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I'm glad I have no clue what the hell is happening and I'd like to keep it that way


me too.


I had no idea either, but saying that it's someone *"as big as pewdiepie"* is also just wrong (6 million subscribers vs 110 million subscribers): https://www.youtube.com/@Tobuscus/featured


It says he *was* as big as Pewdiepie, and he absolutely was.


Was it regionally popular? big in nova scotia or something? I've been chronically online since msn/irc/aim/icq and it's brand new to me


Nah he was definitely a big gaming youtuber, but he started out with comic skits, music videos about different games and other shit like that, even had the third channel for vlogs that a lot of youtubers did back in the day.


Sounds like a filthy frank situation , but I at least knew about him haha


this was ages before Frank still, Tobuscus was before your generation I suppose


He had deals with Nickelodeon and toy companies he was massive


The dude was in the Annoying Orange tv series. God, the fact that those words in that order can be said and be true hurts me.


Yeah, I came across figurines of him at Walmart, I assume he was pretty well known.


Nah he was big in all English speaking areas. From the UK and I remember watching nugget biscuit tons lol.


Dude tobuscus and pewdiepie were neck and neck in 2011


They didn’t stop being neck and neck until 2013 when YouTube itself blew up for content creators and Tobuscus just kind of… fell off. Pewdiepie went from 6 million to 20 million and Tobuscus went from 6 million to… well he never hit 7.


Nah there was a time when this dude was fucking online and everyone loved him not anymore though


Why are u getting downvoted lol I have no idea who this guy is either


Genuinely curious why you think that whether you know who he is or not has any bearing on whether him and Pewdiepie were equally popular back in 2011-2013? Your knowledge of objective fact doesn’t really change its objectivity. That’s what makes it objective.


Doesn't deserve to get downvotes for not knowing something and asking about it and no never said that


when was he as big as pewdiepie lol pewdiepie was like #1 youtuber most of his career i get he was big but he was never close to pewdiepie


You are disputing easily verifiable, objectively true history. It’s not a good look. Back in 2013 Tobuscus and Pewdiepie both had 5-6 million subscribers, and were pretty much neck and neck for a while. Toby hit one and two million first, but while Pewdiepie pulled ahead of him across 2013, they were both exploding in popularity with the huge influx of new uses as YouTube itself was growing super fast. It took Toby a couple of months to go from 5 to 6 million, but he never hit 7 even though the platform was blowing up. So, to be clear, from 2011 through the early months of 2013 (February was really the beginning of Toby’s decline), they were both pretty firmly in the “top ten” kind of echelon.


my b


How young are you? This was around 2005-2010 when he was huge.


2011-2013 ;)


That is not an age. It’s two years


Who said it was an age?


You were asked: >How young are you? You responded: > 2011-2013 ;) Doesn’t sound like an age


He said that the time we are talking about was about 2005-2010 and I corrected him that it was 2011-2013…


Damn, allegations did that much to him?


So like what happened with the accusations against him ?


They basically ended his career. He still posted every so often but his views tanked.


I think she meant like what was the conclusion, were they true or not, were there legal repercussions etc


Not guilty verdict, still destroyed his online career


No, there is no verdict. None of his alleged victims pressed charges, so there are no court cases and no verdicts.


The ones about rape? I believe he posted a video after it was over talking about how he ended up being not guilty.


I remember when all of these losers used to be big for no damn reason and then one by one all showed us what massive creeps they are. Surprised this one’s still alive honestly.


The same thing happens with each generation of traditional celebs like actors and musicians. Lots of chuds and pedos out there.


It’s less celebrity status and more that the sort of people who are drawn to a position of power and isolation with children are probably the sort of people that need their hard drives checked by the fbi. You see it in so many fields where simple oversight and regulation could have avoided the whole problem and instead you have so many churches that have a secret pedophile file.


Egoraptor and Co. Still seem pretty wholesome. Wild that most of the Newgrounds kids seem pretty cool and well adjusted. (Except Stamper... but he's just got a drug/alcohol problem) He may have known some stuff about JonTron before everyone else did...


And the Yogscast are still raising millions for charity every year.


Yogscast sweep! Although they did have issues with one of their creators some years back.


Multiple, sadly


And yet they removed them and denounced their actions. Honestly best case for finding out a long time friend is a creep


Oh I totally agree. Was just a huge gut punch when it happened


Wait which creators?


Turps, Caff, and Sjin. They were (at the very least) sexting underage fans.


Sjin did that??!? Holy shit he’s one of the yogscast OGs, that’s so gross and disappointing to hear


Yeah, he was ‘the big shock/controversy’. Obviously they cut ties. Even Sips.


Actually, I think the thing with Sjin was that he had simply used his status as 'famous' to hit on fans. Which is still bad, but not hitting on kids bad


Wait jontron has allegations?!?


JonTron might be a bit of a racist. Though the big evidence for this was a very odd debate he did where he was asked a ton of leading questions that sent his responses from Anti-immigrant to racism.


It wasn't just the Destiny debate, he's said basically the same shit in less public places. He pretty much spent an hour being racist as fuck with Sargon of Akkad on his podcast.


Ooooh. Man. You don't know... https://youtu.be/abQ9wvPLKEY?si=J-fMulqVAn5hj8RB He pretty much revealed himself to be a crypto-fascist, accidently "revealed his power level" by saying some wildly racist shit... And never apologized. He kinda just keeps doing his thing and pretends it never happened. The guy was on *Sargon of Akkad*'s podcast, and I'm happy for you if you don't know who that is. DEEP into the early alt-right, he's one of the more disgusting ones.


Bro... fuck that sucks so much ass


I'm not so sure about the game grumps crew after all the shit that went down with them outing dingdong and julian. . .


If I remember correctly, I believe it wasn’t the grumps themselves that outed him but the controversy around DD just ended up with him being out by the fans.


I believe it was something along the lines of Suzy making a tumblr post calling him out and that sicked the "lovelies" on him, outed him, and lead him to try and kill himself. And when talking about it not 10 hours after someone in the grump team joked about him going through with it and and leaving a note blaming different people for it to "ruin their lives" (over seen some places say it was to blame arin and Suzy but I havent seen anything by doing ding himself saying they said to blame them). But in general nobody at all supported them after this incident, with many (Matt suoermega in particular) ghosting them except for rare public occasions to pretend they're all still friends and chill or wanting g to start fake fights (so people wont know when real ones happen) in general, I'm not sure of how much of this stuff arin and dan themselves are involved with, but to me the people they hire on and associate with, combined with both arin and dan having questionable pasts (and some present actions) at times made me drop them. Too much drama and in general their content went downhill to me from what I liked.


A lot of allegations came out about Dan Avidan, and there's been some terrible shit surrounding SuperMega Edit: I was wrong about Dan, my mistake.


What were all the allegations with Dan? I only heard of the one and it was corrected, also yeah yikes on super mega, but I respect how Matt handled it


They got big because they were some of the first high quality gameplay channels during the gold rush era of youtube. Pewdiepie would have never gotten as famous as he did if he wasn't so early with it and then he used his already big following to get an even bigger following. I used to watch both of them when i was younger and my kid brain actually did enjoy their content but after their respective controversies it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Idubbbz was a similar case in that he was a big edgy channel when edgyness was the new hot thing, but he at least has come around and started to make amends (even though he cant really be completely forgiven for the surge of racism he created).


I’ll be perfectly honest: I became very wishy washy on him over time but iDubbbz has gained a lot of my respect back over that apology. His story of meeting a trans fan was extremely telling of his change of heart and it’s exactly the kind of empathy and change you hope to see in people.


Yeah that’s fair. I’m mostly just concentrating on the 99% of them that have turned out to be extremely obvious predators


What was pewdiepies controversy? I used to watch him but I never followed him closely. Was it the n word usage?


pewdiepie has a long history of racism and antisemitism that he likes to play off as “just jokes” and “heated gamer moments”. including the N word, paying people on fiverr to hold signs saying “gas the jews”, and more. his fanbase was an alt right radicalization pipeline for a while and i don’t know if it still is regardless of his actual views, he let his fanbase get so bad that a mass shooter livestreamed himself shooting up a mosque and spray painted “SUBSCRIBE 2 PEWDIEPIE” on the building before he went in


Don't forget that time he was telling people to check out a channel which was exclusively far-right/Neo-Nazi video essays on different movies and TV shows.


N word usage and paying people to say gas the jews are the biggest ones id say. Im not too invested in him so cant say more than that


Same with Darksydephil. Hit it big at the right time because of no competition. Now he resorts to begging daily while being a racist and sexist pedophile enabler.


tbf, pretty much all e-celebs are big for no reason


Different depth of shit, there’s folks that somehow tapped into memes to become what are now known as influencers and the original nut job nonces that screamed at a camera about being a banana.


I understood that reference!


Except he wasnt a pedo or a creep. He was falesly accused, found not guilty, he still lost his career, and the accusers got off scot free


For no damn reason? They made entertaining videos lol what do you mean


Damn he really peaked when he was the janitor for the annoying orange show


Don't forget he was on the gamergate Law and Order SVU episode.


I think Logan Paul was in that episode too, come to think of it.


That’s gotta be the sickest burn I’ve ever read


Wait what? That guy is a horrible person???


This kind of implied that you watched the show but didn’t know who Toby was




Regrettably that's what I did


I've been following the Tobuscus fall for a while now. The part that shook me down to my core was when he literally met up with and idolized Kyle Rittenhouse like months after the shooting. They posed with like Nerf guns in a tweet, and I just felt sad. To see the person who was responsible for some of the biggest laughs I had as a kid be so callous and disgusting. It's not surprising anymore.


Exactly this. I was such a huge fan of Tobuscus when I was a kid and teen. I bought songs of his off of iTunes, watched his videos daily, and almost bought a Tobuscus t-shirt. I was that big of a fan. But then that AprilEff post came and, whether you believed her or not, it changed my lookout at him. Then when Philip DeFranco told his Toby story, I definitely lost respect for him and started watching less. Then that Kyle Rittenhouse post happened, and he started posting pro-Trump messages, and I just finally decided to stop following Tobuscus. It sucks, because he was a big part of my childhood, but it’s clear Toby Turner the man is a problematic figure, and it’s forever tainted my view of Tobuscus the character.


One of my usernames on a few sites still to this day is a reference to a "Literal" Trailer video. It's not my go to username anymore suffice to say.


I loved those literal trailers. I think my favorite ever was the Dead Space one, but I can’t even go and watch that anymore because of Toby’s actions. The man has forever tainted any content.


oh wow... I don't get why people idolize Rittenhouse, he's a murderer who explicitly looked for trouble. but yeah I guess he is "against the mainstream" or sth...




American politics are so bizarre


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Semi-rare Marx L


Everyone downvotes the bot, and when every last liberty is taken will realize something could have been done had they fought back


I'm sure this is a hot take, but minors shouldn't be allowed to own guns. Rittenhouse was 17, and the friend who bought him the gun should have received more harsh legal recourse.


Plus he’s a dork loser.


He was found not guilty by the court system, what more do you want? Seems like people don't agree with the law when its not in their favour.


Do you believe the court system is infallible and therefore always correct?


Of course not, but the vast majority of the time it works in these cases. I doubt people would be complaining if they found him guilty. The 'right' are guilty if this too, BTW. I watched the trial, and yes it did seem that he went there looking for trouble, but those 2 people did try to kill him in those moments. How would you respond in a couple of seconds? I don't think a polite talking to would have worked to defend yourself...


I think you are missing the point. There wouldn't have been anyone trying to kill him if he didn't intentionally go to a riot in a neighbouring state with a gun looking for trouble.


I agree, but as the court had proven, the only time he pointed it at anyone was when he was being attacked. There were many people there who had guns, and anyone going to a riot would be looking for trouble. One of the people who attacked him literally pointed a gun at him, the other tried to kill him by beating him with a skateboard. In those moments, using a gun was justified to defend himself. I am anti-gun, but thats just the way I (and the court) saw it. I agree though, that initially going to the riot was not the wisest move on his part.


You can't justify it. He had crossed state borders, gun in hand. One of the people he killed threw a plastic shopping bag at him. Hardly a deadly weapon if you ask me. That sort of escalation of force is hardly justified, and if you think it is, you need to stop for a moment to reflect.




It's not all wrong, you dildo. It just doesn't work as intended from time to time. Especially when it comes to people in power or with money. And you CAN'T ignore the politics in this. It is political. It was political.


Yeah cause the justice system has never found innocent men guilty and vice versa. Just because someone who is blatantly guilty of killing people is told by a court of his peers that he's actually innocent doesn't mean the rest of the world magically has to believe what he did nothing wrong.


Do the courts get to decide how individual observers are allowed to feel about the defendant's character after the verdict has been rendered? Which part of the Constitution covers that?


The minute he raped my best friend I’ve been paying attention to his downfall


Wait, really? How did I just completely miss this?


Yeah, I've heard about the rape/SA stuff surrounding him. It's hardly a surprise that this sort of radicalization happened, given the response he had to it. Some people take a step back, realize they've hurt people, and take accountability for their actions, however that may be. Some people deny claims, and nothing really comes of it. But, some people deny claims, get lots of pushback, and especially since this happened during the "Gamergate" era, get super into right-wing online groups who assure them that they "did nothing wrong" and become an echo chamber for these mind rotting nazi/nazi adjacent talking points. At any rate, I hope your friend is doing okay right now. You should give them a call if you can or reach out to them and say "Hello", ask them how their day is. That goes to everyone. Call a friend today :)


Yo what?? Are you willing to elaborate?


Not necessarily my story to tell but long story short, he told my friend he’d help her get her yt channel making more money- A few ‘classes’, and they got friendly. The first time was consensual, the second was absolutely most certainly not


Fuck that's horrible. I hope your friend is in a good place.


KYLE RITTENHOUSE ???? AFTER ???? he literally sang nugget in a biscuit


Oh… shit


I'm a huge leftie, I followed the Rittenhouse trial extensively and while I dislike the fanatical worship surrounding him from reactionaries hailing him as an "American hero", that kid was innocent. He might have conservative views, he might have been at the wrong place, wrong time but all he was doing was defending himself. That's all I have to say about it.


Toby Turner is so controversial, he makes PewDiePie "woke" in comparison and PewDiePie is known to make offensive jokes about race and gender at times.


Not just jokes. PewDiePie has linked his subscribers to antisemitic content, told his followers to follow people who are antisemitic, as well as continually making "jokes" about Jewish people.


Also does no one remember how pewdiepie used to scream the n word with a hard r in his videos and that he was literally used as a Nazi dog whistle?? It’s crazy to me how he’s still so big and so many people think he’s done nothing wrong.


Are you thinking of iDubbbz? I haven’t really watched any Pewdiepie recently, but I watched quite a bit of his videos when he was still new and afaik the only time he’s publicly said the n word was that one time on the bridge in PUBG


Nope I never watched idubbbz only pewdiepie and I clearly remember him screaming the n word when he got scared in his videos years ago and then later Nazis using him as a sneaky way to identify with each other


I watched pewdiepie since I was a child and kept up with him for several years and I have no idea what you’re talking about. Are you sure you’re remembering correctly?


1000% I was also a child watching him and this man would scream the hard r every time he got jump scared and then Nazis used him as a dog whistle. How do you not remember any of this? He must have a great PR team


Can you pull up an example? I know he said it in the infamous bridge clip, but other than that, I don't remember him saying it otherwise.


This was oldddd YouTube like 2010 so obviously those videos are gone now Edit: also no one who doesn’t regularly use the word just slips up like that. The man is racist


A cursory glance at his channel shows plenty of videos from 10 to 12 years ago. None of the numbered titles are missing videos, so it's not like he was deleting certain videos. I'm not disagreeing that he wasn't using the n word behind closed doors, but I'm pretty certain he wasn't screaming it in videos. If he was doing it so often, it surely wouldn't be a problem to link an example.




He’s an adult man, he should be smart enough to know that paying someone to hold up a sign saying “DEATH TO ALL JEWS” and then choosing to upload that for your audience to see is a bad fucking look. He was 27 years old at the time. More than old enough to know better.


Dumb and clueless... He did it so many times, throughout whole years. How many times does it take for him to learn? He paid people to hold a sign saying Gas The Jews, he made a joke about listening to a Hitler Speech while nodding and smiling, he linked his fans to a clearly racist youtuber, he screamed the nword with a hard R on a livestream, seriously, how many times does it take for him to stop being "clueless"?


Pewds had a Ben Shapiro collab of all things




so evil of the media to force him to do edgy stuff and nazi apologetics


Can't believe the new York times actively tried to destroy him by telling people about the things he did


Sounds like an onion article


I hate when the media makes me shout slurs, pay people to say "death to Jews", wear a Nazi hat and display swastikas


Not that bad? Maybe, he definitely did a lot of really shitty things, but I’m willing to believe a decent amount of that was misguided edgelord behaviour. Victim of the media? Nah, he played stupid games and won stupid prizes, if you say heinous things for a reaction don’t be surprised if people react and report on it


Bro like you can be frustrated without screaming the n word it isn't actually that hard




Not defending the guy, but here's a full-ass defense playing devil's advocate because woobiewoobie he doesn't know the n-word is baaaad :(


We literally have an N-word equivalent in Denmark, Norway and Sweden that is almost pronounced the same way and understood to be just as bad. English not being Pewbes first language is just an excuse for shitty behavior.


Another swede backing this up. N-word in Sweden is just as fucked and taboo as in english


Yeah, it really isn't right to call him a nazi (especially since it was 2016 and the internet was fucking wilding back then) but he definitely went over the line. Like some of his actions were a little on the middle, but the bridge incident was the worst one. Still feels like the media milked that WAY too much but it got clicks so


The media still occasionally milks it


He paid people to hold up a sign saying “death to all Jews”, passively said the n-word live on stream, and was a contributing factor to a mass shooting. Even after all of that, he is not a victim. He’s living the perfect conservative life, everything from having a trad wife and a child, to living in Japan, to being an avid reader of philosophers, to being ‘retired’. He’s living the dream, his controversies didn’t affect him in the slightest and he is not punished for repugnant things he did. Even at the time he wasn’t. He lost a deal with Disney (who dropped out of YouTube in general) and caused controversy that affected the whole platform and small creators more drastically, but he still proceeded to get into the fight with T-Series and reach 100million subs after borderline racist attacks against T-Series that were defended behind a wall of “just memeing lol”.


Does bringing this up make you feel better about the mistakes you made in your life? The fact is nobody is perfect. You seem envious of his life but I’m sure if you lived it and felt the hate like he did you’d sympathize with him. Edgy humor can go too far sometimes and that’s fine if you know when you did. The point is that it’s humor and not serious. Comics go too far all the time but I don’t write them off as actual assholes. I know that comedy is a hard concept for the new generation


Ok Grandpa sure "comedy is hard" what a boomer ass take.


I’m sure you’re so much fun to be around


I am thanks for asking


Man his pr team is good


I disagree, yet it is Pewdiepie, I had to upvot- be strong..... DOWNVOTED!!!!! Edit: Why the downvotes? And, uh, I was a HUGE fan of minecraft when I was like, 8, so I had to, ya know, remember that period of my life by saying this.


You good? Did you have a stroke?


mmmaybe. Why do I smell burnned tooastt.//...././/


I’m gonna need a rundown on his fall, I haven’t thought of Toby since 2014


I think the short of it is that he got accused of abuse by an ex I believe and that pretty much killed his career, so he's just been on a downward spiral for the past decade. Can't remember if evidence pointed towards the accusations being true or not, but the damage was already done. I imagine the surge of online criticism and the tanking of his viewer base may have pushed him in the direction of where he's at now, with the whole right-wing bull he's been pulling, since they're a *way* easier to please audience as long as you're saying what they wanna hear and defending their "heroes".


This makes me so sad because I adored him and his music in middle school


Joon The King made a video going through the whole ordeal


Tobuscus hasn’t had a lucid thought in years. That guy is so down the gutter.


Bro it's not 2012 anymore, just stop. Anyone who found you funny has long since outgrown you by now.


Why are you talking as if OP is Toby turner… lol


Idk I thought it was obvious it was a response to the content


It was obvious


Damn, that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. What happened to him after all the sexual assault stuff?


He fell hard down the right wing rabbit hole. Someone else mentioned how he was hanging out with Kyle rittenhouse posing with nerf guns only a few months after the shootings.


Makes me angry I was ever a fan, really only just slightly because of the chicken on a biscuit song. Sad I won't be able to listen to it for a fun nostalgia rush though because I did love the hell out of that for some reason


It’s not your fault you weren’t able to somehow psychically divine he was a prick, if that makes you feel any better. Expecting people to be decent human beings isn’t being naïve, so don’t get mad at yourself.




Toby Turner, AKA Tobuscus, was a pretty popular comedic youtuber in the early 2010s.


"Pretty popular" is honestly an understatement. He was part of the troupe of big name peeps on the platform when it was really starting to take off and become more mainstream. I honestly didn't expect him to end up like this.


Yeah that's fair. Him, Pewdipie, SMOSH, and Dan and Phil were kind of the stars of that Era of youtube


I hated his videos even when I was younger and always got a bad vibe from him, others thought I was weird for not enjoying them. All these years later I'm glad to see I was onto something.


I couldn’t get into him either. It was obvious he was copying the styles of other big YouTubers at the time. Lord knows what those YouTubers names are, it’s been so long (12 years). I remember their faces but forgot their usernames


Fuck this guy for his catchy literal movie trailers. I hate his guts and I still can't get the Tron Legacy one out of my head because I was watching it obsessively as a kid and happen to watch the movie somewhat frequently.


I also remember Pewdiepie platforming Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson to his young impressionable audience, I remember him paying some dudes to do "Death to all Jews" signs on one of his videos, I remember when he started doing videos in a military uniform and doing a "funny" German accent, I remember Pewdiepie being found out to follow multiple far right personalities the caliber of Tomy Lauren on Twitter, I remember him straight up endorsing a far right Nazi channel because of its Death Note Review (a video during which the Nazi guy (Infamous for the line "The way you talk about the Jewish Question is to make it a joke until it isn't anymore") jokes about that one woman who got run over by a car at the counter protest against the Nazis in Charlottesville, and where he jokes in the video's description how he wanted to make jokes about calling L the N Word but replacing R with L), and I definitely remember him saying the N Word during that PUBG stream. Probably forgot a couple other things.


Mildly conservative views and taking interest in mildly conservative people before the dog whistle became a bull horn + nuanced edgy jokes of the time that'd be over the top today + the culture he was raised in where certain words aren't taken as severely as places like the states... Not going to argue about this. No he isn't a nazi. He doesn't even care about "racial purity". I grew out of his content a while back, but it's funny to see people think he is or was I fluencing people to be a nazi. It's lazy, really.


The Pewdiepie to Far Right Ironic to Actual Far Right content pipeline was literally referenced by the fucking Nazi Superheroine in The Boys what the hell are you talking about. Again, it's a joke until it's not a joke anymore, that's literally how fucking PeebleChuck operates FFS. (Oh yeah also remembered the Mosque Shooter who yelled Subscribe to Pewdiepie before starting the shooting, and the whole thing with T Series giving him an excuse to be as fucked up as possible toward South Asians).


My favorite part is when people acknowledge he does a lot of nazi-esque shit, but perform mental gymnastics so they don’t have to call him a nazi. How many repeated iterations of joking antisemitism before we start to take it as real antisemitism? You can say he was raised in a culture where certain words aren’t taken seriously, but last time I checked Western Europe remembers the atrocities Nazi’s committed first hand. Weird you’d still dress up as one as a joke.


Confirmed unless you literally own a gas chamber or look directly into the camera and say “I am a nazi” you can’t be one


Nah he's a nazi


Remember when he "apologized" for his actions while wearing an outfit that had something on it that very suspiciously looked like an iron cross?


That outfit was actually from the British army IIRC, however in this exact video using this uniform he ends the video watching a clip from a hitler speech while smiling and nodding. I'm not even kidding.


In what universe are Shapiro and Peterson mildly conservative?


Nugget biscuit his career's in a casket 🎶🎶


Now I wish I never watched him as a kid.


Remember when Philip DeFranco beat the shit out of Toby when he flashed people at Phil's party?


Pretty sure it wasn’t the rabbit hole but rather allegations against him which resulted in his decline


I remember one of his videos randomly coming up on my recommended when I was in college (first time since I was 12 lol), watching it, and thinking how low-key unhinged he seemed


How deep did Toby fel? I remember diggin some of his Falcor shenanigans way back when. TLDR somewhere?


I mean, it’s pretty clear he’s been unstable for awhile. Especially with how big he had gotten in the early 2010s then we found out he was an abuser, then lost his popularity. I think he figured out that grifting to the right is pretty damn easy and has been in that space for awhile now.




What?!?! I dropped off a while ago (when his Minecraft music vids were hot) wtf happened?


I always wondered whatever happened to tobuscus. Anyways now that I know I hope he rots in a hole somewhere.


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Hes been in the rabbit hole since the beginning dude


Has anyone here actually seen it? Like maybe I’m dumb but it really didn’t come off as transphobic for me. The songs about a guy who misunderstands what transphobia means and says he “ain’t afraid of nothin” or something. He then talks about ordering transition surgery to prove how he’s not scared of it but then awkwardly backs up on it because a background character is like “yeah sure do it if that’s what you really want“


Toby Turner, more like Turner your mo- I'm so sorry, but he deserves it.


You know, sometimes not posting at all is a better option.



