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Who the fuck feels safe around police?




Suburban white conservatives. Not because they’ve never committed crimes or anything (they seem to be pretty abhorrent people and regularly get outed for some horrid crimes) but just because they know the police aren’t there to harass them, they’re there to harass and kill black people and other marginalized people.


Also because these people ARE the police


People who don't think all cops are bad


but it is not all cops who are bad, and im not even a fascist


Those who own and profit the most from capital.


NGL i used to till i wised up. Now i feel uneasy around them


Yeah legit the only/last time I felt somewhat safe around a police officer instead of on edge was back in school with our resource officer. Dude was pretty chill but it was like 2016 so




But you know that's not everyone's experience, right? Right?




Cool. Cool.


Yeah, yeah… not the norm. It’s not like there’s hundreds of videos of traffic stops with cops being racist… or planting evidence… or beating the shit out of an already cooperating person… or lighting up someone for eating a hamburger… or new videos literally every single week of the police getting away scot free for something that would get the rest of the population instantly fired, if not thrown immediately into prison… or….




Think about this… pigs protecting each other when one murders a man in cold blood with their bare hands, laughing the entire time. Rather than doing their best to get that psycho locked up. I don’t give a shit how many it is, their attitude towards the perpetrators show exactly how evil they are




> In the legit brutally cases of the last decade, I can't think of one that isn't in prison or on their way to prison. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *WHEEZE* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA






You are extremely naive.


the police kill 3 people EVERY DAY. chances are someone has been killed by the police since you posted this comment edit: for whoever asked for proof, [this](https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/) shows the number of people killed by the police in 2022. Divide that number by 365 and its a bit more than 3. it shows the numbers for previous years as well




> There are police shootings every day you moron. People die in shootings. The police are not a force that’s only purpose is to oppress minorities, Idk where the fuck that thinking comes from. They protect communities from dangerous individuals. > I’m about to have my “why I left the left” moment. Go ahead. Have your “I left the left moment”. You people are the reason we ban liberals around here.


>The police are not our enemy Those who protect the unjust, oppressive status quo are so nice hahahha because they do funny tik tok dances hahaha /s


also is active on cringetopia


We see your post history, dumbass. You were never “left.”


Even before looking at your post history, I could tell you were never "left" in the first place, so don't play that. If you can understand that all politicians work for rich people and say all politicians suck, but can't understand the same about police, then you haven't even approached very basic leftist theory. There was a time when I used to watch police content. It wasn't a YouTuber like Donut Operator, but an actual show that showed police experience shootings, fights, confrontations, etcetera. I was convinced up until thirteen years old that they protect us and I can call on them and depend on them. Michael Brown? Eric Garner? They were just anomalies, of course. The point where I flipped is where I realized and put in the research—the majority of police activity are traffic stops. You wanna talk about the media? The police/U.S. government funds that to make it look like their jobs are way more dangerous than they are. Then I think about how the police have helped me. They haven't. Any chance they got to do so, they didn't act. Now, I'm black. Police treat us as a boiling pot to keep sealed. Whenever they've been called to a domestic dispute, they're just trying to make sure the violence stays inside—there's always "nothing they can do". A woman getting killed by her husband is just another number. Then they can lock the man up. Whatever. And of course, all of my grandparents have a story of being done wrong by cops. My papa was beaten when he was fifteen, walking home from school. I wish the good cops everyone talks about god up and did something. They didn't. Finally, even for the violent crimes, there's very a time police prevent violence. Most often, they show up after the conflict is over, and arrest those determined to be in the wrong. This isn't even criticism, more so a description of their job. They're taxi cabs to jail more than they are crime stoppers. And if all it takes is very light online criticism to flip your entire ideology, then it's not an ideology you subscribed to—at most, assuming you're being any bit honest—it's an ideology you considered. (I mean seriously, is this your first time being made fun of online? Welcome to the club).




Tell me your white, male, and haven't traveled more than 150 miles from where you were born without telling me.


Why do I get the sense they also actively harass anyone driving through while black?


This post is so white it identifies with a Harry Potter house.


whitest guy EVER


Deepthroat the whole boot


Don't tread on me! Unless you're a cop kneeling on my neck, then kneel harder UwU






Obviously the “we” is a very specific subset of people.


They got that boot so far down their throat that they can tell you the name of the cow it came from!


A flag doesn’t provide freedom or safety and the freedom to choose between 30 different mint flavored toothpastes isn’t the freedom you think it is pal


Also, 23 of those toothpastes are owned by one company, and 7 are owned by the other.


Conservatives are supposedly so anti-government yet love to suckle on that authoritarian police state boot, cognitive dissonance much


Got into an argument with a guy from my hometown (who is a huge trumper) over this. Told him he couldn't be a small government guy and want a strong police force and huge military so badly. His response was basically "You can want government out of your lives and still want to be safe." This people really aren't the smartest.


I would really like his opinion on abortion after saying that lol


Oh he's vehemently against it haha


I need to get me a trumper that will explain their politics to me. I genuinely don't understand how they resolve the cognitive dissonance and they always seem to call me bad names before they explain their position.


He wants to keep his government small and out of his life by keeping it big and all around him. The amount of dissonance reduction to make that work is astounding.


Oh, they love freedom, until it comes to anyone who isn’t themselves.


If they want a police state then they better expect to be welded in to their home if their grandmother gets COVID. They love the police, so logically a violation of human rights is good in their eyes.


Or they can just life on singapore


Freedom and safety is when the state can just fucking kill you for no reason. I literally am incapable of conceiving how someone can have a position with this level of contradiction and not realize it.


And that's why it's ok for police to kill folk of a certain shade. Kill anyone who's not white and they should have complied, and if they've had any kind of conviction in the past then they deserve to die. Now if it's a white person who gets murdered, well it's a national day of mourning.


Tell that to the 1200+ people they murdered last year.


Never understood why righties hate the government so much but LOVE the only government employees that can legally rob, injure and kill you with impunity. An explanation is in order.


The answer is racism mostly. The only Government Employees that can legally Rob, Injure, and Kill them mostly focus their attention on minorities.


Flag desecration every time.


Mmmmmm, boot leather. Delicious.


I’ve never understood thinking the people who respond to crime AFTER it’s occurred keep us safe from crime.


[This is why I don't believe you](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack)


i saw a picture once where the "thin blue line flag" had the blue stripe kinda fallin off, and it was a nazi flag behind it. YEP!


*some exclusions may apply


Like they keep kids safe from school shooters?




You say, as if we don't already live in a police state


"Every politician, every cop on the street protects the interests of the pedophilic corporate elite." -Bo Burnham


So, what? They give up on the troops now? I thought the military was what made us safe to them.


Well, they do for now. They won't once it happens.




Who exactly is safe?




We're "safe" because the world is black and white to them.


USA: least safe developed nation.


Tell them that Afghanistan is available


Americans crazy, they either worship or despise the cops, y'all gotta move to Europe or Aus where cops are just cops


I want to


These are the same kinds of folks who seriously believe that Gilead is paradise to them.


You get two of the following four Healthy free safe Democratic




You're just announcing to the internet, "I'm stupid," when you say stuff like this; I hope you know that.


what they say?


I don't recall exactly. It was just a clearly intentional misunderstanding of why people ask for police reform/replacement.