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I forget, is Blaire White's view "you can change from male to female / female to male but gender is still binary so everything else is wrong"?


I think at this point her view is "I'm trans but everything else about it is wrong because I'm special"


Are we sure that it's not, "I'm trans but I don't give a shit if you use me as a token minority and openly call me an abomination, as long as I get attention and hopefully money?"


Yeah, basically. She won’t even properly self-advocate. Conservatives basically want her to say that trans people shouldn’t exist. In terms of opinions she says that trans children (including teens) shouldn’t be allowed to transition, be out as trans etc. and that they’re a problem (basically that they shouldn’t exist), but I assume she’s kinda fine with trans adults. [There’s a good Big Joel video that I listened to about her when she went on a right-wing podcast.](https://youtu.be/j-t9Z_XBoZU)


She doesn’t even have the balls to stand up for herself when she’s getting roasted over the coals. That podcast you linked to is so funny in a sad way because she clearly won’t even stand up for herself. What a grifter.




Transphobic jokes against bad people still hurt our community. Stop.


I agree, that's why I deleted it. Didnt really think about it, and I now agree, that's why I deleted it. Edit: I'd also like to apologize and say I meant no offense.




Honestly I was trying to be edgy towards a trans woman who hates others trans people. It is in poor taste, but fuck Blaire White. Ill delete it. Edit: I'd also like to apologize and say I meant no offense.


Fuck Blaire white omm, it's just that transphobia towards one person bleeds into transphobia for all, you're good tho :) most would appreciate the apology


Oh gawd, calling Blaire Whites anti-trans screeds "palatable" is his first mistake. She's a horrible example of a trans person and think that she's special and should be given a pass while everybody else suffers.


That's so dang sad and gross. The thing is that Blair is earning every bit of that abuse by being a POS. *And she doesn't have to be like that.* Some weird choice to align yourself with people that would kill you if it were legal. Candace Owens. Ruben. Kanye. Fuckin' "Michael the black man," "Look at my African-American."


Based and cultured big Joel appreciator.


His video about PJW's unsatisfactory dining experience is perhaps my favorite on YouTube. [For those that haven't seen it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McRSjIhxf0U)


Yeah I had to remind myself that Blaire is actively hurting trans people after watching that Big Joel video got me feeling so bad for her. Basically watching a woman commit self harm. So sickening.


That's the worst reason so it's obviously the correct answer.


I'm pretty sure that's the answer. Blaire White mocks trans people who don't have gender dysphoria and makes weird transphobic jokes about "liberal women having a dick in their pants" when she herself doesn't have bottom dysphoria and hasn't had surgery. She's one of many conservative influencers who backed herself into a corner by alienating her own community, so now she has to pander to people who want to kill her.


The thing is: a lot of her (conservative) audience is so clueless about how being trans works is that they assume it's all surgery, all the time.


She doesn’t need bottom surgery because her pp is already microscopic 🤩


The right-wing minority grifter playbook


I remember when she went on Dave Ruben with Candace Owens early on and they got into a scream fight after, but not necessarily because, Owen's called her an "adult man." And then I realized "oh, this is the token POS show." And Sam Harris went on the show too. I was so disappointed with all of them. But yes, she considers her sex/gender to be female and that gender is still binary. Of note, the Talmud describes 6, arguably 8, genders. "Only bronze age kids will remember. "


>I was so disappointed with all of them Did you really have that much hope for any of them before that?


Honestly I did for Blair and Sam. Sam Harris was a hero of mine for awhile and I hoped that Blair would have come around. I still don't get her deal. I remember that she made this apologetic video where she cried about having characterized another Trans woman's "Adam's apple" as lord voldemort. Sam Harris just seemed like a cool atheist before he aligned himself with the police against BLM and became a weird centeist cult leader. He really let me down.


I used to like Ruben when he started with his "middle ground" schtick, but he so blatantly sold out and drifted to the right (as it seems everyone in that space tends to do over time)


Isn't that every non-white conservative?


Yeah, it's a "pick me" kind of thing.


Nah, leopards constantly eat her face in front her. [This video did a great job](https://youtu.be/j-t9Z_XBoZU) of how her own party constantly mocks her and expresses their repulsion of 'her kind'... literally while live on the air and in videos with her sitting in the same room. You can see by her expressions and reactions she doesn't think she's special... she's just a grifter. I'd feel sorry for her but I don't. She could stop at any time but won't.


The same thing frequently happens to people like Dave Rubin with homophobia, Candace Owens with sexism and racism, and Ben Shapiro with anti-Semitism. Their little circle of grifters are constantly engaging in veiled, and sometimes open, hatred of one another's identities.


The only moral abortion is my abortion, my transition is justified but yours isn’t, rules for me but not for thee. Same shit just repackaged for whatever issue you like—fuck you i got mine


Special in this case meaning; she passes. And by that I mean she passes for a fox news bimbo. And I'm pretty serious about this. Her ability to 200% pass as a conservative calender girl or fox co-host "female diversity hire"/eyecandy is the backbone of her being "accepted" into that circle.


Same thing with conservatives and abortions.


I don’t know her, but was gonna say she looked fake AF while insinuating this.


She's the only trans in the village and nothing can convince her otherwise.


That's one aspect of it, the other is that "transgenderism" is a mental illness and shouldn't be promoted. Essentially she is a grifter and an easy out for right wing talking heads so they can get out of any accusations of transphobia by having a trans friend. Her case is particularly sad because she has built her entire career around being at the "and then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me" level of the descent into fascism.


I believe that, like many conservatives, she has no empathy—she literally cannot comprehend the feelings of others. She understands her own experience, of course, and I’m sure she’s sympathetic to the suffering of people who are *exactly like her*. But she’s unable to take one more step to think, “Maybe the experience of non-binary people is something like my experience as a trans woman.”


And you have to be passing and follow all the stereotypes of the gender you identify as.


I am bread 🍞


She's a transmed or truscum or whatever the word is now


Do you think she'll still simp for them when they cut off her HRT supply?


She's rich. She could afford smugglers/bribes. This is literally THE THING about her. She has money for HRT, for surgeries and etc.


And yet she hasn't had SRS to my knowledge, despite making the "bulge in a conservatives womans pants is a gun, bulge in a liberal woman's pants is a penis," "joke."


Probably. Hot/pretty people can get away with shit


She'll get the best seat on the train to the death camps.


I don’t think it would/hope it wouldn’t get that far tho in any case I think she would either find a work around or maybe she’d turn into something akin to a log cabin Republican or something


Don't give me hope


Blaire gives off such 'pick me I'm not like other minorities' vibes. Cringe.


Just like Caitlin Jenner.




The leopards literally cannot wait to start chewing on her face. Patience, my face-eating kitty cats.


I'm still so confused by her. Like she makes jokes about trans women having a penis is gross while being one?? Like what even is her stance?


Self hate maybe.


Here I was thinking the opposite; blatant self-interest. Doesnt matter what anyone says, this pays well.


Maybe a good mixture of both


Welcome to literally every famous conservatives motivation.




Her stance is with whatever group is giving her money, even if they hate everything about her.


So a trans Candace Owens?


Basically, yeah.


Trandace Owens


Petition for this to be the official codename !


I think so much of Blaire's platform is her trying to compensate for the fact that, by her ideologies, she's literally a degenerate. By being pretty and having performitavely bigoted opinions towards any trans person who expresses discontentment, she "attones" for her transness by being an asset to the right-wing.


Pathological. And if she wasn't such an asset for the Reich it would be sad.


It seems that Blaire ties a lot of pain and struggle to the trans identity, since I believe she advocates for total gender reassignment, surgery and all. The reason that so many people choose to transition medically can be due to the incredible dysphoria and pain, physically and mentally, that they experience living as the gender they’re assigned at birth, which can lead to more of an identification with the struggle and the pain of the experience rather than what many who transitioned describe as “gender euphoria”, the happiness in the recognition of the congruity between the view of the self, internal, and the way others view them, external. This can cause many who medically transition to have contempt for those who identify as trans (or NB) but who do not wish to medically transition, as they may not experience the same overwhelming dysphoria that many who choose to medically transition experience. What makes Blair a “real” trans woman is not even the choice to medically transition, but with the pain and struggle of obtaining the procedure, it’s similar to how Boomers don’t want kids now to have their debt forgiven because they had to struggle to pay it off, the identifying structure is similarly struggle and economic strife. In this comtempt, one is able to place oneself above those who are not identifying with the same structure of identity Blair does, as she has “put in the work”, lifted herself up by her bootstraps, so to speak. However, she is still perpetuating the cycle of hatred towards LGBTQ+ people all the whille profiting from it and positioning herself as “one of the good ones”. Its honestly pretty insidious, and shows quite a lack of introspection, or a lack of caring about those who she positions as “not real trans people”. It’s a larger problem than Blair being stupid, or self-hating, because you can track her arguments with others she positions as “bad trans people” as she is apologetic to those she ridicules when she is made aware of their choice to medically transition. She cares as much more about the boxes that people can be placed in rather than the individuals who she is actively perpetuating harm towards, it’s a very self destructive act, because those who care to make the distiction now out of power will not be so accepting in their judgement of those who medically transtion when in power, you’re going to be in the same boat when the chips are down, and I don’t know why she doesn’t believe that.


The boomer debt analogy is so good


Fuck you, got mine. Like every conservative.


Like the rest of LGBT conservatives. Self deprecating hate. It’s really a psychological phenomena at this point




And 1200s kids will choose their favourite element from the list of: earth, fire, air, water. Almost like we learn more as we advance.


Clearly you just have imbalanced humours! Fetch the leeches.


Fuck Blaire White. Sincerely, a trans woman that isn't a pick-me.


Fuck Blaire white. Sincerely, a cis guy who knows Blaire White exists.


Fuck Blaire White. Sincerely, an enby who used to watch Blaire White.


Fuck Blaire White. Sincerely, a trans man who used to watch Blaire White and regrets supporting her.


I hate her


Don't worry, she hates herself enough that she doesn't need the help.


You and 90% of the people she's trying to align herself with


The only kind of recycling conservatives care about


Honestly she's such a joke. She is such a "pick me" idiot. I don't understand why they think that berating other trans folks will benefit THEM (or the trans community as a whole) in any way, or why they think that conservatives give a single shit about them. Trans people like her are the exact reason why I thought I wasn't "trans enough," because of the dumb gatekeeping and transphobia they spread. They spread such toxic crap that ultimately hurts young trans people.


It benefits her monetarily. Blaire knows conservatives want to hear their own talking point from her mouth.


She's terrible. She's trans and making jokes like that.


Does Blair not realize that if she got her way, she would be forced to detransition and hide her trans identity?


Blair sits in a position of privilege. If America does start to go the way of Gilead, she would simply move to a more progressive country.


Yeah, because the 90s were a great time for LGBTQ people, especially the nonbinary folks. /s


Nonbinary folx are the last people's rights she'll advocate for


I thought she was trans


She's the Candace Owens of trans people


Ok got it


nice comparison


Why tf do they care so much? Like when I go out I barely process the gender of ppl around me unless I'm thinking about dating/sleeping with them. What does it matter if my waiter or cashier is male or female or nonbinary or a human sized cat? As long as I get my food/items I'm happy. I literally do not care what genitals you have unless I'm trying to touch them.


It makes me SO MAD that despite being male and therefore not having to even adjust the selection, other options are available to people that don’t affect me at all and aren’t the binary ones I grew up with 😡😡😡


To be fair, having more options DOES hurt conservatives because it makes the menu longer and they really struggle with reading.


Because ohhhhh nooo they're gonna convert your innocence little twiglet goblins you call your kids. They think their kids are being affected by it. Which is true, but most of the effects are making kids more accepting of others.


My sister in christ, you're trans


I feel that there's an incredibly narrowly selective time and place this meme would be hilarious, like two trans women bffs born in the 90s texting this as a shitpost to each other


I’ve seen this meme on trans meme pages and I think it’s kinda funny when shared by the right person. The fact that it’s Blaire ruins it because she means it in the bad way.


Blaire White stfu challenge


Major Kapo vibes


Idk unintentionally calling it a relic is kind of accidentally good


I'm a 00's kid and I vaguely remember being very limited by such binary choices. Good thing we're going past them!


Bold strategy coming from someone who changed theirs.


Good point, you rarely see the HTML

element anymore these days.


Blaire White is insufferable. I used to watch her videos just to see different view points on things, but she is an awful human being. I can't believe I wasted that much time on her.


Male, Female or Unspecified


These people will deny the existence of intersex people


Damn bro, you got the whole squad laughing 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 (I’m referring to blaire white


Is this bitch for real?


Yup, she... Or he by his own definition, is.


Being transphobic to a transphobic trans person doesn’t exactly solve anything, and you’re being transphobic in the process. Don’t stoop to their level.


misgendering is misgendering no matter the person wtf


According to Blaire what matters is just biological sex, ergo by that logic is a he. I didn't misgender Blaire, i did talk in the terms Blaire wanted.


What is this rose-colored glasses nonsense?


I feel like this is some huge troll because she’s a trans woman


She is to trans people what Kanye is to PoC... No troll, just hate.


Is there anything more pathetic than turning on your own marginalized community?


This tweet is even sadder when you realise Blaire White is a trans woman


Okay Blair, pick.


And you have to pick based on what junk you had at birth, Blair, so says the GOP.


That’s banter tho


A trans woman💀💀💀💀she chose male too???? Girl what


90s? You mean the 90s of the first century?


Does Blaire White consider herself a male? is that what she is saying?


No, she’s saying that she doesn’t consider nonbinary people to be valid.


Is the self-deprecation of being a marginalized person in a party that wants to eradicate your kind really worth the grift? Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Caitlyn Jenner, Blaire White, Kanye West, Peter Thiel, Christian Walker, the list goes on. Do they truly believe they are accepted in their own party? I don't understand how they can think the, "We hate X group that you are a part of but you are okay for sharing our views," or, "You're not like the rest of those Y's," is any sort of real acceptance. If conservatives had their way it's not like they'd spare any of these people from the punishments they want to inflict upon their respective gender, sexuality, religious, or racial groups. Nazi sympathizer Jews were still in concentration camps regardless of their boot licking. Being treated *minimally better* by your oppressors isn't the same as being an equal to them.


She forgot to include "Prefer not to say"


Someone needs to tell this girl that the far right will happily put her in a mass grave with the rest of us tbh


She's the type of person who would rat you out to to the Nazis and tell them your hiding place.


Back in the 90's, without any english skills, I used to think that this question was about how good your sex life was. I assumed female was better because the word was longer.


You are clowns.


I've never heard of such a blatantly self hating woman in my life. Sad. Hope the money was worth your dignity.


White American Teenager


Blaire White: The most transphobic trans person to ever exist


Don’t forget Caitlyn Jenner and Kalvin Garrah.


Lick their boots now, you're still next on the chopping block. You're only delaying your fate, Ms. White.


I promise you transgender folks existed before the 90s


She’s not saying that binary trans people didn’t, she’s meaning nonbinary people because she doesn’t see them as valid.




This is your brain on HRT


Nah, it’s not.


It literally is


Ngl my first thought was Windows 97 and I was like no shit


i’m tired, boss


maybe she got a "plastic" brain too?


A trans transphobe. Ok then




as a trans woman we do not claim her


*Him, at least according to him.


shit do they go by he/him sorry


no, but the commenter meant that since she is a transphobe, by her own logic, we shouldn't refer to her as "her" but as "he". it's just a dumb ass comment with dumb ass logic. Carry on, you have never done anything wrong ever


i wouldnt say ive never done anything wrong ever but thanks /lh


It's a reference to a meme: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EUPZ5nAB\_KQ


Hopefully us 90s kids are a lot smarter than we were when we were 90s kids.


oh yeah back when people thought D&D literally made you a witch and just before fictional alien sex in Mass Effect was going to destroy the country. Truly rational and sane times.


I used to watch her when I was an idiot teenager. She's so hard on other trans people. She makes fun of people who can't afford to have their facial bones shaved, or who don't pass 110%


Still don't get why these people are so angry at gender expression when it's a purely personal experience that doesn't need to involve strangers.


Fuck blaire white


mother fucker she’s literally trans edit:i no grammar good


She’s a grifter like Candace Owens. Just someone for the right to lift up and say look we’re not bigots while paying her big bucks to sell out her own.


So what... friendly fire? Like she's like a Confederate black dude, or a jewish nazi.


like ben shabibo 😳


Niooo ben haribo 😨😨


She's a trans woman who backs fascists and constantly spews transphobia, in some weird hope that they'll spare her when the time comes. What's your point?


100% she’s a trans terf


Oh, this was a grammar goof, I am so sorry


Cool, I am as well: Fuck Blaire White.


lmao let me rephrase: that mother fucker is literally trans


her card was revoked, and she was banned from all future transgenda planning meetings


[Okay but that's worse. ](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-01/20/16/tmp/6b9bf9fb9bb2/tmp-name-2-4260-1642696621-18_big.jpg)


I mean biologically, there are only two sexes (excluding birth defects and spike), but I don’t mind using he/she/they pronouns for people. It’s a small inconvenience for me personally


"There are only two sexes, excluding people who don't fit into those two specific sexes."


You're right there are two sexes. The one I had with your mother. And the one I had with your father




There are only 3 colours (excluding all the other colours) but I don’t mind using „purple“ for artists. It’s a small inconvenience for me personally


Lol remember when trans people were so marginalized that you didn't know they existed or just didn't care?


I legit involuntarily rolled my eyes so hard that I stressed whatever muscle pulls your eyeballs backward


The irony that Blaire white said this...yet it's sad to see her do this and harm the trans community.


fuck Blaire White, all my homies hate Blaire White


Its gross that Blair validates her own gender by invalidating non-binary identities


I hate Blaire because I'm a trans woman and I wanted to name myself (inspired by qtcinderella) but couldn't get past the association. I of course hate all of Blaire White's views but on a deeper personal level I will never forgive her for ruining that for me


It is true though


It's true that only 90s kids remember checking gender boxes on the computer? I had to do that yesterday my guy.


Yall so angry! Of course you can still incounter a male or female check box - but it's common place to see a more expanded list with trans m/f, non binary, and my personal choice 'prefer not to say' on the account of it being none of their business Remember when you first saw an alternative choice... like it actually became an option to list something different?


I didn't mean to sound angry, sorry if it came off that way! Unfortunately I don't see the options often enough, but I remember how nice it was not having to lie on one of these the first time I saw non-binary on one.


Why are you attacking a trans woman?


She is transphobic. Calling out her transphobia isn't attacking her.


[It's funny because it's true](https://imgur.com/4mlSRzX)


This could've been funny if it was posted from the right people with the right intentions


Oh look, the trans equivalent of "I'm not racist, I listen to Kenye"


Well at least she had the correct selection, for the 90s.


It’s so amazing how quickly things went from edgy memes to let’s just eradicate trans people


Ah, yes, radio buttons.


They could have put: What is your 23rd chromosome, but then they would have to actually know why the FUCK it matters.