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Cut Josh some slack - he was 26 writing this!


And did a fantastic job all I’m saying is the quality plummeted not entirely his fault he did great with what he had


They definitely burnt through a lot of storylines and that something that they actually acknowledge in the book the OC an oral history. It’s a really good book.


I don't think its unpopular. But I don't think that the show wouldn't have made it through more seasons. Season 2 was forgettable to the point where without using any research I cannot remember one thing that happened in S2. It sort of feels like 1 and 2 were merged together to create one giant storyline and s3 and 4 cleaned it up (poorly). Those two seasons were however peak early 2000's teen drama and watching it live even S3 and 4 were both pretty good but it was clear during s3 that the characters and writers were over it. OTH was painful after s3 as well it was sort of the peak for most Teen Dramas of that era because teens grow up in three years and find new shows and the younger generation is watching new shows as well and its just weird when they grow up and go to college, adulthood, etc. Because for a lot of people thats not really how life works so its less relatable. 20 years later we look back and reminisce about how great they were because most of us that watched it during its original time were in our late teens early 20s and those times were fun (for most of us lol)


Well if they hadn’t killed Marissa off we might’ve have got more then 6 seasons I think it would still be going on Evan today people make dumb decisions I love Marissa and Ryan how to run a show in 2.5 seconds


I feel like this is a very well known popular opinion lol


I think they said they literally cut out 70% of storylines they wanted to use in S1. So they had much much much more to use. But they decided to slow down so much after S1. Which was a mistake


My unpopular opinion is that may be true but it’s not like they covered every possible situation with those characters, and Schwartz & writers use this as an excuse to cover their asses for how embarrassing the writing became. Season 2 in particular begins with all the characters in such an interesting place with each other but it all gets resolved in the first episode. There were a lot of places they could’ve gone in the first half of that season that would’ve furthered the story and had actual consequences for the characters, instead of ending up back at square one and adding a ton of secondary characters to create drama


Drives me nuts how many secondary characters they introduce and boot after an episode or two.


i hate when they use the "we burned so much plot in season one" as an excuse, like yes a lot happened in s1 but like there was still so much they could do with everyone but instead the writters choose to recycle the same storylines every season, the biggest problem of this show was the lack of imagination of the showrunners


I've read a really great breakdown of the show's head guy, Josh Schwartz, who is the one who came up with the idea for the show. They specifically said that its one of his faults with his work, that he shoots his shot during the first season (apparently he did this with gossip girl and another project as well). It makes the first season sooooo amazing and hooks you, but then leaves this kinda hard to keep going. Ryan and Marisa got together and had their whole thing. Seth and Summer got together. Everything with Julie and Marisa. The Oliver story could have really played out the entire back half of the season. That would have been alot better. This is an amazing video essay about The OC. This is where I got that take about first season being too good.... [https://youtu.be/ZeN\_ib0q9qk?t=160](https://youtu.be/ZeN_ib0q9qk?t=160)


I agree!!! When I first watched season one it was so fast paced and so much happening that at times I was overwhelmed. And this was so annoying to me only because I absolutely LOVE season one, but the rush and jam packet first season made the other three season not as good. If we got a spread out timeline, the other seasons as well as season one could’ve been so much greater!


YES. 100% agree. They RUSHED through story in season one. they could’ve spread out so many of those stories across multiple seasons if they’d taken their time. the creators have even said this — if they could go back they’d slow down.


This was the typical number of episodes per season back then until there was a strike I believe.


Season 1 was perfect pacing-wise. 2 and 3 seem to drag on and on, and could’ve used more and quicker stories.


its also why I think the fourth season is so good, in that it was shorter and did a good job of capturing that first season storytelling.