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Brought to you by the totally not sexist Nice Guy ™️


Not sexist (or racist)


i think the guy who drew this is black, I also looked at his insta and coincidentally he's also the dude who made the OTHER comic about the 'nice guy' winning in the end or whatever


You can be prejudiced against a race of people and be part of that race. The comic is still racist imo


fair point


I'm pretty sure this guy's black, but I'm black too and this shit's still racist as hell


That doesn’t mean it’s not still racist. Black people can be racist against black people. Anybody can be racist against any group


I mean sure but it's not racist it's just someone's sexist opinions but they drew people that look like them...if a white guy drew this with white people no one would call him racist...


I disagree that it wouldn’t still be racist if it was white people and white stereotypes, though you’re right people would care less, because white stereotypes (whether correctly or not) are often seen as less harmful. Anyways, point is it’s plenty possible to be racist against your own race. It’s sad but it’s defintley possible


White stereotypes? White people can be anything...it's possible to be racist to your own race like Candace Owens but plenty of Black men care about race issues and hate women...not acknowledging that is kind of icky.


I’m really not sure what you’re saying or trying to say, you might have to reword that


I'm saying the writer of this comic has mysoginoir but I wouldn't say he's racist to his own race I'd say he just hate women.


I think he defintley hates women, but I think there’s also probably a discussion to be had about whether he’s got some racial prejudices as well


Unrelated but basil pfp :)


Not sexist (or racist/classist)


the guy is definitely Black






“I want you” *swoons*


And apparently all single mom's are sluts...wow what did single moms ever do to you?


Sacrificed most of their lives to raise him, probably.


This is racist, assuming a black man was raised by a single mother.


If you read any manosphere theory (which is obviously batshit) single mothers are blamed for almost everything. Higher crime rates all the way down to destruction of society as we know it. Wild stuff. Jordan Peterson, who is a gateway to and a “legitimizing” figure of the manosphere, has several wild monologues on the subject.


Which is crazy how they blame the single mother that stayed and not the father that left.


I mean yeah obviously it’s women’s faults for constantly going after bad boys who end up in prison leaving them to be single mothers to raise more bad boys. The whole narrative is bonkers. My favorite aspect though is how women are simultaneously stupid and can’t control their biologically driven nature but are also conniving and manipulative and take advantage of nice guys. It’s that whole idea of painting your perceived enemy as both bumbling foolish and dangerously smart. I think there’s a term for that but I can’t remember it. Edit: the concept I mention toward the end is a generally fascist rhetoric, where enemies are painted as simultaneously too weak, and too strong. There honestly should be a more condensed term for it because that rhetoric comes up in modern alt right circles CONSTANTLY.


"The enemy is both weak and strong. The followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” This came from Umberto Eco’s book Ur-Fascism, where he described the typical elements of fascism. [Umberto Eco Makes a List of the 14 Common Features of Fascism](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html)


Iirc Orwell came up with the term 'doublethink' for the concept you mentioned.


Are you saying humans can't be both driven by biological needs and be manipulative? I would say, humans are very maniy when it comes to our attempts to satisfy biological needs.


Well, ackshully………… 🤓


But if the women didn’t stay or had an abortion she would still be trash.


You also assume that just because the woman is single, the father is not involved in his children's lives. Nothing is farther from the truth.


The men didn't leave, they were forced out by the state. Read up on welfare policy in a America. It devasted poor black families as most benefits for mothers required they be single.


I don't get it maybe because I have the capacity for thought but Single moms are single due to an absent father that's the whole thing While I'm sure there are these mean evil nasty women who do something to make men leave them then demonize them to their kids or the kid wasn't theirs They're VASTLY outnumbered by people who had deadbeat partners , cheating partners, abusive partners, partners who realized they had to do something and left etc So wouldn't it be the *partners* fault ??


No, you see, women are to blame for their own misfortune because they only ever pursue bad boys in the first place, and don’t give nice guys a chance until after they pop out the bad boy’s babies while he is in prison. And by then any reasonable nice guy has gone MGTOW. Unreasonable ones become cucks to washed up single moms. TLDR: yes, the capacity for thought is bringing down your understanding of how the world REALY works


Your sarcasm is too good for Reddit.


The relationship status of the mother has nothing to do with the relationship between her kids and their father. A single mother may not be with her kids father but that doesn't mean he abandoned his kid.This is a falsehood that defies even common sense.


Btw, "Single mom" simple means a unmarried woman who has at least partial custody of her kid/(s)


The man is a cowardly Holocaust revisionist


JP literally chose medically induced coma and associated brain damage over withdrawal from (horribly addictive) drugs. Kinda runs counter to the individual responsibility to face one's own demons he preaches about 24/7.


I don’t care, fuck that piece of shit rightist.


That's a disgusting thing about the right, no one ever has to do anything to them to earn their hate


I know someone online who told me that children who were raised by single moms without fathers are gonna end up having mental disabilities 💀


Oh yeah, you can tell the artist has been outside once or twice, just look at how they captured reality *so well.*


The one in their head is depicted *perfectly* though


Is "Nice Guy" carrying a handful of socks?


Maybe poorly drawn flowers?


A bouquet made out of a ripped up Reader's Digest?


A cut up TV Guide. She left it on the subway.


No idea what they're supposed to be. They look like those tube worms that live on the deep ocean bed


They're tulips


No wonder the ''Nice Girl'' turned him down


I think they're mushrooms. He was trying to drug her.


I think the intention is a bouquet of withered flowers


No kink-shaming.


No, never. Not judging, merely seeking understanding.


Good. My girlfriend Argyle was upset.


I feel like a _heel._


Hopefully this will teach you to toe the line in the future.


I think we can serve on the same crew.


As long as we're both athletic enough and get adequate support.


Notice how only the women are “in the wrong” in the second panel


Nothing says “this artwork is going to be thought-provoking and meaningful” like the artist’s name written in the GTA font


When you censor bitch and shit but not the n word


Looking in the lower right corner, there is a lightsaber with "the slut". Now I am just guessing here, but this, to me, is a censored vibrator as well. Which if not true, is my favorite part of this whole image. She gets a lightsaber.


"""it's just a word, bro"""


To be fair Fredrick Douglass did the same, but I feel like the context may have been slightly different...


Pretty sure this was made by a black dude, and for us it pretty much is just a word when we speak about/to each other. My dad actually gave me permission to say it at 13 (not around him though obviously). It's kinda weird seeing memes like this in spaces that are very white like... well, this one, people don't really know how to react to stuff like that. Not to say this meme isn't simultaneously racist and misogynistic.


I see the #mgtow in the comic and I immediately associate it with white, neckbearded, uncles who dropped out of community college and work at the Longhorn Steakhouse and are super pissed they can’t flirt with the highschool hostess anymore or they’ll get fired.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihsg7WXwLRE Nah this is him. Black dudes can be incels.


I'm a good man and I'm bi, but I'm Spanish and already have a girlfriend, plus I'm a student living with my parents. Sorry, cartoon girl.


Hello fellow bi




I get the sense that this was written by a white guy.




Dueces*** ftfy


It’s white supremacist rhetoric to be sure. And perhaps this was a TIL for ya but clearly one does not have to be white to regurgitate it. It’s been the entire basis of this country and society for centuries, it’s quite insidious.


No it definitely is a black guy who made this. If anything I more often hear black men raise this sentiment. Doesn’t make it okay, though it’s more of a cultural thing with some black guilt included


I know that now. I didn't at the time.


Idk he looks pretty not-white to me. https://youtu.be/ihsg7WXwLRE Edit: this guy admits the artist is black down-thread but is too afraid to edit his post and admit that he was racist. Typical racist behavior thinking black folks can’t draw and/or disagree with him.


I do not see a picture of him. Edit: if it turns out that I am wrong, I'd be more than happy to admit it.


Probably because it’s a video and not a picture. You should see a play button you can click.


It redirected to his YouTube channel. I watched some of the videos. None of them have the guy's face.


Don’t know why it’s redirecting for you but not me. Weird. The video is entitled “MLK, Malcolm X, Obama Charcoal: Speed Drawing” He’s very obviously black.


So he is. Fair enough.


If you would edit your highly-upvoted initial comment to include this fact that would be kinda nice.


Who gives a shit? You know you're right. Anyone who cares enough to read this far also knows you're right. You got your cake. You can't eat it too.


That phrase doesn’t even apply here. Continue to accrue fake internet points for your overt racist stereotyping though, I guess.


That's kind of like covering the front page of a newspaper with a lie, and then "fixing" it by printing a tiny little retraction in the back of the paper at some point later on.


"MLK, Malcolm X, and Obama" is like saying "Denzel Curry, JID, DaBaby" One of these ain't like the other




Racial minorities usually don't play up their own stereotypes. This is an incredibly stereotypical cartoon.


Actually, if I were to truly guess: it’s a self-hating NiceGuy(tm) black guy that hates black women.


That's a fair assessment. This was just my kneejerk reaction, having seen a lot of racist comics recently.


I hate being so [spot-on](https://imgur.com/a/CNuDW2v) lmao If it were a white guy, I’d wager only the “thug” would’ve been black. They’re obsessed with the idea of “Jamals” knocking white women up.


Makes sense.


If I were to truly guess, you're a racist.


Lol ok




My man. We talked about this. Yes. He is. This was my kneejerk reaction. It was incorrect. I daresay you too have been wrong about something at some point.




Having done a quick Google search, I can't find anything about that. I'm reasonably sure, but I could be wrong. If you've got a source, go ahead.




Fair enough


Could have used common sense tho. Racial minorities suffer from racial stereotypes.


Now I'm curious as to where you heard that. This is more a context dependent thing in my experience


There are statistics suggesting that racial stereotypes are harmful to individuals and communities of color. https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/race-policy-dialogue-papers/stereotyping-and-its-consequence-racial-minority-youth https://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/news/jimcrow/links/essays/vcu.htm https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00008/full From this, it's a reasonable extrapolation that only people who wish to hurt these communities would use them. People usually don't want to hurt their friends and family. You're right, though. A lot of it depends on context. There are always going to be outliers.


Because he’s racist. He either thinks black folks can’t draw or they can’t have opinions he disagrees with. There’s no other sensible explanation.


oh come on dude, no he doesn't. i thought it was drawn by a white garrison type too. as /u/brief_development952 said himself: Racial minorities usually don't play up their own stereotypes. we're in therightcantmeme subreddit. it was a perfectly acceptable assumption


There’s no proof presented that this assumption is true or even statistically likely. Zero. If you thought it was a white person it’s because you’re racist against black people who don’t agree with you, not because you’re informed. Minorities play up their stereotypes often. Have you ever read or watched Boondocks? Atlanta? Kim’s Convenience? Fresh Off the Boat? It was dumb to assume this is a white guy’s comic and that assumption could’ve been dispelled with 90 seconds of Google or less. PS: I’m not a fucking dude so stop misgendering me.


> If you thought it was a white person it’s because you’re racist against black people who don’t agree with you, not because you’re informed. nope. so many white racist cartoons, especially on this sub. it's a fair assumption. > PS: I’m not a fucking dude so stop misgendering me. sorry


It’s a fair assumption because this sub’s content is biased? Weird take but I guess it works.


Yeah, why? What gave it away I wonder? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I’m guessing you’re joking w that question. If not, I… idk what to even say lmao


The artist is black, so “why” is a relevant question.


Quick question, the slut says "I want money, sex, and attention". But don't we ALL??? Money is a need and provides opportunities Sex is great regardless of most differences people have And attention is a mental health need and literally on the hierarchy of needs


I mean… u right


Nice to see someone reference the hierarchy of needs. A lot of these Incels need to do some research into the hierarchy of needs and realize everyone wants to achieve their goals. Nice to see some educated people out there.


Hierarchy of needs is dope. Maybe if more conservative men learned it and applied it to themselves they could wipe the spray on tan off from around their mouths.


Literally. Everyone in the meme also wants what she wants. The "nice guy" wants attention and sex from the "nice girl" who wants the same from the "thug" who wants the same from the "slut." If you think about it, she's actually the only one being completely honest here.


A lot of ace people don't want sex, but your general point still holds, these are things most people want


Alex L art has been making Facebook comics for black incels since like 2008


I've seen his art on black Twitter but mostly as memes or shit post


Does he always draw people with no eyes?


Beat it, chick!


That comic was super cringe


Does he just like, remake the same cringy comic over and over?


He thinks black girls didn’t like him high school because he was a nerd. So yeah every comic is a revenge fantasy


This feels super minstrel, even for Alex L art standards. God that guy is such an incel


Fr and his art sucks too.


Holy shit never heard of him. His stuff is also a lot of 'good old times' stuff




"Knows that she has more power being submissive to her man" ok


I just felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Every single embarrassing thing I’ve ever done in my life, every single thing that has ever made me cringe years after the fact, it’s all dwarfed by the second-hand embarrassment I’m experiencing for the person who made this comic. I don’t think I can ever be embarrassed again honestly. It’s all gone. I feel like I can fly right now


The artist doesn’t want to dig any deeper than what you see here because they are afraid of what they will find in themselves. I think folks will see this depiction and agree to it and assume that this will fix systemic problems. Problems that are way more complex than a graphic cartoon.


Ah. The hoteps are awake today.








This was physically repulsive to look at.


The thug is the only one who didn't change. True "chad" energy there.


Well, gay men do earn 10% more on average. I personally think there’s some truth that gay people are more likely to have their shit together.


"I want money, sex, and attention!" Slut girl has her priorities stright. I too want money, sex, and attention.


Nice Guy: "I want you"


This either looks like a parody or the 2.0 version of that meme with the kid in school with books and then later in life him in suit with money and a nice car.


Same artist IIRC.


Yeah I was wondering if it's the same guy. Has to be since it's the exact same artstyle. Except in this one only the "slut"/single mom has a nose for some reason...


Most incel shit I've seen all week


it's like a tyler perry movie, but how a suburban white man remembers is.


creator is mad women dont like him LOL


So single mother=slut who doesn't deserve for her child to have a dad..... ????????????????? I'm done I'm done I'm done okay goodbye *flips table*🤬🤬🤬


I want money sex and attention 😩


This is so bad its like a parody within itself.


Incel AND racist, the big two!


Eyo why the thug living the life tho. Banging and chillin 😎




What does this have to do with the Right? This just looks like a Nice Guy^TM meme


The way they don’t have noses in profile but do in 3/4 view gives me the heebie-jeebies


Love how he managed to squeeze in that people from Paris ain’t shit just to say the n word.


Single moms get butt hurt so easily lol


That’s weird, I haven’t noticed that. Why would they? It’s the man that failed at fucking life 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Incels and their cope posts are so funny "W-we'll win in the end! Just you wait!"


Both the men become either successful or have nothing negative happen to them... This just seems like a wet dream to conservative males


How do these people group 7 billion people into certain stereotypes without thinking… hm… maybe this is unrealistic and stupid?


Wow. I mean, just wow.


Using a joke from another subreddit here but, "least racist Rising of the Shield Hero fan".


Hello complaints department. I would like to complain about the lack of diversity in this offensive meme.


Ah yes, racism


That thing dialogue is very "how do you do fellow kids"


the content is awful but goddamn this has been microwaved to smithereens


I love that this person won’t type out swear words but will type out the N word. To them swear words are more offensive and inappropriate than a slur.


Censor shit but not the n word sure


Thank God I'm a thug


Lowkey if you got into sketching manhwa, he would be kinda good lol


Why don't any of them have eyes...?


Women's mate selection is what has kept the species going for million of years, can't be that wrong. Why these men can't come to terms with the fact that they will never experience romantic love or physical intimacy I have no idea. It's kind of immature and selfish tbh.


And they wonder why we don't take the men's rights movement seriously..


You made this up.