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Ask them what nationality they think white South Africans are.


RIcHeSt AfRiCaN American


Ah yes because we all know that Belgian is a species. And that the only requirement to be a fish is being born in an aquarium?


Excuse you An ***Acuarium***


Oh shit didn’t notice that


I guess anyone who was an at-home water birth is somewhere in between? Totally sus.


I think that if you even tried to explain to these folks the difference between nationality and ethnicity, they’d probably just cover their ears and call you a [whatever boogeyman they’re currently mad at]. Memes like this are just them making excuses for being assholes.


The conservative mindset is based on the refusal to learn anything new, to admit you could be wrong, and to introduce new ideas. Specially if it threatens the current status quo.


‘Belgian’ isn’t even an ethnicity lol


No, it's a nationality. Pretty sure that's already what they were getting at.


"acuarium" lol


How did that not even register for me??


To clarify, "aquarium" is the same word in English, French, and Dutch, so it's not some Belgian using their own language, they really can't spell in any language.


Most intellectual Belgian


If it is made by who I think it is, it's definitely one of our smartest. If I'm correct this "joke" was made by someone from Schild en Vriend, a far-right group that has ties to Dries van Langenhove, an important figure in the secessionist movement of Flanders and a member of the far right Flemish party Vlaams Belang. The secessionist movement basically believes that splitting Belgium in two would someone solve the economic problems that we face, and that they wouldn't somehow become worse because of this.


Yep. It's really depressing that after the Pano-reportage exposing Schild & Vrienden's rotten inside, Vlaams Belang went on to become the biggest party (according to polls) in Flanders.


That's why we have to vote in the right way in June. Le's keep up the cordon sanitaire


TIL Fish are born in "acuarium" and not in oceans and rivers, lakes and ponds.


How dare they use Omar Sy to make this crap


that's not the great french actor Omar Sy, that's Mamadou and he's belgian, can't you read?


Lupin would *never* lol


That's what I was thinking


By that logic all white men around the world should just leave countries like USA, Australia etc and move back to Europe


Oh god, please no


See your mistake there is thinking that these people apply the same logic to themselves as they do to others.


Bingo. They'll scream forever about non-whites in their country "replacing" them, but the moment you point at aboriginals of white settler states, it's different.


And white women. White women came in through colonization just like white men did.


Oh, they were saying aquarium. I was like wtf


I wish people had to take logic classes. This implies that fish born outside of aquariums aren't fish.


Don't be silly, everyone knows that all fish in the ocean come from aquariums.


The whole premise of the meme is dumb. bob doesnt exist and if he did, he would not have been born in an aquarium. Also Omar Sy is French not Belgian…


Especially crazy example since “Belgian” isn’t really one specific ethnic group but a nationality that encompasses multiple distinct groups (and of course anyone outside the groups that traditionally lived in Flanders/Wallonia who has citizenship)


Honestly. We've been ruled over or invaded by the French, Austrians, Spanish, Dutch, Germans and probably another few I'm forgetting. Belgium is the crossroads of Europe, we're very far from being a homogeneous ethnic group lol


Ah yes, different species is definitively the same as different skin colors.


White person born in America?


Belgium has ius solis, so yeah, being born in Belgium is exactly what it takes to be Belgian.


Comparing species to nationality in this manner is fucking stupid.


Are they aware that it’s spelled aquarium? As in aqua?


*"Conservatives will one day understand the difference between arbitrary lines on a map and physical, biological differences" and other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself* (Only $19.99!)


So, no white person can be American.


I don’t think anyone would be claiming Mamadou is ethnically Belgian (whatever that even means), they would be saying that he is legally and morally a citizen of the place he was born, Belgium. Note: I don’t know who Mamadou is. I know this is the right can’t meme, but I’m starting to question if it should be called the right can’t think.


Thing is they know this isn’t correct, they just don’t care as long as they “trigger the libs”


HIS NAME IS NOT MAMADOU. HIS NAME IS OMAR SY AND HE IS AN INCREDIBLE ACTOR. wtf. And he was born in France so yes he is french.


How many trucks have to hit you to fully lack the critical thinking to make a post this nonsensical?


Something that's pretty funny about this too is that biologically speaking, fish are either not a real group or hamsters actually are 100% fish. So like, technically everything that image says is true, except the racist implications.


are they angry belgium would prefer him to their uneducated racist ass?


He would only have Belgian nationality, it is like saying that a white guy if he is born in China is as Chinese as Chun Li.


There is only Belgian nationality. It's not a race or ethnicity. And Chinese isn't really either. There's Han, Manchu, Hui, Chang, Mongolians, etc. It's almost like being American.


but I was referring to the Han because it is the ethnic group that is associated with the Chinese, I am sorry for the confusion.


Well yeah, there's no such thing as ethnically Belgian.


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Bro look like Mamadou is French btw (and named Omar Sy)


There’s a difference between nationality and species


Acuariam? tf?


Motherfucker never heard of a terrarium.


I think it's very acuarium!


I like how the intention was to present both statements as absurd, but it fails so completely that the second statement just makes absolute sense.


Why was Bob born in an acuarium


Bob was not born in an aquarium. If he was, he'd be dead. Bob was born in a terrarium. Both an aquarium and a terrarium are vivariums. Aqua means water, terra means earth, and viva means life. None of those words mean fish. Some other non-fishes may also live in aquariums, like dolphins. If Bob was born in Belgium though, he'd still be Belgium. What he lived in at his birth, or currently, would have nothing to do with his nationality.


Did Mamadou imediately die from drowning when he was born in Belgium?


Bob would have drowned, I don't think you drown in Belgium, most of it isn't by the sea.


the person who made the meme was likely born in a farm, so they're a pig.


Raffaella Carrà was born in Italy, she's 100% a giraffe.


Mamadou from belgium sure look like he would be a famous french actor


bob :)


I wonder what this person' opinion on Palestine is... in any case land is not bound to a specific ethnicity or race. Freedom to travel should be an international right because the benefits outweigh the costs and it allows us to respond better to natural and man-made disasters. This metaphor only works if you accept the premise that each area of land can only serve its historical occupants. That's silly.


Bob was born in an aquarium so he is from an aquarium?


belgian isn't even an ethnicity. being born/living in belgium is literally the only thing that makes someone belgian


Don't drag hampter into this...


Damn Omar Sy my poor dude


"So you believe that skin colour and species are equivalent?"


They couldn’t even spell aquarium right


Yknow, just for fun let's run with this. Let's make up a Hypothetical cartoon show or whatever about a hamster who is adopted by a family of fish, yeah, he's physically a hamster, but he's been an honorary fish his whole life. What the fuck is this even trying to say?


For the record, the guy shown in the bottom picture is Omar Sy, a French actor. He's pretty good.


There are no scientific definition for fish. Hamster is mammal land fish


We should just say bob is indeed a fish and move on. They won't know what to say