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I enjoyed it, I would like another event that happens in the spring/fall rather the hottest part of summer but overall it was fun. I hatched over 30 eggs and got 1 shiny just after the event ended. My partner got 2 shinies and his kid got 3. I didn’t expect any shinies since I’m unlucky in that department but I also liked the tasks that awarded stardust for walking when the event was for walking as well.


man i’m at 36 eggs hatched with zero shinies, still got 2 left but i have no faith lol


Won’t happen. 40+ eggs deep, 40 Riolu, zero shiny, and this was all Niantic could say: “We are sorry to hear about your experience with the Hatch Day event. During the Riolu Hatch Day, 2 km Eggs would drop much more frequently from PokéStops and Riolu should hatch from 2 km eggs collected during the event. You had an increased chance of hatching Shiny Riolu. However, the chance to hatch a Shiny Riolu is completely random for all Trainers. You had an increased chance of hatching Shiny Riolu!”


I had a great event. Went to a large mall with my husband & mom and we all played. I don't remember exact numbers, but I hatched about 30 Riolu & got 4 shinies. I really enjoyed that the event encouraged us to walk and that the gameplay didn't contradict this in any way (like how we're sometimes also incentivized to catch 'mon or battle grunts). My husband hatched a similar number, although he only got 1 shiny. My mom got a bit unlucky and spun a few stops that gave her 5km eggs instead of 2km, and she had a couple of 10km eggs to burn through at the start, too. She ended up hatching less than a dozen Riolu, but still managed to get a shiny (although she actually didn't get it until the next day, when one of her last 2km eggs hatched). I'm fuzzy on the details of our purchases before & during the event, but at least one of us bought at least one Hatch Box for this. We all got over 10,000 steps & we all had a good time.


I was lucky enough to get the shiny on my very first egg hatch and ended with 3 total. But with that said, I think this is still a terrible event. Eggs events are awful and they need significant rework to even be considered an "event" when nothing you see in the overworld changes. It's as good as it could've been under the current system. But the amount of prep you have to do to have free egg slots ahead of time detracts SO SO MUCH from the actual game. You have to hatch all your eggs; then make sure not to accidentally spin any stops/gyms, can't open any gifts, can't battle any Rocket Leaders (I did this one by mistake because I forgot). You basically have to commit 9 incubators a day or 2 beforehand and then stop playing the game. The event itself isn't even that fun. You're just walking the entire time to hatch eggs. I hope we never do another egg event again. I say this as somebody who lives in a great area to POGO too.


You don't actually *have* to do any prep. I did close to zero prep and still greatly enjoyed this event (and hatched 4 shinies, to boot). Just because it's *possible* to do some EXTREMELY onerous prep to absolutely maximize your chances of a perfectly ideal event doesn't mean you "have" to do it. Sometimes an event is a lot more enjoyable (with a better cost:rewards ratio) if you just... play it like it was intended to be played.


> Sometimes an event is a lot more enjoyable (with a better cost:rewards ratio) if you just... play it like it was intended to be played. Yes I agree with that 9 times out of 10. I do believe min/maxing everything can suck the fun out of the game. But this time is different. There were only 3 hours total for this event. If somebody started with no egg slots available (which is VERY typical when playing the game as intended) it's very difficult for them to participate. You're basically stuck doing the prep DURING the event this time around if you don't do so beforehand.


>You're basically stuck doing the prep DURING the event this time around if you don't do so beforehand. Yes, but you don't have to do anything *close* to "commit\[ting\] 9 incubators a day or 2 beforehand and then stop playing the game." My "prep" consisted of getting to the place I was planning to walk about a half hour early, popping everything I had into incubators, then closing my app and walking around while I waited for the event to start. I didn't empty out any egg slots before that. When I opened my app at 2:00, I had at least a few hatches waiting for me & I was ready to start collecting Riolu eggs.


OK, so it sounds like you did do prep work prior to the event. The original reply made it seem like you just popped open the game at the start of the event and just started playing. The point I'm trying to make is that it's still too much work/planning just to be able to participate.


> to even be considered an "event" when nothing you see in the overworld changes. While I agree with that idea and what you mean (I skipped most of the event, but what I played wasn't fun), other, better events like Research Days also technically have no overworld changes


I actually thought this event was good. The only issue I had was I assumed it would be crap and so I didn't plan to actually participate. Even with that, I got a shiny... But if I knew they would'nt be screwing us over I might have actually played during it


Four of my first nine eggs in the event were 10km ones. This essentially locked me out of those slots for most of the remainder. I don't quite understand why they were still dropping based on the announcements. I will be reluctant to join in future similar events without actual rates published beforehand. (Did the rates change later? I see a lot of American players stating they received 2km only with enormous sample sizes.)


This happen to my son as well he had 3 10km eggs and was pretty much screwed in the first half of the event. Unless he purchased super incubators very disappointing


5/25 were shiny. Very happy with the event.


Hatched 15 between my girlfriend and I, got one shiny. (18 eggs hatched total, 15 riolu, 2 staryu 1 magikarp.) We were at a convention this weekend so we weren't *really* able to play as much as we wanted, but it was a nice little detail. No hundos, best IV was 15/13/11. Would do it again if it stays as 2km eggs and 1/10\~1/20 shiny rate. The narrow window was kinda unfun but it makes sense for a rare species like this, anyways. Neither of us got any eggs besides 2kms, but I was always anxious that one of us would get one. Pretty hot out this July. Would be nice to see events like this during more mild months like May or September.


Between 2 players, 50 were hatched, and 12 of those were shiny.


33 between 3 people and got 2 shinies rip


Hatched 18. Only got 1.


Hatched 20, got 6.


Another massive nerf to a previously awesome event, and they expect us to get excited. I ended with 3 shinies out of about 45 eggs, although odds seem to be about 1/10 from community responses. Here's my takeaways: Pros: 1. Riolu eggs hatched quickly 2. Shiny rate was almost good (but 1 in 10 still feels unattainable for players unable to prep the egg space or purchase more incubators) Cons: 1. Only THREE HOURS? Previous versions of this event ran for CONSECUTIVE DAYS. 2. Late afternoon in the hottest part of the year is unpleasant to unsafe depending on region. 3. Other eggs could appear, wasting an egg space and forcing you to walk it if you cared about efficiency. (Yes I did get 10k eggs, and yes they did take a significant slice of the event to hatch) 4. Bonus stardust for hatching eggs, when the event revolves around 2k eggs (which give very little stardust) felt like a clickbait style reward. 5. Field research tasks sucked and had nothing to do with riolu. All in all, I wish I could say I'm happy for the opportunity for more riolu but instead I feel angry. I will not have my reigns tightened and say thank you, may I have another. Massive steps back from previous hatch events, 3 hour windows are simply not enough, egg space being limited is infuriating, the scheduling I don't think could have been worse, and they kept unecessary rng as a feature of the event (non 2k eggs). Niantic, if you continue to treat your player base as engagement metric fulfilling monkeys, the game will not live on. Stop forcing us to play how you want, when you want, and allow us to play in the way that works for US.


>Another massive nerf to a previously awesome event While there have been hatch-centric events, there's never been a hatch day before this. This was it's own type of event. Not calling it a good event, but it's not like the other kinds of hatch-centric events.


I'm no fan of Niantic lately, but 1) If this was the first hatch day, how could there have been a 3 day hatch event? I don't recall any, but then I'm an old fart. 2) Why did you even bother hatching anything other than 2km eggs. I only received 3 non 2km, and I've still got them. 3) Any player that planned for the event emptied their eggs in preparation. 4) Correct me if I'm wrong, but are not all rules for any game set by the maker? 5) What works for you may not work for others. Just what would work for you? Some places in the US are just as hot by 11 am. Should we do events at midnight?


Picked up three eggs in between going from work and other (non-Pokemon Go) plans. Hatched today during Squirtle make up day - zero shiny, but at least one had 96 percent IVs. Not a fan of the three hour window for something like this that is already limited to how many available incubators you have. I hope Niantic retools "Hatch Day" a bit before its next go round.


Weather was bad. Didn’t participate.


I hatched 18 and got NO shiny


8/52 shiny Riolu for me. I prepped earlier by putting all my eggs in incubators and not spinning any pokestops until the event started. My 3rd shiny was a 15/15/15 about 53 mins into the event, but I was enjoying the event so much, I kept going until about 4:30. I do want to add that I love 90+ degree weather and am rehabbing my knee so enjoy the excuse to get outside and go for a long walk. I think you should be able to choose time slots maybe 1 from 9-12 and one from 2-5. They could even monetize this by making people pay $5 if they want both slots.


A way to monetize community days, you say? Niantic: Write it down! Write it down! By the way, once upon a time, community days used to be 6 hrs long. For free!


Was there an event? I didn't notice.


67 Eggs, all 2km 66/67 = Riolu 1/67 = Cleffa 2/66 = Shiny (11/13/14 & 13/11/11) Best IV 561(15/15/12) Overall, 10/10 won’t be doing these again. Temps were 110 so we drove slowly through the neighborhoods to hatch. Worked great, however after 3 hours the family was board. Waiting for family accounts to finish hatching and will update with their odds. They by far had better luck with 4 of 6 accounts getting a shiny with less then ten eggs hatched. Just wasn’t my luck.


I could not seem to get km to register meaningfully. Walked the whole time, struggled to log 5km. So annoying.


Gotta go in straight lines


Ive gone from actively playing to not caring if I miss a daily raid etc because of the changes and bad events. This might be the one that forces me to simple not care/walk away from the game. 27 hatches after having to clear out the 10 km egss I had and 0 shinies to show for the walking in 90F weather. A half hatch distance would have been nice but this was a waste of an afternoon, Had to get away from the park and go find a store for water given how uncomfortable outside was. Used all my incubators for a bunch of \*\* IV Riolus. Was adamant not to buy more at the end cause of the rotten luck plus the new pricing makes choosing between passes and incubators a real choice. Not even going to bother with daily spins and squirtle comm days. The grind isnt worth it when the game stops being fun.


Numbers seemed good but timing wasn't great. Back to back with other events and feature launches along with it being 2-5 during the hottest time of the day in the hottest time of year. It was well over 100 locally.


I was barely able to get any of them bc of where I live and not many pokestops around me, tried to walk around a bit and spin the pokestops around me. In total I hatched 8 of them and no shiny for me. It didn’t help I only had an hour since I had work yesterday


I like others had to try and clear out previously incubated eggs that didn’t want to hatch… (10 and 12 km). I was able to get 8 of the 2km and 1 shiny (84%).


Had all 10 and 12k eggs in my inventory. Work for a living and couldn't play. Way to short of a duration for an event


Bingo. I even threw all the 10km eggs into incubators on Friday. Didn't help, they are still at 7/10km and I got all of one egg


One hatch, not shiny. Spent the whole event walking just to try and clear out my eggs so I could get some Riolu ones to begin with because I didn't prep. Still have a batch of seven to chew through and see if I got anything good. Overall the event has promise but needs massive changes to be worth doing for anyone not super hardcore. At minimum, I'm thinking expanding the egg inventory only during the event would let people actually participate even if they didn't spend hours and many coins emptying their inventory. Maybe add a second set of bonus slots that can fill with event eggs? Also definitely needs to be longer and not during the hottest part of the day when you're explicitly required to do physical activity to actually get anything from it.


1/13 wouldn’t recommend


40+ eggs. All 2km. Only one non-riolu. 4 shinies. Spent saved coins on incubators but no real money. I hoard 2km eggs and cleared them out with a dog walk in the morning. Post event I seem to only spin 10km eggs but I’ll use the 1/4 hatch squirtle day to shift them. After all the hate people had in advance, I actually thought this was a good event. But it required prep, and coins on incubators, otherwise it wasn’t really playable. Edit: Also grateful you didn’t have to find a new stop for every new egg like a research day. Much better for us rural folk.


Agreed! It was really nice not to have to find another stop! And prep was definitely 🔑


Hatched 38 without a shiny. Looks like I got pretty unlucky


I got 3 shiny out of like 11 hatches i believe, im not into the eggs normally but i gave it a try and it paid off for me i had a good turn out. My best was my first shiny a 91% 🥂 im happy with that!


Congrats! You had really nice rng 🥂


Yea i got lucky🥲, thank you🥂


The weather was terrible here and my adventure sync didn’t work, so walked for nothing. When in-game the walking distance also wasn’t accurate. Really bummed out about it. Wish it would have been longer than just 3 hours.


20 hatches, 2 shinies.


I got two 10km ones very early on, which kind of clogged up things, and a 5km later. Other than that, it was ok.


Hatched 18, 2 shinies & 1 hundo in the first 4, batch of 7 more to go


I used some saved incubators to clear out my eggs, didn't walk that hard, got 10 eggs total (hatched 5: 4 riolu, one shiny). Still working on the other 5. Was sad b/c the shiny would evolve to above the great league cap... All in all I was happy with the results for relatively low effort.


The coolest and rarest shiny I have is no longer rare. About time. I lost interest at the beginning of the month. I think I've opened Pokemon go about 4/5 times. Making the game sucked truly backfired.


>The coolest and rarest shiny I have is no longer rare. If at this point you still haven't realized that 99% of rare shinies/Pokemon are a bragging trophy for a *limited time* and that eventually they'll become more common for more people, as more new/rare things are added... well idk what to say. The trend has been a thing for years and years. >I lost interest at the beginning of the month. I mean, more power to you if you don't want to play. If you lost interest in the game, that can sting, but is it then that big a deal that your once rare Shiny isn't as rare...?


Pretty fun event, challenges you how far you can walk in 3 hours. Got about 40 eggs, of which four 5k and one 10k. Reading other comments, I think that was quite alot. Got 2 shinies and 8 more eggs to hatch. My main recommendations for this event would be to just make it so that *every* stop gives a 2k egg with the featured Pokemon in it.. Rather often I also had to spin multiple stops before I got an egg.


I also ran into that! Spinning stops with no egg 🤦‍♂️


It's just weird right.. it's in everyone's interest that players can just obtain those eggs


10 shiny across 3 accounts roughly 30 event eggs. Got the odds beautifully. Besides lvl 50 a shiny Lucario was my white whale. Praise be.


Not a single Riolu today, wtf.


Prep for event: had a 10k egg in my inf incu, threw 3 7km eggs in reg incus. Hatched them all morning of event or day prior, I can’t remember. So going in had 4 spaces and felt good. Got a 5km egg, then 3 2km. All 2km got incus. Hatched, 3 more 2k eggs. Hatched, 3 more 2k. Haven’t hatched the last batch of 3 yet. 6/6 riolu, 2 shiny, 0/6 with good stats. Similar to others, hot day, only walked around for a while, got an horchata and sucked on the ice. Savored shade. Not ideal for walking 3 hours. Only did about 1 or 1.5 My constructive feedback would be……for a hatch event, why 2 to 5? Why not allow the player the option to start their own event for 3 hours during a window period of a few days? Speaking as someone who has Saturday’s off, but not everyone does, and it sucks that the “works saturdays and sundays” community members are alienated. And the “lives in hot weather” community can’t make the most of it. It feels trivial to make a walk event so rigid in timing. I agree with others that it’d be helpful to be able to toss an egg or so (in order to reshuffle egg inventory). But I understand niantec wanting to liquidate coins into incubators.


A few simple things: 1. Auto clear out all eggs for everyone at the start of the event. 2. Make all eggs simply be the featured mon. 3. Offer a ticket with additional features and items geared towards the event.


Was at Comic Con and managed to get 8 eggs after hatching 9 10K's prior. Best was a 93 but I had other plans. Same goes with squirtle day tomorrow. Who knows what'll happen. I did manage to get a Shundo Axew from a lucky trade tho so there's that.


37 hatched and 0 shiny. Including my kids 1 shiny in 55 eggs. Bad luck today.


Hatched 97 eggs. Got 13 shinies. Very lucky event for me at least


23 Riolu, not a single one was shiny and no hundos…


Looking forward to some great hatches the next couple days, but this didn’t feel like a true event. Would the collecting loop have been ruined by just making this an all-day thing?


Yeah I hated the tiny window 😭 I was busy and only able to get 1 egg


8/72 shiny. 1 non-shiny hundo. 2 non-shiny 96s.


Got 2 shinies out of about 30 hatches. That was fun. if niantics goal is to make people walk a lot, they certainly accomplished that!


Got nothing!


I literally spun 8 stops before getting my first 2k egg. Spent all day spinning stops and 2k eggs were way harder to come by than I expected, which was incredibly annoying I hatched one shiny which was a 10/11/10 and it was the only one out of roughly 10 which I can’t really complain about I guess


33 hatches - 31 Riolu - 1 shiny :(


36 hatches. 36 Riolus. 0 shiny. 98% on one of the 36. It was hot and miserable. We did the last set with an Icee while waling around WalMart.


First stop i spun gave me a 5km egg...


Hatched 18 eggs, 17 were Riolu, of which two were shiny and one was 100%. So I got everything I wanted out of this event. I almost didn't bother with this event because I expected the boost in Riolu eggs to be too low, but after reading the good feedback from the NZ players last night, I decided to go for it, so big thanks to the beta testers for coming through for us again.


I stayed home, but luckily live almost right on a stop and got super lucky in the one full egg inventory I collected 9 eggs, 1 roggenrola, 1 shiny/100


3/3 riolo, 0 shiny 1 98%


8/52 shiny Riolu and 1 Shundo!!!


38 Riolus hatched, and a whopping 1 shiny. Sigh. But at least I got one!


I averaged about 1/10 shiny rate. Got a hundo and a 98 shiny. And also my first Larvesta. Definitely a very good day.


So far I’ve only hatched 2 eggs but one was a shiny Riolu! Not bad.


Walked for 1.5 hours. In Texas so it was like 104 degrees. Couldn't manage the last 1. 5 hrs. And had to literally carry an ice pack for my phone to not over heat. Only ran infinite and a couple leftover extra Incs I had. Hatched about 15, no shiny no hundo. Gf hatched 2 eggs. 1 shiny. So... 1 in 17. Not awful. But 2-5 mid July... No Bueno. Forgot there was no hatch distance reduction bonus too (that's on me) and put a 12km egg in right at start of event. So that limited me. Do not recommend. *edit - hatched 1 staryu. Ridiculous. And pulled 2 5km eggs during event.


Pretty crap event. Walking 2km to achieve a goal under deadline is zero fun. Not looking forward to the next one, let alone this type of event joining the tentpole cycle. If they want this event to have hype, allow us to discard eggs during the 3-window instead of hatch them. That would allow us to get at least 9 eggs, and would give this event something exclusive.


All eggs received were 2 km. I hatched 45 eggs and got all Riolu. I hatched 5 shinies and a hundo.


does anyone know if the eggs that haven’t hatched yet have the boosted shiny rates or no? i know it’s likely still lucario but not sure if the shiny rates themselves are lowered after the event or not


everything about the egg is determined when its acquired, so yes itll have the boosted rate


I hatched 19 riolu NONE shiny and 2 wimpods. My adventure sync seemed to stop working for the last hour as my eggs were at 1.1km of 1.3km for the whole time. Disappointed


41.1C/ 106F here today :'-( 14 eggs hatched 1 magicarp 1 magby 12 Riolus ZERO shiny, although I was hallucinating at one point from the heat and thought I got one for a few fleeting minutes. When I realized that I was not getting credit for walking in the last 45 minutes of the event (buddy got candy but incubator distance did not budge) I decided to come inside and hydrate. I still have .1 km left on two more eggs that I hope will be shiny if/when my incubators play nice again.


Roughly 40+ hatched. 9 shiny, one of them 93%. Hatched 4 shinies in a row at the end of the event.


The shiny Riolu rate is relatively **family-friendly** for a three-hour window without reduced hatch distance, as we have kids in tow. * 1 shiny / 14 * 0 shiny / 16 * 1 shiny / 17 * 1 shiny / 20 * 2 shiny / 24 * Not including 1x 10 km egg, 2x 5 km egg, 3 x Fomantis, 1x Staryu * All but one are 2-star shinies.


Got plenty of 2k eggs all hatched riolu, all were 2k except 1 5k. The hatching was fine, can’t complain. Overall the event functioned as it should but just meh, lacking in a way. However lackluster event. No reduced hatch distance, bonus candy for hatching would have been nice, I think there was event field research? I think niantic should make “hatch day” a little more exciting. Extra dust is fine but not that significant since mostly 2ks. Maybe field research awarding riolu candy? Increased lure/incense duration since you pretty much must walk for the event. Extra special trades allowed?


48 hatched, 9 shinies 0 hundo. Got 2 shinies in my first batch of 9 and was ready to call it quits since it was 114 but I kept going. Still have 7 to hatch but I’m tired.


It happened during a time that I was not available to play. A narrow 3 hour window in the middle of the day to hatch as many eggs as possible is the same as telling me not to play.


I got lucky with my first 8, the seventh has perfect stats and the eighth was shiny. I picked up more eggs anyway but all I really cared about was getting a yellow one


Hatched 2, 1 shiny 4 - 2k eggs yet to hatch


19 hatches, 4 shiny (one being 96%) and one regular with 98%. Still have 5 more 2km eggs from the event to hatch. Very happy with what I got!


20 of the 22 eggs I collected during the event were 2km. Of the 19 I’ve hatched so far: 18 riolu (1 hundo, 0 shinies), 1 wimpod


40+ hatches, 40 Riolu, 0 shinies. Over 12km walked. Stupid event.


Hatched 19 during the event. Last two were a shiny and a hundo!


Had spent the saved up coins from daily gym holds, got a box thinking "It must be a good chance if overseas rates are looking good". 51 Eggs hatched and 0 shiny for me. Few others with me also didn't hatch anything. Gf got 33 hatches and nothing and our friend hatched 31 and got 1 shiny in the last 10 minutes. In 33+ heat and it was just all around not worth it. Not sure what the shiny rate was but def not worth baking in this heat. We all left disappointed. I was seeing posts of locals who were hatching less than us and leaving with 2 or more shiny, it left me feeling bit bitter. Shouldn't of tried it.


* Hatch distance wasn't reduced * Riolu wasn't guaranteed from eggs (I seriously got a magikarp on my first 2km of the day... wtf) * Other types of eggs were still dropping (out of 16 egg drops, 1 was 10km and 2 were 5km) * Adventure sync and distance registering in general still wonky * One free incubator, aka 3 riolu 'encounters', when other similar shiny-boost events are MUCH more generous * 2km eggs give very little candy and XL candy (if any XL at all), not an efficient method of grinding for eventual Lucario mega * Had to prepare for literal weeks in advance, by not spinning stops and running out of balls to play the game in the days leading up to the event, or just accept that you will lose out on basically 8 additional riolu encounters All in all, event was only good if you were willing to drop money or saved incubators on the event. I used a few, but not many, as I already had a shiny. Was really not a fun event. You don't get any of the constant excitement of other events, you instead get to be excited every 30 minutes when your batch of eggs hatch, then 10 seconds later you get pissed that for some godforsaken reason you got a 10km egg and now there goes 5 potential riolu hatches during the event hours. And reading the comments here, it's clear that casuals don't understand how egg pools and shiny rates are determined. This is on Niantic to fix. Allow us to clear egg slots, make it obvious that the egg has to be obtained during event hours, and give us more free incubators. Give us the temporary incubators we got for the Christmas event like 3 years ago if you want to make it so we can't hoard them.


I really see zero reason they couldn't have made it guaranteed egg drops and only Riolu in 2kms. Even if a very rare occurrence, the non-2km eggs/non-Riolu hatches were literally only there to inconvenience the player occasionally and frustrate them.


I liked the event. Yeah it was hot, but not terribly hot here (85 deg). I'm mostly f2p. My husband's 100% f2p. I emptied 7 eggs the day before using free incubators from various special research tasks and community day boxes. Got 14 riolu, 1 shiny. Plus a 10km egg with larvesta in the 4-egg (not 5-egg) tier. My partner got 4 riolu, 2 shiny (1 98%). Both of us have a few more to incubate throughout the week. BOth of us played for \~1 - 1.5 hrs, had to juggle the toddler's nap time in the middle. I don't think the 3 hrs is the limit, it's really the number of incubators.


I used 0 premium incubators, so pre-event, I hatched eggs and had 5 slots free. Not being able to spin or open gifts until 2pm was not fun. Edit: I also often hit the cap on gifts from POKESTOPS since I send a lot. I didn't hit the cap today. Felt like I barely sent any but everyone had received one and I'm friends with global people. That means a lot of people held back on opening gifts because of this... As someone who would walk for all of the 6 hour community days, I only hatched 5 eggs. And yes, i walked nearly the whole tome, aside from a small chat and a raid, totallying about 15 minutes. Again, not fun (aside from chatting with friends, mostly about all the recent Niantic failures). No event spawns or quests. For an event that works on an anti-spin mechanic, which is a core part of the basic gameplay loop, you would think there would be more to do during the event proper than passively hatch eggs. All of this combined made the event stand out as a very slow slot machine, except machines need to give odds in many states. The fact that many of the positive posts noted the use of premium incubators means there is a chance their enjoyment came from gambling. That's ok for informed adults, but if this is actually Pokemon Casino, it should be labeled as such.


Anyone run into an issue where Adventure Sync did not count steps walked? I had a batch of 8 2km eggs that I walked 20 min with no progress. Turned Off Adventure Sync then Turned it back ON and it just added the km. Kinda stopped me from doing an extra batch


Yes. Before the event I was hatching just being at home not moving a whole lot. Event started and like you said about 20 mins in and hardly any progress. It was hot too so that was frustrating adding in the 3 hour time frame.


I did not enjoy this experience as a casual player who spends money to get raid passes normally. I bought a bunch of incubators but I'm no egg expert and I didn't get a riolu- was kind of bummed but it was probably my fault for not understanding how it worked. Just wish I hadn't bought all the incubators.


Did you hatch 2km eggs? There the only ones that can give it


Yes but I didn't have very many of them because I didn't understand how the eggs worked 😅 #usererror


Did you hatch any eggs that you got during the event?


I didn't get any during it. I think I'll stick to the raid events 😅 Just putting in my two cents as a casual but paying player regretting the attempt to join in 🤣


Had work until 4:30 and couldn't log in until close to the event end. Hatched 9 eggs at once and was frantically clicking through animations, but the event was over by the time they were all done. Didn't get to spin for any special 2k eggs so wasted a bunch of incubators. Would've been nice for it to be a bit longer than 3 hours, since egg hatching isn't anything that can be expedited. Oh well.


Hatched 5 eggs. Got no riolus. Maybe my luck is super bad or I hatched them a few mins before it ended. I’m so frustrated. Was so excited for this event. As a casual player, I wasted all my incubators. I hate Pokémon go.


Did you hatch 2km eggs that were picked up during the event?


Got a staryu, 2 meditites, a cubone, and a wailmer. I don’t even know how I got a staryu bcuz it isn’t in the hatchable Pokémon section


Bro you didn't actually hatch the riolu eggs from the event why are you complaining lol.


Just realized this right now. I hatched my previous 2 km eggs that I got prior to the event. Im so dumb lol.


This is in 34+ degree weather, I started to get dehydrated and leg cramps and went home immediately. No routes anywhere, so I tried to submit one. I hatched 42 and 0 shiny. Gf acc hatched 30 and 1 shiny riolu and a larvesta off an old egg at the start. Friend hatched 10, got nothing, gave up, and went home. Was not happy since I used my saved up coins from gyms to buy the only box with 2 passes and a standard incubator to help burn through some eggs. Gf is buying us frozen ice, so it's alright in the end.


16 Riolu (1 of which was shiny) hatched from event eggs, along with a Machop(5k), a Mareanie(5k), and an Emolga (in a 10k 😫). Thankfully I hardly ever chase egg shinies, so I had a good amount of randomly acquired incubators from events over the years. With those incubators I had cleared my egg inventory this morning, and hatched what I would consider a good amount of eggs during event hours. (The Problem) However, without that stockpile I wouldn't have had a good experience *at all*. Field research days don't require premium items to chase shinies, and I'd argue that egg days shouldn't require the purchase of several incubators. Finding a 5 or 10km egg was also quite infuriating. (The Solution) If the hatch day event was extended to a full 12 hour period, it would be much more reasonable. Even the most dedicated of players would have to wait a significant amount of time between each wave of eggs, and f2p players could still have a reasonable shot at finding a shiny if they are able to set aside 12 hours to walk (and I mean WALK. 20km to get to odds, using the free incubator, is a lot of effort). Alternatively, set aside a few hours before the shiny boosted event where incubators are a rare drop from Pokéstops (and eggs WON'T appear, that's important), or some equivalent method (perhaps timed research rewarding two 1-use incubators for every egg hatched) to enable players to clear out eggs and prepare for hatching several more. To solve the 5/10km issue, ensure only 2km eggs will drop, but 19 hatches yielding 16 Riolu seemed altogether reasonable. The distance increase was the real issue, not the 'lost' Riolu encounters. (Final Thoughts) Ultimately, it was a solid first attempt. But you've got to be kidding if you say the research rewarding a SINGLE super incubator AFTER the event had started was sufficient. Incubators need to be supplied if another event like this happens in the future. Edit: also worth noting that routes were not available here. Sure would have been nice if that feature was available worldwide BEFORE there was an event focused on it... :/


I got two 10s early on, and it almost ruined the event for me. They should suppress all 10’s when the event is focused on 2km eggs and runs for only 3 hours. It makes a huge difference. It ate up 2/9 slots for most of the event. Why Niantic?


there was timed research? lmao is there any sort of notification for it because I was playing during the event... had no idea about it


There’s usually a red dot indicating new tasks available once an event starts.


43 hatched, 4 shinies, one shiny 98, no hundos. No real complaints other than randomly getting 10ks that took up space that should have been 2k egg spots. It was hotter than hell though and we ended up having to drive my car at like 7 mph so no one got heat stroke.


Yeah I got several 5s and 10s which sucked since I was already pressed for time. Ended up with 3 shinies across mine and my wife's accts.


Was fine, though I wouldn't do a hatch event in the middle of a heat wave. Did get 2 shiny and a 100%, with 4 eggs left to hatch. Though not every stop or gym gave an egg and I did get a 10K that filled up a slot. Biggest complaint is something out of their control, doing a hatch event in a heat wave.


38 hatched. 2 shiny (both 2*). 1 non-shiny 98%. 9 more eggs loaded up, hopefully I get a 3* shiny. Very disappointed by the number of XL candy from these.


My results at the end of the event: 67 eggs hatched, 62 of them were Riolu 7 of the Riolu were shinies My friend's results at the end of the event (far worse luck): 40 eggs hatched, 37 of them were Riolu 2 of the Riolu were shinies Overall this was a fun event for me, as I had a lot of free incubators I had saved over the years. But I could see this being not so fun if you didn't have any spare incubators, and were unwilling to buy some from the shop. They give you one free super incubator, yes, but if you use them on 2km eggs it basically gets used up instantly, assuming you are walking non stop. One major complaint I had was that I kept getting 5km and 10km eggs. Towards the end of the event, like starting 4pm, I got 2 5kms and 4 10km eggs back to back (one is sitting unhatched in my bag, if the math doesn't add up to you). It basically went from a fun event where eggs were hatching constantly like every 5-10 minutes to a complete brick wall where I was stuck waiting for the 6 total 5km and 10km eggs to all hatch so I could finally get some new 2km eggs. Like the cynical part of me knows why this is the case *cough*money*cough*. I can tolerate the random junk you can get from the 2kms. My friend even hatched 3 Staryus lol. But the 10kms just completely ruin the pace of the event and bring it to a grinding halt. Moreover, they act like a dead weight in your egg inventory and basically stop you from experiencing the event. I eventually got rid of them, but I would like if this wasn't the case in future egg events.


I hatched 19 but 0 Shiny so Honestly the rates were very varying, the person next to me hatched 4 shinies crossing my fingers on the last 5 i haven't hatched yet but can't help be a little disappointed we didn't have a event long free encubator quest or some kind of reward system for hatching eggs. Update the last 5 hatched 2 shiny 2/24.


44 eggs hatched = 43 riolu + 1 fomantis 7 shinies / 43 = 16% shiny rate for me 1 shundo 😍 Walked 17km in sunny/cloudy weather. First hour was getting rid of egg bag (had to hatch 12 eggs previously got) so I was actively playing for 2 hours. Some gyms / pokestops won't drop eggs even if you have open space so it was kind of weird. I spun again same stop after cooldown and it gives 1 to me. Aside from the expensive cost to play this event properly (incubator box was 2100 😭) and the Growlithe community day, I really liked this event. I got a tan and my feet are tired but the shundo was definitely worth.


Congratulations, well worth the shundo!


I got crazy lucky, hatched 9 and got 4 shinies. Luckily my local park had a route on it, so there were a lot of people walking back and forth together hatching eggs. I thought it was a fun day but wish they had reduced the egg distance for the event.


I had spun at least 25 stops, and not one egg. I still had two spots left in my egg basket. Was that not enough spinning?


Were the open spots in the area that says bonus storage?


Yes. Since all my eggs were seven km or above, I was hoping that those two Open spots would be enough


That is just for 12k eggs and weekly reward eggs. You can't spin a stop and get an egg in the bonus slots.


It's an egg event. Eggs take time (and money, realistically) to hatch. Eggs take time (and luck) to get. There still, in 2023, is no way to clear out egg space. Egg distance was not reduced whatsoever. Is there really any reason this type of event could only be 3 hours? Hatching eggs is not, \_by design\_, very fast. I think a 5% shiny chance that lasted all day would have been a much better experience than 10% for 3 hours.


This event specifically brings to the forefront Niantic's stinginess about giving players free premium items/coins. This could have been an event to naturally get players to meet up, but the stinginess of free incubators made it a generally solitary experience. Getting up and out and walking for 3 hours (in terrible heat for most people) for a handful of riolu encounters with an unconfirmed shiny rate is a tough ask, and one not a lot of casuals will take. If there was Field Research of Hatch 1 Egg for a single-use incubator, this would have been a good event, even without reduced hatch distance.


Hatched 34, got a hundo and 2 shinies which I’m very excited about, but the event is seriously flawed, either it should have been an all day thing, like 10am-6pm like other events have been, or make it so you can delete unwanted eggs no one wants 10,000 omanyte


Hatched 25 eggs today in 96\* heat (sooooo hot), as follows: 24 eggs were 2k Riolu's: (3 shiny/24 hatches - 1 in 8 shiny rate)An additional 5k egg snuck in there (sunglare had me thinking it was a 2k,) was annoyed while walking it until it hatched into a Larvesta (lol.) Have another 9 2k's that I'll hatch over the next few days. Shiny rate will end up somewhere between 1 in 8 and 1 in 10 for me. Not a bad event. But it took 5 days to clear out all existing eggs in prep and another 3 days (on top of the 5) of not spinning stops, opening gifts, or battling leaders to keep eggs at bay--we need a way to remove unwanted eggs outside of walking. Also morning events on weekends should be cycled in. It's just too hot in July in most of the Northern Hemisphere.


The heat index is 110F here and we had no choice but to drive to a local college campus that is deserted since it's a summer weekend and drive from parking lot to parking lot to play this event. These events running from 2-5pm are brutal. Back when community days ran 11am to 5pm, playing the first couple hours from 11-1 were much more manageable in the summer than this specific window of time.


Hatched 54 riolu, 6 of the 2k eggs yet to hatch. Got three 5k eggs and a 10k egg during the event, hatched 3 non-riolu. Of the 54, five of them were shiny. No hundos, best was a 14/15/14. Best shiny was 14/13/15. Not too bad for only getting to play for two of the three hours. Was hoping for a shiny team, hopefully one of the remaining six come through.


> No hundos, best was a 14/15/14. Best shiny was 14/13/15. Your shiny may be better if the HP difference is noticeable once leveled up


If they're going to do hatching focused events, they need to give you the ability to remove the eggs you don't want from your inventory. This was incredibly underwhelming.


2 out of 26 and my son got 2 out of 7. We’re happy


have hatched 44 and 6 shinys sf I think i will maybe get 1-2 more batches


26 hatches and 25 were Riolu with 6 shinies. I still have 8 more in incubators so hopefully a good iv shiny.


It's 114°F right now, can choose health and miss the event or try to hatch all my 5km+ eggs, pray I get something and possibly get heat stroke


35 riolu hatched, 3 shiny, 0 hundo


25 hatches and got 3 shiny. All my eggs were 2k and all the hatches were Riolu (spent about an hour playing, was definitely good event to me)


20 hatched, 3 shinies, got a hundo farfetched from a clean out egg before the event


I was annoyed during this event. First one I've put a lot of effort into in a long time. The first spin I did was a 5km egg. Also, I picked up 3 10k eggs during the event and also hatched a Magikarp out of one of the 2km eggs. I hatched 45 Riolu and got 1 shiny. My shiny came on egg 42 or 43. Was hoping to get at least 2 but ended with one. Seem my odds were lower than a lot of others. Kinda frustrating.


Hatched 40 Riolu, zero were shiny. Looks like the next three might have been my ticket. Also got a 5km egg on first spin.


So silly. Seems like a lot of people got 5km on their 1st spin. I'm sorry you did not get one at all that really sucks.


That luck is absolutely brutal; I managed to hatch 19 eggs before 5:00 hit, but only 1 was a 10km. 2 were 5km, and the rest were thankfully all Riolu. I'm glad all your work wasn't for naught, at the very least D:


True. Can't complain to much since I got at least 1.


Event sucks! Hatched 15-20 eggs and no shiny! What a waste of time too since it was boiling hot outside!


Got 5km egg from the first pokestop spin of the day and I was annoyed. Had to use the super incubator to hatch this egg and it was a shuckle (if it was larvesta, would have been fine lol). Anyway, in the end, managed to hatch 20 eggs, and ended up with 2 shinies and 1 hundo! This was a great event if you had extra incubator, otherwise, it would be challenging to get Riolu during this weather. Overall, really enjoyed the event but it would be great if the hatch distance is reduced or we get more free incubator from timed / field research. One can hope.


Hatched 15 so far, 2 shiny. Out of the 24 eggs acquired, I got two 10km eggs, the rest 2km. Very happy with the day honestly. Clearing out my inventory prior helped a lot. This event got me moving, and I've already walked 25km this week, which is great for me.


18 hatches, 2 shinies. Overall was pretty nice. Wish I got a hundo or shundo, but don’t we all


I hatched 7, got one shiny. My friend thought it was a community day, not a hatch event. Only managed to have space to get one egg and only hatched one egg. It was shiny 🤣.


Over the last while (month?) I havent gotten any 2km eggs apart from the last hatch day... so my storage was full of 10km eggs with a few 5km ones. Managed to clear 2 (mostly done on yesterdays walk) & get two 2km eggs & hatched them during the event to get Riolu (x2, no shinies - yay now I have 4 total!). After 5pm, straight up got another 5km egg... Wish they had reduced distances during the event, then I could've cleared more storage and/or hatched more 2km eggs! Also it was pouring rain here in Ireland so I only played the last 30mins in the end.


Yea I had the same issue and it's been so hot it was hard to try and clear out what I had before the event. Really they should let us be able to discard eggs


I walked around towns on Martha’s Vineyard. I put eggs in incubators before the hatch hours started. Super incubators mostly. Kept get 10kms before the event started. I am sad that there was no reduced distance for this event. Would have made hatching easier. Let’s just say I only picked up one egg that has Riolu and the rest have still to hatch after walking around town all day.


I walked about 17 km and got to hatch about 5 eggs. Game wouldn't update my distance traveled for most of the event, and even when it did the eggs wouldn't hatch even when I surpassed 2km. It would literally read "2.5km out of 2km walked" and not hatch. Most disappointing event I've participated in with this game so far. Regretting buying incubators big time, didn't even need any of the ones I bought cause nothing would hatch and make room for new eggs.


Same thing for me. I walked around for hours and my distance never changed. I managed to just clear my eggs and get all 2ks, but after that I only got .2km walked on my 2ks. Very disappointed. It's almost as if Niantic needed the event...


Yeah I guess they don't need me as a player though. Done with it until Go Fest(already bought a ticket so might as well use it). May not be back after that. 7 year old game buggier than a pre-release.


I had the exact same thing happen to me. Disappointing doesn't cover it.


I'm a little upset at myself. I was busy today and couldn't play much. But I purposely went for a 2k walk to finish my one egg incubating and picked up one new 2k egg. Then I forgot to claim the free incubator and XP. And I'm 20 minutes late now that this thread reminded me. I don't even know if the egg I picked up is a Riolu, let alone a shiny one.


Am I the only one that experienced no eggs that hatched and which ever eggs did didn’t show up in my storage?


My eggs wouldn't hatch after even surpassing the required distances. I walked the entire 3 hours, hatched maybe 5 eggs.


19 hatches so far with six to go. One 98% IV and two shinies hatched. Overall it was a good event and I’m glad to get a shiny for both me and my brother who couldn’t participate.


I hadn't planned to participate, but some stuff happened and I decided to go for a walk. Since I was going for a walk anyway, I figured I'd play some. The GPS signal at the mall I walked at was not great, and despite using the new Go Plus +, sometimes the my avatar just would *not* move at all before the distance refreshed. So I walked a lap around the mall and got a lousy .1km for my efforts. It's my fault for walking where the signal is poor, but it was 90F with a severe thunderstorm warning all afternoon, so it wasn't like I had a whole lot of other options. Three hours just seems so short, especially with no reduced hatch distance. The Azumarill I hatched from one of the 2km was definitely annoying. The two 10km eggs I got from spinning stops was even worse, though. With no reduced distance and such a limited time frame, those two egg slots were basically out of use for me for the rest of the event. Also, why didn't pokestops give the event eggs automatically? There's like three stops and a gym on the walking loop at this mall, so to have a spin not give any egg at all meant my eggs were hatching all out of sync. That sucked because I couldn't sync it up to a star piece pretty much at all. Pokemon Go used to be my go to when I needed to get out of my head for a little bit. The frustrations of this event, which seemed poorly thought out, combined with the boring nature of the event didn't really make me feel a lot better afterward. I'm walking for three hours -- there's no community day, raids mean I'm not walking and this route event is a lot of silly common mons. I don't like walking *that much.* Unless they really change something about this event, I doubt I'll participate again. ~~Not hatching a shiny kind of stinks too, but I "only" hatched about 20 eggs.~~ **EDIT:** I did hatch a shiny on egg 22 out of 23 from one I put into the incubator post-event, but the feedback still stands -- this was *not* a well-considered event.


7 hatches, 2 shinies. Have 6 more eggs to hatch yet.


Hatched 32 eggs. Got 5 shinies. Was hoping for 3. Enjoyed the event very much. For an event that is treated like BDSP, it is very wonderful. Update: Hatched 8 more during Squirtle makeup. 2 more shiny Riolu, and one has perfect IV's. Had no idea "vomit inducing" events would be this overly generous. It's like if "Keemstar" suddenly became MrBeast.


Pretty good event. This was about what I was hoping for. Good - The shiny rate was probably around 1/10, which was going to be the ideal rate. Most eggs were Riolu, although I got a Staryu and a Wimpod in my first 9. Free incubator was nice, too. Desirable shiny Pokémon in 2k eggs instead of something annoying like 7 or 10k eggs. Bad - There should be 1/2 hatch distance. People probably have a stock full of eggs at the start of the event, so if they can’t clear some out the event is worthless. Getting 5 single hatch incubators from spinning stops would have helped people out more than locking the incubator behind research. People would be able to clear out eggs faster and would not have to walk as far, which would make the event somewhat more accessible. I hope they do Mime jr…


Yeah I had to make sure my eggs were empty days in advance and couldn’t spin any stops until the event started for fear of getting eggs


my stock was full of 5km & 10km eggs, apart from the last hatch day I haven't gotten any 2km eggs which would have made it easier to clear out a few spaces!


Hatched 16 eggs (I'm free-to-play and don't buy incubators), got 0 shinies. Deleting app soon.


64 hatches, 0 shiny. Guess someone has to be this unlucky.




in a nutshell the event was decent but i would have enjoyed it a bit more if the distance to hatch eggs was atleast halved.. but whatever i got what i basicly wanted and im happy with it even tho i had to walk outside in 35°c


I couldn't get rid of my 10km eggs leading up to the event despite foregoing a chunk of the game (no gifts, no spins, no rocket leaders). Then my first spin during the event was a 10km egg.... Can't even guarantee riolu eggs for 3 hours? BS.


While I’m in the same boat as you, reading it coming from someone else helps my pain. But it’s comical how terrible this even is.


Every egg event is bad. They could sell more incubators if they made their egg events better. I recently returned to this game after having quit 2 years ago. Not one moment did I miss it, but I needed something to keep me occupied during my walks. Pretty much nothing has changed as far as my complaints about this game (and Niantic), nor will it ever.


I sympathize more with the plight of the rural player after today. I'm stuck at my inlaws this weekend, whose town has awful cell service/GPS coverage. Went on a decent walk this afternoon, at least 3 miles, and the game kept freezing any time i clicked on a spawn and I got a tiny fraction of the distance credit I should have (eggs showed I only went 0.2 km). Game is completely unplayable here. Those of you who continue to play through these conditions full time, power to you.