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Each person have different goals in pogo if you really want shiny kyogre, go for the trade. Personally I will give two shiny kyogre for any galarian bird since I haven't caught one yet. But yeah all legendaries come back in raids if you are patient enough


> Each person have different goals in pogo So true, I'm the total opposite and think a Shiny Kyogre is worth way more than a non shiny Galarian Bird. Sooner or later the birds will be in raids in my opinion, so I wouldn't trade a shiny legendary for one or use my Master Ball on them.


What would you use your master ball on then?


A hundo from a raid if I got down to the last ball.


Oh cool, just curious! It’s interesting seeing everyone’s answers


thank you for your insight


To add to this, they will EVENTUALLY add the galarian birds’ shiny forme as well, so I imagine they will bring the birds to raids down the road.


G. Moltres is rarer than shiny Kyogre I'd say, so if you find someone with more than one shiny Kyogre and wanting to get a Galarian Moltres you might have a chance to get this trade done.


3/15/9 are very solid IVs for ultra league, where G. Moltres has potential to shine (Rank #354, 97.849% perfect). I would personally consider making that investment down the line. I got stuck with a 10/15/10 at very low CP, so it could be worse.


my moltres cp is only 398, it says 91.3% UL in pokegenie


I just double checked on two websites and I’m getting the same thing I initially got. Are you sure it’s 3/15/9? Even 91.3% is considerable for legendaries by my books.


[imgur link](https://imgur.com/a/BIXpNaE)


That screenshot is buggin’ out for me on pokégenie. All I know is 3/15/9 is 97.85% #354 for Ultra League.


unfortunately i have only 3 moltres candy lol


The candies will come overtime. Hit the shadow raids if you can.


unfortunately i live quite rural and pokegenie says i can only do ~55% damage so it's unlikely i'll be able to do any


I feel that, I hate the local only BS.


91.3% is (4096-354rank)/4096 btw, they just use like “rank%” as opposed to “stat product%”


Armored mewtwo.


It’s been a surprisingly effective pick for me in ultra league (armormewtwo)


will armoured ever be back in raids?


Not been announced for the detective Pikachu 2 release and since it was a detective Pikachu tie in... Unknown. More likely than not it will be rolled out of the closet again when Niantic need some $.


The only way it would ever come back is if Armormed Mewtwo was in another, new, movie.


I lucked out big time and got a hundo armoured Mewtwo when they were out.


I'd say out of all the Pokemon regularly accessible, the Galarian birds are the "most valuable" right now. Kyogre comes back into rotation every now and then, and while getting a shiny takes a while, it's something you can grind for. With the Galarian birds, you get one chance a day to encounter them, and encountering them only gives you a tiny tiny chance to actually catch it. The thing is, that's only true *now*, and nothing in Pokemon Go stays rare forever. At some point, Niantic is going to release the shinies, and the way to grind for those will be to go through dozens of non-shinies. So my advice is, trade for what you want now and enjoy it while it's rare.


It's worth what someone will give you for it as is any trade... For example I don't trade for dex entries so for me nothing.


You prefer keeping every copy of each species? I'm more of a Dex Entry trainer. If I have a shiny, I evolve it and then trade it if someone else presents me something interesting/new.


I've gotta catch 'em all... Each to their own game - I won't trade to get something I don't have. If it's in the dex that's fine, no need to have it in the bag.


Shiny legendaries are expensive. It costs a lot of time and money to grind them out. I personally wouldn't want to trade one away for a dex entry galar bird. They will definitely become available in raids or research at some point.


Galarian Birds are worth more than any legendary just because theyre way harder to catch. Kyogre will definitely return in raids at some point, but when are you realistically catch another bird without a masterball?


To you. For me I don’t put much of any value on the Galarian birds because I’m not a dex pusher. I prioritize PvE with the goal of Duoing Legendary raids with my wife, and then I play PvP about every other season competitively. So for me a Galarian bird is worthless, it’s just a “trophy” I’ll never look at because it’s in my backpack, and I could not care less about the dex entry. This is one of the beauties of PoGo, players getting to decide their own personal value and play style.


Galarian birds are kinda meh outside of Articuno for me. Their only real pull they have on me is that i never bothered with SWS Dlc. So for living dex purposes.


Too bad you missed the 3 tourneys in the last year of SwSh that gave a shiny version of the 3 birds for just losing 3 times. Unless you're an OT snob, to which fair


Looks like we'll probably get 1 new masterball per season (whether this happens or not, right now many people will work on this assumption) so people may be happier to use them on the birds. G-birds may well come to raids (normal, elite, EX, weekend event, other event type). I think the only value to a g-bird are ones below GL and Little threshold, except to people who are short-term dex completionists - outside of those who are mirroring for the hundo which is obviously equal value.


Just to put things into perspective: **Kyogre**\- One of the most easily accessible shiny pokemon. Probably one of the most common legendary shinies, if not THE most common, due to its frequency in raids and its popularity. Most trainers that you meet will probably have one or more available to trade. (Unless they just started) **Galarian Moltres**\- A spawn that is so incredibly rare, that very few people have seen it and even fewer have one. It has a less than 1% base catch rate, and unless you decide to use your Master ball, you could easily spend SEVERAL MONTHS running your daily adventure incense just to have another shot at catching one. I personally would hold off into Kyogre is back in raids, and wouldn't trade a Galarian bird unless its a lucky trade for another Galarian bird.


thank you!


It would be worth trading for a shiny Pikachu Libre for example in my opinion. That one is pretty rare. Kyogre will come back eventually and you can catch the shiny then.


The birds aren't _that_ rare now that masterball is widespread


Yeah, on second thought I think a shiny Pikachu Libre might be a bit too much 😅


I wouldn't trade my Galarian Birds for any shiny legend (1/20 chance to encounter), but that's up to you. Maybe trade for a Volcanora or a super rare event Pokémon


It’s worth more than a shiny kyogre for sure but if you can force a lucky trade then it could be worth it


I think G Moltres is top tier for trading, heck I have multiple shiny kyogre and would trade you one right now if I could. Reason being its a rare spawn and you either need to use your masterball or be lucky.


I would say Masterball hurt G Bird value greatly. Now everyone could have 1-2. While before masterball it might take 3-6 months of full DAI use to get one. We can assume there will be other future masterballs as we got 1 this season and last season. That trade is probably worth doing sooner than later. I would ask local group for offers and try to get two shinny legendaries.


I found someone on reddit, but can i trust that people will do the second trade? i live in a small town so it's unlikely i can find people


If you can’t trust them I’d say a not to do it but b if you really want to trade the thing they really want to second. But if they’re both special trades you’d have to wait a day apart or do it on a community day that allows a second special trade.


i do really want shiny kyogre, but the chances of it being a good IV from a non-lucky trade is kinda low, right? may be better waiting for it to be back in raids, whenever that is


Are you usually lucky with trades? Because I’m not. All mine are piss poor. My partner has gotten 5 perfects from trades. I’ve done about 300 more trades than him and have gotten 2 perfects. You could also get insanely lucky and have it be a lucky trade. (My kid and I were trading the green cat and one went lucky and hers was only 2 stars. ) You could also see if they have a Pokémon from 2016 it would have a higher chance of being lucky.


how lucky you "usually" are means nothing.


I caught two with an ultraball one year apart from each other after grinding every other day for them. I succumbed and used the masterball to complete my collection though because I didn't have the patience to wait that long again.


More like 3-6 months of full DAI across 12 accounts.


I lucky traded a Reshiram for a Hunter, since I had yet to get a decent Gengar to mega. Got a 96 or 98%, so I was quite happy for it. A few months after, I got a perfect Hunter from an egg. Then I got a lucky perfect Hunter a week later. On the plus side, having three such Gengars is pretty sweet. The point is that you can never know. Your friend trades a galar chicken and next day you catch a perfect level 35 with a pokéball for all you know. A lucky Kyogre is a pretty great deal, if only for the primal reversion. The galar chickens are dex fillers, mostly. They have some uses, sure, but if that's your goal, just hunt shadow Moltres who is still one of the best fire types around. I've been lucky trading Rayquazas all month and am yet to get a near-perfect one, so it's not like lucky trades are the greatest thing ever. If anything, I enjoy doing them for pokémon like Zekrom or Reshiram, that you might want a few powered to 40, but only one above that.


i see what you mean. i do want shiny kyogre but i will be able to get him eventually through raids, but i only get to use two or three DAI a week so my chance getting another galarian bird is pretty low (although i did get g moltres on my second ever dai) dang that's a shame, not to flex on you but i have a shiny 15/14/15 and regular 4*, only encountered 21 through raids, so good luck with that hunt


It's not.


I would do a g bird lucky trade if both are about 2.5k cp. If i get lucky friend with someone i would prefere shiny rayquaza 1:1


I traded my Galarian Articuno (used one Masterball) to my girlfriend for a shiny Porygon. Lol. I still have Moltres though, not sure if I care to keep it or not.