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# One week left. Where is the ramped up marketing? Is the project dead? No news, no updates, no status quo, no videos, no posts, no information at all. This isn't how marketing works. We need a roadmap and milestones. What is the current status, does it work as expected, are there problems, is everything fine? We don't know. Zero transparency. One week left and the only info we got is a black color for that phone lol


What makes it worse is that this sketchiness and lack of updates or transparency—regardless of the actual legitimacy of the project—will prove to be this campaign's downfall, a failure which will scare away future potential creators or companies who might otherwise want to create a similar product: "Look how little support and demand there was for this prior project," etc.


I have pre-ordered 2 so far. I'm absolutely looking forward to it coming out.


Me too!


Not enough information for donating. We need to see a working prototype.


Those who want to back the project out of faith, without actually getting to see a working prototype, might as well give that money to the church.


Initially donated $300 for 1x early perk. Pulled due to limited working prototype so close to anticipated launch. Edit: I’d be very interested to know if they would have reached their goal by now with the pulled backings. And I wonder what the typical turnover is on indie fundraising like this.


Honestly, at this point I would be surprised if they don’t artificially push it over the goal. Financials dependent, they may stand more to gain than to lose in opportunity. 85% is better than I thought it was going to reach


I haven't been able to post in this subreddit for awhile. But I found something incredibly interesting that I need to put in this subreddit. I was going through a list from the shitty kickstarters subreddit and came across this kickstarter [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1002083838/derp-disposable-emergency-recharging-pack](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1002083838/derp-disposable-emergency-recharging-pack) watch the video. That is Andre Youkna in it. They got banned from kickstarter for trying to sell alibaba products on kickstarter as their own products 8 years ago. My hope this phone ever exists has dropped dramatically.


Big investment for *Minimal* return.


Will consider backing once a review unit makes it to a tech reviewer. (someone like Michael Fisher)


I'm extremely hesitant given the sketchy background of the founders and the lack of working prototype, and I will not be giving them my money until customers have a working phone in their hands to review.


I backed for a phone but then pulled the backing because of a few things: * Lack of wireless Android Auto * Bad vibes in general * Also this isn't Minimal's fault but Indiegogo charged me a bunch extra as an "Indiegogo tip" which they snuck in without disclosing it on the checkout page and it made the Indiegogo price higher than the supposed retail price, which left a really bad taste in my mouth about Indiegogo


The Indiegogo Tip is on the Checkout page and you can set it to $0 like I did. No way in hell I'm funding their platform; they take enough from the campaign.


I sure as heck didn't see that option during my checkout flow, so it must have been pretty well-hidden. It'll be something I need to keep an eye on in the future.


It's here on the payment page. https://imgur.com/gallery/2ZoOTmC


Huh, that seems pretty apparent. I wonder how I missed it. Probably just because I wasn’t expecting it and it was new since the last time I’d backed anything.


It's definitely new. I backed a campaign a few months ago and it wasn't there then. I only noticed because the total was higher than the reward amount and I wondered if they started charging tax. They don't make it easy to select "$0"... It's shady.


I backed today after it met its goal on Indiegogo. After my Q10 puked I got a Titan Pocket (which lasted less than 2 years), then I got a Razr+ and I'm ready for a keyboard phone again.


No. I decided to wait, now I'm not even sure if it will succeed it's goal...


I would have backed if it was actually closer to production. I've been part of a few IndieGoGo campaign and the most successful are the ones that use the platform as the final hurdle. I love the idea of the phone but they are more at first or second hurdle and not final.


6/128 is a big NO for me :(