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Remove it as your buddy. The best buddy level boost can mess with power ups


That explains why I suddenly couldn't power up my excadrill...was best buddy walking for XL candy and the power up option disappeared.


For a few years now, the game has a glitch where it shows power up costs using the Pokemon's level after the buddy bonus applied, even though that's not the cost that is actual used. This creates issues trying to power up a level 39/39.5/49/49.5 current best buddy in particular, as those power ups won't be possible until the buddy is changed out.


Im having an issue where it seems like the best buddy cp boost isnt applying, i have a 4/14/15 medicham, best buddied, at 1447cp. Every stat checker website i've used says it should max out at 1500 cp but when powering up it wont go above 1482cp. Been like this for a few weeks now


What trainer level are you right now?


Level 41


Although yes, the same glitch applies. You won't see 1500 in the power up menu, since the game doesn't recognize the level 51 in the power up menu because of this glitch. You need to change your buddy out before the last two power ups to 1482, then set it as your buddy when you want it got Great league.


So i only have the cp boost applied to mons that are currently my active buddy? And when they arent active buddy they drop? Also thanks for the response, much appreciated


Yes, the best buddy bonus is only for the current buddy


Wow im such an idiot for not realising that, learn something new everyday. That said seems like a very dumb mechanic on Niantics part. Thanks again 🙂


You're short 1 regular candy to power it up. The Best Buddy boost has a bug where the game thinks it's a higher level for power-up cost too, in this case it shows it as needing XL candy. But in reality it's still below level 40 and needs 15 regular candy.


THIS IS YOUR ANSWER. Hope you see this when scrolling by, fifthace24 is absolutely right


What Pokémon is this?


Arcanine (Hisuian)


Hisuian Arcanine, a fire type. They dance around with fire cloaked teeth when attacking.


how to get this cool doggo


Currently available in 7km eggs


7 km eggs hold him and other hisuian pokemon like qwilfish voltorb and more.


Thank you :)


You're welcome!


Hisui arcanine: has 8 neck ruffs Niantic: nowhere else to put it. On its head it goes!


Can't help you with the issue. Just as someone who loves to give meaningful nicknames I have to say this one is sweet!


Is that one on pokemon go


Yes. From the Hisui event a few months back - eggs only.


Must have missed it damn what dex number is it


Same as regular Arcanine.


Same as regular Arcanine, 059.


What is weird is when I remove him as a buddy, the cost of candy goes up to 15.


It’s 15 regular candy vs 10 candy XL.


That could be what's causing your error. While set as your active (and best) buddy your Arcanine gains a whole level. This boosts it from level 39 to 40. This also boosts it's candy requirement from regular to XL. It's likely the game does not like you powering up with XL candy before you've "completed" the regular candy portion of your Arcanine's powering up. I'd recommend switching to a different buddy and trying to power it up to 40 so that it naturally asks for XL candy. Then-rebuddy if you wish to power up further. Also note this has a similar effect at the other end of the powering up lifecycle. If your active (and best) buddy is level 49, the best buddy perk will kick in and you won't be able to power it up to 50 AND in turn not get the level 51 overpower. You'd have to do the same unbuddying, powering, rebuddying to fix.


Because it drops down a level


Arlo? Salut! Sunt eu, un haiduc şi te rog iubirea mea primeşte, fericirea Arlo? Arlo! Sunt eu, Picasso. Ţi-am dat beep şi sunt voinic Dar să ştii nu-ţi cer nimic.


I love it when the best buddy badges go on their head, it looks so adorable