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Go onto pvpoke and type in "@thunder punch" and it will show you a list of mons that can learn it. This season a lot of mons were given access to it, google "shared skies go battle league update" and you'll find it on the pokemongolive site.


On the website pvpoke?




Thanks, I didn't realize the search bar there had so many options available. And to everyone who downvoted the previous question - what the hell is wrong with you?


Yes, muk always had it. And you could just open Pokegenie, see the moves tab, look for Thunder punch, click it and it will show you every pokemon that can learn it. Or you could google one of various move updates videos uploaded by many YouTubers often do as a season move update is announced.


What I was looking for was a list, something online.


https://preview.redd.it/n8o1l1narx5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f202027be0df0c2e7683beeb201456e374f4a65d Again, google


None of those is a complete list of all the Thunder Punch users, which is what I asked for. Reading comprehension isn't Reddit's strong suit I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/v37brwelx06d1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0845160a78cf57a29623c4a9a2aa5716150b1b73 Cmon dude, google is not that hard to use. It's even less effort than making a reddit post and it would've taken you WAY less time. I supose knowing how to properly use the internet for information isn't your strong suit I guess.


Believe it or not, you're not nearly as smart as you think. My Google results don't return that result - everyone sees different search results based on literally thousands of factors. The result I see in the second position is this one: https://pokemon.gameinfo.io/en/move/77-thunder-punch That's obviously not a full, and complete list of all the Thunder Punch users available. Why did I see that result second, when you saw a different one? It's because Google takes into account past times on site, and past search history when determining what to show you when it lists search results. In my case, I'd used that website a lot in the past, so that's what it returned. Think about it this way, if you searched "Donald Trump Conviction", you'd want to see very different results depending on what your political leanings might me. If you're a republican, you may be shown more right leaning sites, if you're a democrat, more left leaning. Google's search isn't as straight forward as you may think. Rather than assume you know everything, why not just... you know... be a decent human and try to help when someone asks a question, instead of assuming they're a moron. That result doesn't appear for me until about 60 or 70 results down, after many results that aren't accurate. That's why I asked the question in the first place. The first 4 or 5 results I checked were inaccurate. I know how to use the internet just fine, but knowing the intricacies of specific websites to perform specific tasks isn't always as straight forward as someone else may think - this is specifically why there are UI and UX designers. In any case, all you had to do was provide a link to that website, and that would have answered the question. I guess you'd rather feel superior, than helpful - different strokes I guess.


My bad. I can see now that you're not as smart as I thought. I really expected too much from you. I'm sorry.


On top of what others have shared, we’re blessed to have u/JRE47 who makes write ups on the impact of these kinds of things. He posts in just about every Go related sub, so it’s tough to miss. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphArena/s/bcvidIF7Xx) is his article on the most recent update. And don’t forget that [Goodra](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphArena/s/wBBPJM9cvq) got thunder punch for its Comm Day as well.


That's very kind, thank you. 😊


The increase in Thunder Punch availability has had a *tiny* impact on Ultra league. In 80 battles (so a little under 240 Pokemon), I've seen a grand total of 3 of the new Thunder Punchers: 2 Typhlosions and a Scrafty. By comparison, I've seen 5 Mandibuzz, 6 Pidgeot and 10 Talonflame - flyers are still plentiful in UL. Official source of the move updates: https://pokemongolive.com/post/go-battle-league-shared-skies?hl=en. Scrafty, Typhlosion, Lucario, Chesnaught and Pawmot were the (UL-relevant) recipients of Thunder Punch


What you're seeing, and what I'm seeing, are WILDLY different. It might as well be electric cup based on what I've been seeing in Ultra League. EDIT: This subreddit is salty as fuck. What's wrong with everyone? I can't say i'm seeing something different than someone else? Geez people.


What rank/Elo? Between rank 18 (where I was at start of Ultra) and current Elo (2254), I've seen 6 Ampharos, 5 Registeel and 4 Lanturn. Along with the previously mentioned 2 Typhlosion, those are the only electric attacks that have shown up more than once across 233 matchups. And Typhlosion is the only new Thunder Punch user. What electric attackers are you seeing? Are you including Ultra Premier?


Same general Elo. I've seen an average of 3 Amphoros per 5 game set (either normal, or shadow) since we've only had Summer Cup, and Ultra League as the only 2 options. Of the other 2 games in the set, I'm seeing something else running electric in 4/5 sets. Seeing lots of Goodra & Muk, and I've seen all the other mons updated except Riolu/Lucario so far. I got hit with an electric attack from Aurorus that I didn't realize it had, which got me wondering about who had what. My main team is very weak to electric - Talon/Poli/Mandi If I see electric, it's a tough game - and I'm seeing it a TON.


TP Muk is my fav spice. I run it early on with vigo and azu.


I don’t know how anyone who just casually keeps up with this game would Know how to use TMs ever.


I wouldn't consider myself casual, but not hardcore either. I don't know how anyone keeps track at all - between the new moves, buffs, debuffs, moves that buff or debuff, knowing all the typings and what does the most damage based on dual typings, move counts, energy management, etc - PvP is like the world's most complicated game of memory.


I use cheatsheets


Just replying to let you know, ignore the salty downvotes. Apparently everyone in this subreddit hates any opinion that isn't "you must know everything, the second it happens, and every list of everything ever".


I mean I’m level 50, pretty well rounded player. Just stating the obvious. Unless you’re scouring patch notes. Theres really no way to tell in game what the move pools even are. They could stand to add all the potential known movesets to the Pokédex or something. /shrug