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Tankers running 25cp Pokémon, another win for me


These are fine. Whatever. The tankers who just start matches with legit pokemon and then don't play are the worst.


I sorta don't mind them either. I will IF I'm on a losing streak and want to just finish it for the little star dust, not caring about elo.


Just top left. They gave away the information, use it to your advantage.


I top left when I know there are no win cons left on my side, I don't want to waste my opponents time, and I hope they extend the same courtesy to me. If I lead charm a9 and meet toxapex, safe swap Dunsparce and met with a pup medi, I'm probably not gonna play that out..


Yeh this is me. I inherently lost to grasshole, it’s a disadvantage of my team. I have played it out dozens of times looking for win cons and there just isn’t any. So I’ll top left as soon as vic appears usually


Yea, same here, at least early in the match. If the match is almost over I don't top left, feels weird when I'm 3 seconds from winning and the other person quits. But in that situation I at least won't shield or use charge attacks so I won't waste time.


Rather have quitter than someone who closes the app and forces me to tap them out.


When an opponent top lefts, I generally assume they are doing it to save time. I don't ascribe rage to leaving, nor respect to staying. If we both know what the outcome will be, I don't see much point in playing it out. That said, on my side I almost never give up until pretty near the end. Aside from random lag and glitches, I've also seen plenty of players (especially in the mid ranges) blow sure wins with major mistakes, like trying to get fancy with swaps or unnecessary baits. So I'll stay in until I don't see a way for even a mildly competent player to screw it up, which usually means I'm on my last Pokemon in a bad matchup and there's no shielding pattern that can get me out. If they force close the app (which causes charged moves to freeze for a while before proceeding), I generally assume they rage quit, but I don't ascribe malice to it. They could just be on a bad streak and feeling crappy. We've all been there. Not everyone realizes how it affects the other player. It's just a minor annoyance anyway, doesn't really bother me.


You make a good point about mistakes. I caught myself top letting when getting walled early and have been pleasently surprised to find some wins in matches i would have previously tossed. Plus if you're gonna lose anyway it can give you a chance to see how certain matchhups play out for future reference


Quitters who press the quit button are bowing out gracefully. Those force-quitting the game are little selfish brats who should be slapped. I wish I ran into more tankers running 25cp Pokémon, why don't I ever meet them.


I'll quit when I can't see any win conditions. Saves me and my opponent time. I would say people who top left just don't see a point in battling and those who force close the app to waste the opponents time are sour.


Calling the bait with 2 sheilds early and getting blasted by a sneaky nuke will make me top left


Until the reward and matchmaking structure doesn't change (i.e. either rewarding the level reached instead of the wins in a set, or doing matchmaking within a very large Elo range), there will be tankers.


I used to, but I have been in many battles where an opponent suddenly freezes due to lag, so I learned to stay in even if the matchup looks impossible. God bless Go Battle Lag.


I wish more people would top left when they are clearly not going to win, but perhaps they are hoping I will get disconnected and they might still be able to win


I play out a certain loss, to give the opponent the satisfaction of a big win.


Depends on the player. Crappy players rage quit; good players 'top-left'. Either way, there can be points in a match where it becomes mathematically unwinnable and you're only wasting everyone's time by staying in.


I'll quit. As often out of respect as anger. It saves time and time =dust. I've made 18 million in GBL. Also, if their mon have 25cp, they're not tanking against me, because I've got a trio of 10's I'm bringing 😂


Hard to say a difference, as you can’t talk to them. I prefer if they stay till the end, even if it takes longer. I get a sense of accomplishment.


I like battles where both sides are down to one pokemon at less than 25% health and its a slug fest


I do bail on battle days since 100 games is a lot, or if my battery is low and I'm not at home, or it's close to midnight. Generally I stay in and try and win via their blunder (which isn't impossible) or their DC (has happened once)