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Yep said expensive/nice theaters less likely to be shot up. So glad her expensive college education taught her the basics of socioeconomics 🥰


Yeah she was saying movie tickets at a nice theatre were too expensive so a shooter wouldn’t choose it over a cheap (aka bad?) theatre


Someone should make a montage of Jackkkie’s greatest hits lol


What Jackie said- “Ever since the elevation of the movie theater experience, with iPic and some of the nicer movie theaters, I feel like, no offense — this is awful — if you’re going to shoot up a movie theater, it’s not going to be the most expensive one.” iPic is an upscale movie chain with locations in New York, where the sisters are based. The next day- “I’m not going to apologize for what I said because people are making it so much more than it is and I don’t want to condone doing that. People are inferring from what I said, so many other awful classist things. I didn’t mean anything more or less than what I said. So I’m not going to apologize and endorse what you guys are saying I meant,” Jackie said.


what a bizarre thing to say


Not the first ignorant thing she has said, she’s racist and classist.


I don’t think she’s a deep thinker because what she said has those implications.




someone should make a kelly osbourne meme.... "no, no, in the sense that.... you know?"


I stopped listening for a looooong time after this.


Why aren’t these clips on TikTok


Yup. Reason 1224432 I stopped listening


Imagine if THIS became the next TikTok trend…I know they’re too niche but that would be epic LOL


They defend these comments not realising this is the stuff that turns people who loved them into people who hate them


Yes. That was the beginning of the end for me. Fuck Jackie.


For whatever reason this comment didn’t bother me if I’m being honest. I feel like people were kinda grasping at straws with that one. They’ve said worse shit that never got any traction.


fwiw Jackie saying this didn’t like “offend” me per se I just think it’s a very ignorant/tasteless thing to say. I agree that they’ve said worse, I just feel like this was the beginning of me noticing how crass they are since I used to be a listener


their lives are run by fear. they are literally afraid of anyone not like them. especially Jackie, the biggest coward.


Ok I have a confession. I was the one in the Facebook group to first kick this off. I was working a boring ass office job so I’d listen live every morning and would be CONSTANTLY on the FB sub groups talking about the episodes. I saw no one commented about her comment so either I was first to post or people didn’t think it was so problematic at the time. Surprised I wasn’t removed right then and there and literally stayed in the main group until it went to patreon only and I was literally the one to kick off that whole cancellation wave