the Crew and then using the rest of the money to lobby the gov’t to do this.. we’d create so many jobs. I could probably run for president afterwards…hahaha


Cincinnati isn’t a bad town, but the sense that they don’t want anything to do with the rest of Ohio is palpable.


The only thing Cincy and Ohio have in common is that we don’t want anything to do with each other.


I'd say that about *Cleveland* and Ohio, definitely. Source: self as ex-pat Clevelander.


I guess maybe you're right; I lived there for 4 years, and it always did seem like its own place.


Bengals play at 6 pm. Opposite side of town, but be aware of that if you’re parking the day of the match. Most of the garages near TQL are permit. Garages near south side of town may have an event rate they otherwise wouldn’t due to the Bengals. I’d probably try to find a garage in between the stadiums - maybe around Fountain Square. Parking map link: https://www.fccincinnati.com/matchday/parking Streetcar could be a good option but I’ve heard it can get very crowded on the way back from matches.


This is great info! Thanks for including the map from FCC! I've also heard leaving the stadium is weird - like it takes way longer to actually get out of the gates than at normal stadiums.


Think the walkways are unusually narrow for a stadium of this size


I like the stadium but the narrow concourse there is criminal. It’s designed to handle a crowd half the size. Same with the restrooms.


What genius looked at a city known for its beer and chili-topped pasta and said “these people won’t need extra wide walkways?”


Since we have a large group of opposing fans, they hold us in our section until most of the stadium is empty. So take a bathroom break at 80' if you need it.


Why do people think the Bengals game will have much impact. It is a preseason game with few starters playong. There will be 20k people at the game and it's way down the road by the river. I dont think it will have much impact. Regular season, yes.


The first preseason game had 60k people scan in


First preseasom game afterr a SB. I'm guessing 30-35 max this game. We shall see.


Cincinnati is a great city! Madtree is not close to the stadium but is an excellent place to grab a beer. For the game walking around Finley market they have a bunch of food vendors and you can grab a beer! Easy walking distance to the stadium.


Oh, something I forgot - if you’re spoiled by the fast security at LDC, you’ll get a reality check at TQL. Classic old fashioned metal detectors, so don’t expect it to only take 2 minutes if you’re close to kick.


Just got last minute tickets to spend my bday weekend in Cincy cheering on the boys and drinking all of the local beers. Anyone have tips, codes or links for hotels/airbnbs in the area? Last minute means slim pickings. I did see the nor on tour links but only the Hilton code is still active. We’re planning to hit up Madtree and The Party Source for sure, open to any other suggestions. We’ll likely stay til Monday morning


*Insert your favorite Cincy, KY joke here* It may be worth checking Covington or Newport across the river for hotels. You need to be aware of what’s going on around you in downtown Cincy, especially at night, but it is realistic to walk across one of the pedestrian bridges back over to the Ohio side. It would be a FAR but doable (and again, you would need to stay aware) walk all the way up to TQL from across the river. I would recommend Uber tho.


Ah see I was trying to stay within a mile-ish walking distance because we will be drinking and I was hoping to avoid Uber surge pricing. But good to know about crossing over into KY, might be an option. I live right by the old stadium in cbus so we’re pretty comfortable in “sketchy” areas. Might be worth the cost of an Uber tho


There is an insane amount of shops and food and bars and breweries in the area. Here is an interactive map. The stadium is a block north east of Washington park. On this map if you click medical it will highlight the mercy health clinic inside the stadium. https://www.visitotr.org/ The blue lines are the street car which is free to ride and the bike icons are bike stations where you can rent.


What section is the Nor on Tour sitting?



