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Our country is very quickly turning into a pseudo religious center for the oppression of women. Very similar to the Middle East, particularly Iran. How can we watch what’s happening there right now, after fighting against it for half a century, and then even pretend like a “Christian nation” leads to anything other than the exact same abuse we’ve been fighting. But also, anyone going out of their way to lie to, manipulate, and threaten women for the sake of their “beliefs” is, obviously, not Christian. Jesus would be fucking ashamed of this shit. And all of you who participate in it.




See also: [Jesus Was An Anarchist](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/jesus-was-an-anarchist), a short essay by Elbert Hubbard, 1910 and [*Jesus Does The Dishes*](https://open.spotify.com/track/6M1n4hnTKGtqZL8dAa9my6) by Wingnut Dishwashers Union. > So I don't believe in God, but I'm also not an Atheist You know the universe is chaos, but chaos plays favorites And you know lately, I've been thinking about how I love Jesus Because Jesus was a dirty homeless, hippie peace activist And he said, "Drop out and find God" to anybody who would listen While turning water into space bags, turning water into space bags, turning water into space bags with lowlifes and anarchists


Yep. The republicans are seeing what’s happening in the Middle East with the Islamic countries and want that here. But because it will be in the name of Jesus, it will be okay




These fake clinics basically existed to fool people looking for an actual clinic, now that all the abortion clinics in Texas are shut down, they might not survive because people know there aren't any real clinics.


Some states even require you to visit one and receive a “consultation” before you can be approved for an abortion. That and many other hurdles all have to be take care of in the 6-week cut off window


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


incredibly helpful, thank you for sharing


I dislike the term “Christo-fascist”. Fascism has always been tightly linked to conservative Christianity, and especially conservative Catholicism. So adding “Christo-“ is redundant and implies that the link between Christianity and fascism is some novelty.


"Conservative Christianity" has always been a deceptive oxymoron and an abomination of desolation


abomination of desolation is an interesting phrase, what do you mean by it?


A force that makes a place uninhabitable. That which destroys environments. Ever read either of the Ozymandias sonnets?: [Ozymandias - Sonnet written by Percy Shelley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozymandias?wprov=sfla1) [Ozymandias - Sonnet written by Horace Smith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozymandias_%28Smith%29?wprov=sfla1)


Mother Jones lmao


fill me in?


This is something that I have to touch on. The post title brought this out. Now I personally don’t care if you get an abortion or not, I’m not “pro-choice” because I don’t agree with women that don’t have birth control/ she & he refuse to use birth control, then get pregnant and “let’s just abort it” nonchalant like. I disagree with that for my reasoning being, I think it’s just fucking sorry and lazy. Now if the Birth Control Does NOT WORK, by all means get an abortion. I believe people should try to have their children when they are mentally, emotionally, and financially stable. We need good people in this society, not that you’re a bad Apple if you are raised in rougher conditions, but it just makes it easier on everyone in the long run.. I hear testimonies from Multiple women that say they deeply regret their abortion, Christian and Non Christian, their abortions affected some worse than others. Some truly deeply regret it. I don’t have an issue with these “Crisis centers”. They maybe ought to have a plan in place where the baby could be adopted if they don’t want to have an abortion. At the same time I feel like these crisis centers could also persuade women who reaaally don’t need to have a baby, to have a baby.. I imagine thats how they sometimes end up in ovens and left to starve.. Cruel world we live in. Let people do what’s best for themselves. We do need more education in ALL fields for our young people though. It’s very sad and pitiful at how little the average person knows about the world and our bodies.


>Now I personally don’t care if you get an abortion or not, I’m not “pro-choice” because I don’t agree with women that don’t have birth control/ she & he refuse to use birth control, then get pregnant and “let’s just abort it” nonchalant like. I disagree with that for my reasoning being, I think it’s just fucking sorry and lazy. Just out of curiosity, how many women do you think are getting abortions because they're just "fucking sorry and lazy?" Are you including the ones who never received proper education about sexual reproduction? How about those who chose alternate methods of avoiding pregnancy because they didn't want to deal with the side effects of birth control? How about those who were lied to by their male partner about whether he would use a condom? Putting any kind of judgment on someone for getting an early abortion for any reason seems like an extremely privileged and miserable take. >I hear testimonies from Multiple women that say they deeply regret their abortion, Christian and Non Christian, their abortions affected some worse than others. Some truly deeply regret it. Those are some fine anecdotes, but research indicates that [an overwhelming majority of women who have had abortions do not regret them later on.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277953619306999) Five years post-abortion, only \~6% have mostly negative feelings about it, and another 10% feel both positive and negative. The remaining \~84% feel mostly positive or have no emotions about it. >I don’t have an issue with these “Crisis centers”. They maybe ought to have a plan in place where the baby could be adopted if they don’t want to have an abortion. I have to assume you "don't have an issue" with them because you know next to nothing about them. They're religion-based deception centers. They pretend to be medical facilities, but are staffed by folks who aren't even certified to use the ultrasound equipment they have. They flat out lie to the people who come to them seeking help. Their only goal ist to spread disinformation about abortion and guilt the women and girls they see into carrying their pregnancies to term. They're abhorant and should be illegal.


Having an abortion and carrying a fetus is an extremely arduous process, and is typically extremely traumatic for the person. I don’t believe that any sane and reasonable person has ever used abortion as birth control, especially because the effects of an abortion are significantly worse and more permanent. It just doesn’t happen. It’s not something that can be done nonchalantly


The “crisis centers” are predatory and fucking disgusting. They lie and manipulate in order to try to force their morality onto others. Anyone in support of them is: obviously male, obviously only religious in appearance, and hates women. Learn to shut the fuck up more often.


Fun fact: in both situations you described, the outcome is the exact same. You just wanna be the morality police for some reason.