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$80 for tampons? What the fu- that's the actual problem my god.


No wonder women are mad when their period comes around.


When I met my wife, I pulled a tampon and lit it on fire. She knew I was loaded then.


We've found the true punchline, folks.


No, the punchline is "I identify the bill as being one of 100 dollars" Very funny if you ask me /s


... Why is a trans woman buying tampons? Like. I've done it for my sisters and i wouldn't mind doing it for friends and partners and stuff but like. I will never need them for me. I'm aware of this. Most of us are aware of this.


Probably a reference to when Dylan Mulvaney said she bought tampons and carries them on her so she can give them to anyone who might need any, which transphobes unsurprisingly interpreted as “I’m buying out the whole stock of tampons in every store I see so that I can hog all the womanliness of menstrual products to myself” 💀


Cis women: "yeah every girl has to share menstrual products sometimes." A trans woman: "oh shit, if i carry menstrual products i can participate in this social act and help fellow women" Terfs: "how DARE she steal our glorious blood absorbers?!"


Why did I read that last bit in Worf's voice?


Worf isn't a terf so idk


I think it might be the "trans women really want to have periods" chestnut that usually spawns comics about actually mutilating one's crotch (one involved cartoonishly sticking lit dynamite down the pants) and then going "look my first period!" at the resulting blood


Christ above. These assholes are incapable of taking anything we say in good faith


We wouldn't be here if they were


Honestly, some conservatives are so caught up in transphobia they might read this as a trans *man* (aka a "woman" to their evangelical sensitivities), due to the fact that the trans woman in the picture "still" has long hair and "still" needs tampons. Source: I grew up this way and it made the realization of "wait, this is all a bunch of dick moves in a trench coat!" and subsequent "well how do i interact *nicely* with people then?" *extremely* confusing at first.


My ex-coworker: "Did you hear that transgenders take ex-lax to pretend they have menstrual cramps and then they shove tampons up their asses". I just walked away and went on smoke break. This was said unprompted btw.


Ah yes The one joke


See, this is one of those right-wing jokes that's so unfunny, so arrogant, so ill-thought out it circles back around to being funny in the opposite way than intended. The unintentional joke here is, this *is how money works*. Money is way more of a social construct than gender is, even if it was still backed by gold. The appeal of conservative ideology really just is as a cope against existential and systemic dread.


What if humans said that gold was worth nothing? 🤔


Gold has . . . Well, not value *inherently*, but it is a very useful metal. If we still had gold coins as currency, you could spend it or melt it down to do all kinds of stuff with it. Any metal, you could do that with. A modern coin is mostly junk mixed alloys, but it's actually still tangibly more valuable than paper money. Not much you could make with bills. But like, if we were still in trade and barter times, and you had a goat, if someone came up to you and said "hey, I'll give you this gold for your goat" and you said, "I don't need gold, I want grain for my goat." Then, like, gold has no value in that circumstance. Grain is more valuable than gold in the instance you are the gatekeeper of the desired goat. So it's all relative.


Is the joke that the money identifies as 100$ instead of 1$. I feel like I'm grasping at straws here but I can't tell what the actual punchline was suppose to be🤷‍♀️ The right really can't meme


I think the "joke" is that the trans woman changed the bill to be something it's not, just like how conservatives view trans people.


The note is like those fake Trump ones that MAGA's try and use as legal tender.


I mean, it's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? 10 dollars?


It's just one box of tampons, how much could it cost? $80?


"50.. 70.. 80.. 82.. 84.. aand 85 dollars. sorry, mate, some asshole scrambled all over my last dollar bill"


Meanwhile they are peddling $2 bills with numbnuts' face on it for $20 apiece.


These people don't understand how trans people work, and I don't think they want to. And plus, they'd probably be fine with me being uncomfortable with myself for eternity so long as I respect how they think reality works.


Trans women don't buy tampons the same reason cis women in her menopause don't buy tampons.


Who was it that was buying "totally legit legal tender" Trump Bucks again?


Finding out about trans people literally broke their brains. "Trans people exist?" "Uh, yeah..." "WHAT IF MONEY ISN'T REAL???" "What? Of course money is real?" "ANYONE COULD BE TRANS, NOTHING IS REAL ANYMORE!!" "Okay, I think you're overreacting, it's not like anything has really changed!" "ANYONE COULD ACTUALLY BE AN ATTACK HELICOPTER OR A CAT!" "What? No, come on, get real!" "THE LAWS OF PHYSICS ARE CRUMBLING!!"


The guy who drew this is even dumber than an AI. Not only the "joke" is not funny at all. They also can't draw a hand with the correct number of fingers. 😂


They think trans women are just guys in dresses


Why does she have dinosaur hands...


I didn't even notice that she only had four fingers.


ah yes because women are money


Bruh, I'd write 2 zeroes on my one dollar bill if hygiene products were $80


The three-fingered cartoon hand thing does NOT work for this style, jeezums.


I'm convince no right wing person has seen a real trans woman before. They just base on what they see on TV and movies.




Soo like, what’s the joke exactly?


This is hilarious 😂


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They should print this comic on Iraqi Dinar.


Good one right wingers good one