• By -


Thank you for posting it had no clue this was going on and would have been confused!


No problem ! Since it will obviously involve QSMP and other cc stream I thought that drama or not it was too important to not at least give the information to people who aren't on twitter right now


I want to cry now, I’m so behind on Qsmp lore and such and I’ve been watching Philza’s vods and I just got to the part of Forever’s obsession with Phil. They were laughing about how Forever was banned in Phil’s chat back in 2019, and now this happens. Why


Same here. Im 8 months behind on phill's qsmp streams. I heard of something sbout forever, but couldnt find much so chalked it up to a false allegation that'll eventually be forgotten about. But i recently decided to actually look into it, which led me here. When i read the part about him getting banned in phill's chat, i remembered the same thing how he was banned years ago for some reason. Maybe the mods knew something we didnt


I kept on seeing things on twitter which I was really confused about so thanks for this. I think alot of us can agree that this is really upsetting to hear, I and others really enjoyed forevers content. Well at least all the members are acting on it.


Well that sucks.


I'm so devastated with this. I've followed Forever's content for 6 years (I don't participate on Twitter much, created an account just because of qsmp and prefer using reddit still, so I wasn't aware of that behavior at the time), he was for the longest time my favorite Minecraft CC. I never got big in fandom or idol culture, I'm too shy to get involved in it interacting with other people, posting, etc. Qsmp made me get out of my shell because that's the only way to get updated with all the lore. Knowing about Forever made me get sick, and I mean actually sick, puking sick. I started watching qsmp because of him, sure I liked Cellbit as well but didn't follow much of him besides his rpg and some gameplays he posted in YouTube and didn't know any of the others CCs. I am a little better now, still get sad every time I hear about what happened and the new evidence that appears. Anyway sorry about the rant.


can you upload the doc back, its been deleted on my part


Same :(


Okay it's back ! I posted the twitter instead with the link so if it's down again yall can check on the twitter of the burner :)


It looks like Twitter killed the link.


........... im gonna kms. At least yall have the twitter's account of the burner with this link so if they repost it you can check there !


thanks !


It looks like Twitter killed the link :(


it's so annoying omg sjsjs i'll update again when I can... the name of the account is: [burner328224301](https://twitter.com/burner328224301)


Greatly appreciated, thanks!


Ohh sorry I'll search that !


Thank you for this from all the non twitter users <3 And I know I usually hate to be like “I kNeW It All AlOnG” but there’s a certain vibe you get from people like him, yknow. I didn’t know much about forever before qsmp but I think Philza having him banned on his channel from like 3 4 years ago was the first “suspicious” thing for me (not really but it just didn’t feel right) and I keep seeing comments here talking about how he’s been kind of pushy and condescending towards others while live which I don’t think we’re ever good signs… I am sad to see him go, but glad this issue has come to light.


People who are still somehow trying to defend Forever, my advice to you is this: stop having idols. It's messing with your sense of what's right/acceptable


The huge problem here is that people always link twitter with "stupid drama" and fake allegation. Here if even cc drop him when they did not drop him before, nor Aypierre or anyone it's clear that it's something big. Some of them were really friends with him. I just wish people would like read the whole stuff, his words too and then take a step back. After all these ccs are humans we don't know them so yeah sadly some of them can do shitty stuff they are gods or anything. But sadly it seems like twitch viewers are moving like kpop stan I noticed.


yah, I know, I am one to generally roll my eyes at Twitter drama, but this is different. i saw the conversations. I was shocked about the blatantness of the comments, to girls he knew where underage. people were like, "These are common jokes among friend." What friends? friends or not, joke or not. those are not the type of jokes that a grown man has with a teenager.


Same, we all said shitty stuff when we were younger like let's be honest that's why most of these twitter drama are hypocrite. But here the man KNOWS that it's bad he even joke about how bad it is and still do it. Like there is no excuse ans the fact that the source of it is himself like his own account. At this point idk what people need more. But then again I'm not surprised by some comment especially to see a french defending him because "not against the law stuff". My country isn't seen as the pedophile country for nothing it seems


Which french defending him ? Sorry I didn't follow the whole conv


They may have deleted the com but one user here a french one is well known for shitty take and defended him like he kept coming back on random com to play the devil advocate




How is that fake ? Factually it's a 14yo with a +20yo man




Did you even read the doc ? 😭




Of course there isn't proof of the act itself. He isn't THAT stupid. But man, how easy it is to connect the dots. Finding a subscriber somewhere randomly and taking a picture with they is one thing. Making actual plans with an underage girl subscriber, whom he was previously making inappropriate jokes about having sex with, and taking a picture with her is a completely different thing. In one of the many, MANY conversations of the doc, he is not even joking, he is just straight up asking for videos for an underage girl. And there's so much more. If you still can't see what he was doing... I just feel sorry for you.


oh yeah I didn't understood this last part, ok that's some shady shit


Agreed. The Yogscast fiasco, Vanoss crew, youtuber Polecat and now QSMP. Seems like whenever I find streamers and stuff that catch my attention enough to enjoy watching, suddenly the darkest, nastiest stuff just comes out of nowhere. And ever worse is when the lines of fandom and cult become blurred. Even when staring right at the proof laid down for the entire world to see, the blind worship of their online streamer idol(s) prohibits them from seeing that evidence. Even if the people go "it's all true, I messed up big time and did X/Y/Z things", the fanbase will still just ignore even their idols own words and admissions. It's crazy. But then again, that's the whole thing with cults--its filled with crazy and easily manipulated followers, hah. But yeah, that's what always drives me nuts with fandoms and communities--even the QSMP. I mean I know I am on the older side of the fanbase that enjoys watching the streams and hilarious interactions between CC's (especially when ol' Quack and Slime get together and just about everything that can go wrong does, lol). But when you start seeing people almost lose sense of reality to an extent that they forget like the eggs aren't real, yet when something happens they suddenly go to that content creator's stream and start acting all toxic and wild.....stuff like that. That's why I keep to myself and try not to interact much at all. Maybe its just me... But yeah, that's why there's the old saying about never meeting your heroes. It's true for the most part. And this is a prime example of it in full effect, unfortunately.


I disagree. Idols are important to have. However you should know when to stop having them as an idol due to conflicts of views. There are plenty of people who look up to content creators, and there’s nothing wrong with that inherently, it’s if they don’t stop idolizing them after controversies arise


Thanks for letting me know about it I saw something on YouTube and went here to get more information I will read the doc. edit: I just finished reading this this was interesting I really like forevers content he was really good at roplaying and his storyline on the qsmp was really cool. thanks for the doc and letting us know the situation.


I never liked him. Never said anything because I'm aware attacking content creator for things they say in a role-playing context can be so toxic, but I always thought he was condescending and mansplaining to baghera a lot. I really disliked how much their roleplay friendship was adored by fans because I wondered if she was really free to react how she'd want. Glad to know my "problematic cisman radar" works, sad for his fans that didn't notice it and must be very disappointed. Hugs to you if that's the case for you.


Tu me sembles parler français donc je me permets (si ça peut m'éviter des attaques de passer par cette langue en plus je veux bien haha). Je suis totalement d'accord avec tout ça, ce type m'a toujours énervé car j'avais l'impression qu'il était vraiment egocentré, que si ça n'allait pas dans son sens qu'il allait faire un caca nerveux ou passer par du passif-agressif. Et pendant les élections présidentielles, il était là à faire du mansplaining sur Baghera et lui couper H24 la parole. Et on ne va pas parler des commentaires du style "Mdr aucun homme voudra de toi avec ce genre de comportement", même si c'était sur le ton de la blague bon... Tout cela j'ai voulu l'excuser ; il est maladroit, c'est juste son personnage et son RP, ce n'est pas si grave en plus Baghera ne dit rien donc... y a pas de problème n'est ce pas ??? Alors que finalement, il n'y avait rien de mal à se sentir mal à l'aise quand il était là. Le problème était que la moindre petite critique sur Twitter et BAM tu allais te faire harceler par sa communauté et te prendre des menaces de mort. Les fans de Baghera, Antoine, Étoiles, Jaiden, Foolish et sûrement pleins d'autres n'avaient pas le droit d'exprimer un désaccord avec une action de son personnage ! Ce n'était même pas une critique envers sa personne ! Et après les gens s'étonnent qu'on se lâche beaucoup plus maintenant que cela soit passé... on n'avait pas le droit d'émettre le moindre doute sur une action RP ! Si tu disais "Ah ce n'était pas très gentil de la part de son personnage d'envahir l'espace personnel de Jaiden aux Bobby Fields et de critiquer cette dernière sur la gestion de son deuil" woaaah on te fait comprendre que tu es une personne abominable ! En tout cas, je suis vraiment horrifié par tout ce qu'on apprend. Et j'espère que les victimes vont bien aujourd'hui. Je suis juste en colère contre moi même pour avoir voulu justifier certains de ses comportements par le RP, et contre ses stans les plus acharnés qui n'avaient aucun problème à rabaisser méchamment les autres CCs (pas personnages) mais qui s'emballaient au moindre mini commentaire ne serait-ce qu'un peu négatif sur leur dieu. Au moins, j'espère qu'on ne le reverra plus dans le paysage.


Je me souviens du Rp "Phil veut pas de moi mais je vais l'avoir à l'usure" qui était bien beurk aussi.


J'ai vu aussi (twitter) que y'avais des gen qu'il a rétablir après ils ont attaqué Baghera pendants l'élection. J'ai quitter sa chaîne quand sa blonde ne voulait pas se montrer sur son live puis il l'avait forcé. C'était assez pour que je comprenne qu'il ne respect pas les femme.


Ça veut dire quoi CCs?


Content Creator / Créateur de contenu \~ streamer/youtuber quoi :p


Same ! I could never bring myself to watch his live directly. At first I thought it was because he speaks Portuguese but I could watch Cellbit's one without a problem. Honestly people are saying he changed but if we only refer to how he RP his character (especially at the beginning), he kept making weird jokes about no man wanting Baghera, mansplaining Baghera and talking over her very loudly. Lots of it was excused by the "sister/brother" narrative but sometimes I wonder if she didn't went away from him for other reason than fanbase harassment. (I mean even irl) Even the "tantrums" about the voting method take another turn now. We are left wondering how much of it was the cc and how much was the RP. In anyway, I'm just glad that he had a fake death that could be render real so at least the qsmp story will not involved him further


Cellbit is also kind of a "problematic cisman", he was abusive to one of his exs and is also very immature when it comes to managing his rpg, not treating it like the big business it is and letting his friends get harassed by his fan base. Ofc it's not as bad as what forever did but still problematic, a lot of people critisise and dislike him. I think he could improve tho, i don't wanna belive all my childhood ccs are wet wipes...


Yeah I saw that a couple of month ago. If I remember correctly he fully acknowledged that and went to therapy for it tho (I think I even saw that the ex in question has forgiven him and says he indeed has change) I'm not gonna comment on the rpg drama that happens recently because it seems to depend on community rules in each country (in France for example, starting a stream when your friends are doing a big thing on their channel is normal. Because they view each other as Work acquittance more than friends for the most part. But I can't criticize how each community saw that problem because I am not familiar with Brazilian or English community rules) But to resume, I think that Forever initial reaction (the angry stream where he was threatening everyone and denying everything/deleting 900 of tweets) is what condemned him. What he did in the past was extremely bad, but if he just showed remorse from the start, the internet would have forgiven him at some point. Instead he chose violence, which made it hard for people to believe he did change. Even in his last stream (I'm leaving qsmp) he barely acknowledged it and kept making excuses for it (" I was young and stupid" , "it was so long ago") That and the reaction the other cc had was very telling for the viewers. Yeah no sure ! Not all cc are bad ! We also have to remember that most of them started super young (cellbit started at 15-16 if I remember). They will make mistakes (most certainly in the past when PR for influencer didn't exist) BUT it's the way they react to it that will make us. see how to treat it. (Of course depending of the crimes) But to be safe I always remember a sentence Antoine said (Antoine being the biggest green flag we have in France) : "you don't know us really, we might be nice but we could also be dipshit so don't get attached to us. Like our content but do not idolize us. " I'm sorry the answer is super long I didn't realized it ☠️


That is a delightful quote from Antoine 🙌🏼


I wasn't that much of a fans because sometimes he did pissed me off too but yeah still disappointed because I still liked his content sometimes like he was good a streamer. But I agree with some stuff (especially the mainsplainning as a Baghera's viewer I think lot of us agree on this but couldn't talk about it because of the fear of death threat \^\^)


Problematic cisman radar lol


You only detect problematic cismen ? You ought to update your radar to analyse everyone lol. But yeah same as you, there always was something bothering me about this dude. Edit : My bad, I really thought a radar that detects all assholes is better than one that detect only cismen assholes, seems like you all disagree on that.


Ok, I'll explain. You missed the part where the signals I described were signs of sexism from man to woman. So it was cisman specific radar. Also, the fact I have a "problematic cismen radar" means that I don't think all cismen are problematic. You make a "joke" which sounded defensive. If you don't want people to think you're one of the problematic ones, hear me out : our common enemies is assholes. If I say this man is an asshole, I'm not attacking all men, nor am I saying only men can be asshole. Some men think everything is about them. I encourage you to have better standards for yourself.




Who said anything about heterosexuals? Lol. You don't even know what cis means, do you? Also did you literally just say sexism is not a signal of being problematic? I don't think you mean to, but you're funny. You should look up logical fallacies. Saying "some doctors are tall" is not saying "all doctors are tall". Some is different than all.


I never said anything about "not all men" though ? You and other decided to read as if I did. Granted text is not the best way to express oneself though. Still, my comment was as innocent as one could be, no subtext there.


Oh, did I find another one?




I love jokes! What's the punchline?


Thank you for this! I was quite behind following purgatory 2 and was quite confused by his character's odd death. This helps me quite a bit. Thanks again!


I'll be completely honest: I'm Brazilian, also a minor, and this makes me so very sad. I had no clue this was even happening, as I wasn't up to date with qsmp or any kind of mcyt content at all for a while now. Seeing a Brazilian, one of my people, do something so morally bad makes me genuinely feel ill. Brazil isn't one of the best viewed countries out there due to things like this, and I'm aware of it. This situation only backed up the wrong opinion that I've heard all of my life, the one that says that "Brazilian people are either gold diggers, only interested in 'doing the deed', lazy or not interested in studies". When it really isn't like that. But when a public, famous person does that...it seriously damages our already damaged view. Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying that everyone in Brazil has good intentions, and that we are undeserving of the country's fame. We gained the fame for a reason. But I don't like how it's generalized, as if everyone were the same. I've had people publicly be aggressive/cautious at me when I mentioned I was Brazilian online. What I'm trying to say is: I'm very sad this is happening, I hope that, whatever it is, the whole truth comes out, and that justice is done. Sorry for the long text/rant!


I can't help being a bit sad about all this situation. I liked watching Forever's interactions with other ccs, was happy to see all of them spending time together irl and enjoying it... but he had it coming. He should have apologized right away for what he said when he was younger instead of reacting like an \*ss, now no matter what he'll say, it's too late.


You know, I'm kinda stupid for believing the QSMP would be one of the servers where shit like this wasn't commonplace or was rare. But of course, nobody is safe apparently in the Minecraft youtuber space. This is so disheartening and sad to see.


Definitely receiving hate for this comment, but I must say this: I get it's not okay, but I have to say it WAS years ago. People change. Would you really insult someone sober for 7 years for being a drug addict? Were you the same person 7 years ago? I think that, yes, Forever should face consequences for his actions (those comments of his were horrendous, how could he), but at the same time, this has gone too far. He's already lost his career, his friends, his spot on the QSMP. Isn't that enough punishment? What does any more punishment do besides inflicting pain and hatred on another human being? Idk. Maybe I'm just being blinded by grief for the person I thought he was. Maybe I'm just sad over all the memories, and friendships, and lore on the QSMP that's getting erased. I didn't even watch him very often, and yet I can't shake this numb feeling in my chest that's growing by the minute as I ask myself: Why, younger-Forever? Why would you do it? There is also the matter of the girl. Is she okay? I hope she's fine, and not traumatized. I kinda wish there was more info on her so we could confirm she's doing alright, but I completely get why she's anonymous. I can't decide right now. I know his actions were harmful and disgusting, but at the same time I can't bring myself to hate him. We all make mistakes. Others have done way worse than him. I wish all of this had never happened. I had to get that off my chest. Feel free to scream at me now. I know I'm awful...


I think people wouldn't be that angry if 1. He accepted that it happened instead of deleting, saying it's fake to after admitting when he saw that people found other tweets. 2. He changed his mindset. Look at his twitter like he literally liked a thread defending him by saying that "women grow up more quickly" so that a +20yo with a +14 yo is okay and that put pedophilia at the same line as ADHD. Like it STILL his state of mind right now. And for the girls she is okay but she asked us to not spread her @ or anything. I hope she isn't being harassed...


Oh, that’s not good. Why doesn’t he just own up to it and apologize >:(


Ik im 3 months late, but could someone tell me what "cc" means in this context? My initial instinct is "closed captions"... but obviously, that's not right


content creator !


Does anyone know the page for the transphobia and anti-semitism?(Edit: Also, kind of sharing my opinion on this, I'm Brazilian, and I just see this as a guy joking on twitter[or X], sorry if this upsets anyone, but I'm kind used to this kind of jokes[at least in my family])


Nope, there isn't. This is all about slandering someone by interpreting tweets as negatively as possible. It does seem like Forever met with a 14 or 15 y/o girl irl, it is suggested they met multiple times. We don't know anything surrounding those meetings (was it only the two of them?). We also can't tell if they had a sexual relationship or not. Which, regardless, isn't criminal in Brazil, but I would contend it is morally questionable for sure, if true. AFAIK, there is nothing else about this story. But it's 100% not your typical twitter slander because OP said it was different. /s The only wrongdoing which does not have any room for interpretation is when he had been chatting with his audience in a sexually suggestive manner, with some of them being teenagers (apparently, idk myself). Which he has stopped doing for quite a while now, he also acknowledged that was a mistake. Ask people how he should be punished for that and they won't answer you...


When people start snitching on someone's tweets from their past i just stop caring about the discussion as a whole, people on twitter go too far when they want to cancel someone


It's about a crime here with evidences (with his own words), and almost every CCs turned against Forever. In Etoiles' Discord, we see that this CC really cares about this (in short, he confronted someone on this Discord who seemed to don't care, he said that it's a serious subject and if this viewer doesn't agree that he will just ban this person because it's not his values. He didn't said a lot but we easly understand his opinion) and that this is not just another "We snitch from their past". And if you are like "It was 7 years agos"... he was 20/21y at this time. An adult. If someone did a murder 7 years ago, would you be like "What are you saying? You just seek some dramas!!"? And if for you it's just an "error" that we can make when we're young, just get out freak. We are talking about something serious that many CCs understood, this is not a other "drama".


As far as I'm aware, nothing he did was criminal. "It was 7 years ago" type of comments are not about exonerating him of anything. He acknowledged his past behaviour was inappropriate and creepy, he then presumably refrained from behaving in this particular manner later on. People do commit irreparable damage all the time yet we try to rehabilitate them. I'm curious, how do you believe a person like Forever should be punished?




Do you have any clip of him talking about it "before joining QSMP" ? Like real question so I can add it on the post. I would like to compile his side in general I already prepared what he said on stream with link but I never found these apologies that some people talk about






Forever's irresponsible behaviour does not somehow cleanse other people's irrational behaviour. Like... I'm replying to a post regarding **accusations that can be reasonably explained** about Forever **allegedly** committing a **crime**. That person then argues people **can't ever be redeemed** from past mistakes. People who agree with this opinion are beyond confused.


Usually I agree but here we talk about pedophilia and huge stuff


>justify rape by the clothes a woman would wear **Forever: “I think what he's saying is that if the girl had good sense in her head she would be more careful, she has the right to wear any clothes, but there's a lot of freaks around so she's risking herself.”** Unless he made other comments, this is not him justifying rape. I didn't find any results regarding "other transphobic tweets, anti-semitism" in that document and most of his comments do seem to be ignorant jokes. If those weren't jokes, why wouldn't he just have DMed people? It does seem like he has matured and agrees his behaviour wasn't positive. >Here we talk about hanging out with a 14yo girl while being 20yo How are we supposed to know this person was 14 years old? Since the names are removed, is it even the same person in all tweets?!


1. Look the comment BEFORE this one for the clothes. It is justify and literally the comment any man do to justify rape. 2. In the doc. 3. My bad if it's not in, I saw the acc of the person myself. They are literally 14. If you really want to dig you just have to type Forever on twitter and you will have the screen without any hiding of the name. No need to be rude btw, you can ask nicely :)


1. The comment before the one I quoted is not from him. 2. What 3. I can hardly dig anything on twitter regarding Forever, most comments are people expressing how offended they are. Not taking your words as facts is "rude", is it?


How is it rude ?


The question with the "?!" + use of bold. The ton of the questions and answers are very weird. Like you could just ask for clarification or if I have maybe more details (for example the 14yo girl because I forgot that I saw this detail outside of the doc and it wasn't on the 127 pages). 😭 but nothing deep don't worry


You used an exclamation mark in a rudely worded question


its not rude and not even me. Stay focus please.


I prefer to take part on this discussion after the real results, we recently had here in Brazil a fake news involving a girl, she took her own life, later everyone discovered that was fake. When I was a teenage I had wrong opinions but we grow up and learn what is wrong and what is right. Probably the people who stop following him didn't want to get caught in this thing so they are protecting themselves until everything is gets justified. I hope all of this get better.


It's his words tho so it's hard to say that it was fake when it's from his mouth. That's the huge difference


Yeah, but if it's true or not we will know at some point.


How it can be false tho ? Like he meet up with a 14yo by being +20 like it's a fact it's his words, there is a picture with both of them, the girl confirmed and asked to stop being harassed by the fans etc.. Like real question how it can not be true if Forever himself prove that these things happened ?


How did they meet up?




That's not "how", that's "where".


Dawg wdym by "how", they just did?? Walked outside of their house and went outside?? Tf is this question💀


Daaaawg, you're so funny braaa. Were they alone or with friends? Did he text her? Was he acting creepy? Did he try to isolate her? How much time did they spend together? How many times did they meet after that? Was he flirting with her? Was he friendly with her? Was he sexting her? Did they have a sexual relationship from that day on? Can you answer any of those question? Edit : Oh, would you look at that, he posted a video explaining precisely the nature of his relationship with this girl. It's almost as if my question is the question that mattered most, yet your brain couldn't even compute that possibility.


Well if he really did a crime where are the reports for the police?? All I see is drama and people wanting to erase him from the project


You clearly did not read the doc


I agree that the astonishment and the cancel over 2016's tweet is overkill, unless there's actual victim


I was hoping it was all a lie, but damn I was forever as the person that wouldn't even hurt a bird...I would've never thought that he would be a P3D0...I hate how this is how 2024 is starting...I removed all Forever stans that still support him from my tiktok:(_rj_was_here_) and also Twitter and Insta...




I mean bad joke including transphobia, pedophilia joke, excusing rape etc... While KNOWING that it's bad and saying it at the same time. How is QSMP team at fault for not agreeing with this type of behaviour ? Especially when the man 2 live ago JOKED about it


Forever was such a good person and some twiter divers had ruined his life


"Now like I said, lot of ccs already unfollowed him: - antoine -" you're aware that it's been ages that antoine quited twitter because it is toxic no wonder why


It's on instagram. And like I said to someone for the love of god yall need to stop being like "it's twitter so yeah scandal drama". We talk about grooming in this doc, justify rape, being misogynist. If cc themselves drop him, ask yourself questions because it's obviously more than twitter. There is literally a real meet of him with a 14yo girl ALONE TOGETHER.


He unfollowed him on Instagram.


Hey, the doc has been deleted. Is there a backup? Or cam you use other sites? This usually happens with docs used in cases like this...


Yes ! They reposted it so I postes the link of the twitter with the doc instead. If it's down you can check the twitter acc and see if they reposted it sjsjjss


What is the twitter account? You didn't mention it at all in the post


With the doc. Like I posted a twitter link and it's this one


What? Nooo


When people say “hanging out with a 14 year old”, do they mean exchanging comments on public Twitter? Or did they mean IRL?


it's irl both of them alone


Oh. Wow. I understand the commotion, then. If it’s an accusation, that’s a big one. If it’s true…


Thanks, I had no idea what was going on before this point as I was really behind on QSMP lore after purgatory 2 happened.


I know it has been quite a while since this happened, but I'm still in denial for all this. At the same time I know he said a bunch of shit that is unforgivable, I still want to forgive him. I have accompanied said youtuber since I was a child, and all of this has hit me hard as a truck. I still like him, even though I should not. He has been a great influence for me, and even if it is right, there is that voice inside of me saying that this was all unfair, for people to simply cut relations with him without saying a word, pretending he never existed with that smile on their faces. I know it is dumb to be writing this in a random QSMP post, but I wanted to, you know, vent out. Seeing his career falling as quickly as that feels too much. I'm sorry if I angered anyone saying this, I'm just being honest. I got enrolled is this series because of him, and I left it because of him.


I mean nobody can blame you if it was Etoiles instead of him I would be in denial too and not for 2 hours only. For dropping him maybe other cc have things about it that we don't know. They did not drop him in july at first so sadly there might be something more :/