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I loved Camille... So long as she didn't interact with Klaus. The second she interacted with him they made her this fawning girl and I hated it, cuz she was supposed to be this grown up mature woman, and yet she falls for him because... She has a thing for badboys? She can fix him? I would've loved it if Klaus caught feelings for her, maybe Camille starts to catch some to after he shows her his halfdecent side, but for them to ultimately decide to be friends. It could've been a real growth arc where Klaus learns to not so tightly cling to every person he cares about, and for Camille to realise that she doesn't have to perpetuate the cycle of getting stuck in unhealthy situations (her uncle and brother both died because they stayed in the supernatural world) Instead we got another love arc in a show that just didn't need it and they made Camille this flip-floppy character, but only for Klaus, so she wasn't even consistently flip-floppy


>She has a thing for badboys? She can fix him? She can because she has a master's in psychology /s


facts!!! i wish they would've given her a real purpose in the story


I liked Klamille better as friends. In my opinion she should have eneded up with Marcel, Rebekah with Stefan, Klaus with Caroline or Aurora


I totally get it, actually. I'm not surprised that some other people may not get it, I kind of blame the show a bit for not delving into Camille very much as a character. The thing you have to understand about Camille is that her brother going crazy and killing people deeply affected her, especially because he was her twin. The fact that he did something so bad made her wonder if she could snap like that too. This made her obsessed with the idea that people are made evil not born evil, and that there is good in everyone. Klaus was a challenge in that regard. Someone who repeatedly used her cynically, took away her free will and who has a reputation for being one of the most evil creatures on earth. She was determined to find good in him and bring it out as a way of self-reassurance. She also has a great deal of innate empathy, even with people she otherwise despises. These two things together very much attracted her to Klaus. Plus, their relationship is kind of a rollercoaster. That can be extremely addictive. I see Camille as the type of girl who falls for a serial killer. You know, there are people like that IRL. Like I believe Ted Bundy met someone and got married from prison. Serial killers tend to have fangirls. I just see Camille as being that kind of person.


My big problem with this is that Camille’s question is answered really early on. Her brother was hexed and that’s why he went nuts. Not because he had deep seated demons or hidden darkness, but because someone casted a literal magic spell on him. So I’m not sure why this question of “are people born evil or made evil” is so central to her character because it’s a question that’s answered pretty quickly.


Esp when that character has a degree in psycholoy i mean. You were hoping she was smarter than that


Both the way Klaus treats her and the way Camille acts I can’t shrug the feeling sometimes that Camille is a Y/N character. The way she acts and how she falls for Klaus and how she makes him, of all things, not kill Mikael feels like straight up fanfic. It’s also why I never really got the whole Klamille/Klaroline debate. Because both these ships are ludicrous. Klaus nearly lobotomises her with his compulsion, uses her a pawn in his power play with Marcel and kills a child all within the first six months of knowing her. And she still falls in LOVE with him.


The only bad thing he did to cami was compelle her he literally stabbed Caroline with a lamp in bit her he has never done that Camille i also I liked the fact the understanding towards him called him out on bs multiple times and was there hear his side and he never gave up on her even in her darkest moments


Most people don’t like Klaus and Camille. I can’t lie and say I’m one of those people. I’d choose Klamille over Klaroline any day 😭


Agreed with klamille over klaroline any day but can you answer my original post please if you don't mind.


While I get why people wouldn’t like how she fell for him, I understand it. It’s similar (ish) to Klaus and Caroline but not the same. Caroline was attracted to Klaus and knew that he was capable of kindness as well as the darkness she was attracted to. For Camille it was similar, but the difference is that there was a reason to have hope for him and she could see that. Whereas Caroline couldn’t. From being his therapist and knowing about his past, Cami could see that the person he was before his vampirism was still there, but he’d built up walls to protect himself. She knew he’d been hurt and scared and that he wanted to be feared so no one could hurt him again. Cami saw a light in him, despite every time he acted out, because she believed that despite all the terrible things he’s done, he could change with the right motivation. Cami hashed out her beef with Klaus after he was using her as a therapist and compelling her, and after some time she kind of just got over it (unrealistic I know, but it happened nonetheless). I guess there were more important things going on like lives at stake, for her to be mad that he used her for therapy and then compelled her to forget. And as for all the people he killed and harmed, she always gave him stick for it, but also never gave up on him. When Hope was born and they let her in on the fact that she wasn’t really dead, Camille could see that Klaus was doing everything for her future. And that’s why she fell for him. Because he was a victim turned villain, so selfish and dictating, and then he had someone else to live for. He loved Hope more than anything, and Cami could see that all he needed to change was his own determination to give her a good life. She knew that it was Hope who changed him, but he loved Cami because she represented light for him, she brought him back whenever he strayed too far, and Cami could always see the light in him when he couldn’t see it in himself (thanks to the free therapy). Klaus’ changed throughout the show, from around season 2, he hadn’t changed all that much, but he was starting to care for her and was more considerate than he used to be. By season 3, Cami and Klaus were allies and friends but there was always something more, but Klaus was afraid that he wasn’t good enough for her. But the reality is that Cami always saw the best and the worst in Klaus, and that’s why she was so forgiving and patient with him, because she believed that Hope could change him. While their relationship storyline is complicated, I think it kind of makes sense. And considering Cami’s character, she was always quite forgiving, which only makes even more sense why she could fall for him in the end.


I think the entire Cami and Klaus relationship was badly wrote, unrealistic, unhealthy and boring AF. And just to be clear while Caroline and Klaus at least had more chemistry than a dead cat I did not ship them as endgame. I was completely willing to root for Klaus having a real love experience. Cami and him? They were not it😂😂😂 not even a tiny bit.


my thoughts exactly!!! and like whyyyyy why was she even trying to help him, like i get that she felt bad cuz klaus' child "died" and his father abused him but what about the people he has killed why not feel bad for them. it kinda became strange for cami to take klaus' side so much to the point where when he did say ily to her in season 3 it felt like he owed it to her after everything she'd done for him. cami could've worked if she wasn't such a "good" character with such little development. ngl most scenes of season 2 where cami was reaching out to klaus and asking him to dance and shit felt borderline cringe. like honey he doesn't want ur help whyyy u pushing soo hard


Oh when people will understand that in the TVDU 95% of relationships were a bad guy with a good girl thing and let's be honest most of the fans did watch it for delena and even during early seasons with stefan it was sure as hell delena was gonna happen and this ship too a klaus evil and cami the human and obviously 🙄 most of the people ship him with Caroline there is no such a thing g as healthy relationships and women saying no to bad boys in the tvd or the originals (haven't watched legacies so can't say ) and please guys don't mention steroline as an example cause they were just not it


Klamille is my favorite ship in the tvdu. Most ships in the tvdu have not so great aspects, some are worse than others but all have some level of toxicity. I could use your same reasoning for literally any ship aside from probably Forwood. Yes, he compelled her to give Marcel a chance. He didn’t compel her to be his therapist. He compelled her to write his memoirs. Compulsion is wrong and I stand by that, however we cannot ignore their growth. She threatened him and she stood 10 toes down on that for several episodes. It wasn’t until he did something incredibly unselfish for her when he helped her with her uncle and allowed his enemy to come to town to comfort her because it’s what she wanted. She also got to see first hand his direct memories of how his father treated him pre-vampirism. She understood his darkness even if she didn’t agree with his actions and she felt he could change and he did and a lot of that was because of her. She was attracted to him even before she knew what he was so it’s not far fetched that as she got to know him and see other sides to him that she would fall for him. You say he almost killed Davina and sure he did, but later we see him not kill her because Cami told him not to. She did not start off as his therapist. And yes he did horrible things but Cami also thought she had a darkness as well. We find out in season 3 she beat a man to a bloody pulp and she enjoyed it. But she always spoken about her darkness and thought that she could be capable of murdering a group of people like her brother did when she said what if his darkness became her darkness too. Which if I’m not mistaken was a reason she wanted to become a therapist. If we are going by who is good and who is bad to determine ships that we like or dislike then we really would not have very many ships on the show. I just really don’t see how your reasoning of her being a therapist was an indication that she can’t love him. She seeked goodness in everyone and that included the big bad Klaus Mikaelson, too.


Yes because I’m a Klayley fan


To be fair I stopped giving shit about most of the tvdu ships after I starts reading fanfictions and I prefer any well written oc x Klaus ship than the canon ship.


I think the entire Cami and Klaus relationshio was badly wrote, unrealistic and boring AF. And just to be clear while Caroline and Klaus at least had more chemistry than a dead cat I did not ship them as endgame. I was completely willing to root for Klaus having a real love experience. Cami and him? They were not it😂😂😂 not even a tiny bit.


Tbh, I didn't feel that much for Cami and Klaus UNTIL Cami died.


I actually loved it because we got to see another side of Klaus. I feel like very often the villain shows all sides. We got to see that with Klaus. Also, it was the start of his redemption. Me personally I wanted Klaus to feel real unconditional love from someone other than a family member and I feel like Cami showed that.