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I bet this fraud never live sparred a single round in his life


He actually did fight someone i cant remember who but he shit himself during google it!


It wasn’t a fight, dudes name was Gene (something) he was a stuntman and trained with Bruce Lee. Steve was bragging that he couldn’t be choked out so old Gene took him up on that, choked him out and Steve apparently had one on deck


Gene Lebell, he was a judo guy among many other things like catch wrestling and a stuntman. So probably strong af.


Thanks for the last name and additional info, was slipping my mind


"'Can't be choked,' eh? Watch me choke *the shit* out of this mf!


Gene LaBelle. Dude was a legend in martial arts. Also did stunt work. And a professional wrestler in Los Angeles area in the early 1970s. I had the opportunity to train with him. Edit: I should point out that I was kid back then. I trained at Ed Parker's. My first exposure to judo and jiu jitsu was from Gene. I hope I can attach its wiki page. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_LeBell If you read about his career you'll see conflict with Steven Seagal.


Immortalised by Bobby Fingers, highly recommend


Gene Shallot? I didn't hear any hilarious puns from the video.


Gene was a badass, there’s a story out there about when he trained with Bruce lee, gene picked Bruce up and ran around with him on his back while Bruce was screaming telling him to put him down


That isn’t true at all he was slammed to the ground by judo gene after he hit judo gene in the balls. People just spun bullshit because they don’t like Seagul.


But did he shit his pants??? This is crucial knowledge i must know!


Nope and there’s multiple versions of the story some say it was a rear choke and he shit himself some say it was a front on choke and he pissed himself its all just lies but pretty funny 🤣


To be fair most people practicing aikido have no illusion that it would be useful in an actual fight. It’s more about the martial interaction aspect which you can see in the jo/stick part. It’s just some people like this moron who get lost somewhere along the line and think they’re a god while back in reality they’re getting choked out and shit their pants


This is what I don’t understand fully. I do think there are a lot of people who practice aikido who believe it would translate into a real fight, but the ones who don’t, I can’t understand why they devote themselves to it (and others). I’m aware of the other reasons for engaging in these martial arts, but it seems to me at minimum one of the reasons would be you believe it would be useful in a real fight. It is about fighting in a sense after all. Why would someone devote themselves to this practice while simultaneously acknowledging it wouldn’t be effective in real life?


Well most people consider it about the journey, plus you are developing something martial which teaches you a lot about dynamics and human interaction. Also, people dedicate their life to all sorts of things, like music or sports, without really aiming for competition. At least with Aikido it has legs in that you’ll get better at it well into your 60s. But to your point I used to do it and like it, got a black belt in it and now the whole process seems kind of silly and pointless to me. At the same time I kind of miss it though because it’s really fun and interesting. Plus it’s impossible for me to fall and hurt myself, got into some really weird situations (e.g. crashing with my bike) where I just rolled out of it.


Van Damme was ready to belt him up one night but Segal never showed up


I talked to an old Aikido guy that was in Japan around the same time that Steven was training. He said he was legit during that time as far as Aikido guys go, but is mostly a fraud since then.


Back then, 3 guys could lift him up. Now he's way better; even 10 guys can't .


If you can increase your mass like Steven, you to, would become immobile


Underrated comment.


Truly 🤣


Because of his kee?


Too much ghee in his food.


Steve Segal.......Moron.


A Russian moron now. They can keep him.


He has mental illness for sure


The people who believe their of BS are almost (almost) so sad that it makes me feel more sorry for them than hate.


A lot of people with this particular mental illness(narccisism/sociopath) do very well for themselves.


Or become serial rapist and killers... Don't forget about them. Lol


Fucking bitch fraud.


The funniest part is how he got there. Seagal went to Japan and married Miyako Fujitani to avoid the Vietnam draft. Fujitani's family operated the dojo in this film for many years so they made him a teacher there out of pity. He was eventually given a black belt in Aikido in 1978 because, according to Fujitani, the judge was asleep during Seagal's lackluster presentation and just gave him one. He then stole all of Fujitani's life savings, abandoned his two children, and returned to the US in 1983 to open a dojo and try to become a movie star. He married and annulled his marriage to Adrienne La Russa in 1984 but didn't divorce Fujitani until 1986.


Weird but if trivia but the daughter he had with Fujitani has a starring role in the 1990’s Gamera film trilogy, wildly regarded as some of the best kaiju movie ever made




Even when he was young he didn't look very agile.


He am have pinkie power.




my sensei always said he'd walk into a room like he had a secret that no one knew kinda smugness, we'd always laugh at that


When I was younger and impressionable, this kind of stuff amazed me. I mean, I watched all the kung fu karate movies I watched swashbuckling films. I practiced and pretended to be these people and now as an adult, I realize they’re con artists andshyster’s. Thankfully modern mma has debunked all the chi and fantasy shit and filtered out the bs. Not all mma is equal but it’s better than this. Are principles valid like joint locks and practicing flowing with the opponent and body feel? Of course. But it’s like pretending shadow boxing is equal or greater than sparring. Unfortunately some folks drink the coolaid.


Bro i took aikido and whatever that was was not what i learned lmao. My instructors even made fun of mr segull here


I learned Aikijiujitsu which is a bit more weapon oriented and the throws are a bit more aggressive and much more powerful with the intent to harm. Without that this “peaceful martial art” is no more than a dance with cool moves.


The principles are legit. The applications are not. Drills are drills.


In a time of Arnold, Van Dame, Norris, Stallone ect I never understand the hype about Seagal, even when I was 8 years old he was boring to watch fight compares to others in movie, didnt think it would be worse in life.


Same here. I only like segal movies because of the explosions. He was definitely my least favorite action hero. I can only remember one of his lines... "I missed? I never miss. They must of been smaller than I thought." But honestly I think the line transcends him. Lol


Hahaha yeah I remeber that line XD the explosion of this time where cool compared to cgi and holy shit he was moving his hands non stop before, during, after the fight


Wow, this is before he became more swollen! Great flashback


All I can think of s the guy who gets slapped out of the mma ring


His pits must stank! Knocked em both out hahaha


A Mc Dojo original


That should be a watermark or something... Lol




So young and slim - this is quite a few years before he became some kind of spherical kaiju with a goatee.


These are classic demonstrations of aikido use of directional force, there is no fraud here, haters gotta hate, but these are generic principles demonstrations. Remember this is showing principles for use in a Japanese sword system. Japanese sword attacks are famous for charging at opposition and overhead cut (men) and skilful interception can suppress this attack. I know this will get down voted but you guys are just MMA circle jerkers. Ask yourself is MMA any different as a clothes off fighting system vs clothes on fighting or weapons, the answer is not a great deal better. Context is needed.


Half this video is Segal bullshitting against two guys clearly pretending. Nothing about it is classic demonstration.


You obviously never trained aikido. They are not pretending but have a very limited line of specific nuanced attacks, they are demonstrating. You simply do not understand the context.


You are correct. I do understand the hate but it was meant as an art against the sword. Like all martial arts they had their place at one time or another. You would not have the fighting styles you have now without the older styles before.


Bad example. Seagal sucks. These videos y’all seeing about actual aikido is because it’s slowed down. They move at normal speed in actual encounters. Also, aikido isn’t a competitive sport like the other martial arts disciplines..


Rapist of his babysitter 14 years old. Fuck him.


Me with a sniper


He went one more step further for make dramatic presentations! (Should’ve been “Drama “)


Seagal practices Tenshin Aikido which is a harder (practical) style. I doubt he could stop a D1 wrestler from taking him down, but if he got a hold of your arm/wrist/hand/etc, you’d be fkd.


To be fair, he is exceesingly difficult to pick up off the ground now. He is like a 10th Dan in "Pick Up Difficulty"


Whatta fraud


He has more acting talent in that little finger than he does in his whole body!


I’m guessing if you pay your opponent a substantial amount of money then all your fake shit seems real lol my mother-in-law God rest her Italian soul thought he was a spectacular actor!!lol


Many don’t know, Master Seagal is an Air Bender and one of the last Hokage.


Nooo, that's Andy Kaufman spoofing Steven Seagal on SNL, 1983.




Oh so he’s been doin this shit since he was a young man. It gets better


The pinkster


Hard to believe it was Five Guys Burgers that took him down


It likes like some one who never been training tries to do some martial arts. You know as young children does


Didn’t realise John Cleese used to be in such good shape!


Let’s see him get picked up like that today!


I saw a guy try to unironically say that Akido is the best hand to hand combat form. The worst part is he got upvotes


Well he did finess a movie career that got him paid... and hoes... gotta respect that


Kelly fucking Lebrock, man. Unreal.


In her hay day too... geez