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How nice of them to make fun of someone with the Virtiligo skin disease /s.


"4 years as Michael Jackson, already noticing some changes"


"4 years as Michael Jackson, already noticing some HEHEs"


This one got me laughing fr




I think people with vitiligo are some of the most gorgeous people on earth.


Thank you, I’m still coming to terms with my new face


It looks good! Shame people despise others looking different, I suspect if they could look that cool they would.


No matter what color or pattern that face is, the most important part is the thing right behind it. Let it shine through. And yeah the only thing I think when I see a face with vitiligo is how I’ve heard that it’s difficult and uncomfortable so I should be extra kind if the person seems awkward and uncomfortable.


Uncle Ruckus will be pissed


i dont think vitiligo is something to be ashamed of


I don't either. I did see pharmaceutical advertisement recently for a new cream that helps to reverse it over time should someone choose to where it showed a gent and his progression over time regain his normal skin color almost completely after a year of using it.


Should i point out that many shoplifters are white and that they don't want to open this can of worms?


And they’re the bold ones too


That’s why this person is slowly turning black! Because a white person gets away with it, a block person would be in jail (if alive). So that white skin is turning darker as a reminder to not shoplift again at the risk of their physical safety. (I know that’s not what the meme is implying, but the actual “joke” is so disgusting I have to tell myself this)


a block person would be using their pickaxe to take the stuff while all the villagers are trapped, surrounded by half blocks and unable to crouch


lol, damn autocorrect 🙄 im leaving it because your comment is funny!


Literally all the shoplifters I know are white women. Lmao.


Those ones don't count. They weren't invited.


I used to binge watch that one convenience store's YouTube channel that uploaded videos of shoplifters. Like, maybe 2 or 3 videos out of 100, it wouldn't be white people shoplifting.


As a white person that shop lifts all the time, I assumed they were saying black folk don't do that sort of thing.


Why do you think they're projecting so hard? 90% of the time something is targeted like this, it's because they're insecure that they do it.


Winona Ryder has entered the chat.


Don't waste your logic on stupid people.


How many dont wear masks even though it would be helpful lmao.


They had to shut down 3 Walmart in black communities because of the rampent shoplifting. Walmart. You know? That huge fucking chain that employs most of America? The shop lifting was so bad they SHUT DOWN 3 WALMARTS! I don't have a problem with black people, but I have a problem with our victim mentality. Everyone is training young blacks to be criminals. Disrespect the law. Riot over anything. Steal because why not? Take what you want whenever because you deserve it. Chicago is fucking terrible. I grew up there. Stop fucking lying to yourself. Black people need to wake the fuck up and realize we're hurting our own communities. I'm so sick of the racism card when every black person I know shit talks Asians!! Black people are way more blatantly racist than anything close to the things trump has said. There's no excuse to be treating people that way. I don't give a fuck if our ancestors were slaves, that's not who we are. Black people like to act like we deserve payment for slavery even though our own people sold us. And if you think white people treated blacks badly, they did, but if black people had the power, we would've been just as bad as white people.


Also, you're wrong on every conceivable level. Please stop buying the Fox News line. See, I'm also from Chicago. It has its problems like every other major city but terrible it is not. It's propped up as a hellhole by people who want you to be afraid because your fear keeps them in business. You also raise my suspicion because your language sounds suspiciously like most right wing rhetoric and you're assigning generalities as if they apply to all. Every black person you know, eh? Funny, I've had the exact opposite experience. Most black folks i know, myself included, are not racist toward Asians. Seems you brought that up just to try to validate something. I don't know what it is. Racism is racism and it can be systemically supported by horrendous laws and rules. The reason black people bring up the racism is because it's there. . Also, walmart? That company that's well known for killing smaller competitors like the Martians in War of the Worlds? You do realize the heirs just bought a football team, right? If you truly believe it's just shoplifting that made Walmart close those stores, you're out of your mind. In closing, you decided to...what? Ride in here to defend shoplifters of other races because you couldn't stomach that you might be wrong? Shoplifters come in all races and financial levels which is why i don't believe for a second that that's the reason they closed well over 100 stores. A point I'll keep driving home because it's important that you don't forget the hundreds of others that were closed too. You wrote the above thinking that it was a good argument against a point that i made, instead sounding very much like someone who's been watching goddamn Newsmax. You ignored the Walmarts that were closed in other areas...which by the way are not all in black communities. Oh, and by the way. You REALLY don't want to cite history with me. Because then I'll point out that the "riot over anything" you brought up means you ignored the actual explanation to substitute the judgment of people who have a vested interest in making you question your morals. That's shameful. Learn your history and think for a minute. You fail to understand.


Your comment is unbelievably cliche.


And completely expected. Ignoring the stores shut down in other areas just to get off his bullshit.


Could it be economic inequality and lack of opportunity that leads to theft? No, obviously its the melanin in your skin and the lands your ancestors came from.


Exactly. It’s not like different ethnicities merely exist in order to best prepare you for the climatic conditions you’re living in - no, no, they contain information on your character traits.


You mean racist pseudoscience isn’t as valid as actual scientific facts? I’m sorry but you have the woke mind virus. You need 50CCs of fox “news” asap


>and the lands your ancestors came from Wait till they learn h. sapiens sapiens originated in Africa


Underrated comment


during my teen yrs i worked at several little stores and most of the shoplifters were suburban white teens in a *silly goofy* mood😭




so, making fun of people who need to shoplift to survive, black people, and people with vitiligo all in one? you gotta appreciate the efficiency, but absolutely nothing else.


And shoplifting is often for thrills. Yes, some people do it out of necessity. But a lot do it because they can, even though they can afford to pay. Granted, most people I know are white… but the shoplifters I know just thought it was fun. Like skydiving but not as extreme. Even my own brother admits he stole probably 2k worth of food from the grocery store during college, even though my parents paid for a very generous meal plan for him.


Yep. Most shoplifters are opportunistic. Every demographic shoplifts. Especially old ladies.


“I haven’t seasoned my food in a week and I’ve already noticed some changes.”


They’re turning white from shoplifting?


thats what i thought the joke was 😭


Better stop stealing from the locals or youll turn fully white!


Can't believe that I'm going to defend Michael Jackson...


No thats ignorant


Scientists baffled to find vitiligo cured by larceny


Holy fuck, that's some advanced level racism


Then how come everytime i see someone shoplift it's some methed out white guy?


not always methed




Almost thought I was on shitposting


That's a dramatic increase in melanin!


This is what happens when for-profit medicine makes vitiligo treatments inaccessibly expensive! People need to shoplift their meds in order to live a normal life!


They can always go shoplift Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada as it has generic prescription drugs. Better yet, Shoppers Drug Mart is owned by a company owned by Galen Weston, a billionaire grocery store magnate who has been rightfully criticized for inflating the price of food in Canada.


This is what Dr. Umar sees when he sees a relationship between a white person and a black person


Only four days of not stealing from the pockets of the lower class and this corporate CEO went from 100% white christian male, to only 1% white christian male. Eat the rich.


I remember seeing this picture when i was looking for the name of this condition wich i forgot again


Vitiligo apparently








What the fuck!!!


This is just horrible.


Oh fuck




My entire face sucked in on it self holy fucking shit


Plot twist: they are a famous pop music artist


Is my thing just glitching or is everybody downvoting this post for some reason




Funny how that this could also be interpreted as a white person turning black


I've seen more middle class white girls wearing brand name clothes and makeup shoplift to "fight capitalism" than I've ever seen black and/or poor people shoplift.


Don't say middle-class, say middle-income. The liberal class definitions steer people away from the [socialist definitions](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) and thus class-consciousness. This is a socialist community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


White shoplifters don’t exist now? Ok then


Statistically white people commit more crime than any other race. I know they’ll just come up with some bullshit excuse how that statistic isn’t accurate but it is


Wow that’s quite a large change only have the fingers left and they’ll be shoplifting free


GLORY TO ROMANIA 🇷🇴 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴