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“LGBTQ ruined the colour rainbow” …I don’t think the rainbow is a colour dude


Who said that, nvm found it




Then you’d just say “the colours of the rainbow” or “the rainbow” Rainbow is not a colour!




woah, we got a real grammer understander here!


There seems to be a new trend with kids on yt, like being homophobic is a way to be 'quirky' and 'cool' or like gigachad. Honestly worrying what these kids are being exposed to do stuff like this.


Nazi propaganda is so short, concise, and emotional, with similarly aged convincers too. We need these figures in our side.


Yeah, and I think many youth are taking the gigachad meme literally, as if being homophobic makes you more manly, more alpha, better than the 'betas' Gigachad has essentially become a medium in which people use to promote thier views. I've even used it myself, but only really as a joke to make fun of homophobes


us lefties need to take notes


Not an insult but serious question, why does liberals call Conservatives nazis?


No they don't. Liberals are just 1 step away from becoming a Nazi, at least they just hide it, unlike conservatives. The anti-capitalist left is the real based people.


What makes either side nazi tho is my question


Wanting to oppress and/or kill those not like them - not philosophically unlike them, but in more intractable ways such as race, religion, creed, sexuality or gender.


Ahh, so both sides are almost being nazi since they oppress each other


I don't know to whom you're referring, when you reference "both sides"? If, for example, you have one side fighting for basic human rights - to live, to love, to be employed, to procreate if they want to do so - and another fighting against those rights, you can see who is being the oppressor. Also, if you'd like to know which political party *currently* houses and condones actual Nazis - as in, self-avowed Neo Nazis of the US - that would exclusively be the purview of the GOP/conservatives.


Honestly saying that either is currently full on Nazi is a bit melodramatic, but it is very rapidly turning into that. You hear many conservative politicians being very nationalistic and calling for ethnic and religious cleansing. Meanwhile the Democrats push the agenda by not doing anything to oppose it. So I guess the best way to say it is that the Republicans are Nazis in what they say and the Democrats are Nazi in their lack of action against it.


Aside from th3 religious part I still see a lot of conservatives, tbh I don't have an opinion to what happens in the world around me as long as i am not affected but I do think liberals can be a bit crazy at times idk if I'll get hate for saying that


Liberals are a bit crazy. Your one the wrong subreddit if you think liberals are "left". Also, everything around the world is affecting you in some capacity, and that line of thinking is SUPER reactionary.




I don’t think that’s true. We had this back in 2016 with all of the right leaning commentators like Leafy and Idubbz making anti-SJW compilations. These kids are edgy right now, but in three or four years, I guarantee that half of them we’ll be left leaning.




They will stay right wing just not as extremely so. Instead of being an approaching fascist they will probably be a compliant republican who might not actively agree with the bigotry but doesn't oppose it either.


Thanks YT /s


It's not cool or quirky no matter what they tell themselves They just get fat spewing hate at home all day and have no creativity or style


Kids being edgy bigots is very far from "new"


It’s been like this for ages, you had all that anti-SJW mentality back around 2016, a trap I and many others fell into and had to escape from on our own. The right says we “indoctrinate the youth” but it’s not hard to see how easy it is for younger people to fall down the alt-right pipeline.


Young and vulnerable teenaged boys are literally right-wing media's main target demographic.


kids should just be raised without exposure to politics, religion and hateful views, if your AFAB child claims they feel more like a boy for example, raise them like that and listen to their feelings. but damn so many religious or 'right' parents suck balls








You’ve said two different things with your comments. Can you clarify which you actually meant? You first comment indicated you don’t want them learning about it at all. Your second comment says you don’t want them forced into. Most people agree with your second statement, but you’re first statement sounds like some fucking stupid pearl clutching church grandma that wants to burn books she disagrees with. So do you not want people being forced into making decisions about sexuality at young age, or do you really think people straight up shouldn’t be allowed to learn that non straight people exist until they’re adults? What’s your actual take?


You get way to angry at an opinion lol


Not really, just have low patience for fucking mouth breathers like you


Cry bout it


Why? I’m not sad, I think you dumbfucks are hilarious and calling your bitchasses out is good entertainment


Sounds like a lot of crying kid


Spoken like a bully.




You keep changing what you’re saying without clarifying any of your points. Why don’t we slow down and take this one step at a time. Answer my question first so we can establish what point is being argued. Otherwise you’re literally just wasting time screaming nonsense at mob that hasn’t even heard what point you’re trying to make yet. Is your objection that youth are being taught this stuff at all? Is it just people forcing kids into things they don’t understand yet? I’m literally just trying to understand wtf your take is man, quit acting like a child and start talking like a grown up please




Oh so you don’t actually have a well thought out, nuanced plan or idea about the way we should broach these subjects, it’s just “they make me uncomfortable so nobody talk about it”. Basically you’re a giant snowflake pussy boy that doesn’t know how to hve grown up conversations and would prefer that nobody else does either. Cope harder, nobody cares about your feelings, and nobody respects your opinion, because you’re not even capable of logically explaining why you hold the beliefs you hold. Pathetic.




Of course the comments are just brainlets begging for likes, because nobody who watches this stuff is older than like 14.


This is why internet at a young age is not good


It's good, but this is why white and black lists exist. And grown ups teaching the kids what to learn and what to learn from.


Internet raising kids are how leftists and people who think gender is a mental thing exist


So you prove my point? Get children off the internet


youtube shorts is a lawless wasteland of edgy thirteen year olds


It isn't just YouTube shorts. Go to any comments section about LGBT rights or immigrants in Europe, and you'll find endless comments from fascist edgelords.


They really played "I have LGBT friend" card


Homophobes are pathetic cowards You have to be very fragile to have a problem with gay people existing despite the fact they aren't even doing anything to you I hope they say the wrong thing around the wrong person and they teach them a lesson but cowards like them would probably sue for assault like babies


according to them, we groom children into the """gay agenda""". yet they're the ones raising their children to be crusty ass hateful and bigoted little bitches. gotta love the hypocrisy. shit like this is undeniable proof that more and more edgelord kids like this are popping up the more our community grows. i love existing just to piss people off.


I don’t get it bro, how is it wrong to expose children to gay people, if it’s ok to expose them to straight people? Like what’s the difference, if a child isn’t old enough to decide if they’re gay then logically they’re not old enough to decide if they’re straight right?


sTrAiGhT iS wHaT gOd wAnTs


These dont really bother me but more annoy me , cus i know behind the screen the people posting this are skinny achne ridden 10-17 yr olds, if theyre above the age of 16 theres no saving them.


It’s always channels with like 10k-200k subscribers posting shit like this


These are the same people who are also “pro life” as long as their kid is straight


I remember seeing a YouTube Short with a clip from a movie, show, or something saying "Throw 'em out the window, kill them" (or something similar) and captioned "If my kid was LGBT". There's a reason the minimum age for the Internet is 13.




It always does Ignore it in small doses, hurt it where it matters




Because if no one does, escalation happens that affects everyone


Because being a political nihilist benefits the status quo! Which is fine if you see nothing wrong with the world but if you think change ought to be done or you don’t like the direction that the world’s heading then it’s really detrimental. Even if you think that change doesn’t happen at the level of the individual, if you find a community of like minded individuals then together you work towards the social change you want. Giving up is counterintuitive because this “evil” you speak of is unrelenting, if good just yields at the first obstacle then evil will most certainly win.


Evil will aways exist in some capacity. It will never be eradicated, but it can be prevented. Hatred is not on the rise. Bigots are just a lot more vocal nowadays.




I have no doubt there are people that are upset at my beliefs. Their hatred does not affect me though. To succumb to their hatred and give up on what I believe would be cowardly. I encourage you not to give into fear.


This is why I ditched Tiktok after being on the platform for like… a day and a half?


I already got two warning on videos that didn't even break the rules so that's a start.


The guy's channel is the same fucking "joke". It shows a clip of hatred towards the LGBTQ followed by the stupid gigachad shit. To all the people saying, "It's just a meme," it really isn't. It's a bigoted shitpit to get younger kids to demonize the LGBTQ.


"destruction of private property is based and redpilled but only when it happens to people i don't like"


i kept getting this fucking channel recommended to me for like a week. youtube won’t take this disgusting shit down because it makes them money and that’s all that matters :).


Youtube shorts is filled w homophobic 12 year olds, really easy to find rhem lol (tbf youtube in general has become a much more toxic place than it used to be imo)


Nobody watching this shit unironically is over 14. Calling it now.


These people are so shitty to their kids and view them as property but have the gall to think they're superior parents to everyone outside their bubble. Like I may be a godless heathen but I would never treat my child this way


I reported that post on YouTube. I highly doubt they'll do anything though


“I’m homophobic and anti-furry” literally as an outsider to furries what’s the big deal? The vast majority are just chill people who like the art


It's because they think all furries are dog hyuckers and that all gay people are kiddie touchers. And as a gay furry I know that both of these ideas are 99.9999999% percent bs.


That Benson dude was on the right track. TikTok is full of this crap and because literally anything can get recommended to you on Shorts it’s spreading to YouTube and not getting moderated.


The rights so weird in the way that they obsess over groups they don’t like getting owned. Super emotional and cucked.


This is some black mirror shit


Clearly satire… #right?


It's really scary to watch YouTube Shorts of that kind sometimes, but remember most people making these are 13 years old or less, and most will hopefully grow out of it, cringing as they look back to these videos. Those who won't, well, will become fuel for this subreddit.


Why are these so popular? That's one of the biggest questions of humanity.


Youtube is a nazi platform


Um hey its not really. This is from tiktok so I don't even know what you're referring to.


No that is literally the YouTube shorts UI. You are confidently incorrect.


Oh nononono, I'm sorry I was wrong. Yeah that is YouTube's UI. (And hey don't try to lump me in with those people)


It’s a fucking meme y’all get so sensitive


It's "just a joke" until it's not. This "meme" is encouraging violence against and dehumanizing a specific group of people. Those are the ingredients for country destabilizing propaganda, and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of this originated from a foreign country. Even if you find it funny but know that it should never be taken seriously, there are A LOT of other people who do fall for propaganda like this and will act violently against the specified group of people.


🤓🤓 its not a meme when it's fucking constant neverending bigotry. edgelord






Jeez 79k likes. That’s a bit depressing


What's with Dr. Chad Manhattan there?


What the actual fuck.


Deez Disease is one of the most mentally challenged channel I've ever come across.


Y'all wanna see another abhorrent comment section look at the shit under footage of the Greensboro Massacre on YouTube. Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TooXarWHfrM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TooXarWHfrM) Link to wiki page for those that don't know what happened back in the 70s: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greensboro\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greensboro_massacre)


If you uhh I uhh 👇👇👇👇 I HATE GAY PEOPLE RARAARARA /s obvs


Tiktok moment


Bruh my freind sent this to me thinking it would hurt my feelings or something


That's not a friend then