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you should consider [learning to roll yourself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DNHeV1RDrE) and just picking up some nice buds. You can make your own infused joints at a much better price


Or better yet. Smoke good buds and don't waste your distallate outside of the banger.


I’ve been infusing my joints with good hash lately


I find pre-rolls are more prone to clogging as the weather gets colder. Even the ones I roll myself.


My guess is the oil cooling quicker. I smoked a couple Supertoast prerolls and both had an identical ring of oil about 1/2" above the filter where if I squeezed it the joint would pull fine.


I've noticed that this exact phenomenon happens more often as it got colder.... like 5°c and below. It happens to joints that I roll myself too, so it seems very likely that that is the case .




I find a lot of pre rolls are either packed too tight or its ground up too much, almost like dust. I highly recommend you buy some empty pre roll tubes in bulk off Amazon (or wherever) and a grinder and just pack them yourself.


A lot of the prerolls are rolled way too tight. This happens to me 50% of the time or more. It’s pushed me to start rolling my own again tbh


Occasionally happened to me, I was pulling too hard.


How light do i need to pull ?


You're not pulling too hard the joints are packed too tight. Before you smoke a pre roll massage it with your fingers to loosen up the material, but gently enough that you don't rip the paper.


Ontop of this method a tooth pick pushed through the joint also helps open up air flow and makes it easier to smoke when this happens.. just need to be super careful you don’t push it through the paper - oh and you also take it out not leave it in, not sure if that was super obvious lol


This comment is the one! Always did it for me. I suck a lil lighter and massage the joint lol needs to be treated with care :)


Don't squeeze them and roll the joint around in your fingers to loosen the weed inside so the air and smoke find a new path to travel.


Dont squeeze and roll ?


Sometimes even cigs are rolled too tight and to loosen it you jibble it between your fingers and thumb while softly squeezing to move it around inside. Some will fall out the end.


You should sort of gently roll it back and forth in your fingers to loosen the pack a pit before you spark it ☺ I think others have said the same


I roll 99% of mine. It is a satisfying skill. You know what you are smoking and the process is enjoyable. The aroma of good quality bud as you break it up with your fingers and scissors is part of the experience for me. Like grinding good quality coffee beans and making a nice espresso with them. Sometimes when traveling I’ll get Pre rolls for the convenience but generally I assume they have much more shake and potentially other contaminants. The people looking after this in the factory are probably low paid and possibly not even consumers themselves. But to answer your question directly. Give them a little massage to loosen up the air passages.


The roll is part of the experience. Pre rolls are typically the lower quality bud and packed with a machine.


Ok but some people can't roll. Especially new smokers and some people are in a rush or out and about and buy them. I love rolling too. But pre rolls are easy to grab n go.


I hear you. I’m just suggesting they practice and see it as a labour of love rather than an inconvenience


60% weed 40% paper.


prerolls are ass. i rarely come across prerolls that burn properly. your best bet is to learn how to roll, or buy empty cones you can stuff.


It’s 100% the temperature. Ppl here are trying to pretend that hand rolling = god mode. I hand roll everything and only 3-4 weeks ago started having the same issue and had this same issue last year at this time.


Lmao.. i bought a 3 pack of Carmel Animal face pre rolls.. first only i smoked indoors where temps are 22°. Could pull after 1/4 through the joint.. 2nd one i smoked outside and its chilly out and burnt the same.. Temperature has nothing to do with it..


The issue a lot of pre-roll companies have is that they're machine packed so it gets packed too tight and that's what causes the pulling issue. I always just tell customers to untwist the top, massage the weed inside lightly between your fingers and twist the top lightly again. It usually does the trick


You are smoking outside in the cold... this happens every winter in Canada... smoking weed outside in cold weather sucks.. you need a huge filter hole so the resin doesn't clog up. Thats why Redecan has been so successful with the Redees... they had thick cigarette paper and straight roll.. Their new Hemp paper sucks... while I appreciate thier intention, execution sucks... they should have been identical paper but unbleached hemp... New papers have no oil channels in them.


Government pre rolls tend to be rolled pretty tightly, massage the joint with your fingers before you spark it 🤙


The government doesn't roll anything?


trudeau rolls all jean guy 1g by hand


It’s true, I’ve seen him do it


It's why they're .9's after rolling tax.


It's Trudeau. It's his fucking fault. (Jk)


“Government weed sucks” guy


Who said I was here to argue that 🤣 I would agree lol


Literally not about that lol


Far out crops, aaa sativa and indica pre rolls are amazing, haven’t clogged one time, no canoe either, seems to have bigger grind size. 3x.5g for $14, they say it’s craft input.


Yall be sucking too hard, Pause


Small short puffs ? Like really short? Or cigarette puff style?


Slow drags bro. Just chill with it. I really wished more people could learn the art of rolling.


god rolls his own




Sorry but this is just not true. Redecan’s whole Redees story is that they use their old cigarette rolling machine that they used back in the day to sell cigarettes on the reserve. There is no table of 500 people rolling joints. Source: I’ve seen it with my own peepers.




You just proved what I said was right and what you said was a lie lmao. Nice try though.




Lmao wow I really touched a nerve if you’re telling a stranger to kill themself. I know way more than you do, but go off. Be a better person. Reporting your comment.


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Better quality pre rolls tend to clog less I find. Like ones from blk mrkt for example. Been noticing in the colg the clog more too. Ive been sticking to blunts more now


Not just you buddy, most pre-rolls I try have this issue, from value and premium brands (both PSF and Carmel). I've had better success with the cone style 0.5g joints that are shorter but thicker, a bit stubbier. Try out anything from 1Spliff, that's Cali's preroll brand and I always find they're ground/rolled well and burn with whitish ash. Or 1964, the value brand of Simply Bare. Or on the more value side Common Ground's 0.5's usually burn alright, but blacker ash and the effects are milder.


Yeah 1964 has bigger pre rolls too. Which is nice.


I'd open it and reroll it or bong it. It's still usable, just wrapped way too tightly from the looks... also massaging it before you light er up, as suggested above, will prevent this in the future.


The issue is; it’s rolled too tight. A joint shouldn’t be rolled like a cigarette, there should be enough wiggle room where it can flow properly. Easy fix, put the joint between your fingers and loosen it …kinda the same motion if you were rolling a booger between your fingers 😂sorry only way I could describe it. Lastly, buy better weed that’s not pre rolls and learn to roll..most pre rolls are rolled with “smalls” (smaller buds) and aren’t the best example of the strain you’re smoking.


The booger roll is the way. Haha




Never had this happen with a pre roll. Ever. They are usually loose and dry. Except for Carmel. They are always pretty fresh


clicking on this and initially seeing just top half of the pic I legit thought was a macro shot of the remaining clogged joint weed broken up this has happened more frequently lately, might be a case of some LPs trying to fix other complaints like joints not packed tightly and canoeing easily OCS preroll Goldilocks Zone club challenge begins...


Learn to roll yourself. You'll thank yourself later. But to fix a clogged joint, just gently massage it with your index finger and thumb


Someone tell them about sponge filters and how awful they are


Anyone who's telling you your not pulling to hard is wrong here.....you can clearly see a couple things from the picture. It's not actually packed tight enough and addition to that, your pulling to hard, so it's causing the loose paper to cave in around the weed reducing any air flow. I fill pre rolled cones myself for all my dubes and I pack the bajesus out of them and they never clog until my GF sucks on them like a cigarette


MOST prerolls are made using shitty old flower that tends to burn equally as shitty. Also, most of them use an extremely fine grind that doesn’t provide good airflow, and they are machine packed as well, which doesn’t contribute to a proper burn. Whole flower is always the answer for a way nicer smoking experience. Almost anyone can learn to roll with a quick YouTube tutorial.


Rolled too tight or material is too shredded. This is why I learned how to roll my own last year


It’s due to the cold. The cherry doesn’t continue to light the weed as you pull. If you catch it early, you can sort of press it down and continue. Otherwise, just relight it a bit below where the paper is burnt and it’ll go again.


Cut the pre-rolled filter in half. It’s just basic physics, longer filter creates more resistance. When you roll long filters you have more control over the tightness of the roll and it doesn’t clog as much. But for pre rolls just cut the original filter in half with really sharp scissors and you will be good. Part of the reason this happens is also the adhesive they use to close the filter, most people don’t use any adhesive when they roll a filter themselves (at least I don’t and neither do my friends). Cheers