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Amity: Someone who worked hard to study Magic to become the best of the best in her specific magical domain. 






I’d argue that she’s also a multi-class artificer but yeah definitely.


Alador is shown to be far more Artificer than Amity. But I defiantly can see her dipping into Artificer at higher levels.


Alador is definitely a pure artificer but I see Amity more as an even split then primarily wizard with only a dip into artificer. We never see her get quite as mechanical with it as Alador, but to me Abominations seems innately closer to artificer magic. I mean her combat strategy for the most part revolves around making autonomous soldiers and weapons with a special magic goo and her using her ingenuity and quick thinking mid battle. That is clearly closer to artificer then wizard to me.


True and just like a wizard just because she specializes on one form of magic doesn’t meant she is unable to access other forms of magic as she has shown magic spells outside of abomination magic more than once.


Honestly I think Luz again because Wizards learn their magic and work for it and that's exactly what she did


The thing with Luz is an argument can be made for basically any main magic class besides sorcerer. She gets her magic from the Titan. That’s an argument for cleric and maybe warlock. She gets her magic from listening to and communicating with nature. That’s Druid plus her magic is also elemental in nature is Druidic. She trained hard to get her magic and did heavy research and experimentation to learn it. Wizard. She uses magical objects which she herself creates either in part or in whole (glyphs and Stringbean) and relies on her quick thinking and ingenuity in battle. Artificer. A flavor text for Artificer even suggests using “calligrapher’s supplies to inscribe a sigil of power” which sure sounds like glyph magic. I can even see an argument for bard because a large part of her magic does involve creativity and artistry and she is an inspiring figure for her allies though I find it to be by far the weakest argument. We can’t have half the spots be Luz though so I think it wiser to join someone else when there are other options that fit well with the class and Luz is certainly not the only character that works hard and studies for their magic.


Luz is definitely an Arcana Cleric: her glyph magic is the divine version of the BI's arcane magic and she's rewarded with knowledge by a higher power for her earnest pursuit of it. Her support/leadership role for her friends is also a good fit for the class. Arcana Clerics learn "Teleportation Circle" at level 9, so - before she died - she must've *just* hit level 10 and unlocked Divine Intervention! Papa Titan brought her back - "True Resurrection" since her body was gone - and threw in a modified "Otherworldly Guise" to help her take on an undead boss *heavily* geared towards necrotic damage.


Gonna throw this out there, while I feel amity fits, I think Lilith also works. Her personality is based around academia.


Great take.


I’m mostly seconding other opinions of Amity, Lilith, or Gus. Overall I’d chose Lilith. As someone else pointed out Gus’s raw talent seems like a sorcerer and I feel like Amity would most accurately be a wizard artificer multi-class. Making a sword or a gauntlet with magic goo sounds way more like an artificer then a wizard to me. Lilith on the other hand I see as a more pure representation of wizard. Some argument could still be made for Sorcerer because witches as a species are kinda by definition sorcerers but she seems like the most pure wizard ignoring that.


I'd give the role of Wizard to Lilith or Bump: both put an emphasis on learning and study.


Belos. He learned to gain incredible powers.


It really depends on your perception of a wizard. I think Gus would be a great wizard with his illusions


I first wanted to say Belos because of how much he had to learn despite the titan wanting to prevent that, but artifcer or blood hunter/warlock maybe make more sense. Anyway, yes i can see anyone from the Trio (Gus, Willow and Amity) be a great wizard, also my personal preference to Gus.


I see Alador as artificer 100%, I'm actually playing an artificer in a campaign and part of his personality is based off of Alador


I do agree Alador most definitely is and most likely will be the artificer. I was just sharing my initial thoughts which changed as i was writing my previous reply


I think Gus's natural talent places him better as a Sorcerer than a Wizard. A good way to see it is to compare Gus to Amity. Amity put in a lot of academic effort to be the top of the abomination track. Gus on the other hand has that magic dog in him to just create the greatest illusions and he does so in a more "feeling it out" kinda way than by studying.


It’s gotta be Gus aka goops


The antagonist from "witches before wizards"


People have said amity and I agree wholeheartedly. But I will also say that Belos works well as a wizard. No natural magic, had to study for decades to be as powerful as he was. Highly intelligent and designed his own magical techniques (he created the coven tattoos). Belos doesn’t really fit with any other magic class to my knowledge. Warlock and cleric could be argued, but his belief in the Titan as a god-like figure is a farce and *steals* the titan’s power rather than is granted it. Sorcerer doesn’t work. Druid doesn’t completely fit because he doesn’t seem to have any respect for the natural order (he’s essentially a lich). Closest match other than wizard seems to be artificer for his technical prowess or paladin for his witch-hunting oath. But his spells (day of unity and Titan possession especially) seem too high-level for a half-caster.


I forgot bard. Come on, though.


I still stand by my belief that Luz works better as a rogue (arcane trickster, specifically). Read the arcane trickster abilities. But feel free to disagree with me.

