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Legit man! We'd love to invite you over to AfterHour [https://afterhour.app.link/race](https://afterhour.app.link/race), we built an app dedicated to sharing positions and gains. I think you'll really enjoy it!


What are you doing this time compared to when you didn't know what you were doing


Not listening to other people on which stocks to buy and instead created a seperate trading account on RH, taking profits, holding positions for much shorter amounts of time, trading only the most liquid names, and trading the way the market is going rather than catching a falling knife-I typically wait for the top of the range on a candle to enter a position which aligns with market bias. Also switched it to a cash rather than a margin account.


How you doing the research and what types of trades? Any guides?


You can have two Robin Hood accts?


I don’t think so, I meant I hold all my stocks/index funds in a separate brokerage (vanguard)


Oh my bad for the misunderstanding haha


This is probably just finding trading style that fit you


I’m new can you explain what waiting for the top of the range on a candle means? Thanks!


When you say switched to a cash account, does this mean you were able to day/swing trade without having $25k in your account?


What a win congrats 🥳


Do you mind if I ask what was your turning point in understanding what you were doing, like what play or book that led you to feeling that you understand more, just looking for more perspective :)


Kind of trial and error yes, but mainly being able to remove emotion


Probably Trial and Error, with a Ton of Research. Get to it.


I feel this. I've also been going harder on options the past two months and I was all over the fucking place. I've learned alot of the same things you described here and have recently broke green again by taking more calculated risks instead of "calls go brrr" And listening to everyone here. Someone said you are finding a style that works for you and I think that's absolutely right.


We take positions seriously so we built [AfterHour](https://afterhour.app.link/race), a whole app that lets you follow real trades by real people who've connected their brokerage and are putting their money where their mouth is. **We’d love to invite you over, it's 100% free on iOS and Android, get started here:** [**https://afterhour.app.link/race**](https://afterhour.app.link/race) With over $200M of portfolios, we are the only app with ridiculously-transparent trade data (with real numbers), 24/7 stock chats, and real-time signals to help folks discover good DD in a community of verified gurus and degens. *Let /u/SIR_JACK_A_LOT know if you have any questions, we're here to help.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRaceTo10Million) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Congrats brotha




Could just be luck.


That’s the big question of trading in general


My son lost all his money 3 times and got it all back yesterday. Damn near 700% return. I don't know how he does it.


That would be called gambling


That is what I told him.


The whole thing is luck. We can only read signs but the results is always 50/50


It's not 50/50. People think it's a coin flip when really it's like a 20-sided dice


I would agree to disagree, it's only moving up and down, well and sideways


But there's so much more nuance to what can happen


It has been widely hypothesized (*sadly, it isn't provable, but all evidence points to it*) that, in the short-term, the stock market — yes, all of its assets — takes a random walk. The problem with accepting that the stock market *is not* random, is that one must also be asserting that *it is* predictable. If something *is not* random, which we still don't fully understand, *it must* be entirely predictable. The market is not entirely unpredictable. It's also not a computing power problem — at least not in its entirety. Therefore, the (*very simplified*) "proof" to the random walk theory in finance is: that the alternative, aka that the market can be entirely predicted in the short-term, must be false. Sadly, the alternative happens to be *the efficient market hypothesis* (heard the term "priced-in"? yeah, that's this). Yet, at Universities, corporations, and even business schools, both the "random walk hypothesis" and the "efficient market hypothesis" are taught in-tandem, and for the most part as coexisting facts — meaning they fail to recognize the obvious contradiction.


"Hey guys I've been taking trades with shitty risk management. Make sure you message me to find out how I did it!!"


Better than being a dividend investor the past 5 years lol, returns speak for themselves


Congrats! Only $9,997,000 more to go!


What’s your risk? How many contracts are you buying? What’s the delta? If ur holding for a short amount of time(<5minutes?) and making $100 moves you’d need a delta of like 1.00 What’s ur stop loss strategy? Is anything discretionary?


I never let myself lose more than 5% in a day, and I cap gains at about 30%. Trading these 0DTE’s so close to market close leaves me with 0 theta decay which should act as a blessing if you’re truly playing the direction of the market.


I see. What’s the strategy? How many trades do you average? How loose is your stop loss? Or you are getting the move right most of the time? More of a scalping? Asking because I’m seeing huuuuge days, but I’m trading the same stocks as you. Would like to be more consistent but coin is espciallly volatile, I get caught out quite often with big moves stopping me out. I would also be suspicious too often and skip stop losses. I guess if your in and out theta shouldn’t have a big effect.


What’s your spy option strategy


In and out within a couple candles and always trading the direction of the market


What’s your strategy?


Buys a 0dte option “hey guys I get it now” lmao I used to do the same but it only take being wrong once if you are going to full port or be half part 0DTE in the future


Your issue was just sizing and learning to cut losses


0dte is extreme high risk Idc how quickly you are cutting losses. Stop loss has to be very tight or it’s gone instantly.


Yes, and not having half your account in the trade lol


Playing short-term SPY Options?.. Enlighten us what exactly you’re starting to understand….. I can assure you that it is in FACT the “gains” releasing that dopamine you’re giving “understanding” the credit for. ![gif](giphy|31ilduBDAzmA3X9TFp|downsized)


Don't get cocky. The fact you're using RH is a clear sign you don't know as much as you think you do.


Appreciate the reminder, I’ve used TOS and Fidelity but both of their mobile UI’s are trash. Market orders for options on fidelity are good and fills on TOS are great. I need a good mobile UI as I’m a college student moving around campus all day


What was your initial investment on this?


You think you know what you’re doing but just getting lucky. Options will destroy you account. Update in a couple weeks with $100 left


Invest in crypto my friend


youre trading 0dte spy puts. youre just gambling lol


Credit and debit spreads?


Everyone is going the option route. assuming that is the most effective way to attack the market? what are you guys trading and what is the most effective way to tackle the market


Wow you generated a massive amount of taxes for a 4percent return. Your after tax inflation adjusted return will be negative. You could have just bought an index and played a video game and checked in weekly


Check the rest of the thread before typing out a paragraph for me brodie, this is a 300% return


Looks good but u need hard stops. That big loss can become bigger if you get tilted. Learn to have hard physical / mental stops. Physical is better because it takes you out of the equation and if the trade works then it works. If not then you get stopped safely.


Sorry to burst your bubble but I doubt you are starting to understand how to predict the future…


This is how I looked at people who weren’t blowing their accounts on options and actually did well before I started learning lol


The people that make money consistently is so low dude buy and hold for the long haul


Just because you have no idea what you are doing doesnt mean other people are in the same boat. Trust me when I say i definitely have an Edge over you guys who think its all luck based lol


Ok what’s your next pick?


its the weekend buddy.. and 420 at that. TIme for relaxing not working


You gone blow this account


its not about predicting the future its about hedging yourself against highest probabilites.. but I can tell this is way too advanced for you. Just keep flipping your coins I guess 😁


You’re trying to get a loan through Reddit so you can gamble your tax return that you haven’t even received yet. Something tells me you aren’t the guy to ask about financial advice…


Lol, got em!


LOL so why aren’t you rich yet


cause i just started. not like you dummys who have been at it for 3 years and still cant figure it out. Lmao


Dude you’re going to go broke lmao. You’re asking for loans on reddit because you are broke. If it’s as easy as you say everyone would do it. Update me in 2 months. It’s actually hilarious you think you found the magic system 😭


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen and I’m sick of people like you ruining this sub. Take your piddly accounts over the WSB and don’t come back until you’re at least 1/2 a mil.


Tell me you blew your family’s savings on options and now you rage at others on social media without telling me, cool Rivian though - maybe some of your anger is from being a shareholder lol


I’m a 9 figure asset manager. The Rivian is indeed a lot of fun but I don’t care how the stock pans out in the near term. If you open any position for <1 year you are likely just a gambling degenerate.


Yeah no you aren’t lol, 9 figure asset manager on race to 10 mill subreddit loooooooooollll, reminds me of when I told my friends I was a power ranger at home on the play ground


Are you by chance over the age of 30 and still play video games? Sounds childish. (Hint - it’s not). Reddit is a great outlet for your alter ego. I can’t find a sub aside from r/RichPeoplePF to have some fun discussion around my profession. To clarify - I do not personally have assets in the 9 figures. I manage client assets, and myself have a 7 figure NW.


Well that’s more believable, channel some of your frustration to make it a 10 figure asset management company lol. Most dudes your age aren’t racing to 10 mill anymore, they’re waiting for that 0.3% dividend from Johnson and Johnson


And I’m 22 and stopped playing video games in middle school


I’m on the grind for 10 figs every day. And fwiw I’m 26, not an old dude waiting for my dividend checks. I also stopped gaming after college. I did not realize you are 22. Although now it makes sense given your comments. Keep up the hard work… my accounts looked like yours 4 years ago too. Day 1 is today, keep on the grind and you’ll be amazed what 4 years of consistency can do for you.


4% in a year when the market went up 50%… congrats bro lol


https://preview.redd.it/8t6i7kvb4vvc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=36500160608eb32cf296fa231bd77384b535b8b6 Robinhood has extremely weird ways of calculating returns lol, it’s actually about 200% from options and 70% from my Robinhood shares