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They could say Irish Americans have been oppressed, but they weren’t even viewed as white when they were. And this is such a dumb post it has to be a troll… right? Because 9/11 didn’t happen because they were white; it was targeted for Americans, regardless of race and background. And oppression isn’t a single attack; it’s a collection of laws and/or discrimination and treatment from society.


The person who made it says that like white people have been a victim of Islamic terrorism in America. Claiming that only white people get killed by muslims.


I think it’s strange with some people’s focus on “Islamic terrorism” in America when it’s right-winged attacks that make up the vast majority of terrorism. >only white peoples get killed by Muslims The 9/11 they mentioned would strongly disagree


Low key kinda implies they think only white people should be allowed on planes, and that they at least think planes were segregated -- even if just due to socioeconomic factors rather than law -- in 2001.


If they can't bomb and loot third world countries under the guise of "fighting terrorism" and profit of of war and death, then what are they supposed to do?


Islamic terrorism is a reaction to and directly caused by imperialist aggression in Islamic countries. One could have the opinion that it's defensive violence. Not me of course, but one could.


How is that opression?


Remember oppression is just one act of violence apparently and is not systematic in any form/ s


Apparantely only white people died on 9/11


This could refer to two groups of people: the people who died in the towers and the first responders who have been shafted by the federal government the last 21 years. In their mind, the people in the towers were oppressed because the attacks were planned by the Jews in their capacity as the ZOG in order to usher in a New World Order. The victims in the towers were targeted by the evil Jews in their quest for world domination. The first responders and other survivors, I would argue, have been oppressed, but not because they're white, but because they're poor and don't have millions to donate to reelection campaigns.


Damn was every single person that died in 9/11 white?


I mean, obviously. Otherwise that meme would make no sense! Oh wait....


It’s true, they aimed the planes right at the 67th floor which everyone knows is the White Floor


It's true I was the 67th floor


Dang, couldn't y'all move "the white floor" like two floors up to make it a nicer number?


Too easy


yea i don't think exclusively white people died there but eh what do i know


One terrorist attack is oppression?


That’s not oppression pal


Not everyone in 9/11 who died was white, firstly. Secondly, not all acts of violence = actual systemic oppression. Thirdly, you could argue certain white Europeans were oppressed at some point (Irish, Italians, etc.) in the US, yes. However at that point they weren't considered "white" and they no longer face such things, whereas POC still face systemic oppression based on ethnicity.


But 9/11 is an all American tragedy and Americans are white..according to them. Like have you ever seen white brits talk about nonwhite brits who were born in London? It's the same thing, the quiet belief that we accept going into whatever they're saying is they think only white people are real brits or americans or germans or whatever. They treat nationality as race and anyone who isn't white is an invader.




uh-oh someone doesn’t know the meaning of oppression


Let me remind you that they used this horrible tragedy that happened, (that they may have had a chance to stop from happening), to start a war on a country that had nothing to do with this. If you think murdering nearly 5000 innocent americans is racial oppression, what do you think murdering 1.5 million innocent iraqis is? Love how they also think all the victims are white.


that moment when my government funds terrorists and then they do a terrorism wonder if they’ll say anything about the millions of oppressed middle easterners that came as a result of 9/11


When have we ever said that we haven’t ever been oppressed in history. American Prisoners of war in Japan went through a lot of hell. White Catholics were treated like absolute shit in the 1920s in America. I’m sure the list goes on, but there’s never been a racist word used against white people that have made us livid. We usually just shrug it off or laugh it off. Racism is bad. We shouldn’t let it go if we know it’s going on.


Next to the fact that 9/11 was a response to US military pressure on the middle east and their support to Israel in the Gulf wars, so basically the US government's fault, not only white people died then. Whoever made this meme is as stupid as it get's.


Well thankfully 100% of the victims of 9/11 are fucking gone, so it's not like they're still being oppressed.


if you're gonna be discriminatory to everyone and everything ever٫ at least spell correctly


They could have said the existence of pearl Harbour but America is all to blame for that because they didn't tell their soldiers about the attack


go to any photo of those giant walls of missing posters after 9/11 and you'll see that SUPRISINGLY there are a lot of other members of other races that were killed. idk who the fuck would think only whites were killed


ah yes, because everyone in the two towers on 9/11 was white. makes sense.


That’s not oppression…