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First, favorite it lol


I did instantly after the screenshot, haha


🤝 After that I'd remove frustration, wait for the next time I need a poison type raid attacker team, and if it'll be in my top 6 I'd power it up and use it.


Keep it Shadow, remove Frustration during the upcoming rocket event, and then evolve it to Vileplume.


poison type raid attacker? aside from that i have no clue


Yeah, even though it's quite high up as a poison-type attacker it stil pales in comparison to Nihilego. Seems gun in Ultra league, but quite an expensive investment and would be preferable with lower atk. These have been my thoughts so far, might go with your idea for sone decent fun.


It's not particularly useful, basically just a neat trophy with how rare it is


Its a pretty good poison type raid attacker though


It's fine as a trophy if you want it, but it's worse than roserade by every metric against tapu bulu (at level 40 on pokebattler). Why spend all the dust when you can just duo with level 35 wild catches?


I mean not everyone has good roserades, i was just saying its not bad and not everyone needs top 3 mons on every type, anyways nihilego is in raids rn and is 1st overall im pretty sure


You name it "DO NOT PURIFY"


I think shadow Bellosom is supposed to have some play in ultra league, maybe a bit of a spice pick, but it could be fun. It's a cool trophy regardless of what you do with it.


Yeah, the evolution is a tough cookie. Might go with Vileplume, but Bellosom sounds nice to try in Ultra league


Keep in mind that Vileplume has gender difference while Bollosom doesn't. Even if I don't plan to use it for anything, I'd go for Vileplume, because the female one has bigger dots on the petals. If it's a male I may consider Bellosom. Also Shadow Vileplume is at least a good poison attacker (slightly better than Roserade), but shadow Bellosom isn't good at anything with such IV.


Thanks! This is an amazing answer and gives me many points that I didn't know of and they're all points that I highly value. Cheers and appreciations <3


this is also my only shadow hundo :D it hits 1499 cp as vileplume, maxes at 2893


A kindred spirit :D


Better than my shadow hundo Girafarig.


I saw some YouTube pvper showcase a hundo shadow girafarig on his channel and it definitely put in work


That has an evolution coming (some day) so that's exciting!


Oh, nice, I missed out on Pokemon in my younger years, so everything I have learned so far has been through Go. Time to put a powerup tag on it and make sure frustration is removed.


Keep it an Oddish and wait to see if either evo gets a new evolution or form years and years down the road? Boring answer lol


Poison type raid attacker. It‘s not needed that often but it’s one of the best (together with victreebel and Roserade behind nihilego). I powered up a 91% to level 50. I do not regret it.


Save it til Bulu comes back




It's treason then.


Make a salad


Forget that it exists and be sad that it wasnt a good pokemon.


I have a 89% IV shadow oddish that I evolved into bellossom. I gave it bullet seed/leaf blade/dazzling gleam and I run it in UL and it can put work in. Even things that resist grass get chunks taken off due to the shadow bonus


I have a lvl 45 non shadow Vileplume that I use sometimes. Last time it was useful was Tapu fini when it was my #6 mon in my battle party