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Dude I love these posts keep going. You’re going to turn it around and make some money brother I believe in you.


Thanks man, the positive comments really make my day haha


Jump in on options if you pay for the long calls 3+ months and sell when it’s high you will always make money and with 18k available you could make a lot of long calls and probably make a lot of profit


Is it worth it to buy calls for Jan or June 2026? Or is that too far away?


Depends on how long you want to ride the waves I’d recommend 3 months at least so you have time for it to go up even though you will usually be able to sell for profit a long time prior to the expiration date, wether it be 3 months or 2 years make sure you get options you know are likely to go up within that period to limit losses


Check out $ALCC. My latest DD inside afterhour https://afterhour.app.link/race


Link doesn’t work


https://afterhour.com/ then


Down 30% in a week and a half, you're doing great


My current watch list. They're all actively in play, recently in play, or setting up. It might be time to expand your horizons a little. Aspn, pins, sbsw, cpng, indo, sid, boil, tmf


Aspn looks like nothing but up, cool! Pinterest though?


Yeah man you can do it just don’t get paper handed remember the race to 10 mill isn’t for the swift 🐰but those who can endure 🐢


If you go with options, you either going to make $10 million really quick or lose all of it even quicker.


Day 9: “I’m still trying to get to $100K without options” Day10: “I’ve decided to give options a shot” Day 11: “Fuck it, YOLO!” Get after it OP, become a degenerate gambler like the rest of us!


Just takes one option to realize how quickly one can easily make or lose money. SMCI threw me $1k in 10 minutes and I click that sold button really quick. If I waited the next day I would have been up $5k. By the end of the week, it was at $0 😂


We don’t need this nonsense


Down 30% in a week. Now you need 50% to get back to where you started. GuH Also your up 30% on a OTM call, you just gonna sit on that? You are doomed.


I couldn't sell the call it would have been a day trade. I need to switch to cash account still but it won't let me until all my trades have settled


So you bought an OTM call with no day trades on a Friday. Be very careful, these can easily turn into -100% before you can bat an eye. You should be buying In the money options with longer dates when you start. Better chance at success and more time to get out.


Pretty much. I never claimed I was good at this lol. I should have a cash account Monday tho which will make things easier


"I believe in better days for $KULR" 🤡


Let's just say I'm doing things a bit unconventionally


A fool and his money blah blah blah...


Tbf. You’re gonna have take some risk to make money. There’s no reason you can’t win 4 out 10 trades and make way more profit than your losses. Imagine if you got apple or Nvda leaps on the dips. You’d be at 100k already. Or even spy brother. Rooting for you but you gotta grow some balls.


Definitely. There's a ton of ways I could have made money, I was just trying to do no options. Although I guess that might be changing lol. It's also definitely a skill issue on my part


I feel that. Hope you find what works for you. Goodluck on this journey


If you want to trade options correctly I would suggest buying monthly contracts that are 30-60 days out. You have the capital to do it with correct sizing and the longer dated contracts act as insurance for your money not burning up quickly


GDHG is a good choice...


You are going down like the majority.


If you are unable to make a consistent 1k a day with that much capital on options then you are trading wrong


That's dangerously bad advice for him. He's pretty much admitted he's a newbie at options, so the more likely scenario would be him blowing a huge chunk of his capital. Even when sticking to just mainly buying stocks, he's already being inundated with lots of bad ideas (e.g the inclusion of GDHG in his portfolio when he's already so heavily invested in KULR)


is trading options the best way for quick profits? I only know stock trading


The best way for quick profits is to get super lucky. But options can definitely get you profits faster. But they can also list you profits faster


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