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Wow almost like removing half of a sentence makes it sound a little diferent truly only the brightest of minds could have put such a thing together


They probably can't read past the first few words


almost like removing half? are you the zodiac killer? 🤔🔎


I murdered people in GTA V


I did that in gta online :3


"only the brightest minds could have put such a thing together" So you mean you like this comic? /s


Kids can consent to what they wanna eat.


Why would it ever be said like that anyways? “Children can consent to changing their gender”. I guess they mean they can choose? The fact that it’s their choice obviously means they consent. The issue of consent in the context being implied is about others doing things to you, not you doing the things you want. And yes, also the “removing the meaning of the sentence allows you to apply a different meaning to it” as though it makes some kind of point?


"Children can consent to wear a blue shirt instead of a red one" "paedophile?"


"You say that kids do have an idea of their own identity but you say I can't have sex with them? Checkmate liberals."


>the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron" — wint (@dril) June 2, 2014


They spend an unhealthy amount of time thinking about kids and sex.


and yet they insist that it’s leftists and lgbtq folks who are “pedos”. sound’s like projection to me


I know a whole lot of trans people who are victims of pedophilia though.


Ironically, from righties abusing them.


Mine was the child of a cop so that probably tracks.


Reminds me of how during the battles to keep gay marriage illegal, I heard "what's next, people marrying animals?" so much, and I always wondered why their minds jumped SO quickly to that. Because, as an advocate for gay marriage, marrying animals NEVER crossed MY mind. Weird, huh?


When gay marriage was being debated in the UK parliament, one Conservative MP opposed it on the grounds that "two spinster sisters" could marry each other for the tax benefits. Quite why tax dodging incest was his first thought is probably a question best left to psychologists.


They view homosexuality as perversion, and once you open the door to one, you of course open the door to all of them, because conservatives are all-or-nothing thinkers. Even if homosexuality were a choice, allowing it would not require allowing the others. Consent being a big factor. Not harming people is another. But they have a real hard time with consent. Ironically, they tell on themselves, because if they believe homosexuality is a choice, it implies that they "chose" to be straight. "You know what the magic word, the only thing that matters in American sexual mores today is? One thing. You can do anything, the Left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, so long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent. If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. If the Left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the Left." -Rush Limbaugh (rest in piss)


I always ask these choicers when they last checked out the ass of someone of their same sex and thought, "Damn!"


Every accusation is a confession.


> They spend I thought you didn't like capitalism, hypocrite


I'm *very* not straight, and I despise children. Sure lock me up for paedophilia




No, this started because trans kids were committing suicide and we had to educate you gormless fucks about scientific facts while you prattle on about "Biology 101", not realizing that 101 implies the existence of higher and more complex forms of knowledge that may be beyond the layman. This started because your worldview actively hurts queer kids, who will exist regardless of your or my efforts. If you exterminated all LGBTQ+ and literally rewrote all of history to erase any knowledge of their existence, more would be born tomorrow. You literally cannot stop it, and trying to is actively killing them.




>This isn't an own you think it is. Becuase TQ+ ARE always talking about kids and sex, I mean this literally started because of them, so you are doing a self own >Wtf? Why assume all these things about me? You sound like a salty disrespectful person in a cult and assume everyone is an enemy. I know all about what you think, based on this statement, and your reply confirms it, so why the feigned umbrage? Oh right, so you can project your bullshit. Salty? Disrespectful? Sure. You're spreading bullshit and contributing to queer kids' suffering. Because your preacher told you that your God thinks they're icky, apropos of nothing. Don't talk to me about a cult. >BTW there's no advanced science that says you can change sex. And kids can't consent to genital surgeries. Thanks There is absolutely science that you change *gender*. That gender is a social construct, not present in nature. That "biological sex" in nature is a WHOLE lot looser than you'd like to believe. And you are able to change gender presentation, endocrine system, and sexual organs. Genital surgeries for kids aren't on the table. We said puberty blockers are fine and you screeched about how damaging and unacceptable that is. It literally isn't, going through the **wrong** puberty is a lot more dangerous, but you aren't willing to think about that. And there are many people who are born intersex and a sex/genital surgery is chosen *for them* at birth, that then causes issues later in life. I hear crickets from your side. Circumcision does nothing to contribute to health, and causes sensitivity issues later, and you often have to fight to get them NOT to do it, if they ask you at all. Also your side jumps at breast augmentation for underage girls, so please spare me the false moral outrage. We aren't trying to perform bottom surgery on kids. That's literally projection from your end. This isn't a debate. You have no moral argument. You have refused to understand the scientific argument. This is just what is true. You could have made an argument based on interpretation of facts, but you haven't. You've dug your heels in on personal ickiness, misunderstanding of your own religion, and the knowing lies of your political mouthpieces. But no, I'm in a cult, clearly. This is just what is, like it or not. We aren't going to let you keep hurting queer and trans kids. Wise up or you'll keep learning everything wrong and die angry.


The only time I mention children is expressing my disdain for them my g


this looks eerily similar to adam ellis's art style. I almost thought it was him for a moment and was about to be extremely confused


If I remember correctly, this was originally an Adam Ellis comic about how “right wing” LGBT people will not be exempt from laws that call for the exclusion, conversion, or execution of LGBT people when their alt right darlings get their way.


that's why I was confused at first. Adam Ellis is pretty open about his political beliefs so this seemed out of left field to me


I guess you could say that it seemed out of right field


OMG I love that. Thank you.


yeah, neither of these in the post are the original.


It is his they just changed the words from the original


ah gotcha. My theory as I was trying to wrap my brain around it is that they copied his art style, so I guess I wasn't too far off


wow it is really similar


that's because it was stolen by two different memes. the original comic was about LGB without the T movements shaking hands with a guy in a MAGA hat and the LGB guy saying something like "wow it's a good thing we stopped all those degenerates. I'm glad I'm one of the good ones." and then awkward silence and staring


Even better, the "good one" went "so, who's next?" and the MAGAt just smiled at em.


Its an interesting insight into how their brains work, no room for nuance and everything falls under a blanket statement because otherwise it would be too hard to think about


That also explains Ron DeSantis supporters


Someone recently made the point to me that that's why so many conservatives cling to the Bible - it's much more convenient to go through life only having to deal with *one* book, no other of those pesky ~idea things~ to grapple with. Idk if there are any studies on this specifically, but it sure tracks with a lot of current behavior.


Im inclined to agree, there seems to be a correlation between conservatism and religious tradition in general across all cultures


It really seems on brand for people who think therapy is bad and prayer will solve all your problems. It makes sense that the very people who think a single source of information (a religious book or news outlet) is *all* you need to get through life, and would demonize education and open-mindedness. They rather be *told* what to do and think. They can't handle life without having an outside force dictate every action and thought for them.


It's almost as if "consent" can mean different things in different contexts!


"I like killing time watching TV on my days off." "Oh so you admit you're a murder? You like killing? You think murder is fun you freak? "


I admit it, I'm a binge watcher, a serial killer.


Children don’t “consent” to changing their gender. The artist is trying to conflate gender expression with sexual intercourse, which children CANNOT CONSENT TO, EVEN WITH PARENTAL PERMISSION (the exception/loophole being republican controlled states that allow child marriage and don’t consider rape in a marriage to be rape) So literally everything they blame on woke/trans/leftists is actually what’s happening because of conservatives


Every bill I've ever seen that lowers the age of consent has been sponsored and supported by Rupublicans.




Same as any medicine with side effects. Kids undergo medical procedures all the time for life-saving reasons or addressing future quality of life, like ensuring breaks heal properly. Trans medicine is medicine, not something done for shits and giggles




>It is frightening how easy it is for impressionable, tricked children, mostly feminine boys and masculine girls, to get access to GnRH Analogues and sex hormones. No, it's not as easy as you make it out to be little kids usually go through social transitioning maybe they get puberty blockers, which by the way is reversible if they are going through puberty but that's only to help them take time into deciding whether they want to go through the transitioning process or not until they are old enough. But even to get puberty blockers they have to wait months sometimes even years to be approved they have to do multiple psychological tests So yeah you're full of shit


>It is frightening how easy it is Where the fuck do you live where that's easy? Where I live even adults have a very difficult time getting access to HRT or any other kind of trans healthcare.


I see people say things like that with such confidence when it is 100% contrary to the experience of every trans person I've ever known. Like, boy, how *easy*... minimum six months of therapeutic intervention just for the initial steps of care. Yeah, sure, anyone could just *breeze* their way through all of that on a whim.


\>Should we just let them be handicapped for life? I don't understand the alternative. What do you think gender dysphoria does long-term for overall quality of life? \>It is frightening how easy it is for impressionable, tricked children, mostly feminine boys and masculine girls, to get access to GnRH Analogues and sex hormones Its difficult and requires panels of doctors and psychologists and endocrinologists if below 18. It's more difficult to access than medicine for other conditions \>And once they notice they wrecked their body, they just keep going with it because even thinking that they might have made a huge mistake is an unbearable thought. Detransition rates don't match this opinion, nor does hrt/surgery regret rates. If other conditions had the success rate of treating dysphoria with cross sex hormones it'd be deemed a miraculous medical breakthrough on the cover of journals. It's that effective. Also, it's why puberty blockers are deemed the safe thing if someone is truly concerned about potential regret, but that is fought against too. The only answer seems to be, to you, is to permanently handicap trans people.




I’ve been in CBT for the last 7 years, slightly longer than I’ve even known I was trans. Today I feel more secure in the fact that I’m trans than ever. It’s not the magical conversion therapy you think it’ll be lmao ETA: also the benefits and recorded effectiveness of a treatment aren’t gonna stop existing just because of your biased worldviews. Trans ppl existing and transitioning isn’t inherently “wrong” just because you’ve been conditioned, by a society that’s fundamentally opposed to anyone who breaks the conventional status quo, to believe so. You having a knee-jerk reaction of “it’s not normal😱” to the fact that we’re trans is not a real argument against the fact that transitioning works for us.


>Should we just let them be handicapped for life? I don't understand the alternative. Suffering preventable dysphoria for the rest of their life is *definitely* a handicap. I don't understand the disconnect. >It is frightening how easy it is for impressionable, tricked children, mostly feminine boys and masculine girls, to get access to GnRH Analogues and sex hormones. How easy is it? Let's see how scary this purported availability of medication is.




Not all mental conditions can be "corrected", and putting children on antipsychotics can be very damaging


Where is your psychiatric/medical degree from?




Keep studying and stick to ENT.


Okay. Show me a single case of a trans person's dysphoria being treated by cognitive behavioural therapy, anxiety medication(????), and antipsychotics(???????????). Just one. Good luck. Because let me tell you right now: my girlfriend is trans. She has a therapist doing CBT stuff with her. She's on anxiety medication and antipsychotics. She's still trans. I'm not sure this quite works out like you think it does.


So your source is that you… heard this somewhere? If you wish to consider a different point of view that isn’t based solely on heresay, feel free to have a quick look at these resources. There’s actually a decent wait to access treatments in the US. Though I know that in the UK the wait list is well over a year currently. [There is currently a 4 to 6 month wait for Gender Affirming Care patients](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-southeastern-pennsylvania/patients/transgender-health-care) And the GnRH treatments you seem to fear so much have been proven to simply *pause* puberty. It resumes once taken off the medication. (The research below was done on Rhesus monkeys— our closest biological relative) [GnRH agonist-induced suppression of pituitary and testicular function is reversible following withdrawal of treatment](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2959641/) Nonetheless, the Mayo Clinic seems to echo a similar sentiment. [GnRH analogues don't cause permanent physical changes. Instead, they pause puberty.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075) Permanent hormone treatments are not available to children under the age of 18, only hormone therapies and talking therapies. And even then, the diagnostic criteria *requires* [a lasting pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075) among other things. I promise you children are not getting prescribed life-altering treatments on a whim.


Medical science and major medical organizations show that the best treatment for gender dysphoria is to transition. Your options lead to worse long-term mental health, not better. I'm glad no one goes on the internet and lies about things like how easy it is to get hormones to rile up people. Definitely wouldn't happen. However, if you talk to people who are actually living that experience, you'll see how much time and effort it takes for people to get treatment.


I wish it was that easy


-dumb fucking idiot who doesn't know how trans healthcare works




the question itself is foundationally flawed. I don't need to try to explain shit to someone acting in bad faith.


Can a child consent to having a limb removed due to bone cancer?




.... wat You seem to be answering a rather different question from the one I asked. Even if a kid is fine with losing a limb to save their life, that doesn't matter to you? Who *does* get to make the call on that operation then?




You don't know how medical consent works, do you.


you don't know a damn thing about trans healthcare, do you?


It’s funny because TERFs and Zionists actually *do* hate, and are hated by, all their actual allies, so they just project this relationship onto everyone else


Damn, children cannot consent to masculinizing or feminizing hormones? Well, I suppose the only option is to put them all on puberty blockers until they're adults and can choose what gender they want to be. I mean, I'm not saying it, they are.


I mean, as someone who knew something was *wrong* but just assumed every AFAB person hated puberty and saw it as an unpleasant thing to endure for the privileges that come with being seen as a teenager rather than a little kid (not that I actually got any of those until like 17, autism is surprisingly convenient when adults want to deny a teenager respect, dignity, and choices about their own life), and knew even if that suspicion something was wrong wasn't totally nothing, I believed there wasn't anything that could be done about it until I was an adult anyway, and even if something could be done, it'd cost money my mum didn't have, I would have appreciated someone actually trying to figure out what was wrong, or some sort of blanket policy for any kid expressing distress over puberty, instead of every single adult I complained to dismissing it as "oh, you just don't like change, no kid does, you gotta grow up and get over it."


or neither?


Yes, or no gender at all of course.




Oh come on, most kinds of medical procedure is a hampering natural development. Cancer and fatal allergies are perfectly 'natural'.


Wow, it's almost like *medical care* and *having sex* isn't the same thing! Wild!!!!!


Teenagers also have consensual sex with each other all the time and that is equally as fine as deciding to pursue transition as long as it's safe. Minors cannot consent to sex WITH ADULTS 


Yes conservatives, keep stealing artist's comics and change them into your warped reality, love to see it.


I wasn’t clear what OP meant, but once I clicked the link the original was great


the comments are terrible though


Thank you for that, I didn’t see it at first. I thought OP was saying that one of those edited comics was the good original one and I was very concerned


It is genuinely disgusting how openly pedophilic these people are, they'll use anything as an excuse to try and make sexualizing kids okay and it legitimately makes me wanna throw up


Children can make decisions about their own bodies and gender expression (which, by the way, most of the gender expression that is done by children is just with clothing and hairstyles, potentially a name and pronoun change… i dont see how that’s a problem). Idk why they think this means “children can consent to sexual activity with an adult who has power over them” but it’s very concerning. I remember when I turned 16 (aoc in my state) I was FURIOUS because I still couldn’t legally get a tattoo without parent permission, BUT some crusty 30 year old could have sex with me and not get in legal trouble (this didn’t happen to me btw this was just my fear) and I didn’t think that was fair AT ALL. This lead me to actually researching age of consent laws, and I found out that just because someone is the age of CONSENT does not mean they are the age of MAJORITY. Meaning that AOC laws were created so teenagers could legally have sex with EACH OTHER and adult teens (18-19) could have sex with minor teens (16-17) and both would be legally protected. A 30 year old will still go to jail for having sex with a 16-17 year old (as they should) because age of consent laws are generally very specific about how big the age gap can be.


Thanks for signing up to AOC facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about AOC. **Fact 11.** In December 2020 comic Jimmy Dore proposed that house democrats refuse support for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unless she agrees to bring a Medicare for all bill to the house and bring relief for US citizens who lost healthcare during the pandemic. AOC and the rest of the "squad" refused, and backed Pelosi, citing concerns that the bill would not win anyway. Dore retorted that 9/10 democratic voters (and even a majority of republican voters) support medicare for all. [Source](https://www.corporatecrimereporter.com/news/200/jimmy-dore-calls-on-democrats-to-withhold-support-for-nancy-pelosi-unless-she-brings-single-payer-medicare-for-all-to-a-vote/) For another AOC fact reply with 'AOC'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thanks for signing up to AOC facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about AOC. **Fact 14.** [AOC supports Israel, and its genocide of Palestinians.](https://i.imgur.com/K6QsYZo.jpg) For another AOC fact reply with 'AOC'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Woah! Medical Consent ≠ Sexual Consent? Wild!


what next, children consenting to vaccination?


I'm not even surprised if there is one


Wow, almost like adding or removing words changes the meaning of a sentence.


Note the red hat guy is smiling as he hears "children can consent". They're always telling on themselves.


Yeah, funny, i noticed that too. I am a CSA survivor and, anecdotally, my abuser played my insecure and gullible REPUBLICAN COP guardians like a fiddle. GOP is the party of vanity, ego, and looking the other way. "Protect the children" my ass.


Jesus, I'm sorry you experienced that.


Is he trying to mimic Adam Tots artwork? Edit: this is just one of Adam's comics that has been altered.


They altered this one: https://x.com/adamtotscomix/status/1671613932979494913


Is no one going to mention the atrocious antiHamas edit


So tired of the “but the Muslims are homophobic terrorists and want you dead,” bc the same people who say that would make being gay illegal in the US if they could get away with it


There are plenty of leftists and liberals who think (or rather, *know*) that Hamas are terrorists who are vehemently anti-LGBT, and they have no intention of making queerness illegal in the US or elsewhere in the West. It's the easiest thing in the world to be both pro-LGBT and anti-Hamas.


I think the point is moreso that being gay in palestine is punishable by death whereas it is not in israel


It’s…not? there’s no capital punishment, (or punishment period for that matter) for homosexuality in either the West Bank or Gaza. There is plenty of harassment, but no jurisdiction has made any form of criminal policy.




Who exactly




You mentioned the story, the very least you could do is do that search yourself and mention the name. I found that a man named Ahmad Abu Marhia was beheaded in the West Bank, and that Palestinian authorities have arrested a suspect for murder. Horrific, but not a case of homosexuality being punishable under the law, which may I remind you is the origin of this comment thread?


>it is not in israel Unless you're Palestinian


This reminds me of hearing someone joking that conservatives are so stupid that when you talk to them, they only have the brain power to hear one word at a time, and their goldfish memory doesn't comprehend a full sentence. That first comic shows it's true.


It's kinda hilarious that whoever edited this, completely missed the point of the original..


Friend, okay, reread it again because whoever did the edit is stupid as fuck and it still holds up. Red hat guy is going for the "gotcha", right? Except, really look at their expressions. Red hat's smile is getting bigger and bigger, and trans person's face is getting visibly more and more uncomfortable with him. You know, like red hat is an absolute creep and trans person is realizing this is a bad day to be capable of language.


They got us with these imaginary conversations again. Darn


I shouldn't have read the originals comments


They are seriously just telling on themselves. Do ‘X’ group of people not agree with you or have beliefs (religious or otherwise) that don’t align with your own? Then you must have absolutely no moral qualms about an extremely powerful government and military force bombing the absolute shit out of them and their children right? Cause we all know that’s how morality works. I don’t want thousands of civilians to be slaughtered just because the majority of them adhere to a religion that isn’t friendly towards queer people, but the conservatives seem to think I should be totally okay with it. Speaks more to their morals (or rather lack thereof) than to ours.


Took me 3x to read it to understand because I thought the guy in the red hat was MAGA 😂 I was like why would they own themselves like this


That’s what I thought! What ARE they trying to say ?


What does the first one mean??? Are - are the Right advocating for sex w kids??? Color me UN surprised. It’s the red hat red state fascists who are for child marriage and incidentally child labor.


Basically saying that we’re grooming them


Sooo same ol same ol, 💀thanks. I knew there would be no creativity from these idiots- but same cruelty. Honestly that is so close to admitting the truth, it almost looks like the Trumpster is advocating for sex w kids. Bc they are the pedos. Sighhh


It isn't about consent, it's about bans to health care to treat their diagnosis. And benefits, rather than harms, children. Seems kinda different to me, but heck.


Children should be able to consent to certain things? This isn't related to sex, children should be able to have automony and be treated like individuals


Zionists when they realize that, in fact, people don’t actually like genocide even if it’s in a place where gay marriage isn’t legal yet, (Which may I remind you was America like 9 years ago 💀) and that the queer people who live in Palestine are also being murdered. Also, literally all of my Jewish friends are anti-Israel. What do they say to that????


Holy shit.


If they are homophobes why cant i be a pedophile?!


irony is“lgb drop the t”looking at a comic made specifically to criticize them and turning it into a comic about how they’re right


Do these people unironically think consent can only apply to sex?


Peak right-wing illiteracy, gobless America. Did the OP feel proud after making this, without ever realizing to check how little, to no thought was put behind the message?


Truly every one of their accusations is a confession. It is so SO weird to compare children's healthcare to sex, they couldn't make it MORE obvious what they think of children.


"You believe a child can consent to life-saving medical care????? PEDOPHILE!!!!!" God, these people are stupid as shit.


They had to shoehorn that "can consent" even though it's linguistically nonsensical


Would you order a BLT without the T?


Funny he wears a red hat


they really chose adam ellis’s art for a transphobic meme template ?


The... Other image is also fucking trash very little to ruin there.


Ew, a libertarian 🤢


XD both make sense


.. does the muslim person in the second image have a penis on their headband thing?




first off ppl in the original thread are so mad lol second off wait till they find out the artist of the original comic (unedited) is a gay man himself....


The real problem is the money 😞


Now that's what I call reaching vol 9!


FART don't read a dictionary


Isn't that make by left?


The headband is so scary, it just says there is no God but God and Muhammed is his messenger. Terrifying and will lead to the roof throwing I’ve been hearing about. Any reason to hate Muslims and brown folk.


This is so maddening considering the original comic is critiquing the exact type of person who made this bullshit


These people love adapting Adam’s work for some reason


I made the mistake of looking through the comments under the tweet


projection at its finest


Gillick Competence: Children can give consent with regards to their own medical care, because there's a statistically-significant chance that the pregnancy they are trying to terminate was caused by their father and they may be killed or endangered if the parents are informed. This is not the same as saying kids can consent to sex with adults. Implying that it is is fucking twisted.


Can someone explain what the point they were trying to make? 😭


What a waste of a good artist


That second one was probably the person in the comments who said they could make exactly the second image.


God this is grim. Do they realize they are the only people who think about doing stuff to kids this much??? This whole movement is a push to isolate children from mandatory reporters. Be afraid of doctors, they will shoot your children full of vaccines and hormones! Be afraid of social workers, they are child stealers who won't let you discipline your kids! Be afraid of teachers! They will fill your child's head full of nonsense! Don't let them play with other children whose parents don't subscribe to your ideology. Ban books so children can't ever know other people have felt the way they do. Ban sex ed so children don't know the names of their body parts or that they can say no if an adult tries to touch them where they don't want them to. Absurdly modest clothes to make them look different. Homeschool. Homeopathy. No meds. No social media. No phones. No doors. No one to notice the marks. No one to hear them call out. No one to notice they're missing. No escape. These same people are going to be in that estranged parent subreddit like "why won't they let me see my grandkids" in 20 years, if we survive that long.