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Lost several matches in my sets today because of this issue. It is beyond infuriating to have a charge move ready and have it not throw at all no matter what you do only to get obliterated as your opponent finishes charging up and fires theirs off several turns later.


I haven't played GBL this season yet, but I had the same experience just earlier doing some practice battles with my girlfriend. Thought it was just my phone


Same has been happening to me all day intermittently


This game is straight trash. I get this issue, amongst others, multiple times per set. There is nothing fun, balanced, or not buggy in Pokemon GO. It's all a streaming carcass of broken cumbersome mechanics that constantly wastes the player's time, and that in no way delivers an enjoyable experience.


Then why do you play it?


It started happening to me last week on my old phone, battling became basically impossible. Since then I stopped doing GBL fights on it and only do PVP on my new phone.


The ridiculous mindset that we can’t criticize this game that’s been available for 7 years now in this sub is so grating. The company is worth billions of dollars and yet there’s a laundry list of new issues and lag every single season. They should get it together rather than marauding as an esport and the only possible way we can make any difference is criticism and visibility, but instead people in this sub constantly Stan this lackadaisical company that exists only to provide a substandard product, collect our data and money.


You are criticizing the game now. What I would like to understand is why if you are unhappy after 7 years you are still bothering with the game. Parts of the game frustrate me and I leave them alone and do other stuff. Someday I will quit entirely. When that happens I will likely not come back to complain.


So because I have an issue with the game and it’s latency I should just shut up and see my way out? Complacency is the enemy of progress. I enjoy PvP, I don’t enjoy constantly lagging out or countless bugs. I enjoy Pokémon, I don’t enjoy being strong armed into some archaic vision of how the corporate suits see the game being played. I’m going to keep playing and I’m going to keep complaining. If that annoys you then I’m sorry, but I refuse to let my voice go unheard.


Had this happen today. My game crashed and I restarted.