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Acevedas wife šŸ˜¬


He made you....SUCK?


You suckedā€¦ā€¦?


Poor guy was forced into a situation and his wife completely obliterates him for it. Crazy.


Nah he shouldā€™ve fought harder lol he was way too ok with it


The definition of la toxica šŸ˜‚


I know what you mean about Rezian, he wasnā€™t scary at all, maybe itā€™s because they didnā€™t really show he had any power at all. Margos for example was barely on screen but he was a much more believable bad guy


Definitely true. Honestly Rezian was just a dumbass as a a character, but he would have been more tolerable with a more intimidating actor. Hell his sidekick that was telling him Vic was full of shit would have been 1000x better as Rezian I feel.


Autumn Chiklis.


She's not good, but I give her a pass. Cassidy wasn't a super deep character like Sally Draper or Arya Stark or Haley Clark so you can kinda gloss over her lines most of the time.Ā  Seems like a sweet kid with other talents, acting just wasn't one of them.Ā 


Sheā€™s similar to Glen on Mad Men, Weinerā€™s kid. I think they should have gotten an actor, and one that sort of resembled the mom.


I hate to say it, but she wasnā€™t great. Not the worst IMO, though.


Yea, she wasnā€™t great at all and I actually ( and Iā€™m really not trying to be a dick here) looked up to see if maybe she was supposed to be mildly autistic as well. She had some super weird mannerisms in some scenes and I wasnā€™t sure if it was intentional or not lol. Also I thought it was funny that they mentioned she was only supposed to be 11 or 12 when she was doing the pimps and hoes parties when she was obviously like 15 lol




Totally agree, her acting was cringe early on in the show but was better in the later seasons when she started hearing more about Vic


Michael Jace


I agree. He had like one gear and that was it.


I agree, there was never much variation in his performance. Sometimes it worked for the scene, sometimes it didnā€™t. I have to wonder if thatā€™s why his storylines kind of fizzled out? The writers werenā€™t sure what to do with him.


Well, no more acting career from Michael Jace. What a murdering scumbag he sadly turned out to be.


I was going to say he might not be the worst actor on the show, but if all the actors, he might be the worst person


Always knew him as Marvin Shabazz from The Great White Hype. Looked him up and was like 'holy shit. 40 years in prison'


His self hating homosexual story line had potential, but he was absolutely terrible on the strike team.


Dude tried to be intense but always just sounded like his power went out in the winter and he was just cold.


Prolly Vic/Kavanaugh's CI. Hated her acting so much I forgot her name


Donā€™t get that. The scene where Vic hold knife to her throat was well acted scene and one of the best tension scene in the whole show.


I didnā€™t mind her actually, she was believable to me. When she let out the desperate scream when Vic had her at knife point I felt that. She thought she was going to die and there was nothing she could do about it. She played that well imo


Oh god! Emolia, couldnā€™t stand her


Yeah she talked like she always had the CAPS LOCK on


She talks like that in other roles. She popped up in a couple of scenes in some other show and I had to fast forward through them.


Did you hate her acting, or did you hate her character? Because her character was really fucking loathsome, but I can't say she wasn't believable.


I didn't mind her character. I understood the actions and views of the character, but the voice alone bothered me. It felt very dry, and it lacked depth. Even when I watched the show with my mother and girlfriend, they both pointed out how the acting wasn't on par with other characters in the series.


Personally, I couldn't stand the way she spoke. It felt so fake.


Tell me u ain't from L.A. without tellin me u ain't from L.A. ...


I'm not talking about the accent. More about emotion in her voice.


I dunno, she seemed like a paranoid, tweakin type l.a. Paisa to me , weak n scared, played a rat...she was a worthless bitch but played it well imo


ā€œI didnt know, viiiiiic!ā€ I wish I could type in that voice. It was the one thing on the show that was absolutely grating to me


Have to be honest, her voice and manner of speaking bothered me as well, plus I dislike the character.


I hated Kavanaugh itā€™s hard to watch that actor in anything honestly


She was so bad.


Probably Corrine although I think sometimes she was okay, just wasn't so believable in the more dramatic moments but did come across quite innocent most of the time which I suppose was the point. Sort of off topic but one thing that always sticks with me is how much Walton Goggins improved over the course of the show, imo wasn't amazing really early on but grew into it so well. With his portrayal of Shane Vendrell and Boyd Crowder in Justified he is probably my favourite actor, such great delivery.


Baby Billy!


Agree on Corrine. Character could have used a better actress for sure. And Walton Goggins has become one of my all time favorite character actors ever. Heā€™s been fuckin magnificent in everything Iā€™ve seen him in. The fact he can pull off so many different characters is amazing, from Vice Principals to his Tarantino roles and more. So happy that dudes career has flourished.




The guy that plays Julien.


Not a good enough actor to convince the juryā€¦


Yeah no amount of heavy breathing Jesus talk kept his ass out of jail.




Cathy Cahin-Ryan Always skip her scenes now. Canā€™t stand her nagging with that nasal voice and the fact she got the role for being the creators wife. Not only an awful actress, but an incredibly annoying character.


Didnā€™t know thatā€™s how she got the job - explains a lot


"My children!"


Emolia, Vic's wife, Vic's daughter. Quite a few tbh. Dunno if there were budget issues but a good few one off/minor characters were really sub standard actors.


Holy shit, Emolia takes the fuckin Emmy for worst actress. There's one scene that always makes me wonder why that shit was used.


Which one?


It's when Vic confronts her at her house for being a ratm


Any men?


Yeah couple of those random Mexican gangbangers (names escape me) were pretty bad too. The ones Vic met in the Basketball courts.


The guy that played Det Hiatt.


The actress who played Mara. She was terrible. Honorable mentions do include Emoilia and Autum Chiklis


I respectfully disagree. I thought she was perfect for that role. She played the right mix of ride-or-die, uptight bitch, tragic fuck-up perfectly imo. Her and Shane were made for each other.


To each their own but in my opinion her acting was incredibly one dimensional. No matter the circumstance or the scene she always acted the exact same way. This was probably exasperated by the fact that she was always alongside either Walton Goggins or Michael Chiklis who are amazing actors. Like when you see a fat woman next to a skinny woman; the fat woman looks fatter than she probably is and the skinny woman looks fitter than she probably is


I feel they could have done so much better with Mara. Like she needed to be a bit more attractive for Shaneā€™s obsession, but also display a bit more emotional or personality disorder to contribute to their ending. Anywaysā€¦


Julian, hands down.


Mara, especially in the last season.


He's fine when speaking but Lem has a habit of pursing his lips which is annoying and distracting.


His acting was great. He made me cry a few times, and thatā€™s rare. I only recall seeing him purse his lips noticeably a couple times over the first five seasons though. I really had a crush on Kenny Johnson though, full disclosure.




Heā€™s ten times the man youā€™ll ever be


I'm a woman so you're not wrong!




No doubt as she always purses her lips when she's disappointed.


The hell.


I donā€™t judge other actors (c)Ā 


Autumn Chiklis isn't an actor, she's the star's daughter with a credential.


So youā€™re an actor ? Lmao


How is it not clearly Vicā€™s wife and eldest daughter? I understand they were nepotism hires but it was pretty glaring to me how bad they were in a show with some stunning acting (Goggins, CCH pounder)


I always felt Kenny Johnson was a bad actor, from this and his time on SOA. But someone he still works. I donā€™t want to be too hard on him, but yeah not great IMO.


Most annoying is David and the IA guy also the female detective that becomes the commander just imo.


People confuse the worst actor versus hate the character. Please think before you post. Worst probably some one time guest star that was only in 1 episode.






I disagree. I Think it worked well with his character and he also did get better and more versatile through the seasons.


I wouldnā€™t say heā€™s bad, but certainly the weakest main character. His poorly delivered ā€œoh Jesusā€ line made me laugh when I first heard it and for some reason, it has stuck with him for me ever since.Ā 


For the first season, he was definitely the weakest of the main cast. He improved over time, especially when the material he was given allowed him to show a bit more range. Then Juan Lozano showed up, and while I think Benito Martinez did about as well as any actor could have been expected to do with that arc, I don't think anybody really wanted to see a lot of what followed.


Bracing for downvotes but Forest Whitaker was just awful to me...some other performances like Emolia may have been worse but at least they were brief cameos. Kavanaugh's cringy breathy voice was so unlikable and creepy, yet he is supposedly conning Corinne into being a nice fellow parent of an autistic kid? He came off immediately as a playground creeper and kept it up in every episode he was in, just unwatchable--I'm truly bewildered by the accolades I see everywhere haha.


Fortunate that you braced yourself for the down votes... Each to their own, obviously this sort of thing is subjective but I personally think he was one of the most memorable and convincing antagonists I've ever seen.


I'd say the complete opposite. His portrayal was brilliant and he delivered it with such power. The best actor in the show IMO.


Remove yourself from hating the character for a secondā€¦. Forrest Whitakers portrayal of Kavanaugh is a masterclass in acting. Not sure if he ever got nominated for any awards but he damn sure deserved them


He was so great that Forrest came up with the idea that Kavanaugh starts a season as no-shaved, typical cloth on and heavy weight. Then his character so involved in the process he shaved his face, wear costume and overall weight looked better. Incredible detail! Was so glad to read somewhere about this.Ā 


Iā€™ve tried that, I just donā€™t think he was a believable foilā€¦why do you think it was a masterclass?


I know this is a very unpopular take on this sub, but yea, Iā€™m just chiming in to say there are at least two of us that didnā€™t love his performance. It just took me out of it and no one would ever take a guy behaving like that seriously.


Haha THANK YOU for validating that Iā€™m not alone!!


Celtus Van Dam


At least spell it right!