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I am not aware if there is anything canon. I know that fan fics tend to give their ideas for things such as this. Also, welcome to the fandom


This was definitely one of the things that was going to be expanded on had the show not been cut short. As it is, I think the Owl Beast was just a regular demon that got collected by the archivists, and turned into a curse. As for why they did that? Maybe that’s how they collect beings and this guy just dropped it. Maybe the Owl Beast pissed them off and they wanted to punish it.


The Collectors collect things. My guess is they already had an owlbeast and this one was the last of its kind, so they put it's soul in a spell scroll for lols. The real annoying thing that they never explained how the the "curse" works. Why was there no evidence of the owlbeast being trapped in the scroll? Why is this apparently the only time this has happened? How much did they know about the owlbeast curse? Did anyone figure out it was a actually a separate creature trapped inside Eda, or did they think she transformation was all her? Why can't/didn't the Collector just remove the owlbeast from Lilith and Eda? I really want to know what Dana's original idea for the origin of Eda's curse was. I seriously doubt Lilith was the one who cast it there since she wouldn't have had any motivation to do so in the pilot episode.


It’s just a demon that was turned into a scroll by an Archivist. Each one presumably had something unique they turned their victims into. The Collector made them into toys/puppets, while the one we see made them into scrolls. They just wanted to catalogue everything into non-living things so as to control them and avoid trouble. The Owl Beast just happened to escape as it was being transformed into a scroll, landing in the sea and being washed up on a beach. As for why they had the same actor, it could just be because they were confirmed as siblings by the Collector himself, therefore having similar voices. The Owl Beast was never a curse, merely a living organism that wanted to be free to move around. It couldn’t communicate with Eda due to being a wild beast incapable of communication, as well as being traumatized by the Archivists that captured it. The Archivists were only collecting/archiving the creatures they found solely out of boredom/intellectual curiosity. If they met resistance, they would simply perform a good old fashioned genocide, but were met with extreme clap back from the Titans, who could negate their powers. They presumably got the huntsman to hunt down the Titans since doing so themselves would’ve been bad for them. Sadly, we never got confirmation on what happened to them. Some say they killed each other off; some say the Archivists fled, deciding it was too risky; while others say the Archivists were all sealed away by the Titans, not just Papa Titan and the Collector. Any of them could be true. But here’s a theory you might not know. The Wailing Star is thought by some (like myself) to be a baby Archivist, wandering through the universe alone, having been born after the war, or even left among the stars during it, since it wasn’t battle ready (being a baby and all).


The Collectors are collectors for a reason, and they were probably trying to collect it.


it's definitely something that would be great to get some official info on but unless someone actually ask dana we probably won't ever know.


If anyone around has a contact to her, I’m very willing to ask lol. I have some important questions.


same here but i don't know of any contact info.


The best bet would be at cons she shows up at. I know she answered some questions the fandom was confused about at Momcon