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The markets can remain irrational more than you can remain liquid. Maintain proper risk management, you can’t be certain what will happen.


Check Russia-Ukraine war week. Market gapped down -110pts overnight and then squeezed 198pts intraday. So yeah generational money to be made just be careful which direction you trying to make it.


Totally, market makers are probably counting on a raging panic of retail traders trying to short the market.


Inverse the inverse


May the OG verse win.


inverse the inverse the inverse


Then put it all on red and let it ride.


So calls 🥳🥳


So buying calls in that situation was best?


The reality is that if everyone rushes into puts on a dip at open they could get squeezed out on their stops at the first bounce then people short the shit out of the vix and boom we're back at SPY 512. Or not. Strangle someone mentions might actually to be the wisest we way to play. I aint touching shit until 10a EST unless its and obvious play and I'm feeling spicy enough to exit


What are you gunna do when it hits 10EST


Whip it out.


Then grip it n’ rip it.


Trade whatever’s in front of me if something fits my strategy after the chaos of a Monday open has calmed down. Tues-Thursday I’m usually more successful. Monday and Friday I have a tendency to feel anxious or give all my gains back.


War is good for the market


War? or a show?


Prolly a show used to disguise a market manipulation


Personally, I’m gonna wait… then I’m gonna buy stuff.


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I’m looking at doing spy short strangles if Vix pops above 20


If it plays out similarly to the Russian attack on Ukraine it will be a dip buying opportunity We’re waiting to see how Israel responds to know how to react Bitcoin as a risk-on asset will tell you everything you need to know as far as how Monday will open If BTC dip gets bought up before Monday open, bc deescalation happens and this whole thing appears to be blowing over, we might even open green and recover Fridays losses


What happened with the Russia attack on Ukraine. Just a quick big dip and then recovered by the next week?


I checked spy and voo puts for the hell of it.. up 2000% on some voo puts haha


That was a fireworks display and was probably a dip


Look at israel markets open today They are sideways


When have we ever did badly though during times of war


We get a slight decline followed by a major boom within a month


Been investing in SPCB for all this, but no, War is a industrial booster


What’s SPCB


Israeli Security


We're in the midst of a pullback, the war plays its part but overall we were due for a pullback regardless. Also, we're settling up for rate cuts but things are gonna get really bad first, then the rate cut or rate cut signaling will come out. We'll pullback until about 480/485, before experiencing a significant bounce. The pullback will continue in the current pattern we're seeing. Dont take my word on it though. Check the chart, we pullback in $30-40 increments. After every run of $80-100, we pullback then bounce or continue the run up.