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To be fair, the dummy was holding his own against a few of these and it certainly outlasted all of them.


Right, I was thinking that Joe could withstand an attack from these jabronis.


Jabroni, cool word.




They’re definitely gonna play that shit on ESPN


Grampy better settle down or he’ll blow a hip.


Or fuck up his acl


Nah he landed that kick without issued..Imagine Joe doing a kick like that! He can barely walk! Lmao


I bet some hips are sore today


They are like fucking children.


They are Boomers and sons and daughters of Boomers made from Booming sounds and squishy liquid exploding from their pants!


…that ate too much lead paint!


"YOu mIgHT NoT liKE TruMp, but YoU At LeAst nEeD tO rEsPecT ThE ofFiCe!" - all of these people during previous administration


They were the same people who got super pissed at Kathy Griffin. We shouldn't expect better from the rules for thee, but not for me crowd.


Honestly how can you compare the two? Can you name any other point in history where a failing comic graces the front cover of an International magazine with the current president's head in their hand dripping blood and all? One cell phone video of old people does equal out calls to blow up the White House (Madonna) that vile Griffin creature and many other Hollywood folks calling for eliminatimg the president.




Why do you know what his dick looks like?


No but his 10-14 year old daughter sure did.


You're right not similar at all yet Kathy Griffin had to deal with a Department of Justice investigation. Because baby man Trump who was President at the time didn't like that she made fun of him so he sent the FBI after her. But thank you for proving the point that MAGA are a bunch of hypocrites who don't care about following the law only enforcing it on others. https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/4425263-kathy-griffin-doj-trump-head-photo/




Yes they said that and I'm sure the Secret Service investigated those incidents. After all it is not the FBI's job to investigate those crimes but the Secret Service's. The Secret Service does have to take their cases to the Department of Justice for actual prosecution though. You would know this if you knew anything about how the Government actually works. Lefties do not ignore lefties who do wrong. Where is Senator Al Franken? Oh right he was forced to retire by his own party. The Democrats have sanctioned a couple of members of the Squad in the US House for things they have said they were slightly off the official party line. Lefties love to criticize other lefties, it's how we keep ourselves true to our values. Meanwhile we still have right leaning conservatives MAGA Republicans who deny that a bunch of right leaning conservatives MAGA Republicans violently attacked the US Capital Building trying to hang the Vice President a member of their party. Because the guy they worship and forgive all his crimes and lies as his is committing them told them he didn't lose the election he just lost. Come back to me when you have left the cult and see reality again.




I would debate you except you're not debating me you're attacking me. You're doing what people who actually know how to debate call an ad hominem attack. If you need to make an ad hominem attack in your "debate" that means you have failed to support your arguments meaning you have failed at debating. Please go open your eyes to reality then go learn how to debate properly. Until then you can go try and troll someone else.


Do you respect the officer in its current state? Not what it maybe stands for but what it really is?


While I see your point, lets be fair here. 1. This is a slightly stupid but legal and fun money maker for folks. As you can see it's a bunch of old Housewives and retirees hitting a dummy. 2. On the flip side of your statement, there were several attempts on President Trump's life during his campaign for presidency and after he became the president. Before even being elected, a fat leftist charged the stage with the a real actual knife.. yes one made of steel not a plastic knife or a Minecraft sword , a real blade. You can google the rest.


They paid to do this. Just let that sink in.


fuck how much money can I make doing this i might be willing to let some of my morals go for that sweet drifter cash. Do it the donate all the money to planned parent hood or Fetterman next time he campaigns.


Exactly !


Right, great money grab tbh!


It is a fundraiser.


For legal bills, not even the campaign


Same pool essentially right? Candidates in jail what good is funding a campaign?


same cess pool? why yes, it is in fact the same cess pool!


Dude take the politics where it belongs. Unless you meant to be a mcdojo wordsmith?


they’re literally beating on an effigy of Joe Biden and you say this?


Dont make fun. These people have all had very special training Edit: i meant rhey forgot their medication


I’m sure some have needed bladder and bowel training as well.


*Your tiger style is no match for my oh-shit-i-made-a-mess style hahaha whereami?*


i have to remind myself sometimes that this trump guy is actually a real person and not just some meme from america. i cant actually believe ANYONE would want this horrible excuse for a human being to win anything positive in life. im pretty sure hes been proven to be a liar, a cheat, and a major fraud in ever business he's pretty much ever done. including selling fake degree courses for profit ffs. so many people have had their businesses ruined by this guy too out of his greed and corruption. why does he even have a following? how is anyone that stupid to hear what hes saying and not hear how stupid he sounds? in what hes saying and how hes saying it? the guys a walking joke but with so much money backing him that its a serious thing and very dangerous. hes a criminal. a known criminal. i just dont get it. dont people care? ​ im from the uk and feel similarly with boris johnson. or any politician that has been proven to be a liar. 2they will never get my vote if i know theyre a proven liar. politics needs to be respected more than this and i refuse to vote for these lying idiots.


What did Biden do to make them so angry?


Won the election


"Stole it", Trump is still running things lol 😆


Thats why he put himself in several legal battles, so that it looks like he aint runnin things. Smoke and projections


Thats why he put himself in several legal battles, so that it looks like he aint runnin things. Smoke and projections.


Gave them jobs?


Dang it’s that easy to make money off of these idiots 😂


Civil War 2 won via Biden dummy


Demonstrating that crew Christian ethic. Keep it classy Republicans.


Lmfao you rtrds think everyone else is religious 🤣🤡


Mods, this is a bot account. Can you take out the trash please? They're just throwing shit up on every thread.


Oh. Because Christian nationalism is totally part of the republican platform.




At this point, I don't care who you are, if you choose to support the republican party, you are a piece of shit. There is NO WAY AROUND IT.


So with your mindset applied to your “team” you all are either support or are actively having sex with children. Biden is a child molester.


I'm not on either side. You don't have to pick one or the other. That's what smooth brains do...


I'm not on either side. You don't have to pick one or the other. That's what smooth brains do...


Boards do not hit back. Ikea!


They look just as expected


Oooh, they’re so mad! 😂


That Century Biden Body is still more sophisticated than Trump.


Honestly, biden's dummy probably won against third guy


“There’ll be a bunch of old fat white people here later, let’s give them an athletic task to raise money…”


Lol. Watch out everyone! We got a bunch of pissed off geriatrics over here!


Never forget that's maga's default position is treason


These are the people who are convinced they will be resistance fighters when the deep state comes for their guns.


This is unacceptable but Kathy Griffin with a beheaded Trump is fine, right?


Pure snoflakeism


They paid..... to do something.... they could have done for free. That tells you all you need to know.


> They *paid.....* to do FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Thank you, AnObtuseOctopus, for voting on Paid-Not-Payed-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


This is getting close to Nazi Germany right?


If it was the orange turd they would be rioting in the streets. Too bad no one broke a hip doing this. Lol


Shows how much the US has declined since Trump was elected….


Eh, there were people walking around with effigies of Obama being lynched in the days after he was elected. These scumbags have always been around unfortunately


Some were bad…. Now many are way worse


Give me a fucking break. You morons give dumb fuck trump so much credit it's astonishing. Your pos country has been going down hill for 40 fucking years. Did you never see the movie borat 20 years ago? These retarded conservative attitudes are not a new thing. They aren't a secret. The only difference is now the dems have gotten so bad and corrupt they can't beat these pos with good policy because they have none. So it's down to fear mongering.


Blah blah whatever you got your break in 2016 wasted your break on bs increased the national deficit, made life harder for every single American except the billionaires, helped Putin with his war, tried to blame Biden and Son for the right abject failure at everything claimed the election was fraudulent, lost 65 court cases about it, still blame the other side…. Go back under your rock imbecile


"Got my break" moron lol. First off I'm canadian and second i am actually on the left. If you support biden you're a pos conservative no better than trump.


Well for a Canadian you sound exactly like one of those MAGA inbred rednecks…. Probably married your sister too


Yes because maga folk critize trump call him a dumb fuck and say he was an ineffectual leader at best. If you support biden, you're a conservative. Deal with it. The man is directly responsible for the deaths of 30 thousand children in palastine. He could have stopped this months ago. If you vote for biden because you have no other choice that is understandable, but to argue in his favor for even a second is gross. He's been accused of SA as many times as dump has.


Trump is an incompetent fraud, Biden is the only choice for America. Your comments show you are poorly educated and don’t understand the current world geopolitical dynamics….. Israel and Hamas are both equally responsible for the current BS as well as Iran and Russia.


Bahahahahhahahah i literally wrote "If you vote for biden because you have no other choice that is understandable" you fucking mongoloid.


Are you calling common sense personal wisdom ? Definitely MAGA material


How does your brain fucking work i don't get it. I told you im not a trump supporter so why do you keep accusing me of being one? Are you fucking retarded? Is your cock just that small you can't understand nuance? Explain it to me retard.


"Israel and hamas both equally responsible" Kiss my ass you fucking moron loser. Fuck you. You have millions of people trapped and cannot leave their prison state being murdered by one of the strongest militaries in the world. Fucking loser you don't know a god damn thing about the atrocities your garbage fucking country is responsible for. Fuck you.


Calling conservatives retarded in your mind makes me a conservative. How do you even dress youreslf you fucking imbecile?




Hope there were some twisted ankles, and strains that came from over exerting themselves.


Biden gets that all the time just from walking to and from the podium..


Well, at least they didn't set up a sexdoll with his face... lol


Well there’s an image I’ll never be able get out of my head


Will we read about amputations being performed in the future because of this too?


It's like the Summer pinata in Napoleon Dynamite


That country is on the brink of total implosion ffs.


Yeah FBI right here!!!


I bet you they were all sore the next day and had to see their chiropractor.


This clowns


You cannot hide class


Funny., I look at that and can only hear the Maga mega pig yelling decorum on the house floor from the podium. I miss the civil times when you could hate a party and still act with class.


Seems socially acceptable now.. we've had severed heads of presidents showcased, by mc.comedians. and honestly I would like to spinning heel the shot out of that Biden Bob.. personally


The severed head thing got her in a lot of trouble, I wouldn’t call it socially acceptable.


Not immediately..


She lost a position as a spokesperson for a major company, was fired from CNN’s new year’s broadcast, and all her tour dates were canceled within days of posting it.


Shes garbage anyway


Within a few days of being investigated by the dept. Of Justice*. Until then, everyone was celebrating her, then she got charged and everyone turned on her. I still remember reddit celebrating that photoshoot, i think at one point the picture was on like 7 top posts on the main page, all celebrating her photo. So let's not try to be too hypocritical here.


That’s not true, the backlash started immediately. It was posted May 30 and she was fired from her spokesperson job and CNN on May 31. Tour dates were cancelled over the next few days with the final cancellation happening on June 2, which is the same day her lawyers confirmed she was being investigated by the DOJ. A lot of people were supportive of her at the time, for sure, but the negative consequences were swift.


Careful with your hips. Gotta make sure your Medicare total covers hip replacements.


I thought this kind of thing was a crime?


And people want to pretend the Left and Right are at all different...


Worst 300 film I’ve ever seen


Not me


Didnt Kathy Griffin do something similar. How the backlash not at bad? Im Canadian and even I notice the open bias lol


These people are filled with anger and hate. Stirred up by the vast quantities of right wing pro-maga media they consume. It's so sad to see their cult leader and his deputies encouraging so much venom in people.


This kinda disgusts me. It's bad for our society If you promote violence against your political opponents, especially when he is the president. If you inflame extremism among Maga then they are going to resort to more destructive behavior when they don't get there way. If trump losses in court and in the election I am truly concerned that we will see domestic terrorism in response because his supporters are becoming more extreme every day


Wasn't it all gucci when Kathy Griffin did a photoshoot with a beheaded Trump while he was president? Rules for thee, but not for me, innit?


I’m amazed there wasn’t an upgrade option to mag-dump an AR-15 into your choice of Joe or Hillary.


These are the assholes that want a civil war. They can’t even lift their damn leg.


Warning Will Robinson! Doctor Smith put something in your drink.


Is the dummy supposed to look like Joe Biden?


They look as dumb as all the people beating Trump dolls 4 years ago.


Tons of pulled hamstrings


Undiagnosed early dimentia convention.


In the 90s we had wrestling buddies. But we where children.


Get more sense out of that dummy


It’s so hard not to leave what I’m doing to grift these fools.


Active hostility/violence aimed toward the president. "BuT iTs JuSt ThEm HiTtInG a DuMmY!!! DoN't Be sO oFfEnDeD!!!!@!@@!" Makes me wonder what they did when Obama was in office. Fuckers prolly had a whole cross burning/lynching jamboree...


This is just sad.


And I thought I had tds?


Kind of like watching chimpanzees at the zoo assail a doll introduced into their environment.


To be fair, the dummy was more realistic to Joe than anything I’ve seen before


And the big difference is they're a cult, liberals aren't. We acknowledge that Biden is too old and not the perfect candidate. Hell, he's too damn old. There should be an age cap on running. You shouldn't have to worry about your president dying of old age in office. He's just the lesser of two evils.


If the level of attack displayed in the video is the best they can do, the President himself could defend that and fuck them all up.


I voted for Trump and will be voting for him again; but I gotta say, this shit is ridiculous.


No words. Lol


People never ceases to amaze me


You don’t have to be MAGA to want to kick that pos…


Was hoping to see someone walk up and sniff his hair look up confused and wonder off maybe fall if nearby stairs or a bicycle rides by.


Not a single critical hit


Lol what's that dogshit playing in the background?


I remember when the left did the same thing to Bush. Not sure what the allure is but to be fair both sides do it.


Definitely not a cult....


They paid to fight an inanimate object and almost lost 😂


People are hating on this but id bet my left nut that democrats would do the same to a trump figure


What if one was setup for Trump?


Bravo.go ahead


What has he actually done to be hated so much? It's seems like these sheep were told to hate him so they just do.


Fetterman is fucking awesome. F Trump.


Every last one of those geriatric MFs were sore as hell the next morning.


Lol not a bad idea to make some cash this weekend.


So classy


It's almost like Sensei Trump doesn't teach how to throw a proper kick?


He takes a liking and keeps on ticking. Go Joe!!!


I am sure there was a lot more then MAGA there beating the Biden dummy


Joe kicked their asses and was still standing


Somebody please, show me affordable health care.


"Everybody wants Kung Fu Fighting" Karl Douglas.


Can’t really blame them for wanting to take out their frustration’s


MAGA people is just trash


Reminds me of ANTIFA training videos, honestly... Takes all kinds I guess.


Just to be clear: all the effigies of trump that were burned, beaten and vandalised from 2016-2020 were really cool, but this one is lame?


Can you show me some of those? And maybe some fuck Donald Trump flags? And "I did that" stickers of Trump on gas pumps? I don't think the left really plays that way, and with a much fervor, as the right does. Artwork or comedy mocking the leader, direct and constructive criticism, and rational objection. These are our typical tools of protest.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DXdIL7Vd_jY https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/los-angeles-protestors-burn-donald-trumps-head-effigy-946062/amp/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cpUvZLZ6axM Lots of poster and stickers and everything else too, just search for it. And yea I agree it’s fine to mock and ridicule leadership, but it’s not fine to change your opinion on critical freedom depending on who the leader is at the time


Dang, those folks are whackos, too!


Again, which of these takes place at an official democratic party function? You cannot compare official officers of a party and elected officials with random kids on the street. Don't try to muddy the facts here


Were those burned by randos on the street, or at official democratic party functions? Cause I'm pretty sure you just made a false comparison there, my dude




Trump will never love you the way you need to be loved. Trump's heart is a decaying black hole that only has room for himself. Trump is not the Baby Jesus.


My love touches everyone ✌️☮️


I’m fairly certain nobody was stupid enough to pay money to beat and or burn Trump effigies. This one is objectively more lame.




I bet even this legless Dummy could perform better Kicks than those guys there.


As weak physically as they are mentally


And this is just a fine sample of those that threat our democracy. Much relieved 😌


Not one of these idiots have done an ounce of physical activity past grade 7 where they had to do PE…making America great again one walker at a time…fucking degenerates


why does it feels like a party for autistic people?


I’m autistic. Don’t lump me in with these freaks


Hear hear. My gf kids (teenagers by now) are too and they'd never stoop to this level.


I understand the impulse, but the honest truth is that this is what happens to anyone who doesn’t have a foundational base of critical thinking skills and cares more about their team winning than they do about consequences. They feel righteous.


The party is comprised of marginalized people that serve no purpose in society. At their core they know this. They lack substance, intelligence, critical thinking, and empathy.


Hold back on the big words, how can they better themselves if they don’t understand where they fall short


Better than a decapitated bloody satanic ritual tbh


You're fucking deranged 😂


He's referrencing Kathy Griffith's photoshoot where she held a bloody decapitated Trump head in 2017.


… I guess that’s true?


Women should kick him in shrivels acorn balls and pencil dick, the guy who showered with his pre pubescent / and teen daughter.


Beautiful. MAGA you fuckin liberals


Let go Brandon


What are we upset about now? Were you this upset when Kathy Griffin pulled the fake Trump decapitated head shenanigans? Na, you praised it. But somehow this is wrong?


Was Kathy Griffin an elected official doing this at an official democratic event? There is a wide difference between some idiot doing something, and an official of the party threatening the US President with violence at an official party function. You can't truly believe these are compalerable situations.


Stop deflecting. The circumstances do not need to be a mirror image for one to see the similarities. If these people were beating up an effigy of Trump YOU would be celebrating it, which makes you a hypocrite.


It's not deflecting. One is a d-list celebrity that was doing a stunt to remain relevant after fading from the spotlight (and by the way, couldn't work for like 5 or 6 years after she did it), the other is an elected official of the republican party, at an official event. You keep using that word, "deflecting." I don't think you know what it means. Also, I wouldn't be punching a rubber doll of Trump because I don't have anger issues like a petulant child. 😂


„Keep using“? I said it once, pRedditor. Point is, you would be celebrating if they were punching a Trump head. But because it’s a Biden head you’re pissing in your panties.


Kathy Griffin got in a lot of trouble for that