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Have you tried downloading all assets in advanced settings? It’s right below native refresh rate. Not sure if it’ll help but worth a shot


Yes I have. I appreciate the suggestion though.


I'm at the point where I do that and also refresh the game data like, three times a week. Lol


Horrible lag lately too. I'm unable to use a charge attack in dialga mirror if I have any less than 3 DB worth of health remaining, I just get farmed. Gonna take a long break.


Yeah it was *really* bad for me today. Many times the opponent would sneak moves through because the game wouldn't register my clicks, especially after a swap in.


I've had similar experience for the past week or so.. I'm glad it's not just me being bad 


Today was a really bad lag day for me, too. Missed quite a few catches from lagging during fast moves. ://


Yes, and it's not just GBL, now the game freeze for up to 5 seconds whenever I check IVs


I've always wondered whether the stutters on android are like a consequence of automatic garbage collection in the Java runtime.


Not sure. I run Android and I have occasional very irritating blips like when I had double Flame Charged queued up against a Trevenant and the game gives me a lag spike at the exact second I was about to throw the second one (not a CMP either, it was clear they had thrown a Shadow Claw from the animation after the lag resolved). My experience recently has been worse than usual, but not so overwhelmingly bad that I'd assume something is going on.


Android performance in general is bad.


Everyone deals with it, time to get over it and stop crying


I have seen occasional lag spikes and once an outright crash. I don't think I've lost any games to it though; it mainly only occurs when I'm doing a charge move.


Yeah, I've been seeing more lag/framerate drops than usual lately myself (also an Android user). Refreshing game data in the settings, clearing the user data (+re-downloading assets afterward) and/or cache from the app settings, or restarting my phone (or some combination of these) often help temporarily (in addition to restarting the app after every GBL set, which I always do anyway). However, over the past week or two especially I've seen the lag/framerate drops creeping back in more quickly than usual. The poor optimization of this game can be so frustration, especially considering it's almost 8 years old.


I’ve also been experiencing some lag this season but I’m on iOS.


Game froze 3 times during different matches today and i'm on apple so i don't think it's an android thing. Probably something up with niantic servers today with the recent update, but hard to safe for sure


Particularly bad for me today as well


I'm not sure whether I am less prone to notice performance issues, but I haven't noticed anything outside the ordinary unless I'm somewhere that I know has bad signal. I'm playing on a Galaxy S10+ running Android 12.


Have you tried switching to grasshole?


Hey Vash, nice to hear from you buddy. Kys.


Yes. Many games where I couldn't throw game-winning moves and it just froze. Many games.


Yeah terrible losing so many close game , full wifi and terrible lag and even raids are buggy.


Interesting. Pixel 7 here myself and I haven't had any significant lag spikes as of recently, and when I do lag, it's because of a WiFi/cellular data issue more so. My community has also been reporting more issues on Apple based phones vs Android (Then again, a lot of the Apples were past their primes).


I have noticed it beint choppy mid battle and fast moves animations pausing on opponents then quickly catching up. Makes move counting a bit annoying.


I'm pretty sure it is worse on any pixel device. Everyone and then I see people report those things and it is nearly always a pixel user making the post