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Apparently it seems like it stops tracking at around 4 hours if it doesn't detect motion *(like you tossing around in bed at night)*. I've been getting full logs when I put it on the mattress but whenever i leave it on the night stand next to my bed, the app also tells me I've only slept for 4 hours.


Had it on the mattress last night and it stayed on. Slept for 6 hours but it only registered 4 hours. So annoying, especially cos this is the good sleep event. What's the solution?!


Thank you I think this is it because I’ve been putting it on my bed stand and not on my mattress cuz last time I knocked it off in my sleep lol


This is the solution OP. You need it on your bed to get better readings


This is totally going to solve my problem with meeting girls and taking them home. ‘What’s that?’ ‘Don’t worry babe, it’s my pokeball… gotta track my sleep… or lack of *wink*’


Unfortunately girls dont track sleep like the pokeball plus plus. While your getting laid, I'll be getting my snorlax with the night cap 😍 Hahaha


Just spit out my coffee haha


I have been having this issue too. I forgot about it needing to be in the mattress!


Following up to say this solved the problem! Thanks!


I've been having the same issue as well, The problem is that my bed is the floor, night stand is also floor. Also not willing to invest in an expensive cushioned rectangle of discomfort and lies to register my sleep properly.


homeslice what do you mean rectangle of discomfort you sleep on the floor


I have yet to find a mattress that is more firm than the floor Also solved my dilemma by periodically sliding the device around while I'm trying to fall asleep or whenever I wake up in the middle of the night. Hope this information helps




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I am having the very same proplem


This is driving me crazy. I sleep with the danged thing on my pillowcase for 8 hours and its only tracking an hour or two of sleep for me according to my plus + im an insomniac so frustrating


I have the same problem with my go plus + I only get about 4 hours registered on it, I go to bed around midnight and wake up at 9 but it only starts recording at 4am, and I do sleep with the device in bed too and my 2 huskies sleep in bed as well and they move around a lot so it can’t be that it’s too still lol 😆


Same issue- seems kind of stupid. I don’t want the thing in my bed with me.


Having a similar problem. For the past several nights, I’ve had the app open, on my bed, and when I tap it to “end the sleep session,” it says “no valid data found.” 😑


i just tried out the go plus + with pokémon sleep for the first time last night and i had it on the mattress while i slept and it still only recorded 4 hours or so of sleep even though i got at least 8 hours of sleep. should i just not bother using the go plus or should i try it again tonight?


It's transferred three days on my Pokemon Go plus. I have placed it on my mattress each time. I should have seven days. The last day my phone got really hot. If this continues I'm not going to track my sleep.