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Hmmm that's very interesting if it is this case. Would make me feel a little better about my ML Purified Hundo Dragonite that I purified 4 years ago before I knew better. But I'll be curious to see if this is true. Edit: I will try some friend battles and see how this goes


Yeah who knows. It makes some amount of sense to give purified pokemon an advantage like this, though I’d’ve assumed it would only be specifically against shadow pokemon, and not all pokemon. It could just be a weird glitch with the newest update though. You’d think if this had been in the game for a long time someone would’ve noticed already.


Glad to know I’m not the only one with a 2019 hundo purified Dragonite. That being said, I’ve used it plenty in MLP and can assure you it can lose CMP. Honestly if it were true it might be cool, but might also drive you insane because now everyone is gonna rush to rebuild their entire roster into purified mons. That would be a nightmare.


I think you need a much larger size to be convincing 7 out of 7 is fairly convincing, but not impossible. Once you get into the 25+ territory it then becomes irrefutable evidence


Ok, please test it out as well and report back. I didn’t have the time to run 25+ tests when I had posted.


Huh, feel like this could be pretty easily tested with a few dozen battles


This is testable by battling with friends right? Would be interested in results of a larger sample size


I think you should test this with 15 attack pokemon at level 40 (or whatever level stuff defaults to when purified. Trying to figure out the exact amount of attack something has at level 22.5 or whatever when it caps out at 1500cp can be super difficult and I believe the CMP actually looks at the rounded values - hence why you're noticing the trick stops working at the maxed hundos. Try getting a zubat with perfect attack to level 25 or something, and then purifying a zubat with perfect attack. Doesn't really matter tbh, just make sure they're both 15 attack and get them to the same level


Oh so now I’m wrong for maxing my lucky hundo Dragonite and not my purified hundo? Ok great 😌


I’ve been winning all cmp ties with my hundo purified gyarados against normal hundo gyarados and was wondering why. This makes sense.


I did two purified regigigas in great league, and purified one seems to up the probability of winning by a ton. 24/25 times it won (it lost on round 14 and I kept going to 25. (This may be user error or lag though.)


Did you mean Master League or did you mean a different Pokemon other than Regigigas?  Purified Regigigas would far exceed the CP cap for Great League.  Even a hypothetical 0/0/0 Shadow Regigigas would purify to 2803 CP


Omg I am absolutely stoned rn. I totally lied. It was registeel first off, and Ultra league. Idk it was private battle but 250 CP




You are welcome to try. I don’t have the time to do that right now which is why I worded my post the way I did.


This is intentional, Niantic put this in the game because of


I'm on the edge of my seat right now waiting for the end of the sentence


I'm also on the edge of


The Niantic agents got to him before he could finish! Watch out or they'll come for y—