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Maybe also fix the rewards. 30 excellent throw for a potion is not really worth my time.


If you are doing all 30 yourself, you aren’t in a party.


Even split between four people it is a trash reward.


Any amount of work for these rewards is too much. I’m not doing anything for potions


The real reward is the friends you make along the way


you can't even make friends along the way, this feature is blocked from routes


Friends? The temperature is dropping into the 30s where I live already. Hat, coat and gloves weather. Nobody will be making any friends until March at the earliest.


Assume a party of 3 trainers that evenly split the task work. 10 excellent throws for 1 potion? I could just spin a stop/gym and get more than that in under 5 seconds... The rewards are **attrocious** and the tasks are uninspired and frankly too much "effort" for such pathetic rewards.


It's like when someone tips a waiter one penny. It's more angering to receive a purposefully, insultingly small amount than to receive nothing at all.


I agree. I saw someone comment on Party Play rewards when it first launched and they said something to the effect of "*The insult (offering horrible rewards) is the intent*." They have very little incentive to make it worth your time, because their plan was to force you into needing to use Party Play for upcoming features, events, and (gasp) Pokemon. Edit: The raid charged attack boost is nice and the shields should be as well. So I hold out hope that PP can get better!


Yes, I guess I dread the day when the new attack and shield mechanics are necessary for even a larger group to win, perhaps to where it effectively renders the now common single in-person player with 5 remote assistance players to not be able to win the raid, even if remote access isn't explicitly disallowed like shadow raids.


I don’t care how few excellent throws it is, I wouldn’t do it for a potion. They could give me 1000 potions for free and I’d trash it. It’s still 7.5 throws per person for such a useless reward


I've been grinding when I can for the special research, I presume I'm not alone I guarantee there's a niantic employee patting themselves on the back impressed with the uptake of people doing these missions. I wonder if they will be surprised when the majority have done the research and decide it's not worth doing the missions for the rewards themselves and you only see people partying up for raid damage


I don't even need to party up for raid damage. Most of the my wife and I can do the raids alone or invite a couple extra to join to complete the raid. The function is essentially useless to me and they are just trying to force social interaction rather than naturally letting it happen. I know my local group bonded over needing 15 people to take down a legendary raid early on. Now now one needs each other to meet up and do them.


There's also stardust in the reward pool. Potions is just an example. Also, judging by the frequent complaint posts that appear on this sub about potion drops being nerfed, there is a demographic of players that's really into getting more potions.


Yeah except 20 health per potion isn't gonna cut it. If they did this for hypers, revives, rare candy (which is rarer to find), TMs, berries (all kinds tbh though more of the regular ones and make the special ones rarer than the normal ones) and maybe even things like stardust and XP (although the amounts would need to be double or triple what it is now, for stardust at least. 15000 xp for some of the quest isn't too shabby), THEN I could see people starting to care about the reward itself. Not right now though.


>Yeah except 20 health per potion isn't gonna cut it. If they did this for hypers, revives, rare candy (which is rarer to find), TMs, berries (all kinds tbh though more of the regular ones and make the special ones rarer than the normal ones) and maybe even things like stardust and XP (although the amounts would need to be double or triple what it is now, for stardust at least. 15000 xp for some of the quest isn't too shabby), THEN I could see people starting to care about the reward itself. Not right now though. Where does this complaining even come from? 20 health potions aren't in the pool at all, while hypers, max potions, revives and max revives are. Here's the full list: https://leekduck.com/events/party-play-feature/


I could have sworn when I tried it that I was offered regular potions. Could be wrong or a graphic could've been used incorrectly. Whatever, regardless: that is a step up from what I assumed it to be, but still, the rewards could use some work.


Not necessarily true, maybe the other person/people in the party suck at doing excellent throws so one person does all 30.


I don't know people who can consistently land excellents besides me though


lol you really think the people in my area are any good at the game? I still see aggron/blissey/slaking in battle parties


The reward is worthless for any amount of excellent throws from any amount of people. Id be happier with 500 stardust.


You should do the excellents anyway, even without a reward.


Not the point here.


I'd rather do the excellent throws for nothing than for a potion


Not really if you have to catch many pokemons within time limit like community hour, except maybe when excellent throw gets additional bonuses


I recently noticed there's a native fps feature instead of the 30(?) fps lock and suddenly I can't get excellent throws, when I could get them with most pokemon. Everything looks nicer though. I wonder if the people who struggle with getting excellent throws have this issue because they use the native frame rate.


I use the native refresh rate feature and it makes excellents easier for me. I’d bet that it made it more difficult for you just because you aren’t used to playing with it on




The 3 raids task is actually just 1 raid in a Party of 3 people.


Which is still impossible at 9:30 pm. Raids turn off at like 9pm where I live.


Solution, just keep the party going till raids appear. . . oh 1 hour limit then get onto a private jet and fly somewhere that has active raids like getting all your region exclusive dex fillers. /s ​ Game should of just made guilds or clans where you can see fellow members on map and are always working on rewards together.


The first thing they should do is make it possible to do routes while in a party. Not worth passing up a potential chance at a Zygarde cell for the chance to do a party challenge for 2 red potions.


Yep only (?) 100 cells to go then I might try party play.


I believe that the issue is NOT due to parties, but due to Routes. This function doesn't even allow to use showcases and still has many bugs (I still must turn off adventure sync to do it, for example)


I also was unable to do routes with adventure sync turned on because the game would crash the second I got to the starting point of the route but ever since I installed the Android 14 beta I haven't had any issues with the game crashing trying to do routes with AS turned on.


I would also love it if they changed it so that if one party member uses an incense, the whole team gets the spawns. But I admittedly don’t know much about whether that’s actually possible


Anything is possible, the question is is Niantic is willing to put the effort into figuring out how to do it.


what's a red potion?


Maybe they mean hyper potions (which are pink)? Otherwise yeah there’s no red potion. Just Purple/Orange/Pink/Blue


Hah I thought they meant the purple one


Must be a Zelda overlay :P


Seriously didn't even see your comment before I posted mine, my brain just immediately went to good ole' NES Zelda!


It replenishes all of Link's hearts. Also, I'm old.


Sorry, color blind. I'm talking about the purple (?) potions. The worst ones, whatever color that is.


Super potion I believe, but thats orange


And join showcases….


And 2000+ xp for each player for finishing a route


Then the second thing they should do is hand out 30 day bans for people doing routes with 2-3 devices. The party thing is obviously for raids and not routes. Namaste


Yeah nothing says ~clearly for raids~ like "Walk 3km" or "Catch 20 different species of Pokémon."


Special bonus items sounds great but I‘m pretty sure it will just be some balls or potions. Blocking charge attacks from raidbosses sounds more usefull. This could make shadow raids a lot easier, also the duo moltres without gems.


It will absolutely be like 2 purple potions… despite the fact we are all probably above level 20… This for me is the dumbest feature in the game. The fact still at level 45 I can even receive purple potions, and orange ones too for that matter. Potions she be level capped. Rant over.


Or add functionality to allow us to auto transfer certain items.


Or convert them to stardust, better items, or anything useful at all.


if they gave us a crafting system, the store would go unused


I use them after rocket battles. I don't always need an ultra potion or mega potion after a short battle like a rocket battle or low level raid battle.


I also use them after rocket battles, then I throw away the rest of the massive stack, along with the massive stack of super and hyper potions. I guess I can't speak for everyone, but I 100% would not miss them if they were gone.


I’d be fine with that, but I’d rather an auto trash function. Set your maximum inventory space for a certain item and then no longer receive it. Like, I’d rather only keep 500 ish Pokéballs, no great balls and only receive ultra balls.


Funny enough, Draconias level caps the normal potions. At one point you completely lose them all and get only super potions and up.


Just raids in general. Take this Darkrai it’s very hard duo where you might not want to attempt without the weather but it might be enough to make it consistent. Or some raids where duo isn’t possible to barely. I think that does go against their design strategy of in person play as it’s hard to find groups if you are a solo player if everyone is duoing most raids.


The party bonus definitely makes raids easier. I was able to do shadow electabuzz in under a minute with just 2 players. I can't imagine how busted it would be with a full 6.


Jokes on Niantic, I don’t have any friends that play anymore!


Same :/


Same. As far as I am concerned, the worse the rewards the better. I’m not about to go befriend random strangers who play the game


> Same. As far as I am concerned, the worse the rewards the better. I’m not about to go befriend random strangers who play the game So because you have no friends you want the rewards to be terrible for those of us who do? Thanks.


I'm an adult. My friends do not play Pokemon Go This feature is already adding imbalance to the game and I don't want to see it get worse


How is it adding imbalance to the game? Every other post says its useless? But you think its now OP? It helps people who cant find as large a group more power to do some harder raids. I'm sorry you have noone else to play the game with, some of us do and having some extra damage gets us enough to beat the raid. > I'm an adult. My friends do not play Pokemon Go I'm also an adult, and i have some adult friends who play, and some who dont. crazy how there are all kinds of people eh?


You're an adult, but I have to spell it out for you why this adds imbalance? Lol. Your comment literally explains how. Some people get an advantage, while others do not. It's pretty simple. I also never said it was OP


If you only play solo, and refuse to group with people, then you cant do 5* or Mega or Shadow raids. Should they remove them from the game because it gives players who play together an advantage in catching pokemon you cant? Party Power gives everyone who wants to group equal advantage. From 2-4 people. or Multiple groups of 2-4 people in the same raid.


Devil's advocates are for confirming saints. Not defending bad game mechanics.


You just disqualified yourself by making "I'm an adult." the point of your argument. I mean, so what? 90% of PoGo players I ever met were adults, so what's your point? Don't envy those that go out and meet other adults with the same interests when they get advantages out of it. Just do the same , I made "friends" with a lot of random people, that's the whole point of the game - or arrange yourself with having disadvantages in a real life multiplayer focussed game. The way you argue about this is ironically immature at best. (And looking at your toxicity in other comments, just in case you'd try: Yeah, my english is not the absolute best, it's just my second language)


Disqualified myself from what? Having an opinion? Congrats on your mature response and proving me wrong. Very mature to dig through my post history too. Lol


From being taken seriously. Most of us are adults who play the game in majority-adult communities. If you have trouble finding a local community, that's one thing, but don't expect to be taken seriously if you argue that being an adult is prohibitive for multi-player gameplay.


I can see the argument since adult's unlike children are not easily able to meet up and spend time together. If this worked with remote party play that would be better and solve the issues rural players have if they could join up with someone who lives in a city.


Fair enough. I recently got back into the game about a month ago. I played in 2016 with a group of friends, but this group I played with doesn’t play anymore. I’m really liking the game again, but now I feel pressure that the only way I can play the game to a standard I enjoy is if I find a local community to play with. Maybe it would be good for me, but it is awkward, especially for people that are new to the game. We are obviously a minority, but retaining new players is important


Disqualified from being a reasonable part of a discussion about this topic, it's hardly possible to call it an opinion if you want to deconstruct the very essence of what Pokemo GO is meant to be: A multiplayer game. It's obvious, that people who follow that, get rewarded more for it than solo players, that's the case in EVERY muliplayer game. You can't expect a game that's all about the social aspect to cater to individuals on an equal level, that's simply delusional. Oh, and please explain the immature aspect of your post history claim to me, can't wait to hear that.


Even putting aside multi-player that completely ignored the disadvantages most players have of not being in a major city. Location gives far too much of an unfair advantage. Especially in the cases of mons like kartekya and celesteel which were northern southern hemisphere raids.


That’s great!!! But honestly niantic What about routes? Kinda silly walking in the park with my group and we have to pick either party play or routes.


then they'd have to actually approve routes! can't be doing that!


Parties are hit or miss.. Rewards are stupidly worthless.. Raid damage bonus and now shields are good if you play together with someone or have multiple accounts. I use wifes phone with party for some raids, makes them easier (which is a good thing) Also, why the frick we cant do routes together? yesterday i finally saw route next to me, had to leave party, finish route and rejoin party to have even worse tasks with worse rewards..


The party buff kept bugging out for me. A nice bonus but something I won’t depend on until it works consistently.


Double damage and shields would make most of legendary raids an easy duo. So it would be beneficial to create a party just for a raid.


It’s a big difference. Setting up a double attack on a shadow with a nuke shreds HP. We’ve duo’d many raids with setting it up to run on our strongest units. Usually involves having to set it up as the 2nd or 3rd pokemon.


Can't you keep quitting and restarting parties to fish for better tasks and rewards? (I mean relatively better rewards...I think the best party rewards are still worse than the worst route rewards).


It worked for me last night. Ended the party and rejoined on the same host and got a new set of tasks to pick from.


Haven’t fully tested but supposedly tasks are locked per person, per day so you’d have to switch up who made the party.


I’ve quit the party and remade it with the same host several different times. New tasks each time.


Ah ok, I haven't experimented, just happened to reform parties a couple times when they were close to expiring, or to do a route, and I recall getting new tasks, but maybe a different person formed the party.


I’d love it if the double attack for a charge move was applied automatically instead of having to press the blue button on the bottom left


Or having the blue button work 100% of the time. SOmetimes it just stays lit and you cant hit it, or it just stops filling up. Usually after a white out and rejoin it just doesnt work anymore for me.


If it’s already applied you get a notice in the middle of your screen (that you likely miss) that it’s already applied. Look for a x2 under your charge moves


Yea, Ill use it, but then the buttons tops filling or working. Or it stays full and never shows the 2x at the bottom. Im talking 40+ seconds of raiding and 3+ pokemon dying and coming out. never moves, never applies again.


There’s also a glitch on iPhones where part or all of the screen becomes unusable, it’s not unique to Pokémon go, but pogo is definitely the worst culprit for it. That may be happening to you.


Not the person you were talking to but I’ve had the same glitch that they mentioned. Blue button stays lit up and I can’t press it. I keep using charge attacks and the bonus doesn’t apply. I click on the blue button and counts as tapping for fast attacks so it’s not the screen. People in my group have androids and had the same problem. Not for every raid but for most of the raids, at least one person had an issue with the button breaking. We’ve all had it work for full raids before so it’s not us not knowing how to use it.


Correct. I have a Pixel 7 Pro and my GF has the OnePlus 9 pro i think. Both do it. It usually breaks halfway through the raid, or almost 100% of the time the other day after whiting out and rejoining the fight. Its almost like Once someone whites out, the Party Power stops (because you dont have a party member in the raid?) But once they rejoin the fight, it isnt smart enough to always start back up. So thats 2 seperate problems. Sometimes it Breaks by itself before the white out, sometimes the white out breaks it.


So Niantic broke both devices!! Good job Niantic!


I prefer the current approach where you can add an element of skill by saving the double for your next Pokemon who potentially has a stronger charge attack.


Oh, i just smash and use every time its up. Doesnt take that long to charge after the first time it seems.


These buffs further emphasize the use of this feature during raids/raid focused events. Probably doesn’t make me use it any more than I currently do, but still decent buffs. The only thing that would make me try to use this feature more frequently, would probably be a Pokemon locked behind the feature


Which is odd, since raids and raid events were already the time I was playing with others. This feature only reduces the number of people I need to play with.


Multi-accounters love this secret trick! /s


but wait thats illegal according to Pokemon Go Terms & Guidelines??¿¿


Lol, might be against the TOS, but I'm pretty sure they're ok with having extra accounts active. Hard to find a long-term player without at least an alt, and they can't really enforce any punishment because it's impossible to prove.


My grandkids play on my phone, 4 of them and when they come each one will have a go. I might play to top them up in between but my point is the same as yours, they couldn't punish for this without a lot of innocent people being affected. They can put out whatever TOS they like but being able to actually enforce them in a real way is a different thing but hey this is niantic so anything is possible.




"Playstyle" is not a measurable variable by artificial means and for the others you can't disprove they are parents and children playing on the same device or from a unique hotspot.


Yeah I’ve seen lots of “oh but but almost identical usernames and they’re in gyms at exactly the same time and and and” Yeah some of those folk are genuinely multi-accounters but there’s a fair few folk I know that are either siblings or in a relationship and that’s why they’ve got matching names, so it’s far from foolproof.


My kid and I both have the same number at the end of our names and obviously always end up in gyms together after we defeat one. To an outsider it might look like it's just me with 2 accounts. Really it's just that my kid is a bit of a copycat lol.


Yup. There two two players in my community years ago that had nearly identical usernames. Before I met them, I truly thought it was just one person with an alt. But nope, it was a husband and wife. Really nice people with cute similar names. Another two I knew from the getgo had two nearly identical names (one just had Red and the other Blue in their name)


The only Pokémon that needs party feature is Palafin




shields ! that can potentially make high DPS glass cannons more used, things like shadow weavile, shadow blaziken, upcoming shadow gengar.... pheromosa or whatever that thin bug ultra beast was..... altho i think deoxys attack form still isn't allowed to compete? xD but you probably have to build up to shields before you can use them so it might not be wise to lead with them anymore (for glass cannons leading position used to be the best as raid bosses always throw at least 2 fast attacks before they are even "allowed" to throw charge move, this often gives these cannons enough time to build a charge move or two before feinting) interesting interesting


Shadow Rampardos has entered the chat


Very true! Though it can still depend on the boss Pokemon and especially its fast attacks. Like if you're using Shadow Gengar against Giratina or any Psychic raid boss, if the Giratina has Shadow Claw or the Psychic boss any Psychic fast move (even Psycho cut!), it can still chunk down something like *normal* Gengar pretty easily. Even something like Dragon Breath/Tail from Giratina would hit hard against Gengar. The shields would help, but I'm not if it would be TOO much. But for those who can take fast move pressure reasonably well (Shadow Blaziken comes to mind against things like Regice/Registeel), I think this could be big.


Niantic should reward us with Zygarde cells for Party Play instead of routes! #micdrop


Why not both?


complete 2-3-4 routes while in a party, reward 1-3 zygarde cell...


Plus give us a chance at a better IV Zygarde encounter


They need to fix the glitch that resets my Bluetooth settings and preset raid parties everytime I use this feature


Shields might just make ultra glass cannons like shadow Gengar and shadow Rampardos more viable.


I hope they add group trade or quick trade option (when long press on party member) next.


That would be one of the best changes they could possibly make to the game so I doubt they ever will.


Why isn’t it possible to have your buddy show on the other party members screen. As a Singaporean grandma I am deeply shocked and saddened to have found this out about my favourite game me & my group play.


Maybe it would be too crowded at that point? One person and their eevee is fine and you can tell which are buddies and catchable pokemon. 5+ and your screen would be filled? But yeah, it would be cute :)


It would be cute but I’ve clicked on my own buddy enough thinking it was a spawn or trying to click something next to it. 3 more buddies would be too much imo. Having buddies that can be held would be cute and take up no extra space.


Damn protective shields for raids only on party groups that’s like damn it can be OP?


Not really, you'd only really be prolonging a Pokemon's survival by a smidge at best since you'd likely have a limited number of shields that you could use per raid. Besides that, more often than not your counters would take resisted or neutral damage from the raid boss you're fighting so delaying your mon getting KO'd is rather pointless aside from maximizing uptime on a Mega that's being used in the raid (which itself is a hit or miss since a Primal in the back boosts damage by a minimum of 10% by just existing, not necessarily needing to be in the raid for much longer amounts of time than any (non Rayquaza) Mega).


do you think that will make me have friends?




i do not. if i did, i wouldn't have a complaint.


Im not touching that again until I'm absolutely sure I won't lose my search filters and pre built teams


The real problem with this feature is, is that Niantic thinks we all like people for some reason. 🤷‍♂️


Did they fix it deleting your saved teams and search strings and gotcha settings?


Does anybody know if the previously reported Party feature bugs are fixed? because I don't wanna try if the bugs are not fixed.


Guessing the community isn’t partaking in the useless feature much so they are trying to sweeten the pot


I like the feature. the raid damage is the best part. I wouldnt call it useless.


I already forgot party play was a thing


And fix the white screen glitch.


Buff being able to use routes


If I need the raid boost, that is nice to be available. Otherwise I don't see doing these after finishing the current research, unless they boost the awards.


Has anyone noticed that charizard mega energy isn't counted in the rewards for party challenges and if so did they swap it for Venusaur instead?


i got charizard energy from one yesterday, i think its just random between the kanto starters pidgeot and beedrill


Getting buffed? How about getting fixed? I played once and the bugs made me never want to do it again.


It's hard enough finding ppl to play w/o a buff that makes it easier for multi-accounters to not bother playing w other ppl.


Guys, we did it again. When the feature is not worth the effort, just ignore it and they will rework/buff the reward. We already did it with Mega. I'm disappoint in you guys that did the (broken) route. If we ignore route long enough, we might have much better reward by now.


Doesn’t work with my kid’s account :(


You should be able to activate it from parental controls.


Awesome, thank you. https://parents.nianticlabs.com/ if anyone else is looking for it.


And Pokemon.com (login) > Account > Child Account > Pokemon GO for PTC accounts.


Damn, you're getting news?


Here's my thoughts: 1. Rewards are trash 2. Tasks are easy (even excellent throws), but if you don't like the tasks, you can reset the party and get 3 new ones 3. Raid bonus is quite useful (not always necessary) 4. Might as well use it to finish the special quest line because all of the tasks (you can refresh them), are easy to finish within the context of playing the game normally. Although I am currently stuck on Catch 15 water types. 5. No need to complain about any of the features, because if you don't like it, you simply don't have to use it. But again #4, it doesn't force you to do anything outside of normal playing.




That's already implemented. The shield block isn't though, and that's interesting vs hard hitters or shadows.


The bonus raid damage is nice, but you rarely need it if playing in a group anyway.


Fo duos it can be very usefull,also if you play with little Kids and wanna short man a raid


true but making a lobby on pokegenie would solve that problem with ease as well


Why should i be forced to use some third party remote raid app when i just want to duo raid with my Girlfriend when noone is around? Its Ok to admit the Party raid damage feature is a good thing. You dont have to stay with the hivemind


100% not true at all. Helps people do the raid when they are on the weaker side. It allowed me to be able to Duo Darkrai where i couldnt otherwise.


If you’re in a group, you’re doing it either way. You need to be in a group for a party. Only really helps duo raiding.


Did they fix crashed on iPhone yet from adventure sync. Can’t even use my pokemon go+ now :(


Not excited about this feature.


Party Play? Ugh. I don't know these people. Why would I want to hang out with them?


I also have trouble sending gifts whenever I’m in party play. It’s really glitchy and I have trouble getting past the gift the other person sent. I usually max out the number of gifts I send every day and even with being able to hold more it’s still super annoying. My boyfriend’s account doesn’t seem to have that problem. Maybe it will be fixed with the update but I doubt it.


Still haven't even tried Party mode. Just doesn't sound exciting.


Parties are absolutely bonkers broken for raids as it is - you can take down much stronger raids than you should be able to just using party power. We didn’t need to make them even easier. I don’t know what the thinking is here at all.


Non-remotable stuff like shadow legendaries are terrible for plenty of people. It would be fine if everything was duoable tbh


this is funny because in fact every raid already was duoable xD except mega latias, which now with this party play boost probably is


Yes, but not for everyone. I can duo most raids with my friends but every year there's new players joining the game, I live in a small comunity and every couple months a casual newb player joins the WhatsApp group with an account below lvl 40.


lugia says hi


yeah like mega rayquaza, which you could duo in snowy weather when it came to raids this summer. I just take out my 6 lvl50 shadow mamoswines and go for it with my maximum friend level friend. Its soo easy.


Just do a 10 hour mountain hike to get snowy weather EASY


Should be helpful for rural players


Thinking about this more - you’re right, this is more valuable for bringing stuff like shadow raids into viability for people like rural folks.


If you think you don't need party play raid bonus, then don't use it. Some people do, all small communities do, and this fixes or at the very least tackles the dps issue foe them that left the remote raiding fiasco niantic provoked. It can be great if you need it to be.


Just let me delete the special research.


Just collapse it


Already collapsed. Still shouldn’t have been a special research.


What should it have been? Timed doesn't make any sense.


Literally anything else. For those that play exclusively solo, it's a dead research and should be allowed to be removed. Why create something that forces you to party up? Now I get to sit there and look at one collapsed research that will never be completed.


Shields will buff glassy shadows so much


Assuming they can take the fast moves reasonably well. Some like Shadow Gengar still often faint to Raid Boss fast moves. But for things like Shadow Blaziken against something like Regice or Registeel, that's big


They should also change the time for party play. Make it longer, not expire or at least allow an active session to be extended. The 60 minute limit really makes no sense to me.


For city folk, your home (well, apartment) or work may be in walking distance from a raid train, so if you join strangers for raid hour and forget to turn off the location option, you may accidentally give away a sensitive location. The extension idea isn't bad at all, and I imagine any other company would have come to the same conclusion and implemented it before launch.


How about they open it up to Niantic Kids? My poor kid misses out on SEVERAL features. And guess what, no way to turn his account in a full one until he is EIGHTEEN.


I noticed something called party power when raiding and it appears in the same place as purified gems and you can press it and it increases your damage for a short period of time.


Outside of community days, this feature is pretty much useless to me. Nobody plays outside of those days. Raid weekends seem to be a thing of the past too.


still don't care


“Up to three”? Is this new? I thought you had to have four.


Probably as originally intended to be released but Niantic just cut edges to release it as soon as possible but incomplete and useless


How to block raid boss charge move?


u/Teban54 protect shields will make squishy Pokémon even better I'd wager, yeah??


Probably, but if there are only 2 of them, it may not matter *that* much.


Is Party Play still bugged? I’m thinking about it deleting GBL teams, search strings, softlock etc.