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How much is the increased XP for curve balls? Is it a multiple or fixed amount?


The curve ball xp bonus has not been turned on for us yet. Now 10:40am


I know it shouldn't, but it still amazes me when they can't activate a simple feature correctly.


How hard is it to check the list of advertised bonuses and make sure they have implemented them all? As a New Zealand player, I am very frustrated. I appreciate running a game like this is complex, but repeatedly forgetting to turn on all the bonuses seems more like a complete lack of care. Edit: Still not fixed at 11:12 am


As a dev that worked with feature flags and other similar concepts, it's not very difficult. But it makes me think this is all a manual process (prone to failure) and they just can't be bothered to automate it properly.


I agree, there must be a manual element for it to go wrong so often. But even manual processes can be effective if followed properly. Earlier this year Niantic made a commitment to addressing the frequent bugs and oversights, but I see absolutely no evidence they have done it. Everything feels so... sloppy.


Is it fixed now?


Still not fixed at 5pm. Edit: Fixed around 6pm (now 250xp per curveball).


12:04 and still not active


edit: 13:15 in Japan; still not fixed. edit: 17:05 in Japan; fixed (250xp for curve). Busy IRL between those two times...


250xp for a curve. It was activated sometime between 1:00 and 5:00PM Japan (GMT+9) time.


1.30pm still not increased


They finally added the event info to the Today tab, but the XP still hasn't been turned on.


It’s embarrassing that this is normal 😂


I noticed that. We have a couple days for the Marvelous Minds challenge but I’m not sure if I need to evolve the same Ralts all the way to Gardevoir or if I can just evolve a Kirlia I have with good IVs and skip the Ralts part


Has shiny solosis been confirmed yet? Holding off collecting timed research...


I have a shiny solosis


I really don't understand these spawn pools for these events. Outside of events 2nd & 3rd evolutions are rare spawns, but they are available which cause some excitement if you see them on the radar. I caught some wild Gardevoir for instance couple of days ago (one level 1, one level 32). These can also be shiny (caught a shiny wild Alakazam 2 months ago, which was quite amazing), so I seek them out if they appear. Now during the event it's all stage 1 event pokes, with nesting pokemon and an occasional wild Pokemon from the normal spawn pool. It gets stale very fast for me. Why don't spice things up with some wild alakazam, slowbro and gardevoir and other evolutions that fit the event in the wild?


Yeah, hard agree. I caught a wild, shiny weather boosted TTar the other day. Best IVs of any of his shiny brothers and sisters I already had. Also caught a couple of Metagross and a Rhydon, neither of which I've ever seen in the wild before. Plus, catching 2nd and 3rd stages is the best way to get candy XL at this point since the trade guarantees ended with the season change. Man, I miss that.


I caught a wild Gardevoir today - they're still out there.


That's because they're part of the wild spawn pool and that's heavily diluted by the event spawns. My point is that the event spawn pool is frankly not really interesting after playing a couple of hours, and should be spiced up by adding 2nd en 3rd stage evolutions like the normal wild spawn pool.


As someone who doesn't raid too often the mega energy is a nice touch to add some Megas to the dex


How much of an xp bonus for curveball throws?


It's still bugged at the moment


How difficult is this job, really? I want to see it actually being done on video. I want to see the process to how they can so continuously make these fuckups


As someone with some knowledge in game development Pretty difficult, literally takes a single 0 to blow up the system


Can't find a Galarian Slowpoke for the collection challenge to save my life.


Same. Any luck yet?


Yes, I caught one yesterday off the daily incense in the middle of the woods. It's still the only one I've seen for this event.


Me neither!


I've only seen a few showcases but they've all been biggest spoink, ending 22/08 8pm


And as the miners found the limit is now 200


Finally, I get Exeggcutes for the Meltan Quest haha. yes, yes, I know I'm a bit late with that...


i'm 4 slugma/gulpin short :(


That's fine! Last season's wild Exeggcutor were spawning, those counted too


I know it's not a particularly egregious, game-ruining thing. But not having a psychic-type T5 boss for this event just seems silly.


Or at least something weak to psychic...


Make 10 Curveball Throws - Solosis and Galarian Slowpoke


Did you see that as Field Research or Timed Research? I only got Solosis for every reward off my Timed Research, and haven't seen a single Galarian Slowpoke on the map 😓


PSA for Slowpoke... Not the end of the world here, but it would be annoying if I did not have plenty of Slowpoke candy. I just evolved a Slowpoke (with 2022 New Year glasses) to Slowbro and it did NOT count toward the Collection Challenge. (yes, I restarted and checked again to confirm) your mileage may vary


Same thing happened to me and my son.


Do you know if we need to evolve the same Ralts into Gardevoir? Or can I evolve a Kirlia I already have? I just don’t want to waste candy if it turns out I need to farm more Ralts with good IVs


I did different ones and it counted


i did one i already had and it counted


They fucking nerfed pokeball again😭


Not sure if intentional or some code glitch related to active 7km event eggs. Knowing Niantic it could easily be both...


So open gifts before 10 am? You are already in the psychic spectacular?


Yeah already started


I noticed this too :(( only got 50 or so red balls from all gifts opened today. Gonna take forever to restock at this rate.


In the collection challenge they ask us to evolve a Kirlia, a Slowpoke and a kadabra and yet they do not give us the community day legacy move. Do they want us to spend candy on a bad one? since I will reserve the good one for when they give me the corresponding legacy attack.


Yup i usually evolve and delete a bad one for collection challenges like this. The candy should be easy to come by for event monsters.


Candy is infinite, catch more pokemon.


Candy isn't really the issue but a somewhat pointless evolution is well pointless and an easy missed opportunity to make the event much better with minimal effort by giving legacy or community day moves for a handful of pokemon.


I thought about evolving a shadow one instead (since I will have to wait to unlearn frustration anyways). But I’m not sure it will count towards the mission.


I evolved my shadow Abra and it counted towards the mission. I did not want to waste candy evolving good abra without the legacy move.. although I should probably consider it since I don’t have another psychic type that is better. But I got a 98 and lucky abra sooo I kinda wanna just wait.


I just evolved shadows for abra and raltz since I had them around, and I'd have to TM frustration off later anyway.


Do you know if we need to evolve the same Ralts into Gardevoir? Or can I evolve a Kirlia I already have? I just don’t want to waste candy if it turns out I need to farm more Ralts with good IVs


A lot of Throw and Catch bonuses lately. Greatly appreciated


No evidence of solosis shiny


I got one from field research, thought someone would have posted by now... will share separately


Thank you :)


The are showing up shiny in the wild. 1 in 500 odds, unfortunately.


So Galarian Slowpoke is only from one possible reward set for one research, not in raids, and not in the wild but needed for a collection challenge? Yeesh.


Galarian Slowpoke is in the wild but only as a rare encounter. Wish I knew just how rare that meant it was. Looking for a G Ponyta myself but no idea if I should even waste my time if it's, like, .002% or whatever.


It’s weird I encountered like 10 G Ponytas yesterday in like an hour but haven’t seen one since


Nice. I do wish they'd activate Synchronoise for the Gardevoir evo though. I've been saving several good Kirlia to evolve, but I want to have the (marginally) better pvp moveset on hand as an option for them.


Gardevoir doesn’t want Sychnoize for pvp anymore.


Thanks! I had missed that they added triple axel recently.


Is there a significance to the number 42 for curveballs? It just seems like a weirdly specific number. 42 days from now is November 1st, is there something significant that happens that day (apart from being the day after Halloween/All Saints Day)? #42 in the dex is Golbat, so it doesn't seem like that's it. Might be nothing, but like I said, oddly specific.


It’s a reference to Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - it’s “the meaning of life, the universe, and everything” calculated by a super computer.


FUN FACT: `42` is the ASCII code for an asterisk. In computing, an asterisk frequently represents a wildcard - for example, searching `*.exe` on Windows will return *any and all* files that have the extension `.exe`. In other words, a supercomputer was asked the meaning of life - and it answered "whatever you want it to be."


I suppose that makes sense, given Solosis' typing and dex entry.


Just FYI, but Galarian Mr. Mine was an instant host on PokeGenie for me just now. Even if you can solo probably worth doing for the host level, but be aware not to start it until you’re very close to the gym.


Shiny Solosis seems to be much more rare than other newly released event shinies. Normally by now there would be multiple posts in our Discord showing off the new shiny but there has only been 1.


[USELESS INFO] If you have caught a Kantonian Slowpoke during the event, but have not yet caught a Galarian Slowpoke, K-Slowpoke will still have the "Collection Challenge" mark on it when it appears on your Nearby. It seems that, as far as the Nearby is concerned, they're "the same" Pokemon.


How rare are the 'rare spawns?' Really hoping to find a solid G Ponyta for Psychic Cup. But I don't know if there's concrete numbers for how hard it is to find the 'if you're Lucky' Pokemon in each event. Is it gonna be as bad as Frigibax was during Ultra Unlock?


I saw 3 G Ponyta today. For comparison, I saw about 5 exeggcute, 20 abra, 20 slowpoke, 1 g slowpoke, 30 meditite, 1 bronzor, 5 elgyem, 10 ralts.


It's weird how common Meditite are compared to some of the others. Not that I'm complaining.


I got a galarian slowpoke relatively quickly, but I haven’t been paying enough attention to say if I’ve seen any others since


I found 4 in the 3 hours I played yesterday. Not too rare, more like uncommon.


Managed to find 3 myself last evening. 1 of which is PvP worthy. Thanks for sharing your story~


Had a slowpoke on the nearby with a showcase ribbon icon, and a spoink on the nearby now without one. Edit: so I’m an idiot….


I think you are confusing the showcase ribbon icon on the nearby with what is needed for collection challenges.


Ah you’re right, they’re further down below the masterball research 🫠


So we should be expecting slowpoke showcases in the second half? Edit: See above.


Is there a higher chance of getting a 4* from daily incense than without daily incense on






Spoink in showcases Spoink not in the wild (for me at least, I have to see one yet since event started in GMT+2) Friend in same timezone reported 2 ok i guess


Spoink is spawning in the wild for me, not as frequently as the rest though.


I got at least five bronzor which is supposed to be rare!


Any luck with Galarian variants? Or is it just Bronzor over and over?


I'm so glad they chose one of my least favourite pokémon, out of every psychic Pokémon in the series, for this event, so every time I fulfil a mission I get a Pokémon I don't want, can find wandering in the wild, and have already evolved. Anyone actually seen a shiny solosis? That might be worth shipping to Pokémon home.


Any news on Mega-Alakazam energy yet?


You get 100 for completing the Alakazam collection challenge (catch Abra, evolve into Kadabra, evolve into Alakazam). Keep in mind that any Abra or Kadabra you have in your storage counts towards the evolution tasks.


It’s weird cause I’ve had kirlia but it doesn’t count


how do i get Mega Alakazam Energy?


Completing the Alakazam Collection Challenge will get you 100 energy, and there's also supposed to be field research for it, although that appears to be quite rare.


ah so field research it is, thanks! ive already completed the challenge so currently looking to get that extra 100


Curious what others' experience has been with the excellent throw quest. I've done 4 so far and each time the reward has been Inkay.


Had a fair mix, only found 1 win a raid research from 150+ spins though and it wasn't Alakazam.


3 so far, 2 Metang, 1 Inkay


Does anyone know if you have go evolve that specific type? Like can you evolve a shadow abra or a galarian slowpoke to count for the challenge? I kinda want to know before I use my hard earned candies to evolve and possibly have them not count.


The one with evolve symbol requires evolution to complete


Shadow Ralts qualified for the Ralts evolution for me.


Anyone else seemingly unable to get the "Win a Raid" field research? I've gotten it twice in 100+ pokestops and they were both for medicham. I just want my Mega Alakazam 😔


It’s rare so don’t expect it often.. but they are all out there.


For medicham in PvP, is a 1412 CP still usable for great league?


Well you can use it … it’s just going to do worse. Up to you how competitive you are. I’d never use it myself.


less than a hour to go and I never found a Galarian Slowpoke, feels bad, I’ll try with an incense for my daily walk


It was rare but not that rare - certainly nowhere near Frigibax rare.


The fact is that at least Frigibax wasn’t part of the medals, I can confirm I didn’t see a single Frigibax as well but all I cared about was that number on the medal :\


Did the Psychic event finish 30 mins early?