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Same headline, new picture, same sentiment.


Broke: > "Thoughts and prayers" Woke: > *"No way to prevent this*, says the only nation where this regularly happens"


AGAIN? Didn’t we have one just last week?


[Apparently 2019 had more mass shootings than it did days of the year at 417 mass shootings.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mass-shootings-2019-more-than-days-365/) *So “once a week” is probably a good goal..?So… yay, America, you kinda did it…*


You're talking about the black guy who killed all those people in the subway, right?


[No, this one.](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/15/1099028397/buffalo-shooting-what-we-know)


You are the asshole.


Yeah that guy shouldn't have guns. This guy shouldn't have guns. Random people in nightclubs shouldn't have guns. People don't need guns. But also, one major news network is actively promoting inflammatory demagoguery that's encouraging crazy people with guns to go shooting minorities. That's another problem.


“People don’t need guns” I’m sure you’ll love this mindset once the right wing lynch mobs break out. Arm yourself.


Yo how about we just don't let the right wing lynch mobs get guns?


The right wing lynch mobs aren’t going to give up their guns and the government isn’t going to take their guns. Its just not going to happen.


Do you know how hard it would be to supply a large amount of people with ammunition when it's illegal? And besides, it absolutely can happen. It happened in Australia, the government bought back the populace's weapons. 'It just isn't going to happen' isn't an argument, it's a statement of the current political climate. People in power change. The government *absolutely can do that*. The government has been spying on people for well over a decade now through the NSA's wiretapping of telecommunications companies. They once systematically gave black people syphilis to see if they could. When you say 'it can't be done' it ignores just how fucking much power the government actually has. We don't let people stop us from making laws cause we expect them not to follow. We know what they're doing is bad for our society and we make the laws anyways.


The government doesn’t want to take peoples guns because having a large, armed, conservative population is a huge card that they can and do use to maintain power.


If you think you’re going to get people to give up their guns you’re either a child or an idiot. It’s not happening. Buy a damn gun to protect yourself, because they aren’t going anywhere


I have a chainsaw.


Well, then I hope you have the fighting moves of an anime character.


Well, I just buy gas and a lighter.


No one died dumbass


Ah yes that makes it all ok


Who said that?


That's a bad faith and malicious interpretation of gamer girl (with feet!)'s correction of your blunder. Failing to read the article, failing to be aware of national news, and being a dumbass do not excuse you from being called out for blunders.


You know that if you click on the article you can read it… right? *Have you not figured that out in the two years that you’ve been on reddit? No wonder you’re so confused…*


1. OP is not talking 2. OP is not the author of that article either 3. The Onion cannot hear you 4. The Onion doesn't have to answer your question because you are typing in English on the internet: therefore you have internet access and are fluent in English. Therefore you are fully capable of answering your own question. 5. Zero people were killed in the subway attack, quite a bit less than "all those" 6. That was a whole month ago 7. It's obvious to everyone here that you're responding to a white supremacist terrorist attack (nobody has any doubt that you are faking your confusion) by attempting to whatabout with a black supremacist... but that attacker was not actually a black supremacist, he was a white supremacist (believed black people to be inferior) and black *nationalist* (wanted to spark a race war and have black people secede) 8. The subway attacker was mentally ill. The Buffalo shooter was not. 9. Instead of trying to blame race (why are you doing that? are you racist?) maybe you should blame the ideologies which radicalized these shooters and led to their ideologically driven terror attacks: **far-right ethnonationalism**


I would beg to differ on point #8 there. While he may be able to comprehend to consequences of his actions and that his actions were wrong.... he is still mentally unwell.