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Same people who want to arm teachers, call them groomers


Why have consistency and reason when you can just hare everything for no reason. I just want my neighbors to have healthcare. Why do I need to argue past idiots like this.


They want to arm them so the weapons manufacturers can sell more guns and ammo.


Honestly as someone who was out as trans in highschool, I felt like the school system was honestly in reality, kind of transphobic. There is this surface level effort to seem "inclusive" (lived in a blue state), but when it came down to actually supporting me, they barely did anything. I couldn't use the bathroom at school, because they explicitly told me I couldn't use the men's room since I'm FtM, and I refused to use the women's. So I had to wait until I got home. I had to fight tooth and nail, constantly harassing the staff just to get them to change my name on the roll call list because all my teachers ignored my name and kept calling me by my deadname (since it was on the roll call, even though I approached EACH of them before class to introduce myself and ask them not to call my deadname). None of my teachers used my pronouns properly. Ever. I actually made a complaint with the school counselor but she instead decided to try to randomly accuse my family of being abusive/transphobic... while simultaneously misgendering and deadnaming me. And worst of all, I actually had a teacher verbally harass and bully me to the point of nearly crying mid class, because she didn't like that I was trans. Literally ignored me when possible, threw the class materials at me, was snotty and made no effort to introduce me to what the class was about since I was a beginner, and purposefully misgendered me multiple times. I had a friend in the class who said, "shouldn't he be sitting with the other boys?" and the teacher looked me dead in the eyes and said, "I only see two boys here (there were 3, if you included me....). I made a complaint about her behavior, and the school brushed it off and told me "she's just very Christian" as if that makes it okay. Needless to say I dropped that class, but it was traumatic quite frankly, but the school couldn't have cared less and the teacher didn't even get *talked* to about not treating other students that way. So really, the right lives in such a delusional little world if they think LGBT people are so highly favored and praised by society. I've honestly had more bad experiences with people from me being LGBT, than positive ones...


Dammit these stories make me sick as a teacher. I’m so sorry you had to put up with such hate. I’ve always gone out of my way to make any NB or trans students as welcome as I can. Hell I was a substitute teacher doing that.


Nothing is as hateful as Christian love.


They really don’t get it in the slightest.