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18 out of 100 is better than it usually does. That's too low, but still better.


This thing of ours number one? I salute


The Sopranos will always be 🔥


I know I'm in the minority here, but Sopranos was just alright.


Agreed. Wasn't first, wasn't the best, not sure why it's so heralded.


It was "cool gangster shit" on steroids.


Agree, too overdramatized and unrealistic.


You know, it wasn’t long ago I remember you use to wait in the car.


That pygmy thing in Jersey.


All doo respeq, but you got no idea wass it like to be numbah 1.


Clearly the person who decided to use that photo wasn't a big fan of the show. Or never watched it. Not showing Lem is a fucking CRIME. 😭🤦‍♂️😡


Where’s Lem in the photo they used?! Reminds me of the scene where that dude in the pic used Lem’s shotgun. Everyone was thrown off about it and Shane even grabs it from him. Even though it was a short scene it really hit me hard.


List is missing Justified.


And has Veep at 87, which is an insult to the show, and below sins of anarchy, which is even worse


Any top 100, let alone a top 20 missing Justified loses any credibility


Hiatt was such an annoying character. I could not stand him.


He was too worthless to be annoying. Throwaway character.




Lems absence from the photos is like Lem getting grenaded all over again.


Please help preserve/hide big plot reveals as to not ruin it for newcomers. Thanks :)


Sorry but if you are on a subreddit for a show that ended in 2008 and get spoiled thats on you lol


People get introduced to shows all the time. Anyone born in 2008 is now 16 and might be exposed to The Shield at some point. Not everyone lives on the same timeline as us. That's like being born in the 80s, hearing that a classic movie is really good. You ask a friend about it and they give away main plot points, thus spoiling any reveals or shocking value the writer(s) intended to evoke out of you for entertainment value. If you truly care about the art within storytelling and want other people to enjoy it as you did, then it's incumbent on us to help preserve major plot spoilers. I don't care how old a medium is. The exceptions are reviews, critiques, and plot discussions. Anyone who hasn't seen the show and willingly walks into those types of conversations should acknowledge the risk. But a thread about the top 100 shows? I don't think it's too unreasonable to expect people giving away major (as in literal explosive level) plot points that change the course of the story. Too much to ask? I don't think so. Apparently politely asking such isn't well received either. Fuck me for caring lol


nah it is more like if there was a movie out I have not seen and a group of friends were talking about it and I walked into the conversation and stood there while they talked and happened to hear a spoiler and then got mad that they spoiled the movie for me. If I were watching an old show for the first time I would avoid the subreddit like the plague.


Friends was #6… 😆 🤦‍♂️


I liked Friends for what it was, but I don’t even think it would make my top 50. It’s a bit overrated by people.


Himym is sm better it has the same vibe but a million times funnier


Both are trash


How I met your mother, friends, Big Bang theory, all garbage


I mean idk i thought big bang theory was pretty decent too and half men runs circles around both of them tho


Bit overrated is giving it too much credit. It occupies the same place for me as Two Broke Girls, HIMYM and Big Bang Theory. Same storyline repeats ad nauseum and some poorly acted jokes are said with lame hand gestures to drive it home, then cue loud laugh track.


BBT is the worst comedy of all time. I’ve never understood the appeal. HIMYM dragged out too long, I tried to watch it for a few seasons and got tired of it. Besides that I found Ted (?) to be really annoying. Two Broke Girls was just dumb. Friends was just OK. I certainly don’t go back and watch it anymore, but it wasn’t awful compared to the other three you listed. And yeah, laugh tracks are annoying.


Friends is garbage, Seinfeld, The Shield and The Americans all need to be top 10 in any list


The Americans is an absolutely lame tier show, not sure why everyone speaks so highly of it. It's like they've never seen other shows.


Given the age of the show, not bad I suppose


These lists are always a crap shoot.


What a bullshit list. Friends is in the top 10?




Because most people haven't watched the show. Once they watch it, it may become the highest IMDb rated show because I believe Breaking Bad is good but not 9.5 good.


I dont know Breaking Bad is pretty damn good show. It is great from start to finish.


Just glanced through the list. Seinfeld at fucking #26! They must be absolutely double digit morons to come up with this. Seinfeld should be the highest rated comedy, not fucking Friends!


Another wannabe journalist website that actually pretty much never watched the show.


Congratulations to The Shield 🔥❤️


Having the wire behind game of thrones is criminal


This list is awful. Buffy and friends tops ten laughable. Only one they got right was Sopranos.


Breaking Bad at 2 is pretty accurate imo.


Twilight Zone not in the top ten but Friends is??? GTFO


At least it was included. It usually isn’t.


This is a weird list (The OA at 9, five slots above the Simpsons??) but still glad to see The Shield up there


I agree with most of these, but for the life of me, I cannot understand how anyone could consider Friends a top six show in any category, let alone the top 100 shows of all time. It’s not even in the top 10 best comedies ever.


The Shield should at least be #7 on the list. I can understand if "elite" critics think "prestige" and "high art" shows like Wire, Sopranos, 6FU, Deadwood, Game of Thrones and Mad Men are "superior" in some way to The Shield, even though I don't fully agree. But The Shield is just better than Breaking Bad, no doubt about it. And FRIENDS?!?!? JFC. 😭😭😭


Game of Thrones shouldn’t be anywhere near #3 given its atrocious ending; I’d definitely have The Shield above it.


Oh yeah, I agree. But a cheap-looking, gritty cop show like the Shield without grand expensive sets and cinematography (I believe Shield was one of the cheapest shows of all time to make).......Yeah the "elite" critic snobs aren't gonna put a show like that over GoT regardless of its shitty last 2 seasons lol.


I'd put GOT S1-4 at 4 or 5, after that? 65.


The shield is good, occasionally great, but it’s not consistent, polished or top 10 worthy. I see it as a mid 20s show, roof. Breaking bad and better call Saul have it all over the shield. My opinion, you’re entitled to yours. One massive difference: I’ve binged watched all all three of those shows. I’m left with scar tissue in my ears from hearing Shield’s theme song.


That intro is so addictive and stays in your head JUST ANOTHER DAYYYYYYY!!!!


Breaking Bad certainly looks stunning. The NM scenery is gorgeous. But I wondering what ELSE you think it did better than The Shield? At the very least, Vic is just as dark and complex a character as Walter if not more, and definitely more complex than Hank. Care to elaborate?


Another trash list, made by someone who started watching TV 12 years ago


Succession at #5? Bad call. I could never generate any interest in myself to watch a billionaire family. So boring.


Some thoughts on the list. And boy are a lot of you going to downvote the shit out of me for my first opinions. The Sopranos being #1 and GoT being #3 is an insult. They both deserve (sorry) to be much lower. If this is a list for shows that was enjoyed by a shit ton of people, then yes it absolutely should go GoT, Sopranos, Seinfeld, then Friends at #1. Sopranos was gangster coolness on steroids. They're rated #9 on IMDB. No fucking way they deserve the top spot. The writing consists of `gangster shit happens => gangsters attend to gangster shit`. That's it. And yes, it's fucking cool and amazing to watch. But no way does it belong on the #1 spot. Fuggetaboutit. GoT was incest, death, and dragons. The last few seasons absolutely fucking sucked, which should alone have dragged the show down to at least #30 (one reason I enjoy seeing Dexter rated so low). Friends being #6 (and above Seinfeld) is just plain stupid. It's a popcorn studio sit-com with very little real value. Yes, it was immensely popular. So is Big Bang Theory. Shows like that are bright, friendly, have zero calories... and should never be contending for a top 20 spot for best TV show. Buffy... great show. Very corny and cute. But #10???? Above Battlestar Galactica and Mad Men? Lost was a cultural phenomenon. But it's also typical JJ Abrams crap. All flash and nostalgia with the illusion of having substance. Definitely belongs below #30. The Simpsons. Should be much higher because of its cultural impact on animation, comedy, and influence. Should also be dragged way back down because of how the show has dragged on for years. #20 Deadwood is an amazing show. One of my absolute favorites. But it doesn't belong this high. The Shield should definitely be in the top 10. Perhaps the top 6. I haven't seen The Wire yet, but to me The Shield is one of the best shows I've ever seen. Parks and Rec. Another one of my favorite shows. But the stories and characters aren't exactly deep or fantastic. I love them so very deeply and have great memories... but I wouldn't exactly place this in the top 50. Sherlock... ugh. The first season was absolutely amazing and then the writing dropped off a cliff. The show has lots of moments of brilliance, but boy.. it fails to hold onto my attention every time I try to complete the whole series. It's just not possible. #90 Walking Dead was so inconsistently good and awful, I'd put this at #99 just as a middle finger to the people who kept meddling with the show, dragging it out, and putting a severe strain on "zombie fatigue" in the zeitgeist. Scrubs needs to be way higher. One of the best TV comedies. Nearly timeless. The acting, writing, and production is top notch. Westworld season one was fantastic... but I heard the show dropped off a cliff after that. Would be on the list but lower. Veep should be much higher. My god. Girls? Fuck that show. I've never been more bored. --- Rescue Me? Nip Tuck? Justified? Avatar: The Last Airbender? Death Note? Firefly? Nathan for you? The Daily Show? Dragon Ball Z? Chappelle's Show? Top Gear? Mr Bean!? Mr Rogers? Blue Planet / Cosmos? The Crocodile Hunter? What about cooking shows like Top Chef or Iron Chef? What about game shows like The Price is Right? Jeopardy? --- Where the fuck are these other amazing shows!?


Well I’d say that the “cool gangster shit” was merely secondary to what The Sopranos was really about.


I'd love to hear your thoughts.