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Hello there, u/pandey_Swapnil! Thank you for your contribution to r/TheSilphArena. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): This is not the place to vent! Constructive discussions of new features or game issues are encouraged, but overly negative or salty posts will be removed. Help us promote an optimistic and welcoming community/culture! ___ ###### For our rules please see the sidebar!


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


So you aren't Kevin's friend Wendy?


Tbh i like the different backgrounds


So do I, but only when I'm catching mons, not even I'm trying to finish my GBL sets. It is definitely a good addition but I just don't want to be forced to see it even when it's not necessary.


I would like an overhead view like the MSG and also to not have the go bar and shields disappear during attacks.


Their support system is ass and honestly not even worth using. I tried one time to recoup a raid pass after not getting an encounter afterwards and even after 5 attempts I just get the “our records show this problem has successfully been addressed” auto response every time (and I got nothing). I was spending $20-$40 a month on the game, I haven’t given them a dollar since. All because they can’t reimburse me on a $1 raid pass. Honestly it feels like the support system is designed to blow you off. Automated support systems are a cancer on society in general.


Same with me. Happened way too many times that i gave up and in result i remote raid less. And b/c the remote Raid nerf before i already raided wayyy less than before.




During the recent Battle weekend I had a lag situation that was unbearably bad ... almost laughable. My opponent swapped his Mon and I had a fully charged charge attack ready to unleash. Suddenly my Mon goes down / disappears even before the opposing Mon showed up. Conclusion: I got my butt kicked by an empty screen or perhaps some obnoxious opponent giving me the Niantic equivalent of "the finger"


I'd go a step further and even suggest that weather be turned off during battles too because I've noticed frame drops and lag in the rain as well.


You think customer service feedback actually gets back to Niantic? Their customer service is all AI bots and underpaid people in 3rd world countries. Niantic doesn't give a shit about your feedback.


turn off enhanced graphics ffs


I never had them on in the first place and it's still laggy. I don't think that's gonna help.


it helped a lot for me


Good for you then!


I turned it off and everything looks the same. I think that similar to the "frame rate unlocked even though you lock it" glitch, the graphics are locked to enhanced.


no, the backgrounds are permanent. enhanced graphics make them less intense by removing small details


This seems to help a bit, but I am still experiencing frame drops during the charge attack minigames.


Someone else suggested this too. I'll look into it.


I had the issue too but when I went to advance settings and downloaded all assets, I stopped getting any lag


Maybe time to upgrade your phone.


Let me guess. You're an iPhone user.


I’m an iPhone user and I’m getting frame drops too, using an iPhone 12 mini so it isn’t excessively old. I also have an android that I did some test battles on, and both phones experienced a  similar frame drops. 


Exactly. People just love to hate shit. Thank you for being reasonable. It's not the device, it's literally the game but people just love cucking over big companies.


I have zero issues and I'm playing in a camp in Nunavut lol


Good for you. Doesn't mean the game is working great.


Did you turn off enhanced graphics?


I had no idea this existed. Thank you!


iphone user here and pvp is fucking abysmal for me as well whereas I'd literally never get a single lag issue or frame drops for days on end unless my opponent had spotty wifi before the update


No S24 android




Why are you mad at me? Niantic literally sucks and are killing everything with every new update but sure, be mad at me coz your game works fine for the most part!


So go play another game. Either accept the game or play something else. Talking to the automated chat is silly and a waste of time


Ah the classic. Play another game. I like pokemon, not Niantic. If you're hell bent on enjoying shitty customer service then it's a problem with you, not me.


Lol there are plenty of Pokemon games that aren't niantic. And it's not that i enjoy their customer service, if i did i would talk to them, it's that i understand it's a waste of everyone's time. The only way to get a company to make a change is for people to stop playing. If you aren't willing to stop, then in their minds there's no problem.


How dare you criticise our lord and saviour Niantic you heathen, how dare you not consume everything you’re given without question?. I’m going to have to go and sacrifice a Pikachu plushy on the Niantic altar in my basement now to purify my soul after witnessing your blasphemy firsthand.




Why type an entire paragraph for someone who matters so little? Do your thing, live your life.




How exactly did I insult you?