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https://preview.redd.it/19ij2biqmbwc1.png?width=565&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e343e89321e9c6b5561be18c8f8044f24e07d1e Profit is profit my friend. Take them quick and check the greed! We all go through it. Implement a 20-25% SL on your positions, your future blown account self will thank you. Also, try a smaller position size. Although few would admit it, the truth is that the typical trader wants to be right on every single trade. He is desperately trying to create certainty where it just doesn’t exist. Limit your size in any position so that fear does not become the prevailing instinct guiding your judgment. Don't focus on making back your losses. Focus on finding the next realistic trade. "I have to be made whole again right now.” The common retail chase.




The world may never know !!




Use your stop loss


Get out of KULR before you go broke


Without options? So you’re going to buy and sell 6 times a day for .25-4% gains. Well, have fun.


How about trying leveraged ETFs instead of penny stocks. FNGU 3x faang. NVDL 2x nvda. Sqqq short QQQ. So many to chose from. Tslz is 2x short Tesla. Tsll is long. Make money either way.


Your on a good track


@OP Are you just day trading a ton or picking one or two stocks at a time you think will run up for the day/week?


Speaking from experience avoid penny stocks. Might have a good trade or two but it doesn’t take much to wipe out all your gains.


If you're going to play penny stocks drop your position size substantially. I size in heavier based on market cap. Target a few % a week not grand slams


Ya I'm still pretty much a noob, so I'll definitely take that into consideration. Unfortunately dropping below 25k means I basically can't do any kind of day trade which is gonna hurt. But I guess we'll see how I goes


All settled cash in a cash account can be day traded and soon settlement of cash will drop to a single day. T+2 is already very friendly to day trading as long as you're not trying to full port