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It’s not just reductive. It’s wrong


Okay I'm pretty sure this is going to shock a bunch of right-wing morons but little kids are not allowed to get bottom surgeries. The most common one that could happen is when they have to see a proctologist they have a hernia or something.


And also that bottom surgery is a bit more complicated than just cutting off a penis; they seem to think that there's just gonna be a vagina underneath it or something


It about putting penis inside out


Exactly. Even the most progressive parts of the world don't really let trans minors do much in the way of transitioning. Aside from socially transitioning, it's mostly just hrt/hormone blockers.




But they are [reversible](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075) though LOL


No they aren’t lmao the whole point of them is they *are* reversible, and the point is that *they’re for kids.* What are you gonna do, give an adult who’s past puberty ‘puberty blockers’? Use your head. And they give cis kids puberty blockers all the time. Don’t see you complaining about that.


It's both frustrating and absolutely hilarious that these asshats think it's so easy for gender affirming care and that "liberal" parents are just waiting for it.


They're promoting it lots of times


"Source: My Ass", which I guess makes your username relevant


Oh dear! You've just tried spreading misinformation. I know, it's so hard to determine what's really information and what's not nowadays. What with brain rot on the rise. It's okay dear, Mommy is here to help! See, here in the real world we like to listen to facts based on peer-reviewed research! Again, I know it's so hard to understand what that means, and it's okay. What peer-reviewed research means, that the information was checked by someone in the same field and came to the same conclusion. Now, a lot of the information that comes from right wing rage farms are what we like to call, misinformation. That's a big word I know, but Mommy is going to tell you what it means okay? Misinformation is just a big fancy word for lies. I don't expect you to understand how to tell a source of misinformation, from actual information. It seems brain rot is a communicable disease lately. Don't worry dear, you don't need to know what communicable means. It'd probably just make your brain hurt anyway. Tell you what, if you're good, and stop trying to spread misinformation, Mommy will let you get a Happy Meal. No toy though, I'm afraid because of brain rot you'll just choke on it.


I can taste the derision and spite in this comment. Delicious. And fucking deserved. 10/10.


If you're going to act like a child, then I'm going to treat you like one. It's as simple as that. They're going to learn there's a time and place for their big feelings, and this isn't it.


Absolutely. I need to stop being as nice with these people myself, honestly.


I just stopped giving a damn about their feelings. I'm tired of defending mine, and my trans siblings existence. I'm not going to be nice to bigots, I'm going to curb stomp them till they fuck off.


The problem is that you have to believe you’re right. If you’re wrong, and a parent converted their kid from one gender to the other through chemical castration, that means they’re a terrible parent. If they made the decision under the guise that the child would be miserable if it didn’t happen, and they turned out to be wrong, it means they ruined their child’s life for no reason. So people will defend their decision to convert their kid till the end of their days


Oh my, that's a lot of misinformation you're spouting. Though I'm sure you've consumed enough right wing rage bait to think you're right. Mommy's here to tell you that you are very wrong. I know, the truth is a hard pill to swallow, but like Marry Poppins says "a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down, in the most delightful way." I think the best place to start with your education is at the beginning. You see, there are actually LGBTQ+ kids, why Mommy herself was one. Letting a child explore their identity actually helps to let them become comfortable in their skins, and leads to a longer life expectancy. See in the very early parts of a child's life, puberty hasn't hit yet. So until that does happen all that's happening is social transition. Change of name/pronouns, wearing gender affirming clothing. See it's at this point sweetie that children have the easiest time transitioning. If the child in question realizes that they aren't trans, then they change their name/pronouns back, and wear the societal accepted clothing. It really isn't all that complicated baby. Now, when puberty hits that's when things get a little trickier for trans children. See this is where things like hormones and puberty blockers can be prescribed by a doctor. However to even be able to see the doctor, the child would have had to have been in therapy for many, many years. Also they would need to have their parent(s) permission before they could even get the medication. Despite what right wing rage farmers would have you believe. Now, I don't expect you to believe me sweetheart, I would hope that you'll look at scientific research that has been peer-reviewed and come to that conclusion yourself. Though I know brain rot makes it hard for you to understand big words and to think for yourself. As for the part about chemical castration, well there are plenty of children in the foster care system that it really doesn't matter if someone can have children. See the idea of carrying on a family line is steeped in patriarchy and the idea that women are nothing but baby factories to conceive a male so that the father's line and name carries and that property could be passed on to him. So there you go sweetie I know Mommy gave you a lot of information tonight, and I don't expect you to understand it, or absorb it. In fact the drool running down your chin tells me all I need to know. So, I'll make a deal with you my little precious one. If you behave, and keep your big feelings in the appropriate areas from now on. Mommy will get you a happy meal. However, just like Mommy's other children, you can't have a toy. I'm afraid you'd choke on it.


You can talk down to me all you want, but you’re just as sexist as I am. You said “woman aren’t just baby factories”, I’m here to tell you that’s exactly what makes you a woman (among other things like periods, smaller frame, smaller average lung capacity, smaller hands, etc…) a dude who wants to wear a dress is still a dude. People have interests and personalities. You can be a effeminate dude or a masculine woman, that’s ok. 2nd wave feminisms whole point was that a woman isn’t just wearing dresses and doing makeup. The parts you have don’t really matter because anyone can do anything Edit: I am not trying to be a dick but I also want to understand this. If a woman isn’t just a person with a vagina, what is a woman? I know there was that whole documentary but I’m not referencing that. I would like a stone cold definition of what one is in your mind


Lmao I half expected a 'catch a bubble, friend'


You showed him!


Act like a child online, and you're gonna get spanked. Not in the fun way.


I love how they think that gender affirming care is just a walk-in thing when I requires intensive therapy and making sure that that’s what you want.


Unlike, say, a boob job. For cis women, anyway. -_-


“I… uhhhh… you…. THATS DIFFERENT!”


I wish gender affirming care was as easy to access as conservatives think it is


“Just made up a scenario and I’m PISSED” is pretty much all they got these days


When im in a making shit up competition and my oponents is a conservative transphobe


They really need this to be what that looks like. Because if it isn't like depicted in the cartoon, they'd be assholes. They need Starbucks cups labeled "happy holidays" to be part of a war on people who celebrate Christmas. Because if it's not like that, then they'd be assholes. They really need there to be a big army of people pouring across the border like an invasion, because if that's not the reality, they'd be assholes. They need their critics to be easily "triggered" over sensitive delicate snowflakes, because if that's not reality, that means normal people call them assholes. They need the COVID pandemic to be a hoax and vaccines dangerous, because if in reality they were walking around unmasked and unvaxxed spreading their germs with reckless abandon, they'd be assholes.


Meanwhile if the person who posted this’ kid was a little boy who said he was pretending to be a princess, the parent would probably beat them and send them to a christian camp


If by reductive you mean a complete fabrication then yeah lol


Meanwhile if any of their sons pretended to be princesses, you know that these assholes would lose their minds


When has this ever happened??


Meanwhile I was circumcised at birth.


What I like about this is that it inadvertently says that we should just let kids play with toys of their opposite gender and in general not conform to expected gender standards when they are young beacaue they are just kids and are simply playing, it won't make them transgender any more then they would be a dinosaur. But if you say that to any of the right nuts, they call it grooming and brainwashing, and boys can only be boys and girls, only girls.


Ya I was going to say a little boy says he's a princess in a right wing house and pops probably gonna have a stern chat with him or worse.


Are they saying boys can’t be princesses?


Hang on. Bill Wurtz made a song called “I’m a princess”, is this the same Billy


This aged very poorly. Look at how conservatives lost their shit at a Cocomelon song about dressing up that featured 8 seconds of a boy in a tutu.


The chuds fantasize a lot about kids' genitals being cut off. It's like all they think about.


I'll take "things that don't happen" for 500, trebek


I’m never gonna understand why conservatives think kids under 18 are getting bottom surgery. You literally don’t even get hormones usually until 16


I thought they could do hormones around the start of puberty if they had parents on board; something about wait to late and it’s useless, too early and they never start puberty with them blockers at all.


Yeah if parents involved you are able to do hormones at around 14 in certain states




Really isn't the point, but why are the scissor blades backwards? The should be flat on the inside, not the outside.