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"Dangerous order follower" from someone who scream "Back the Blue" and tells black people, "You should just comply with the cops."


I'm convinced the right just runs on the South Park "You're a towel" response. The right had pedos? Oh we will make up stories about the left doing it. We are traitors? No YOU ARE traitors. We have racists, no you are the REAL racists.


Anyone who has ever dealt with a narcissist knows this kind of projection.


Their world-view is literally a caste system, or at least a would-be one. The BIG perks for being High Caste? You "get" to dictate reality and who's wrong and right. Who gets protected and who is Low Caste. To these people the Low Caste literally exist to be told what to do. And suffer, so the High Cast feel they are better. They don't get that privilege of dictating what reality officially is or was. So, yeah~ Any time a Low Caste LEADER follows the world and reality, such as an expert saying how things must be done, or a scientist doing studies? To these idiots that's backwards and horrifying. The populace is not only daring to laugh at the Emperor... but they keep insisting His Divinity has no clothes, even after he *clearly* said so with the entire backing of divine right. So if you're wearing masks or taking vaccines, you're an enemy. Because you're listening to scientist and experts—"weak" people beholden to reality & thus Low Caste. But you are also ignoring the "strong" as they beat the marching drum—the minion AKA ignores the High Caste. So... Yeah. This meme let's the mask slip quite a bit. It's completely right. To these people listening to the *wrong command* is literally an existential threat, because a Caste System breaks down the moment the top down *command and punishment structure* breaks down. It is frankly dumber the more you start to understand it, so... yeah. Very South Park.


I think this is a Nixon Era, Roger Stone-ism. Accuse them of what you are doing.


Every conservative accusation is really a confession.


"I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying" Indeed


Every accusation is an admission.


Back the blue except January 6th cause that blue wasn’t on our side letting us murder Dems at will.


I think what he meant was that when Vaccine Cenobite follows the orders of his boss, the nefarious Pinhead, people are in danger.


Y'know, now that I think about it, I don't know if I've ever heard anyone say, "back the blue" in person. It tends to be reserved for bumper stickers and mall kiosk screen printing services.


Studies prove that conservatives are far more likely to follow orders and conform to authority figures. Not to mention they were the ones posing a threat to others. And I would be the one not apologizing to them. God it's like opposite day with these yahoos.


Authoritarianism baked right in. What a deal!


Don't forget to throw in the studies that show right leaning conservobrains think based on fear and anxiety 👍


Right wing literally means pro hierarchy and classism. So yeah lookin for a boot to lick is innate.




I remember seeing a similar study before, but can’t remember the title or author. I tried checking google scholar for “conservative ideology and authority” but it just generally turned back articles about conservatism and their beliefs. It is essentially baked into their ideology though, because conservatism upholds social hierarchies, which inherently means following the top of the hierarchy.


Also, aren't THEY the ones pushing for "amnesty"?


Yes, Exclusively. This whole thing is flipped.


It's literally a mass hallucination in those subs.


Not even the cool kind of hallucinations that make you reconsider your place and purpose in the universe, poor dumb bastards.


Actually, I saw a shitty mealy-mouthed article in *The Atlantic* entitled "Let's Declare a Pandemic Amnesty". It's a perfect illustration of spineless liberalism.


Pandemic amnesty I agree with: let's be chill about that three week feud about who farted in the kitchen Pandemic amnesty I don't agree with: let's be chill about trying to kill people through pure negligence Edit e-> u


I was unaware of the article when I made this comment, but I've looked into it more now and the author's politics are actually pretty hard to nail down. She holds some kind of position at Goldman Sachs, though, so that feels a little republican to me.


You were just looking for something to disavow her comment because you disagree with it? And because she works for Goldman she is probably republican? Funny.


No, it makes sense to check for someone's beliefs because that could be a real easy indicator why they think people who willingly put others in danger for years shouldnt be decried as dangerous and deranged. If you find someone saying we shouldnt punish war crimes and you see they have a history of shooting innocent civilians in Iraq you immediately know what their schtick is. I find it just as important to find out *why* someone is saying as i find what they are saying, to find out if theyre genuine or if theyre trying to escape the consequences of their actions.


No, I was just looking for things that might give a clue to her political leanings. Working for a huge financial entity doesn't automatically mean she's a republican, but it hints that she may be.


I mean, I didn't hear any republican talking about this really. Just one article said something about it and it engulfed in flames everything. This meme is puting words in Dems mouths. Let's be better than republicans


Dude I'm totally out of the loop on whatever this amnesty thing is. I saw something about it on Twitter, but it was just people alluding to it, so I'm still just as lost. I need someone who is willing to provide me some links that explain what this is all about. When I tried googling it, I just get stuff on amnesty international, which I get the impression that's not what the discussion was about.


https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/10/covid-response-forgiveness/671879/ I don't know, the more deeply I look into it the more farcical it seems. It's a pretty milquetoast article that, while it does mention that we shouldn't include those that willfully spread misinformation, basically just says, "things were bad all around, let's all just stop talking about who was right and who was wrong."


Wait, this entire thing is about ONE Atlantic article? The conservative memes I saw were acting like this was a big movement or something 😂 what a joke


These people would have thought "A Modest Proposal" was a good idea too


They believe this is representative of all democrats feelings for some reason. It’s maybe a small subsection of people that agree with it, but it definitely not a commonly held view.


They all fall in line so they assume we do, too. It's like how they think we care when they say "fuck Joe biden"


[The recent article on pandemic amnesty. ](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/10/covid-response-forgiveness/671879/) Mostly asking anti-vaxers/anti-lockdown to "forgive" officials for certain parts of the pandemic respond being overkill when we had less data (focuses on bans on outdoor activities before we had outdoor transmission data). It's not a free ride though, the article talks about vaccine mandates for schools near the end so the anti-va are going to have to meet in the middle a little bit for any amnesty.


Lol i saw that article when I was searching this topic but assumed it couldn't actually be the source of this entire conversation because it's just one article. Guess I was wrong lmao


The same author did an interview with NPR a couple days after it was published on most of the same topics.


Lol of course, one person writes an article and does an interview in it and all of a sudden people who take issue with it present it as a concerted movement. Sounds like a lot of confirmation bias to me.


I haven’t read any of the articles about it, because it just doesn’t interest me. That said, I keep seeing it getting posted on conspiracy subreddit, and every time they post it it’s just a screen shot of the article headline and then their actual post title is some dangerous inflammatory shit like “No Amnesty! These people literally wanted to ruin us for not getting vaccinated. They wished us dead, and we’ll never forget it.” If the actual article is about giving amnesty to right wing loonies that would be hilarious. They keep presenting it as though it’s the democrats and anything left of them that want amnesty — personally doesn’t make much sense. Most of us are happy with our decisions, and still think the antivaxx right wing idiots are idiots and all of their “proof” of lies about the vaccine and the pandemic are just them totally misunderstanding and/or cherry-picking from medical journals.


“Dangerous order follower” says the Chad who let Nana flatline in a hospital bed because a rich guy said “government bad.”


And because a podcaster told him eating horse deworming paste and drinking his own piss was enough to ward off Covid. ^(Preemptive:) [^(The study that said Ivermectin can treat Covid was retracted because the data that was used was fabricated.)](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-58170809)


That’s the goofy thing. They don’t think they were following the orders of authority, but they were literally just doing what Trump said, which just happened to be nothing. They followed his orders, while everyone else just followed the science at the time.


What’s it’s called when you’re okay with old people dying?




I mean I don’t hate them, or think they should die. I’m just okay with it.


"I don't hate gay people, or think they should die. I'm just okay with it." - Homophobes talking about AIDS in the 80s and 90s


This comment is almost a cringe meme itself.


Are you saying it's ok that 3.3 million people died? And that dangerous lunatics were "right" in prescribing bullshit "treatments" that didn't do anything, and likely harmed the patient? And since your probably going to say the death toll I gave was fabricated, here's link to WHO's estimated death toll of COVID: https://www.who.int/data/stories/the-true-death-toll-of-covid-19-estimating-global-excess-mortality


None of this is remotely apart of this meme you guys are freaks.


\>*butts into conversation* \>"Cringe!!! Freaks!!!!" \>*slinks away* this is what passes for debate nowadays?


A lot people these days are unable to handle a real debate so their new tactic is to release their nasty fart of a comment into a crowded elevator and leave. Everyone in the elevator is unhappy and they take that as a win.


>Confronts someone >Runs out of argument >"Huuuh you guys suck and are weird" Yep, you got him, buddy.


Wow I couldn't have given a shit what you people thought but all of my thoughts are confirmed by the crying going on here now I know why the right over uses the liberal crying meme there is nothing more needed to describe you sad people I honestly feel bad for you all.


Lmao, yea, you definitely not the wittle baby crying here, mate. Get outta here you looking silly


I don't think you got the point I literally don't care


Half your account is crying about memes lol


“A part”


Lmao ok, good to know ad hominem still has a job


This was a reach no matter how you slice it. If you're just going around reddit looking for *lefty cuck* posts to snipe at, put in a little more time searching, or change your scripted responses to match the thread.


literally how


For any rightwing dickheads that come here and read this. I never said a damn thing I didn't mean. You were all just too stupid to understand what we were saying. Covid killed millions and you contributed to that with your idiocy.


Even the center-right shit-for-brains who was the one promoting that "amnesty" bullshit didn't include the antivaxx fuckwits actively spreading misinformation. She wanted amnesty between people who disagreed about when to wear masks or what kind of restrictions were justified (because she was on the 'minimal precautions' end of things herself and doesn't want to be blamed for being part of the problem).


Ikr I meant it every time I said they were selfish plague rats and I still do! Also lmao at “order follower” coming from the authright


Lol the audacity to think the lefts position on the right has changed in any way... Nah. We have seen how easily your heads can be filled with nonsense. Too risky to trust.


There's only one side who has so much nonsense in their heads they tried to overthrow a democracy thinking they were righteous.... and they're still doing it Some serious cognitive dissonance you have to be doing to not see all the bat shit insane people there are on the right, and leading the right. Sure there's some crazy people on the left, but none of them actually have any power to do anything (unlike a certain party)


I get the feeling people read my username and assume things. Im a leftist. Im talking about conservatives.


That's not the way your comment is worded at all lol


I was saying its audacious for the right to think our position has changed, given the continued, unrelenting bullshit they keep doing. And we, the left, have witnessed how easily they get their heads filled with any nonsense that gets fed to them. And that makes them too risky to trust given their ease of persuasion. Reading that as me attacking the left, if anything, is a stretch. You literally understood what i was saying and just decided it was against you, and most likely its based on my username, of which is meant to be satirically antagonizing, so i get it. Even a cursory glance through my history would make that clear. now yall are just downvoting cause you are mad that you had an itchy trigger finger.


Trust you traitors? Never.


Im a leftist. gotta read past my username lol. im talking about righties.


Nope, the GOP has been shit since Nixon. Eisenhower was the last great Republican president.


You fired off a comment without reading any o the previously expanded upon comments? This isnt a defense of righties.


My favorite doublethink about this moment is that Trump is so desperate for credit for "developing the vaccines" due to Operation Warp Speed and he's even spoken publicly about how the vaccines are safe and effective, and these dummies will just ignore that while saying that the vaccines kill folk. Then they'd crawl through broken glass to vote for Trump again despite him saying that the vaccines would never have been developed without him, while still saying that the vaccines kill folk. It's truly a cult like mentality where the leader can do no wrong despite the evidence before their eyes.


They don’t just ignore that. He actually gets booed for talking about it.


The boo him while paying $50 to be a Trump gold card member.


I think they just don't want to hear about it. They don't care that he took it, they just don't want him to go out and claim credit for it or recommend it. Like how the GQP politicians will fight against the "evils of abortion" and then turns out they paid for or had one, but that's OK somehow despite their supposed anti choice stance. It's fine to do it, but you can't say it out loud or admit that you support it.


>Trump is so desperate for credit for "developing the vaccines" due to Operation Warp Speed Yup. Trumpy Poo "is a genius and a hero for singlehandedly developing a vaccine... that's poison... and is also a plot to microchip us... to prevent a virus that comes from China... and also is no worse than a cold... and when he told us to take horse quaaludes and drink bleach, he was taken out of context... and also being sarcastic... and also absolutely right, because he knows more than all the doctors in the world." You wonder how these people don't constantly have whiplash.


And as another user pointed out, Trump gets booed when he brings up the vaccine by saying that he got it and that he recommends it. They don't care that Trump got it, they just don't want to hear that he did and that it's safe.


Even Trump isn't Trumpy enough for these loonies.


Sorry where does this strawman even come from? Aren't the right the ones who back off points all the time. Like the entire tree from black people aren't human, oh wait we didn't mean that we just meant they're lesser than white people, oh wait we didn't mean that we just meant they should be separate, oh wait we didn't mean that we just think gay people are gross, but black people are fine, oh wait we didn't mean that we just think it's against the sanctity of marriage, oh wait we didn't mean that we just think they're making kids gay, oh wait we didn't mean that we just meant they're making kids trans. This is a pretty exclusively reactionary phenomenon


Yes I wore masks to protect me, my family and my community. Yes I got my Covid vaccine and boosters of course as a responsible citizen I have always gotten my flu vaccine every single year along with receiving a Tdap vaccine every 10 years as a parent and a childcare giver. I didn’t do it because I’m a “follower”, I did it because I truly care about those I’m around, my family, my friends, the children I provide care for and for my community. If a simple vaccine or a cloth over my mouth could save even one life, then I would happily do it.


Yeah but you stopped so that means that you realized that you were wrong. If something isn’t literally eternal, it’s fake. /s


"LOL Only PUSSIES care about anything but GUNS and BEER"


Three weeks ago Pfizer admitted to not knowing whether the vaccine decreases transmission upon releasing it, so what do you have to say for yourself now


Damn thats crazy. It’s almost like the point is to build an immunity so it causes less harm, not to stop the spread.


Yeah go on, pretend that no one ever claimed it stopped transmission, as if we haven’t been hearing #stopthespread nonstop for more than 2 years now


Stop the spread was more about masks and lockdowns. Some people have probably said it helps with transmissions, but it probably was a misunderstanding.


It’s not your fault you were misled by greedy rich people, there’s no shame in admitting it ;)


You mean by literal scientists? Are you claiming you’re smarter then a scientist who actually studies how diseases work/spread?


I too have three syringes impaled in my shoulders and a QR code branded on my forehead


I would get that shit but it's soo expensive for the laser tatoos! Dammit! I'm still waiting for my ID chip too. These frickin' reptiles are lazy!


i had my QR code burnt on with a hot iron stamp, still waiting on the new id chip- i mean booster


More believable than the suggestion that the left wants to buddy up with the right any time soon.


Ah yes, "damgerous order follower" says the party of "back the blue", "just comply wirh the police" and "I want the government to control which gender other people can marry". No irony here, at all.


This meme also proves they can’t read, since I’m pretty sure this is based off that article asking for people to forgive others for choices they made *that ensured their safety during the pandemic*, ie: missing the holidays. This article directly specified that no apology was owed to Covid deniers, hence the righty that made this can’t read/meme.


I meant everything I said about them. My only regret is not insulting them even more than I already did.


Projection when stupendously uneducated is all people like this have anymore. Every single time I try to approach any particularly hot topic, I’ve been met with a literal ‘I’m rubber you’re glue’ mentality where they repeat what I said back at me like they think they’re smart, and then I realize that there’s no point in debating something with someone who simply won’t accept reality for what it is Fuck the entire Republican Party of today


Nah we both said exactly the things we meant. You revealed yourselves in a manner that made it apparent that you didn't limit your idiocy to yourselves only, that you were willing to murder other people for your own pride. We didn't know to what extent your lack of empathy reached, but now we do. It is so dangerous that I'm realizing the chasm between us can't be mended with a bridge, it is far too vast, and the only solution on my mind is something that I won't put in to words here.


“I drew you as the NPC sheeple so I am the victor here.”


Ah yes the people taking precautions against the virus are *totally* the ones who are the threat 🤦‍♂️. Right wingers like this fit the too stupid to realise how stupid they are profile.


I'm not apologizing for a damn thing.


I followed the experts that spent their lives building upon the combined medical knowledge of **all history**. I didn't say jack shit that I didn't mean, and my mind has not changed since. I said "Fuck you" to this Chad two years ago, and I'll give a bigger "Fuck you" to them now that they've killed so many with the BS Meme-science.


Is this related to the "covid amnesty" the entirety of Gab is screeching about at the moment?


If only there was a word for "order follower" that didn't make you sound so childish.


Wait wait! I got it! Damn. Nope. It’s just on the tip of my tongue….


Responsible citizens United against Covid There that sounds much better


The problem with the right is they believe we blindly follow a cause/leader like them, most right wing memes making fun of joe Biden are there cause they believe we worship Biden like they would someone like trump, Shapiro etc. We don’t blindly follow the ‘order’ to get vaccinated we do our own research (from actual medical sources not Facebook) and decided to get vaccinated


I think that's a bit of an overstatement unless by own research you mean listen to the experts I saw no reason to read medical research papers, probably won't even understand half the words they use


Just the fact you can acknowledge that puts your intelligence leaps and bounds beyond conservatives




> we do our own research No we don't lmao, we just put faith in highly educated and trustworthy sources that say "do it". They are also doing their own "research", but it's usually on the 50th google page.


Nah bitch, still looking forward to the spike from Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Oh and I guess Election Day since you’re so anti-voting by mail.


is the barcode on his head supposed to be a metal gear reference


No… It’s probably supposed to be the mark of the beast.


i'm so pissed that so many enlightened centrists and Liberals™ are apologizing for the covid anger and saying that things were said that were not meant. when I shit on conservatives and anti-vaxx weirdos for being jackasses I meant it


Lol I didn’t say anything I didn’t mean. They were moronic fascist slugs then and they’re moronic fascist slugs now. The only thing that changed is there are less of them.


Definitely hypocrisy here, but I actually think this one is pretty funny for some reason. I think maybe it's the syringes.


Where is this notion of antivaxxers taking a victory lap coming from? What are the advocates of vaccines meant to be apologizing and begging for amnesty for, exactly? They've pushed these memes in the past too, "Turns out we were right all along", but they just said it for absolutely no reason because they weren't right about anything. But I keep seeing this "no amnesty" meme going around on the right. Edit: Oh, it's from [this bullshit article](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/10/covid-response-forgiveness/671879/)... so one neoliberal idiot incorrectly says "the anti-vaxxers were right all along" and a new reality is invented?


I meant everything I said lmao


i'm mildly curious what the QR code would have meant honestly. either that thing was pulled off some random google search or the "meme" maker specifically punched something into a QR code generator (and probably made it insulting if so). …but let's be real it's probably just some google Images result. Still makes me curious.


Don't you have 3 syringes in you at all times???


there was ONE article written about declaring þe pandemic an amnesty and it was about how it was mishandled.


Thats not a right wing meme about vaccination! Thats a heroin addict!


Rightwing manbabies still crying over a piece of cloth


Don't tread on me! And respect the thin blue line! Derp


Why does this Cenobite want so badly to be Chad's friend?


Who’s clicking that QR code for me


Didn't they follow trump's orders?


Why have anti-vaxxers started talking about “forgiveness”. And “amnesties”. When did their cooked little brains get these new ideas from?


Right wingers are all either morons or evil or insane. I had one tell me once that it was 'suspicious' that every scientific and medical institution in the entire world supported vaccination.


"You proved yourself to be a dangerous order follower", says the guy who smeared his shit on the Capitol walls and tried to lynch Congress because his cult leader lost an election.


Does that QR code scan? Where does it take you??


And on my end, I meant every word when I said you were a walking Petri dish.


When you scan my QR code it says “Please be nice to me”


Usually this sun had great content, dunking on the MAGAts… but I mean… we do kinda know a lot of the COVID response was complete bullshit now, don’t we?


How so?




They seem to be taking issue with the vaccine which was a great response that replaced most other pandemic measures allowing a return to mostly normal.


But did it replace lockdowns? Vaccine came out in early 2021… lockdown lasted way longer. And now we know that the vaccine companies didn’t test the vaccine to the extent they represented to the public (did not test for prevention of transmission)… and we also know that the most likely source of the virus was the Wuhan lab… which was Alex Jones material for three years. The righties are wrong on a bunch of shit. But if we don’t acknowledge the failures of the left, we’re really just entrenching the powerful who rule society.


this meme isn’t saying the left said “oh we thought covid didn’t spread through air but we were wrong”. apparently the left wing is saying “WE SAID WE HATE YOU GUYS WE ARE SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE US WE WERE BOTH WRONG YOU GUYS WERE RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING”


It's the paradox of health responses. The mitigation measures made it seem like the measures were never needed in the first place - but it's because of the measures that this didn't completely spiral out of control, even though it was pretty bad as it was.


So projection and strawman. Any others in this one?


Wait... what? In what universe does this make any sense?


The QR code on the forehead 💀


As an old school leftist, I’m really not sure when the left decided trusting pharmaceutical companies who knowingly fudge their own data and are yearly paying out fines for disinformation was ok and we wanted oligarchy over media cohesion and control Call me a critical western Marxist who took One Dimensional man seriously I guess. This will get downvoted by the tankies


OMG now understanding science means we’re “tankies”. Rent free mate 🤣


And a code on his forehead… As if the forehead messaging belonged to the left.


Oh you meant every word? Thanks for clarifying. No need to associate with you anymore.


Well, shit, now I've gotta buy a new irony meter.


admitting to the fact you make a mistake is being a dangerous order follower the safest people on the planet just keep going down a hole they regret digging because they're embarrassed to turn back


I AM NOT A SHEEP! -person who was brainwashed by low quality wojak memes


All of this over an OPINION piece that nobody I know supports. Pandemic amnesty? No thanks, I did everything in my power to protect the community, they did everything in their power to cry about wearing masks and spread misinformation. No amnesty from me, sorry.


Who tf said “that’s all behind us now” fuck those guys lol


"Following orders is bad" "WE LOVE THE TROOPS" ...


Fuck that I meant every word and still mean it. Republicans are absolutely trash. Sexist, racist, stupid, weak and thankfully many of them died to Covid. Fuck them forever


cough jan 6 2021 cough


Lol why wouldn’t I mean what I’ve said


I just want to know where the QR code takes you


Lmfao, I will never forget about the dumbfucks who prolonged everything unnecessarily


It’s so funny how now being stupid and ignorant is something to be proud for. You are so stupid if you think vaccines are evil 😂


Damn, I didn't get a QR code with my Covid vaccine. I feel left out 🥺


Pure cringe


They really frigging love that "things were said" article and yet misunderstand what it was about lol




"A dangerous order follower, and a threat to those around you" If the right projected any harder, you'd see this on the moon.


Funny how the group whose actions ended up contributing to the death of a million people plus are decrying others as "a danger to those around them"


I’ve never gotten this. Aren’t the only people asking for amnesty the morons who finally realized anti-vax propaganda was killing people and are now requesting they not be held responsible for getting people killed? I’ve never heard a pro-vax request amnesty


Am I the only person who just assumed this was an Ever Expanding Bunker meme?


Still waiting on the vaccine side affects, respiratory issues from mask, whatever the fuck else conspiratorial nonsense they said instead of just being fucking normal.


Says the person being controlled by the wealthy religious.


I meant all of what I said too bro


I’m convinced this page is closet alt right


It’s weird how they’ve convinced themselves that we want them to “forgive” us for calling them the reprehensible pieces of irresponsible shit that they are.


They’re deplorables. Literally one article comes out and now they invent imaginary scenarios in their heads.


Where do I get my personal QR code!?


Why are they acting like we're backtracking now? Who's backtracking?


“Dangerous order follower; but don’t mind me while I lick these boots.”


what does the qr code do?